Release Notes 16.005.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 16.005.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


Same Year Production Reporting: This ticket is to update the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) / Production Report to support Same Year Production Reporting (SYPR) for all years:

1. The YC Opt Out option was moved to print after Liability, under the production reporting fields. Also, YA and QLO were added to the Opt Out options. These options will always print, and the checkboxes will be selected when applicable.
2. Yield was separated into a its own field. The Annual Yield prints when a APH Yield Descriptor has been entered. A space and a bold "C" print after the Yield when the APH database year has a claim record designation. If Detail Line is a child line, then "N/A" will print.
3. A “Pre-Quality Actual Yield” field was added; this field will always print on the form even though the DSSH has this only printing when QL has been elected. The Pre-Quality Actual Yield prints when data exists for the APH database year. If the Detail Line is a child line, then "N/A" will print.
4. An APH Yld Desc. field was added; this will always print on the form and include the APH Yld Desc when data exists for the APH database year. If the Detail Line is a child line, then "N/A" will print.
5. Record Type was separated into a its own field; this will always print on the form and will include the Record Type when data exists for the APH database year. If the Detail Line is a child line, then "N/A" will print.
6. A Pre-Quality Total Production field was added and will always print on the form even though the DSSH only has this printing when QL has been elected. This field will include the Pre-Quality Total Production when data exists for the APH database year. If the Detail Line is a child line, then "N/A" will print.
7. For Total Production, the Detail Line's Total Production is now printing when an APH Yield Descriptor has been entered. If the Detail Line is skip row, then “Gross Production” prints under Detail Line’s Gross Production. If the the Detail Line is a child line, then "N/A" will print.
8. The APH Yield Descriptor Legend was moved to the last page of the form. The Statement page is now 2 pages.
9. "Z" was removed from the Record Type Legend since it is not listed in the dropdown any longer due to RMA not wanting the Z sent in the P26.
10. The following were added to the Record Type Legend because they were missing:
Q - Zero production when no claim / appraisal / UUF / 3rd party or production record. For CCIP policies only.
R - Harvested Production: Actual production allocated using pre-harvest appraisals.
S - Appraisal (uninsured cause of loss not UUF or third party). Actual production. For CCIP policies only.
T - No production. Unharvested, delayed claim or records unavailable from processor. (Not for ARPI.)

NOTE: There is another ticket (#147729) for these updates to the SOI / Production Report: Update Uninsurable Reason Codes in the Legend; Update version date to "09-2023"; Add ECO and SCO Coverage Levels to print in the Crop Summary; and Update TOC info.


On the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) and SOI/ Production Report, the following changes were made for the 2024 DSSH.

The Uninsurable Reason Codes inside of the Legend were updated with the codes for the following SOI formats: Main, Annual Forage, SOI as an Acreage Report, SOI/Production Report and Nursery.

The codes follow in alpha-ascending order:

C = Nationwide Total Insurable Colonies for Apiculture (1191) by Ins Plan Code, Rainfall Idx, Veg Idx.
D = Uninsurable - Native sod acreage not insured by Special Provisions or WA.
E = Practice with zero coverage range for STAX only.
H = High Risk Land excluded from the policy and not insured.
I = Total Insurable Acres for PRF (008) or Total Insurable Colonies for Apiculture (1191).
J = Ineligible for SCO/STAX coverage: This farm/commodity has elected ARC or PLC (cotton only).
L = Acreage not planted to a separate irrigation practice for LP only.
Q = HIPWI Ineligible for SCO/STAX coverage: producer elected ARC/PLC.
The version date was updated to "09-2023" for the following SOI formats: Main, Annual Forage, SOI as an Acreage Report, SOI/Production Report and Nursery.
The ECO and SCO Coverage Levels were added to print in the Crop Summary, which follows the same functionality as HIP, on the following SOI formats: Main, Annual Forage, SOI as an Acreage Report, SOI/Production Report.
If a TOC is applied to a Detail Line, then include the Transferred Acres and/or Shared. This applies to the following SOI formats: Main, Annual Forage, SOI as an Acreage Report, SOI/Production Report and Nursery.


Pistachio: This ticket implemented the updated 2024 Pistachio Crop Provisions.

Provisions will print within the MPCI Policy Declaration page when print provisions is selected.
The MPCI Policy Declaration page can print both from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI Policy and from the Batch Printing menu.


PRW: The following additional updates have been made to the Production Reporting Worksheet (PRW) for all years (unless otherwise specified) to support Same Year Production Reporting (SYPR):

"(2022)" acre logic (implemented in the 15.080 release) was removed.
"(2023)" no longer prints below 2023 acres.
Opt Out was removed from the Unit #. It now prints under the area that data is reported in. YA was added to the opt out options. These options will always print for both the SYPR and the non-SYPR annual crops that also use the PRW.
For SYPR units, the checkboxes will not be selected.
For non-SYPR units, the checkboxes will be selected as they are today with the exception of the code being added to YA Opt Out when applicable.
The APH Yld Desc field was added and will print the data that has been entered. The Record Type field was split to follow the flow of the Fast Edit PR page.
Yield data was updated to not include the Yield Descriptor data any longer. Yield adjustment info like YA and MY will still be included.
As “Approved Yield” is not a DSSH requirement for the form, it was removed and replaced with the “Pre-Quality Actual Yield”. This field will always print on the form even though the DSSH only requires it to print when QL has been elected. This field will always be blank for SYPR since the data is not being captured on the page. For non-SYPR, this field will populate when applicable.
T-Yield Map Area / Area Class. will not print any data for SYPR.
The Total Production field was split to follow the flow of the Fast Edit PR page. Pre-Quality Total Production was added. This field will always print on the form even though the DSSH only requires it to print when QL has been elected. When the form is printed pre-filled, data will print in this field when applicable.
The APH Yield Descriptor was added to the Legend on the last page of the form. The Statement page is now 2 pages.
For 2023+ only, Production Reporting data for SYPR will print on the PRW. For a mapping of the form, the PRW form matches the Fast Edit PR page regarding the fields that display from the Detail Lines.


The Production Report (PR) has been updated for all years, unless specified otherwise, to support Same Year Production Reporting (SYPR). The following changes have been made: 

Yield Adjustment (YA) was added to the opt out options. These options will always print for both the SYPR and the non-SYPR annual crops that also use the PR. For SYPR units, the checkboxes will always be blank. For non-SYPR units, the checkboxes will be selected as they are today with the exception of the code being added to YA Opt Out when applicable.
The “Desc. (Adj. Yield)” column label was updated to “APH Yld Desc. (Adj. Yield)“.
The “Pre-Quality Actual Yield” column will now always print for all units. Data will print in this column when entered. No data will print for SYPR units for 2023+.
T-Yield Map Area / Area Class. will not print any data for SYPR units for 2023+.
The "Pre-Quality Total Production" column will now always print for all units. Data will print in this column when it has been entered.
Prior Yield data was removed. Instead, a box will now print so the Agent can manually write in the value if they are calculating it for the grower.
Approved Yield data was removed. Instead, a box will now print so the Agent can manually write in the value if they are calculating it for the grower.
The APH Yield Descriptor was added to the Legend on the last page of the form. The Statement page is now 2 pages.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




We resolved the precision within the NonfatSolidsTest field so that a value over "10.00" will not result in an error notice for the user.




A new updated 2023 HR Map Layer was loaded into the Mapping module.


An enhancement has been made to the Import Fields tool to allow users the option to skip importing a field if it overlaps with an existing grower field. To do this, go to Import Fields, browse to the file to be imported, and then select "Skip import if overlapping existing fields". Click Upload Fields.


With PrecisionAg, when importing an SMS Planting Record via the Converted Fields tab, users can now navigate to an imported field by clicking on the field preview image in the grid.

NOTE: This functionality is only enabled on planting or yield records created in 16.005 forward.




PRH: Similar to Assigned Yields, Assigned Revenues for PRH are required if the required Revenue Report is not submitted for a given year. Assigned Revenues are considered the same as actual revenues when calculating the average revenue. It was determined that this functionality was not being applied correctly in 2023 and AIPs were having to use APH overrides in order to get their databases set up correctly. This ticket implements all of the necessary System changes to account for Assigned Revenues for 2024+ RYs.

The logic was updated for the Buyer Type grid to account for Assigned Revenues. Assigned Revenue functionality will function similar to Assigned Yield functionality on the production (APH) side.
On Save of a Buyer Type record, if the following criteria exists in the revenue history year equal to the current RY-1, the System will display an Assigned Revenue pop-up:
Yield Acres > 0 for the Type/Practice of the Buyer Type record (depicted by an asterisk (*) in the "Year" column,
Actual Total Revenue and/or Gross Total Revenue = $0, and
A Revenue Type Code is not applied.
The pop-up will allow the user to select "OK" to apply Assigned Revenues or "Cancel". If user selects "OK", the System will:
Apply a Revenue Type = "P" in the Revenue History Database
Apply 50% of the Previous Year Average Revenue as the Annual Revenue when calculating the Production & Revenue Summary database.
If the Previous Year Average Revenue has not been keyed (or is set to 0.00), the System will use 65% of the T-Revenue instead.
If user selects "Cancel", the System will assume the producer provided a Revenue Report certifying there was no Production Sold for the Buyer Type and apply a Revenue Type Code = "Z" (No Sales to Buyer Type). If an Elected % of Sales value is applied, the Historical Average Actual Price will be used to calculate the Adjusted Total Revenue in the calculation of the Approved Projected Price
At save of the Buyer Type record, the System will not allow a value greater than zero to be applied to any of the following fields when the Revenue Type = "P" or "Z":
Production Sold
Gross Total Revenue
Actual Total Revenue
The calculation of Buyer Type Summary Record was updated to exclude Variable T-Revenues and Assigned Revenues when performing the following calculations, the System will not use any Revenue History reflecting Assigned Revenue (Revenue Type = "P"), T-Revenues (Revenue Type = "T"), or Variable T-Revenues (Revenue Type = "S", "E" or "N"), only actual Revenue History will be used:
Historical Production Sold
Historical Gross Total Revenue
Historical Actual Total Revenue
Historical Average Actual Price
Historical Average Gross Price
Historical Average Price Difference
Historical Percent of Sales

NOTE: Excluding of Assigned Revenues, T-Revenues and Variable T-Revenues are only applicable when calculating the Buyer Type Summary Historical Values. Assigned Yields/Revenues and Variable T-Yields/T-Revenues are still included in calculation of the Average Yield and Average Revenue in the Production & Revenue Summary Grid.

Update calculations to include years with an Assigned Revenue as a Year of actual revenues when determining the appropriate Variable T-Revenue % in the Revenue History and Production and Revenue Summary Information grids.
When determining the appropriate T-Revenue % to use to complete a 4 year database, the System will count years with an Assigned Revenue as a year of Actual Revenues. For example, if you have 1 CY with a Revenue Type = "A" and, 1 CY with a Revenue Type = "P", the Variable T-Revenue % would be 90% based on 2 years of "Actual" years.
T-Yield and T-Revenues are used for crop years in which there was no production sold. (T-Revenue = "Z" applies to a CY for all Buyer Type Records within the same PPP grouping)
Update the calculation of the Average Yield and Average Revenue to include CYs with Assigned Yields. Assigned Yields/Revenues and Variable T-Yields/T-Revenues will be used in the calculation of the Average Yield and Average Revenue in the Production & Revenue Summary grid.


PAW: The direct marketing/vertically integrated PAW question was split into two separate questions on both the Legacy Pre-Acceptance Worksheet page and the Signature Maintenance popup of the Fast Edit PAW page for applicable Perennial commodities for 2024+. Users will now see the following questions when applicable:

Is any of your production direct marketed or supported with records from a non-disinterested 3rd party? (If yes, a Marketing Certification Form is required.)
Is any of your production vertically integrated? (If yes, a Marketing Certification Form is required.)


Fast Edit PR: The Fast Edit PR button was temporarily disabled in the 2024 RY when it was confirmed that agents were processing production in the incorrect year. This ticket implemented some logic to help users better understand how production should be reported in the Same Year Production Reporting format. This ticket re-enables Fast Edit PR and introduces these changes:

A crop-specific wrapper was added around the Fast Edit PR button to load the Standard PR mode (for those crops excluded from SYPR) or load the SYPR mode for use when the 2024 RY acres are keyed later in the RY
If an AR sign date has not been entered for a SYPR-supported crop and the Fast Edit PR is launched in the 2024 RY, the grid banner will reflect the Same Year Production Reporting label—but will indicate No Premium Lines exist
The Signature Maintenance modal has been updated to "gray out" the Agent Sign Date's Apply to All button since Agent signatures are not applicable.
The Process Zero Lines and Mark Complete columns/checkboxes have been hidden from the popup because they aren’t applicable actions for the Fast Edit SYPR.
Early SYPR logic calculated the Production Reporting Date by adding 1 calendar year to the field in the ADM Date table; however, for the 2024 RY+, the System needs to use the published "Insured Production Reporting Date" from the ADM Date table due to the RMA changing the manner in which this data is released. This has been updated.

AIPs have been notified of any policies that need to be reprocessed correctly in the 2023 RY SYPR grid.