Release Notes 10.038.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 10.038.0.
System Updates
Quick Estimates: This ticket updated Quick Estimate functionality with several changes to Enterprise Units that have been introduced by RMA. The Estimator previously accounted for Enterprise Units (EU) and Enterprise Units by Practice (EP). RMA has since provided additional types of Enterprise Units: by Irrigation Practice (EI replaces EP), by Cropping Practice (EC), and by Type (ET). These (EI/EP and EC) were previously found in the InsuranceOffer ADM, but will now be considered "Options" and found in the OptionRate ADM. The Estimator will continue to display all of these in the Unit dropdown, but several changes will were made to accommodate these changes. |
128362 |
Forms & Reports
An issue was found where MPCI forms printed via the MPCI policy Print tab were printing all coverages instead of just the coverages that were selected to print. This issue has been resolved. Batch Printing was and continues to be working correctly. NOTE: The MPCI Policy Declaration Page (i.e., Dec Page) will print all coverages on the policy regardless of what has been selected to print as designed. |
130321 |
PAW: With this ticket, the pre-filled report style has been added to the Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) for California (CA) Citrus Trees. The word "insurable" has also been added to the first PAW question and the words "or from" have been added to the second PAW question per the 2022 Crop Insurance Handbook (CIH). |
120854 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
128243 |
LRP: An issue was reported where Livestock Agent users did not have the Save or Save & Exit buttons after initial save of a new LRP premium line. Users were keying the premium line without the signature dates, and when they went back in to add the signature dates, the save buttons were missing. With this ticket, the System has been updated to display the Save buttons on LRP detail lines for agent users as long as the premium line has not yet been approved by RMA. |
130075 |