Release Notes 11.055.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.055.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


1/31 CCD SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Jan 25, 2022. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been implemented in the System.


Batch Printing: Batch Printing functionality creates multiple PDF documents by design. When a user triggers a batch printing job, the System scoops up the first 300 policies in the first PDF and then spins off subsequent PDF documents for the next 300 policies, the next 300 policies after that, etc. The larger the batch print scope is, the more PDF files are created. A report was recently received of an agent having a batch print job of APH databases stop working after several hours of it being processing. In review, it was found that the first 300 policies contained almost 4500 pages because of the form being printed and the number of coverages and detail lines on the policy. With some forms—like the APH database—printing 2 APHs per page, the number of pages included with the batch print jobs has increased.

The scope of the change made to the System with this ticket impacted the APH Database and the Production Report. These 2 forms display the APH history in a very similar manner. Rather than build individual PDF batches with 300 policies, this change will reduce that to 100 policies at a time. This will add some efficiency to batch printing, allowing the batch jobs to finish earlier, but it will also create more PDF documents at the end of the batch process.


For all CYs, the MPCI policy Print tab and Batch Printing tool (Tools > Batch Printing) have been updated in the following ways:

The "MPCI Application / Cancel / Transfer / Acreage Report / PAW / Policy Change Combination Form" form name was updated to "Perennial Combo Form - Application / Cancel / Transfer / Acreage Report / PAW / Policy Change Combination Form".
The "MPCI Application / Cancel / Transfer / Production Report / Acreage Report / PAW / Policy Change Combination Form" form name was updated to "DO / TDO Combo Form - Application / Cancel / Transfer / Production Report / Acreage Report / PAW / Policy Change Combination Form".


RMA released Pecan Tree Crop Provisions for the 2023 CY/2021 RY. The Pecan Tree Crop Provisions (Pecan Tree Crop Provisions, Pecan Tree Insurance Comprehensive Tree Value [CTV] Endorsement) that will be effective for the 2023 CY have been implemented.


SOI: The Schedule of Insurance (SOI) that prints for the WFRP format has been updated to include printing Micro Farm.


To help make the form easier to use, the Potential Loss Estimator or Annual Production Report / Potential Loss Estimator Worksheet (the form title is based on AIP system preference) has been updated in the following ways for all years:

The Crop Information table labels now only print once per page. The math row will print the labels every time.
The Insured's Share label and data were removed from the Crop Information table. The Shareholder label was moved up so that the entire field is now used for Shareholders. The "Share" label in the math row was updated to "Insured's Share".
The Total Production label and data were removed from the Crop Information table. The space amongst the Total Production field in the Crop Information table was spread out. The Total Production data will now under the Total Production label in the math row.
Various smaller changes such as removing borders in places were also implemented.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


In TFS #126981, an enhancement was requested to add the Grower name next to the RY/Policy Number in the Recent History display for the System. With this ticket, the System was updated to include Livestock policies and claims in the Recent History display along with the grower name. Grower name will display directly to the right of the policy number, and a maximum of 25 characters for the Grower name applies for Livestock policies and claims.

NOTE: Livestock Claims will display the policy number hyperlink instead of the Claim Number. Livestock Claims do not have a hyperlink within the claims page as it does for MPCI Claims in order to link the applicable hyperlink. When a user selects the Livestock policy number, the System will navigate the user to the View Livestock Claims page.




This ticket added Sync From AR logs similar to the Sync To AR logs that were previously added.


Users requested that the Print functionality be updated to not require users to scroll to the right to close the print window. This update was made to the print popup for the selected report/form, and user will be able to close and then select a different report to open for printing.


Hudson reported that the Copy Fields to Adjuster Layer was not working correctly; this has been corrected.




Annual Forage: An issue was reported where, on an Annual Forage policy, the System was correctly displaying the rounded acre value but was not saving that same rounded acre value to the database when a value of hundredths was originally keyed. In return, this was causing P11 errors on the policy with RMA. The System has been updated to fix the rounding issue that was occurring when creating a new detail line and an original acre value was keyed to the hundredths. Within the Add New Detail Line page, the Insured Acres field in the Acreage Details section is now correctly rounding the acres value as expected.


Companion Policy: An issue was found internally where users were able to delete Policy Shareholders from the "Manage Policy Shareholders" link on the Utilities tab of an MPCI policy when the Shareholder had companion links associated with at least one detail line. While the developer was researching, they found a few other places where similar logic needed to be put in place and/or updated. With this ticket, the following changes have been made to the pages/areas listed below:

View Policy Shareholders page (on the Utilities tab of an MPCI policy, click the "Manage Policy Shareholders" link)
If at least one companion link exists on a detail line where the Policy Shareholder has been associated, the System will replace the checkbox in the grid with an "X". If a user hovers over the "X", a message will display telling the user that companion links must first be broken before the Shareholder can be deleted. The message will read: "Companion link(s) exist on at least one detail line that this Shareholder is associated to. Companion link(s) must be removed before the Shareholder can be deleted."
Policy Shareholder section on the Fast Edit Companion page(on the Detail Lines tab of an MPCI policy, click the Fast Edit Companion button)
If Companion links exist that the shareholder is associated to, the trash can icon will be automatically grayed out, and when a user hovers over the trash can icon, the following message will display: "Companion link(s) exist on at least one detail line that this Shareholder is associated to. Companion link(s) must be removed before the Shareholder can be deleted."
View Detail Line Shareholder Details page (on the Detail Lines tab of an MPCI policy, click the Share link in the Detail Lines Information grid for a line)
If Companion links exist that the shareholder is associated with, the checkbox in front of the Shareholder Name column will be disabled/changed to an "X", and a hover over will display when a user hovers over the disabled checkbox. The message in the hover over will read: "Shareholder cannot be removed because Companion link exists for this Premium Line. All Companion Links related to the current Premium Line must be broken before removing any Shareholders."
Associated Shareholders section on the Shareholder Details popup (on the Detail Lines tab of an MPCI policy, click the Share link in the Detail Lines Information grid for a line > click the Edit/Add Shareholder(s) button -OR- View/Maintain APH page > expand Shareholder Information section > click Edit/Add Shareholder(s) button)
If Companion links exist that the shareholder is associated with, the remove button will be grayed out, and a hover over will display when a user hovers over the remove button. The message in the hover over will read: "Shareholder cannot be removed because Companion link exists for this Premium Line. All Companion Links related to the current Premium Line must be broken before removing any Shareholders."
Policy Shareholders section on the Shareholder Details popup (on the Detail Lines tab of an MPCI policy, click the Share link in the Detail Lines Information grid for a line > click the Edit/Add Shareholder(s) button -OR- View/Maintain APH page > expand Shareholder Information section > click Edit/Add Shareholder(s) button)
If Companion links exist that the shareholder is associated with, the trash can icon will be grayed out, and a hover over will display when a user hovers over the grayed out button. The message in the hover over will read: "Companion link(s) exist on at least one detail line that this Shareholder is associated to. Companion link(s) must be removed before the Shareholder can be deleted."
Shareholder Information section on the View/Maintain APH page
If Companion links exist that the shareholder is associated with, the checkbox in front of the Shareholder Name column will be disabled/changed to an "X", and a hover over will display when a user hovers over the disabled checkbox. The message in the hover over will read: "Shareholder cannot be removed because Companion link exists for this Premium Line. All Companion Links related to the current Premium Line must be broken before removing any Shareholders."


Coverages: It was determined that the Coverage grid on the Coverage tab of MPCI policies wasn't always sorting coverage records based on System specs. This was happening when a related STAX coverage existed on the policy. In the prior RY, the STAX coverage displayed below the base MPCI coverage; however, after the policy rolled to 2022, the STAX coverage was displaying above the base MPCI coverage. The correct sort order for this grid should be:

County Name (alpha ascending)
Crop Abbreviation (alpha ascending)
Type Abbreviation (if selected on Coverage) (alpha ascending)
Practice Abbreviation (if selected on Coverage) (alpha ascending)
Insurance Plan Code (alpha ascending)
Coverage Level (descending)
Coverage Type (e.g., A = Additional/Buy-up or C = CAT) (alpha ascending)

It was determined that the incorrect sort order was due to the special characters that display after some coverages. For example, an asterisk (*) to depict fund designation or (#) to depict new producer. The System logic has been updated to ignore these special characters.


Grower Wizard: Internal testing found some instances where saving changes processed through the Grower Wizard returned a "Sorry..." error. This incorrect handling of a NULL reference has been resolved.


PACE: Beginning in the 2022 RY, for Non Irrigated Grain Corn with an 03/15 Sales Closing Date, the Post - Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) will be available according to the actuarial documents for certain States/Counties. From a System perspective, PACE will be similar to current SCO functionality. This ticket implemented the following detail line changes necessary to support PACE:

Child line logic was implemented for PACE.
Child line functionality for PACE will work similar to SCO child lines.
The System will create a PACE child line when planted acres greater than zero are keyed to the base coverage detail line and the acres are not designated as HR, PP, or UI.
Any changes made to an existing base coverage line will be pushed to the PACE child line.
If the MPCI coverage has the flag set to exclude PACE on select units, the parent detail line will also contain a flag that allows a user to suppress the creation of a PACE child line. The flags on the Coverage and individual detail lines should only be set if the grower is electing to apply the PACE endorsement to select units/land IDs and not all land in the state/county. If the flag is set on the Parent Premium Line, no PACE child line will be created by the system.
Optional unit logic was updated to exclude PACE child line acres when determining whether the OU unit structure applies to the parent line.
Enterprise unit validation logic was updated to exclude PACE child line acres when determining enterprise unit qualifications.
The prevented plant 20/20 rule was updated to exclude PACE child line acres when determining the 20/20 rule.

NOTE: Since PACE coverage is based on a post application window (in the ADMs) by Plant Date, it's important that users create separate premium lines by the "Date Planting Completed" date on the PACE Acreage Reporting form.


PACE: For Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE), the Coverage page was updated to now display the Pre-Nitrogen Application in a read-only format, and the Post Nitrogen Application will now display as a dropdown. This dropdown will display values from 25-80% in 5% increments. Once the Post Nitrogen Application election has been made, the System will persist the applicable Pre-Nitrogen Application percentage as a read-only display. The Pre and Post Nitrogen Application values will equal 100%.

NOTE: Due to this ticket being in the 11.055 release, which is set to deploy on 03/03/2022, and the fact that applications may have already been processed by Agent/AIPs, after deployment of this ticket, the System will remove any invalid percentages in the DB and update the dropdown on the page to "Select". The Agent/AIP will have to go back and manually correct these coverages.


PACE: The System was updated in order to implement the rating logic from the M13 PASS Calculation Exhibit P11_17 Plan 26 27 28 Premium Calculations for PACE child lines. Included with those changes, the admin fee logic was also implemented where a separate $30 admin fee will apply when PACE has been elected.


Perennials: An enhancement was requested to increase the display on the PAW page to accommodate the full display of a planting pattern that is carried out beyond the decimal point within the pattern fields. This has been implemented.


Perennials: In TFS #61532, functionality was introduced for a new pilot program for Pecan Trees for the 2017 RY/2018 CY. Under the scope of that ticket the Restoration Method field was added to the Coverage page; Stages I - V were applicable, and the Range Class was based on the Restoration Method on the Coverage and the Stage.

For the 2022 RY/2023 CY, RMA has removed the 2 Restoration Methods and replaced them with a single tree reference price for each stage. The System has been updated for the 2022+ RYs in order to account for changes to the current Pecan Tree (0284) functionality per the RMA White Paper. The following changes were implemented:

The Restoration Methods field was removed from the MPCI Coverage pages (Add New MPCI Policy, Add New MPCI Coverage, Add MPCI Quote, Maintain Coverage, and View Coverage [read-only display]) when Pecan Trees is the selected Crop.
The hard edit error validation message, "Restoration Method is required", which was received upon save of the Coverage was removed.
The Insurable Tree Count grid was updated to include lines for Stages I - III on the following pages: Add New Detail Line and Maintain Detail Line.
The Uninsurable Tree Count grid was updated to include lines for Stages I - III on the following pages: Add New Detail Line and Maintain Detail Line.
The current suspension, "The same Restoration Method is required on all Pecan Tree (0284) coverages", which is received upon Mark Complete of the Coverage that required the same Restoration Method be selected on all Pecan Tree Coverage has been removed.


Perennials: The System has been updated for the 2022+ RYs for the FL Fruit Tree PAW logic and validations to fix a typographical error in the CIH that impacted the tree age calculation. The following Stage Validations will now apply for Florida Fruit Trees (Plan 40) (Avocado Trees [0212], Grapefruit Trees [0208], Lemon Trees [0209], Lime Trees [0210], Mango Trees [0214], Orange Trees [0207], and All Other Citrus Trees [0211]; however, not Carambola Trees, as they were not a part of the typo):

Stage 1 Trees Validation: "All Stage I tree counts must be Uninsurable if the setout/grafted date is not between {06/01/2021} and {05/31/2022}"
Stage 2 Trees Validation: "Setout/Grafted dates before {06/01/2016} and after {05/30/2020} cannot be Stage II."
Stage 3 Trees Validation: "Setout/Grafted dates after 05/31/2016 cannot be Stage III"


PRH: It was determined that the Liability calculation within the Production Revenue History (PRH) rating logic was not always rounding up to the correct whole number. Only 1 premium line was impacted by this in 2021, and a manual premium override was applied to fix the value. The fix in this ticket will prevent the need to use the premium override in the future.

With this ticket, the PRH rating logic was updated to round the Liability value to the correct whole number based on RMA P21, 22, 23 Premium Calculation specs.

GPA X Yld Conversion Factor X ERF X Price % X Reported Acres = Total Guarantee Amount (rounded to 2 decimal places)
Total Guarantee Amount X Insured Share % = Liability (rounded to a whole number)


PRH: The logic that determines and sums the Production and Acre values from APH records has been updated to populate the correct values in the upper and lower Production & Revenue grids for Buyer Type records that are accessible via the Revenue History tab on Production Revenue History (PRH) policies. These changes include adjustments to exclude Production and Acre values from NLF units.

The values that are summed are taken from each APH record that has the same Personal Projected Price Group Code (from ICE D00179). These codes are based on the Crop, Cropping Practice, and Organic Practice for each unit. (Cropping Practice and Organic Practice codes can be determined by the Type/Practice on RMA's Actuarial Browser site.) For example, a Type of NTS (997) with a Practice of Winter Planted IRR (211) has a Cropping Practice of 211 and an Organic Practice of 997. The 211 Cropping Practice and 997 Organic Practice has a Personal Projected Price Group Code of 003 in the ICE Table for Strawberries (0154).

Once summed at this level, the values are applied to all Buyer Type records reflecting the same Personal Projected Price Group Code.

NOTE: Different Buyer Type Records may or may not have the same Personal Projected Price Group Code.


WFRP (Plan 76): For Plan 76 Coverages only (WFRP and Micro Farm), when the RC Option is elected and a Prior Year Tax ID value has been keyed, the Prior Year Tax ID field will now display as a masked number on the Maintain Coverage page. The full Tax ID number will display upon hovering over or clicking on the field. The field will also still be editable should it ever need to be updated for any reason (as long as it's not past the standard SCD lockout).


WFRP Micro Farm (9110): An issue was discovered internally through QA testing that dealt with the "Beginning Date" and "Ending Date" fields for Early & Late Fiscal Year Filers for Plan 76 WFRP. If either of these were selected for the "Tax Year", then these date-picker fields persisted. A validation around the "Beginning Date" and auto-populate logic around the "Ending Date" were missed when implementing Micro Farm (9110). With this ticket, the following issues were addressed:

An "A Beginning Date is required when the Tax Year is Early or Late Fiscal Year." red hard-stop validation for Micro Farm (9110) was added to the following pages: Add New MPCI Policy, Add New MPCI Quote, and Maintain Coverage.
The End Date auto-populate logic that exists for WFRP (0076) was added to Micro Farm (9110) on the following pages: Add New MPCI Policy, Add New MPCI Quote, and Maintain Coverage.

When a user selects a Tax Year of either Early Fiscal Year or Late Fiscal Year, the System will display date fields for Beginning Date and Ending Date and require the user to enter dates in them. At save, if no Ending Date is entered, the System will auto-populate with a Date that is 1 day prior to the Beginning Date + 1 year. For example, if the Beginning Date = 02-01-2021, the Ending Date will populate with 1-31-2022.


WFRP Micro Farm (9110): During UAT of TFS #133103, it was discovered that Indexing Procedures were being applied incorrectly. A Micro Farm Insured needs to have 5 years of Tax History in order to qualify. The Maintain Income page was using substituted values that make a 5 year history when < 5 years were submitted to qualify for Indexing. A change has been implemented so that 5 years of Tax History are required for Indexing Procedures to apply. Substituted values will now not count towards the 5 year requirement, as expected.


WFRP: A bug was reported where the System was not calculating the Historic Average Revenue correctly on certain policies. This bug was traced back to an issue with the calculation of Historic Average Revenue. Historic Average Revenue should be the higher of:

Average Allowable Revenue
Indexed Average Revenue (if applicable)
Expanded Operation Average Revenue (if applicable)
The Revenue Cup (if applicable)

In reviewing the policy in question, it was found that indexing did not apply and the System was correctly displaying "N/A" in all the various indexed average fields on the page; however, the Historic Average Revenue was set equal to what the Indexed Average Revenue would have been had indexing applied. Given this, the Historic Average Revenue calculation needed to be updated to only consider Indexed Average Revenue in the determination if indexing actually applied. For reference, indexing will only apply if all the following criteria are met:

1. The Allowable Revenue for one of the two most recent tax years is greater than the Simple Average,
2. The Index Opt Out Flag on the Income & Expense Record is not selected, and
3. There are 5 years of history in the WFRP Tax History period.

With this ticket, the Historic Average Revenue calculation was updated to only consider the Indexed Average Revenue in the determination if indexing actually applies.


While researching TFS #133076 (Flue-Cured Tobacco - Updated Weighted Average Price Calculation to Use Approved Yield in Place of Production Guarantee) internal testing discovered that the Flue Cured Tobacco Weighted Average Price (WAP) Calculation was incorrect for the 2022 RY. It was debugged and determined to be an ADM lookup issue for the Maximum Over Established Price that is used in the WAP formula. With this ticket, the Price ADM lookup for the Maximum Over Established Price for the WAP formula has been fixed. Now, the WAP for Flue Cured Tobacco will calculate correctly.