Release Notes 5.115.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 5.115.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||
When both TA and PA are applicable, AIPs requested that PA print in the Yield Descriptor field of the 10-year APH Database. Previously, only the TA yield type displayed along with the TA yield in parentheses but the PA yield type indicator also needed to display when applicable. Now, on the forms listed below, if both TA and PA are applicable, the System prints "TA" and the trend-adjusted value in parentheses, then a comma and a space, and then "PA". The following forms are impacted by this update:
67507 |
The Pecan Tree pilot program is new for the 2018 Crop Year. With this ticket, Crop Provisions will now print with the MPCI Policy Declaration page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. This includes Pecan Tree Crop Provisions(18-pct) for Pecan Trees (0284) and Pecan Tree Crop Insurance Comprehensive Tree Value (CTV) Endorsement (18-pct-a) for Pecan Tress (0284) with the CTV option elected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and via Tools > Batch Printing. |
67790 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||
The System now warns the user of inactivity with the following message: "X minutes before the session expires". The value of X is 5 minutes if the sessionTimeOut is more than 10 minutes (>10); otherwise, it's 2 minutes (<=10). The user will be prompted about this and can then choose one of two options:
In both cases, the user will not be navigated away from the page. If the user does not see this warning and the session has expired, the user will be logged out of the session automatically no matter what option is selected. |
68354 |
It was reported that if the CLUs for a Farm/Tract covered multiple sections, then when the CIMS report was printed, it would list the same legal for all CLUs even though some existed in another section. Research determined the CLU Lookup was only returning one land ID for the entire Farm/Tract versus a land ID per field. The CLU Lookup for the CIMS report was modified to list the land ID for each individual field. |
54802 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2018 Roll: The CC/SF rule is available for calculating the Summerfallow Approved APH yields when the CC Approved Yield is greater than that calculated for Summerfallow using standard APH procedures. The Crop Insurance Handbook states that once applied to the calculation of an APH, it must be used each year until the Summerfallow database reaches 3 years of actual yields. A gap was identified in the roll logic that resulted in this flag not being rolled on applicable APHs even though the System has always automatically applied the "higher of" yield calculation. This flag will now roll to the new RY as part of the year end processing. |
68586 |
Coverage: On the Add New and Maintain Coverage page, there is an Is Dual Coverage checkbox. This flag was put in place for when the High Risk Land Exclusion (HR option) is elected. The intention was for the "HR" option to be applied to the buy-up coverage and the Is Dual Coverage checkbox to be applied to the CAT coverage. It was recently identified that users had set the Is Dual Coverage checkbox on a couple of policies with the High Risk Alternative Coverage Endorsement (HB option). The Is Dual Coverage checkbox was not intended to be set on policies with the HB option, so when it was set, it was causing issues with the transmission. In order to prevent this flag from being incorrectly set in the future, logic was added to only display the Is Dual Coverage checkbox when the elected coverage level is CAT. NOTE: There is existing logic in place that only displays the Is Dual Coverage flag when high risk land exists for the State/County/Crop/Type/Practice. AIPs that had policies with the Is Dual Coverage flag set with the HB option have been sent a list of policies. |
68305 |
Native Sod: Back in October, RMA released a new rule stating the PF and PT options were not applicable for New Breaking or Native Sod. At that time, with TFS #59990, functionality was implemented to remove the PF and PT options from the detail line if New Breaking or Native Sod was applied to the APH database. With the April PASS release, RMA updated this rule to allow the PF and PT options on Native Sod so long as it is not the initial year of planting. The existing rule for New Breaking and Native Sod in the initial year of planting will continue to apply. Detail line logic was updated to apply PF and PT options if elected on the coverage for Native Sod detail lines that are not designated as the initial year of planting. Existing logic that does not apply PF or PT for New Breaking and Native Sod in the initial year of planting still applies. This change was applied to 2016+ RYs. |
68913 |
Fast Edit AR: In the 2017 Fast Edit AR grid, the System will default a Planting Pattern of "Solid" for all grid lines that reflect a non-Skip Row Practice code (e.g., a NI Practice code that is NOT a NI-Skip Row Practice code). If the Practice code for the Fast Edit AR grid line is changed to a NI-Skip Row code, the Planting Pattern, Row Width, and Skip Row Factor codes will be available for edit. NOTE: In order to change a grid line Practice code from NI to NI-Skip Row, the user must open the drawer and make the change in the drawer and save the drawer changes. This will open these fields for edit. |
69004 |
Pecan Trees: A couple of bugs were identified with the new Pecan Tree functionality:
These bugs have been resolved. Restoration Method will now display on the View Coverage page, the Age and % of Trees are now calculating for Stages IV and V and Stages IV and V are now included in the Tree Count Summary on the PAW. NOTE: The Stages on the Tree Count Summary are determined by the values selected in the Block-Stage dropdown. |
70030 |
Transmissions: Agency Extracts are available as a Transmission Type and may be provided to agencies as a modified M13 format at the AIP's discretion. In 2017, the Agency Extract format was extended to include Private Products and all record schema was wrapped into a "C" record format. This change adds a C49 delete record to the Private Products Agency Extract to designate cancelled Private Products. |
68177 |
Transmissions: Private Product Agency Extracts were added to the Agency Extract in 2016; these changes to the C10X, C11, and C14 are modifications to last year's format as requested by AIPs:
69068 |