Release Notes 15.070.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 15.070.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


2024 DRP SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on April 4, 2023. The Special Provisions for 2024 have been downloaded and implemented in the System.


2024 LGM SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on April 27, 2023. The Special Provisions for 2024 have been downloaded and implemented in the System.


2024 LRP SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on April 27, 2023. The Special Provisions for 2024 have been downloaded and implemented in the System.


Annual Forage: This ticket implemented some updates to the Annual Forage format of the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) to support the 2024 Handbook, which updated Annual Forage in 2024 from 4 to 12 Growing Seasons. There are 7 different formats of the SOI, #2 (Annual Forage) was updated.

The following changes were made for all RYs unless otherwise noted:

For 2024+, when printing the Annual Forage SOI format, the units for the same County / Grid ID / Share will print in one Section.
For 2024+, Print Sort order - all ascending:
1. County name
2. Growing Season
3. Grid ID
4. Share
For 2024+, Crop Summary - Index Interval column - Label was changed to Growing Season.
For 2024+, Crop Summary - Percent of Value column - removed column and data.
Removed shading and borders around the County Crop Detail.
Crop Detail - Growing Season - For 2024+, printing the Growing Season associated with the Detail Line.
Crop Detail - Index Interval (Practice) - Print the Practice Code in parentheses after the Index Interval name (e.g., GS-1 Sept - Oct Index Interval (700)).
Crop Detail - Percent of Value column - For 2024+, print the Percent of Value data for the unit.
Premium Summary - County / Growing Season - For 2024+, print the County Name and Growing Season (e.g., Bailey / GRSN1).
Revision date is "07-2023" for the Annual Forage SOI format.


Annual Forage: This ticket cleaned up the following issues found while testing TFS 131866 in the 15.065 release (updates to the Annual Forage Acreage Report to support the 2024 Handbook, which updated Annual Forage for 2024 to include 12 rather than 4 Growing Seasons):

TIP: Use the “Crops” dropdown on the Print menus to select which Growing Seasons are reporting acres; this will help reduce the number of unnecessary pages printing since the default on the Print menu is to print all coverages.

If there are no detail lines, then the Crop Summary will populate with the data available from the coverage(s) and a Detail Line section will be created for each Growing Season that has been selected to print and include the following data: County - Growing Season - Index Interval - Percent of Value - Commodity Section.  This Section has lines for the data that has not populated to be hand-written.
The Crop Summary "Growing Season" label was updated to "Growing Season / Index Interval".
The pre-filled report style was updated to be "Pre-Filled Form - With All Land IDs Displayed", and all land will now print for each County / Growing Season / Grid ID / Share.


SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on May 4. The following Special Provisions for the 2024 Reinsurance Year have been implemented in the System:

2024 Annual Forage (0332) - RI (13) plan
2024 CA & FL Strawberries (0154) - PRH-Y (21) plan
2024 Forage Seeding (0032) - DO (50) plan
2024 Fresh Market Sweet Corn (0044) - DO (50) plan
2024 Peppers (0083) - DO (50) plan
2024 Fresh Market Tomatoes (0086) - DO (50) plan
2024 Nursery NVS (1010) - DO (50) plan
2024 Hybrid Vegetable Seed (0066) - YDO (55) plan
2024 Sugar Beets (0039) - APH (90) plan
2024 Cabbage (0072) - APH (90) plan
2024 NC Clary Sage (0079) - APH (90) plan
2024 CA Potatoes (0084) - APH (90) plan




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




DRP: For the 2024+ RYs, this ticket has been set up to add the Endorsement # to several places on DRP policies to assist the grower with locating the correct detail lines. With this ticket, the Endorsement # (i.e., LivestockPremiumLine.EndorsementNumber) has been added to:

The View Detail Line page for DRP policies (displays in the Quarterly Insurance Period / Endorsement # / ID # column);

NOTE: Only users with specific permissions will be able to see the " / ID #" part of the column header and the ID # and leader in the column cells.

The DRP policy Detail Lines tab in the Detail Line Information grid (displays in the Effective Date / Endorsement # column);
The DRP policy Change Log tab in the Change Log grid (displays in the Message column for entries/rows with a value of “LivestockPremiumLine” in the Table column); and
The DRP policy Print tab in the Select Forms To Print grid for the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Schedule of Insurance form only (displays for each applicable insurance period on the policy in the Insurance Periods and Insurance Periods Selected to Print boxes when this form is selected).

Additionally, logic has been added to DRP detail lines to create and persist an Endorsement # for each saved detail line. This value will be stored in the LivestockPremiumLine.EndorsementNumber table/field. Values will start at “1” and move up sequentially. The oldest detail line for each DRP policy will have the lowest value (e.g., “1”), followed by the next oldest (e.g., “2”), etc. This is the same functionality used for LGM and LRP.

A script was created and will run post production for existing 2024 DRP policies/detail lines created after 7/1/2023 but before this ticket was released to retroactively add Endorsement #s to the existing detail lines for 2024 only.


LGM: The LGM Policy language regarding Billing Dates has been updated for RY 2024. To account for this change in wording, changes have been made to the logic that sets the Billing Date for LGM when Detail Lines are created/saved. This change will only apply to the LGM Plan for RY 2024+.

With this ticket, for LGM 2024+ RYs only, the logic to set the Billing Date has been updated so that upon save of an LGM Detail Line (all commodities), the Billing Date will now be set as follows: either the earlier of the first day of the month following the last month of the insurance period in which the insured has target marketings on that SCE/Detail Line, or the Billing Date published in the actuarial documents.


LGM: With TFS 125550, System logic was updated to account for weekly LGM sales instead of once a month sales. Insured and Agent signature date functionality for LGM consisted of hard stop edits if the signature date entered was not equal to the effective date or the effective date +1 day. The 2024+ RY LGM Handbook has updated the wording regarding Signature Dates for all 3 LGM Commodities. Signature dates can now be obtained up to 14 calendar days prior to the end of the sales period of the effective date.

With this ticket, System logic has been updated for Insured and Agent signature dates, and users can now obtain and key signature dates up to 14 calendar days prior to the end of the sales period of the effective date for all 3 LGM Commodities (Cattle [0803], Dairy Cattle [0847], Swine [0815]) on the Add New and View Detail Line pages.


LRP: For Livestock Revenue Protection (LRP), RMA only allows one Type/Practice combination per RY/Policy/Commodity/Effective Date combination. An enhancement was requested to add a warning to the Add New Detail Line and View Detail Line pages for LRP to alert users that a duplicate Type/Practice combination exists in the Specific Coverage Endorsement Details grid for a RY/Policy/Commodity/Effective Date combination.

With this ticket, for 2024+, a new warning has been implemented on the LRP Add New Detail Line and View Detail Line pages to alert users of duplicate Type/Practice combinations across rows in the Specific Coverage Endorsement Details grid when save is initiated. This warning allows the user to continue with the save or return to the page and update rows in the grid.




A new updated 2023 HR Map Layer was loaded into the Mapping module.


The RMA released a new CLU Layer - June 2023; this has been implemented in the System and is visible when the CLU Layer is turned on in Mapping.




Annual Forage: To accommodate the changes the RMA made to 2024+ RY Annual Forage coverages, which expanded the program to include 12 growing seasons instead of 4, System functionality is being updated in phases over the next year. The initial phase, released with 15.060.0, implemented the necessary policy and coverages changes for the July 15th Sales Closing Date. The second phase, included in this release, updated the Add New/Maintain/View MPCI Detail Lines pages. Additional phases will address changes to Fast Edit Coverage, quoting, the addition of multiple intervals while creating a new policy, and further enhancing pages to speed data entry. There may also be additional changes as clarifications are made by the RMA over the next few months.

With this ticket, the following changes can be seen on the Add New/Maintain Detail Line pages:

Units are now automatically numbered, similar to PRF, so there is no longer a Unit Number field.
The Insurable Acres field from the legacy pages was updated to “Insured Acres” since growers don’t have to insure all of their acreage for the 2024+ RYs. The insured acres keyed on the commodities must be equal to or less than the Insured Acres field above the grid.
The Index Interval grid was introduced with 15.060.0 for the 2024+ RYs Coverages pages and displays as read-only on the Add/New Maintain Detail Lines pages. This grid will help users add/maintain/delete premium lines on all index intervals selected for the growing season.
The Percent of Value and the calculated Liability/Amount of Insurance and Total Premium Values are now visible within the grid with corresponding intervals.
A Delete button displays when a Commodity line is saved so users can remove a detail line from the coverage. (Maintain Detail Line)
If the Plant Date isn’t within the earliest/latest plant dates for the selected Growing Season, the System throws a warning.
The Revised Acres, Revised Acres Effective Date, Comments, and Print Comments on Forms fields have moved below the Index Interval grid.


During testing, it was found that for AF coverages that are rolled and have detail lines, the Index Interval grid is not populating with the associated Growing Season/Index Interval on the Maintain Detail Line page. This issue may also be causing some other issues that have been reported. Spin-off #149487 was created to address this issue.
During testing, it was reported that the Land IDs are only syncing Land ID/CLU records properly if it updates the acres at the detail line level. The fix we need is to keep Land ID/CLU info in sync for the Growing Season/Group ID regardless of whether acres are being updated at the detail line level. Spinoff #149775 was created to address this issue.


Annual Forage: To support the 2024 updates the RMA made to Annual Forage, 2 validations were added and 1 existing validation was updated. Other existing validations (from the 2023 RY) were kept for the Annual Forage detail lines:

Added: "The Plant date(s) must be on or between {plant dates}." This was added as a warning so that users will know if a keyed date is not within the allowable bounds of the Growing Season plant dates.
Added: "Detail lines already exist for this grid id and share." Exists for Add New Detail Line only and will prevent users from duplicating premium lines.
Updated: The validation message for the sum of acreage for insured acres not being greater than the insurable acres on the detail line to match the change made to the Insurable Label. Now, the message states: "The sum of the commodity Insured Acres cannot be greater than the Insured Acres on the detail line."


Annual Forage: When testing the Annual Forage detail lines functionality, it was found that when deleting a premium line from an interval using the Detail Lines tab, the premium line was only being deleted from the interval shown in the Detail Line Information dropdown and not all of the intervals on the same unit grouping. This was corrected.


Written Agreements: RMA issued a bulletin where they reviewed and updated the high-risk actuarial maps for 6 counties in Arkansas for the 2023+ RYs to limit the increase in rates for newly established High-Risk Actuarial areas in Arkansas. The following counties were affected:


The following crops are applicable if allowed per State/County:

Grain Sorghum

The deadline for applying the Blanket Written Agreement is 07/15/2023.

With this ticket, the System was updated to implement the support needed in order to process Written Agreements with the Request Type of "BL-Blanket Offer" within the Add New and Maintain Written Agreement pages when the Request Process = "AC - Actuarial Change" for the 6 counties in Arkansas.