Release Notes 15.050.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.100.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


BFR: The Beginning Farmer and Rancher (BFR) Application that prints from the MPCI Print menus as well as the Livestock Print menus (LRP, LGM, and DRP) has been updated in the following ways for all Crop Years:

The page 2+ header "Insured's Name" label was updated to "Applicant's Name" label.
When the form is printed pre-headed, the Applicant rules have been updated to print forms based on the Entity Type of the grower. If the grower has an Entity Type of:
"Individuals": A form will print for the grower.
"Individual Operating as a Business": A form will print for the grower and a form will print for each Spouse (more than one spouse is possible with this Entity Type) separately.
Each form will have the applicable applicant name plus their address, Tax ID, and Phone in addition to their applicable name in the page 2+ header as well as in the "Applicant's Printed Name" field.
The Signature Authorization data will be the Policy's Signature Authorization(s) OR "NONE" will be displayed.
"Spousal / Married": A form will print for the Grower and the Spouse separately.
Each form will have the applicable applicant name plus their address, Tax ID, and Phone in addition to their applicable name in the page 2+ header as well as in the "Applicant's Printed Name" field.
The Signature Authorization data will be the Policy's Signature Authorization(s) OR "NONE" will be displayed.
Anything besides "Individuals", "Individual Operating as a Business", OR "Spousal / Married": A form will print for each SBI that has an Entity Type of Individual or Spousal.
Each form will have the applicable applicant name plus their address, Tax ID, and Phone in addition to their applicable name in the page 2+ header as well as in the "Applicant's Printed Name" field.
The Signature Authorization data will be the Policy's Signature Authorization(s) OR "NONE" will be displayed.
If the Grower has no SBIs listed for this scenario, a blank form will print.

147285, 147526

VFR: The Veteran Farmer and Rancher (VFR) Application that prints from the MPCI Print menus has been updated in the following ways for all Crop Years:

The page 2+ header "Insured's Name" label was updated to "Applicant's Name" label.
When the form is printed pre-headed, the Applicant rules have been updated to print forms based on the Entity Type of the grower. If the grower has an Entity Type of:
"Individuals": A form will print for the grower.
"Individual Operating as a Business": A form will print for the grower and a form will print for each Spouse (more than one spouse is possible with this Entity Type) separately.
Each form will have the applicable applicant name plus their address, Tax ID, and Phone in addition to their applicable name in the page 2+ header as well as in the "Applicant's Printed Name" field.
The Signature Authorization data will be the Policy's Signature Authorization(s) OR "NONE" will be displayed.
"Spousal / Married": A form will print for the Grower and the Spouse separately.
Each form will have the applicable applicant name plus their address, Tax ID, and Phone in addition to their applicable name in the page 2+ header as well as in the "Applicant's Printed Name" field.
The Signature Authorization data will be the Policy's Signature Authorization(s) OR "NONE" will be displayed.
Anything besides "Individuals", "Individual Operating as a Business", OR "Spousal / Married": A form will print for each SBI that has an Entity Type of Individual or Spousal.
Each form will have the applicable applicant name plus their address, Tax ID, and Phone in addition to their applicable name in the page 2+ header as well as in the "Applicant's Printed Name" field.
The Signature Authorization data will be the Policy's Signature Authorization(s) OR "NONE" will be displayed.
If the Grower has no SBIs listed for this scenario, a blank form will print.


VFR: The Veteran Farmer and Rancher (VFR) Application has been added to the Livestock Print menus (LRP, DRP, LGM) for all Crop Years. This form was updated in this release with TFS 147525, and all changes contained for the form in that ticket apply to the form on the Livestock Print menus as well.


BFR/VFR: A request was received to change the default for the "Display Unmasked Tax IDs" print option to being selected for some application type of forms. This ticket updated the default for the Beginning Farmer Rancher (BFR) and Veteran Farmer Rancher (VFR) Applications on MPCI and Livestock Print menus. This update is applicable to all years.

NOTE: The design is so that when a user first selects the form, the Display Unmasked print option defaults as selected. If the user deselects the form and comes back to it, any selected print options remain selected. If the user switches to another report style for the form, all other print options clear, which means none are selected.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




This ticket was stood up to account for database field changes that needed to be considered for the roll from the 2023 RY to 2024 RY for Livestock. An additional change was needed for LRP Coverages. Last year, special logic was put in place for LRP due to the eDas to PASS conversion. Logic last year was rolling only one active LRP coverage per County/Commodity combination. The roll logic for LRP has been updated this year so that DRP, LGM, and LRP work the same where all ACTIVE coverages will roll to the following RY.




Fast Edit PR: An issue was reported where a "Sorry..." error was being generated within the Fast Edit PR when updating Potato Production. A System fix was implemented and a user will no longer receive a "Sorry..." error when updating Potato Production within the Fast Edit PR.


Land IDs: An issue was found internally where, when a user keyed acres and canceled out of the Land ID popup, the System did not set the Land ID on the newly associated child line as expected. The System logic was updated for the Land ID sync, so that upon save, it updates and sets the Land ID information to the associated premium child line.


PHTS: An issue was reported where duplicate units were importing via PHTS. It was found that this was related to the CommonOptionCode having a new location in the PHTS file for the 2022 RY. RMA changed the starting position from 219 with a length of 20 characters for the 2013-2021 RYs to a starting position of 889 with a length of 34 characters in the 2022 RY. This issue has been resolved.


Private Products


VIP: In 2023, VIP had an additional field for the Input Cost Deductible that was added to the policy for purchase. With this ticket, the 2023 Schedule of Insurance on VIP has been tested to ensure that the new field for Input Cost Deductible is displaying on the Schedule and pulling in the correct value.