Release Notes 11.010.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.010.0.
With this release, the "Fast Edit Coverage - Phases 1 & 2 " video has been updated with changes made since the 10.035.0 release until this release. This video is available to watch from the link above as well as from the "Release Notes 10.035" page.
System Updates
Templates: This ticket updated the Estimator Templates with several changes to Enterprise Units that have been introduced by RMA. The Estimator previously accounted for Enterprise Units (EU) and Enterprise Units by Practice (EP). RMA has since provided additional types of Enterprise Units: by Irrigation Practice (EI replaces EP), by Cropping Practice (EC), and by Type (ET). These are now considered Options. The Estimator will continue to display these on the Unit button bar, but several changes were made to accommodate this. NOTE: EC is only currently available on Soybeans and Grain Sorghum. ET is only currently available on Wheat, Dry Beans, and Dry Peas. EI is available on many crops based on ADM availability. For now, it is possible that EI would be available on the same scenario as EC and ET. However, EC and ET will not currently be available on the same scenario. |
129507 |
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Livestock: A request was received to implement a Livestock Assignment of Indemnity (AOI) form in the System. For all years, a new form, "Livestock Assignment of Indemnity" has been added to the Livestock policy Print tab. This form is available to print in the Blank, Pre-Headed, and Pre-Filled report styles and has no other print options. This form does not print with a QR code.
In addition to this new form, a new Attachment Type, "Livestock AOI", has been added to the System for use when the form is being manually attached to the policy. |
129045 |
Livestock: A procedural clarification regarding LGM target marketings was provided to MCT following discussions with RMA and NCIS. It has been confirmed that an agent/producer may purchase multiple target marketing endorsements for different months of coverage when purchased during the same week and for the same effective date. Previously, the System locked down processing after 1 target marketing had been processed for an effective date and did not display that Effective Date for selection again when a user tried to create another premium line. The Add New Detail Line page for LGM for the 2022+ RYs was updated to handle the changes to the System needed for this clarification with TFS 130500. With this ticket, the LGM Dairy Cattle SOI has been updated for all years to split the State field in half. The state data will print on the left half. The right half of the field will be Line Number. |
130545 |
8/31 CCD SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on August 12th. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented. |
129646 |
API, PRF, and WFRP SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on August 31st. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented. |
130051 |
Batch Printing: An issue was reported with the Batch Printing tool where, when a user selected specific policies/growers in the Preview tab (after entering criteria and clicking Preview Batch), the Excel export (generated by clicking Export at the top of the grid) was not displaying the correct policies/growers. This issue has been resolved. |
129980 |
Cherries (0057), Pistachios (0407), Grapefruit (0201), Lemons (0202), Tangelos (0203), Oranges (0227), Mandarins / Tangerines (0309), and Tangors (1302) Plan ARH (47) & APH (90) SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on August 30th. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented. |
130002 |
For all Crop Years, the following updates have been made to the indicated forms:
127511 |
Grapes APH SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on August 27th. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented. |
129990 |
MCT identified an update in the 2022 CIH for the Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) question #1. MCT also identified an update for PAW question #2 on some of the PAW formats. These updates have been made. The changes made to the Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) were also applied to the PAW inside of the Perennial Combo Form and WFRP Combo Form. |
128657 |
RMA has added an Organic Producer Certification Statement to Acreage Reporting forms in the 2022 Document and Supplemental Standards Handbook (DSSH). With this ticket, this new statement has been added to the main Acreage Report and the Raisin Tonnage and Acreage Report. Additional base form standards updates were made to these forms. |
128414 |
RMA released ARH Cherry Sweet and Tart Provisions that are effective for the 2022+ CYs. These have been added to the System. |
130005 |
The updated 2022 Pistachio Crop Provisions have been implemented in the System. |
130004 |
With this ticket, a few data items when the pre-print for next year functionality is being used to print the WFRP Combo Form were updated. Also, some clean up on the History Report page when the form is printing after a policy has rolled was completed. |
130365 |
With this ticket, the 2022 Rainfall (RI) Common Policy for PRF (008), API (1191), and Annual Forage (0332) has been implemented in the System. Additionally, the updated 2022 API and PRF Provisions have been implemented in the System. |
130048 |
With this ticket, the 2022 WFRP Policy has been implemented in the System. |
130046 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
131092 |
LGM: A procedural clarification regarding LGM target marketings was provided to MCT following discussions with RMA and NCIS. It has been confirmed that an agent/producer may purchase multiple target marketing endorsements for different months of coverage when purchased during the same week and for the same effective date. Previously, the System locked down processing after 1 target marketing had been processed for an effective date and did not display that Effective Date for selection again when a user tried to create another premium line. With this ticket, the restriction on the Add New Detail Line page for LGM for the 2022+ RYs that prevents an Effective Date from displaying for selection if that Effective Date has already been used for another LGM premium line has been removed. Additionally, the Detail Line tab has been updated to add a new column within the grid to display the Line #. The Line # will be the endorsement number. NOTE: TFS 127256 will add the Effective Date to the display for LGM within the Livestock Policy Management Dashboard. This ticket will also add the Line #/Endorsement # to the display as well going forward. |
130500 |
The Mapping Module has been updated with the RMA's 2022 HR Land Layer. |
130646 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||
APH & YA: UAT feedback was received during the 10.035 release cycle and the initial implementation of the Fast Edit Coverage workflow. When the YA option was removed from the Fast Edit Coverage, an AIP user noticed the YA option still displayed within the APH grid. After researching internally, it was found that the APH display gap wasn't specifically related to the Fast Edit Coverage but rather existed when the YA option was removed via the Fast Edit Coverage or the Maintain Coverage page. The scope of this ticket involved a change to remove the YA indicator if the YA or RS (which is basically YA for Plan 47) options are not applied to the coverage. This change was made for the 2021+ RYs. NOTE: This was a display bug only. The YA (or RS) option was never applied to the calculation of an Approved APH yield if the option didn't exist on the coverage. |
130800 |
Enterprise Units: During internal review of Enterprise Unit functionality, a scenario involving prevented plant (PP) acres being set to uninsurable impacting Enterprise Unit determination was identified. During mark complete, the System first determines if the coverage qualifies for Enterprise Units as elected on the coverage. Part of this logic involves determining the total insured acres for use in the 20/20 rule for Enterprise Unit qualification. As instructed by RMA, this includes any PP acres. Once that determination is made, the System then runs through the PP logic to determine if the PP acres are insurable. If the System finds that the PP acres are uninsurable, on the next mark complete when the Enterprise Unit validation logic is invoked, the System re-determines the total insured acreage, this time excluding the PP acres because they are now set to uninsurable. Then the System re-determines PP eligibility because the unit structure has changed and PP eligibility is determined on a unit basis. This results in a circular scenario of changing unit structure and PP insurability. A request for RMA clarification was submitted for direction on this scenario. RMA confirmed that PP acres are included when determining total insured acres for use in the 20/20 rule for Enterprise Unit qualification. In addition, RMA clarified that unit structure should be determined first before PP insurability. Based on this clarification from RMA, the System's mark complete logic for Enterprise Unit eligibility has been updated to always include PP acres when determining insured acres for use in the Enterprise Unit 20/20 rule, regardless of if the PP acres are insurable or uninsurable. This will resolve the circular scenario described above and allow the System to first determine unit structure and then PP insurability. |
121022 |
ECO: RMA has made an update to ECO for the 2022+ RYs. In 2021 and prior RYs, if the base coverage was yield protection (plan 01, 55, or 90), then the ECO coverage had to be yield protection (plan 87); if the base coverage was revenue protection (plan 02), then the ECO coverage had to be revenue protection (plan 88); and if the base coverage was revenue protection with the harvest price exclusion (plan 03), then the ECO coverage had to be revenue protection with the harvest price exclusion (plan 89). Going into 2022, this is no longer a requirement, and the grower can elect any ECO plan regardless of what is elected on the base coverage. To account for this policy change, an ECO Plan field has been added to the Legacy and Fast Edit Coverage pages. This field will populate with the available ECO plans, and the user will be required to make a selection when ECO is elected. On the Legacy Coverage page, this field will display under Selected Options, and on the Fast Edit Coverage page, this field will display under the base coverage plan dropdown. |
123564 |
Enterprise Units: During UAT of TFS 127703 - Enterprise Units - 2022 RY - Update Suspension, Informational & Coverage UI Messages for Enterprise Units by Type (ET Option), an issue was brought up concerning users electing to apply ET to all types of Wheat, Dry Beans, and Dry Peas on the coverage and then when acres are processed, not all types were planted. This was resulting in the coverage suspending due to the fact that the Mark Complete ET Validation logic was looking for each type separately to qualify for ET. Since some types were not planted and thus no premium lines existed, the validation logic did not consider those types to qualify for ET. This ticket added a requirement to the Mark Complete ET Validation logic so that there must be: 1) an election made for ET on the type and 2) for that type to exist as a premium line on the coverage in order for the logic to attempt to qualify types for ET. |
130183 |
Fast Edit Coverage: TFS #122174 implemented the new Fast Edit Coverage functionality for expedited coverage processing in the System. It was originally designed to have all Signature Date fields on the Signature Maintenance page (the popup displayed after Save & Continue of the Fast Edit Coverage page), but after some internal conversations, it was decided to move the HIP Insured and Agent Signature Dates back to the Fast Edit Coverage grid to be consistent with the Legacy Coverage page. In addition, the validations that persist surrounding these dates are better suited to being on the Fast Edit Coverage page. With this ticket, HIP Insured Signature Date and HIP Agent Signature Date fields have been added to the Fast Edit Coverage page and display when HIP is elected on a coverage. The following validations were also added to the Fast Edit Coverage grid:
130795 |
Fast Edit Coverage: When using the Fast Edit Coverage page, upon Save & Continue of the page, the Signature Maintenance popup now displays instead of the legacy Signature Maintenance page. The Fast Edit Coverage Signature Maintenance popup allows users to: 1) Key Original Insured/Agent Sign Dates, 2) Key Revised Insured/Agent Sign Dates, 3) Select an Agent of Record for the coverage, 4) Select coverage(s) to Mark Complete, and 5) See the Validation Status for the coverage. Users can also select which coverage(s) they would like the previous selections to apply to. The overall design of the Fast Edit Coverage Signature Maintenance popup closely resembles and was generally modeled after the Fast Edit AR and Fast Edit PR Signature Maintenance popups already in use. |
128105 |
Perennials: The Davis RO Underwriting Guidelines has implemented a change for Grapes and Avocados with the 2022 RY. For High Variability - Downward Trending Tests, the most recent Crop Year in the APH Database is to be excluded from the downward trending calculations. With this ticket, a fix has been implemented for the Downward Trending logic to exclude the most recent year in the APH Database for trigger calculations. |
130229 |
Perennials: Within the 2022 RY Davis RO Regional Underwriting guidelines, an update was made for Almonds. If a change has occurred in the Practice or Production Methods for Post-Harvest Irrigation, additional steps will be needed to update APH Calculations. Currently, the PAW is used by the AIP to determine insurability and other policy requirements. If the insured did not post-harvest irrigate using at least the same amount of water that was used to establish the yield in the APH, then the insured would need to mark "Yes" on the PAW question, "Have Practice or Production Methods (e.g. Removal, Dehorning, Grafting, or Transitioning to Organic) been performed that will reduce the Insured Crop's Production from previous crop years?" System logic has been updated within the legacy APH if a user has marked "Yes" to the PAW question, "Have Practice or Production Methods (e.g. Removal, Dehorning, Grafting, or Transition to Organic) been performed that will reduce the Insured Crop's Production from previous crop years". The user will have the ability to key a percentage of Post-Harvest (PH) Irrigation in the new Post Harvest Irrigation field. When this value is keyed, the System will then apply the correct percentage to the APH, and the approved APH will be adjusted according to the percent shown. The System will also apply the Special Use Case code of "N" to the APH. |
130232 |
PHTS: The RMA made several changes to the 2022 RY PHTS (P81) record layouts. These changes were needed in order to properly import and view PHTS records in the System. (This includes creating premium line, APH, and Land ID records with coverages with no premium lines attached.) The formats contained within the PHTS Import code have been updated to match RMA's Draft version of the PHTS (P81) file (dated 07-22-2021) since this appears to be the format of P81 records that RMA/PASS is currently returning for the 2022 RY. PHTS data should now be visible within the UI (via the Utilities menu), and premium line, APH, and Land ID records should build as expected as long as no premium lines exist for a coverage on which PHTS information is received and imported into the system after the 11.010.0 Release. It was determined that new 2022 RY coverages still retain their PHTS request flags, so these flags should not have to be reset after the 11.010.0 Release. NOTE: Additional changes will be needed based on RMA's Comment version dated 08-26-2021. TFS #130839 has been entered for this and will be spun up as soon as RMA implements these changes on their end. |
125964 |
PRF/Apiculture: The System will no longer place any restrictions on the states available from the State dropdowns on CLUs in the Land ID popup. The System currently populates the State/County dropdowns within the CLU in the Land ID popup when a CLU crosses state/county lines for PRF and Apiculture policies. All 50 states will now display for selection in the State dropdown. |
127505 |
When the System determines that New Producer status no longer applies (because there are 3+ years of production history reported for the coverage), it removes the New Producer status flag from the MPCI coverage. An issue was found where, if there was a related Margin Protection coverage, the flag was not being removed from that coverage as well. This is a display-only bug. The MPCI coverage and APH are used for all liability determinations on Margin Protection. With this ticket, the display for the MPCI and MP coverages has been updated to be consistent. The System will now update the New Producer flag on related Margin Protection coverages when it changes during an APH calculation. |
129905 |
Private Products
DPEC: An enhancement was made so the System will no longer display the PP icon for any QCE line where the Processing Status is not in an "Approved" status. This is to be done for those lines that are attached to DRP Policies. |
131238 |
DPEC: Previously, the Covered Price Increase was displaying by request, but the AIP has since indicated their preference to display information from the DPEC detail line for the DPEC Class III and Class IV prices. |
131234 |
DPEC: The DPEC Application was updated so the Expected Class III Price and Expected Class IV Price fields display DPEC prices sourced from RMA expected prices. |
131233 |
DPEC: The DPEC Dashboard will now display the DPEC Price/Covered Price Increase instead of just displaying the Covered Price. |
131242 |
DPEC: This ticket updated the displayed effective date on the DPEC line to show the DPEC create date rather than the date from the parent QCE line. |
131229 |
DPEC: Users were incorrectly receiving a message that the selected QCE line was beyond the Sales Closing Date if they tried to create an estimate on a QCE line beyond the 15th of the month prior to that QCE line Start Date. For example, when trying to purchase an estimate on a selected QCE line that had a quarterly period of Oct-Dec. 2021 on September 16th, the user was receiving the validation message saying they were beyond the Sales Closing Date. This has been corrected. |
131230 |