Release Notes 11.035.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.035.0.

System Updates



Policy Estimator: It was discovered that Enterprise Unit by Cropping Practice (EC) premium lines were not rating correctly in the Policy Estimator. This has been corrected.


Policy Estimator: When using the Policy Estimator and selecting Companion MP on the Scenario page, users were receiving a "Sorry..." error upon Save and Continue to the Calculations page. This has been corrected.


Forms & Reports


The Private Product Premium Agency Report has been updated and redesigned to include additional information.


A new combo form, MPCI Application / Cancel / Transfer / Acreage Report / PAW / Policy Change Combination Form, for Perennial Crops (Fruit with the DO (50) Plan and Trees with the TDO (40) Plan) that does not include the Production Reporting section has been implemented in the System for all Crop Years. This new form is very similar as the Perennial Combo Form minus the Production Reporting pieces.

This form can be printed from the MPCI policy Print tab as well as the Batch Printing tool. The title of the form in these areas is: "MPCI Application / Cancel / Transfer / Acreage Report / PAW / Policy Change Combination Form".
This form can be printed in the following report styles: Blank, Pre-Headed, Pre-Headed w/ Agency Info Only, and Pre-Filled (selected by default).
The form has the following print options available:
"Display Unmasked Tax IDs" (default unselected)
"Duplex Print" (default unselected)
"Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP) Endorsement Application Supplement" (default unselected)
"Include Cancelled Coverages" (default unselected)
"Include Extra App Page" (default unselected)
"Include Extra AR Page" (default unselected)
"Include Extra PAW Page" (default unselected)
"Include Extra SSN and EIN Reporting Page" (default unselected)
"Pre-print for next year" (default unselected)
"Print acres and plant dates for acres entered" (default selected)
A new Attachment Type, "Fruit_Tree DO_TDO Combo Form" was added to the Attachment Type dropdown on the MPCI policy Attachments tab and will be listed in alpha order when the form is Batch Scanned. This form is permanent and should roll.
When using the Batch Printing tool, this form will display in the grid when any of the following are selected from the Reporting Season dropdown: "Sales Closing", "Perennial Processing", or "Show All Forms".
The title that prints on this form is: "MPCI Application / Cancel / Transfer / Acreage Report / Pre-Acceptance Worksheet / Policy Change Combination Form".
The same rules that apply to the main MPCI Application, PAW, and main Acreage Report apply for this form.
If a policy printing does not have TDO or DO, this form will print Pre-Headed. If not all coverages on the policy are Trees with TDO and Fruit with DO, then only the TDO and DO coverages will print on the form.


The APH Analysis Worksheet was originally intended to be a tool used by agents at the Sale Closing Date (SCD) to determine which options the grower should elect by the SCD deadline, and it was redesigned with TFS #119232 in the 11.030 Release. With this ticket, the following items (found during testing TFS #119232) were fixed for this form for all years:

Yield w/ QL – Total now prints.
Yield w/ YE – Total was corrected. When YE Opt Out? = "N", that year’s value was not being included in the Total and it should have been.
To be consistent, when a user opts out of "YA", "YE", or "QL", "Y" not prints in the "Opt Out" column. Otherwise, if the user does not opt out, the column will be blank.
Per the rules, "QL" applies, the Pre Quality Yield value now prints followed by "QL" regardless of whether or not the user opted out of "QL".


RMA released Fresh Market Bean Crop Provisions for the 2022 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs). The Fresh Market Bean Crop Provisions effective for the 2022 CY have been implemented in the System.


RMA released Camelina Crop Provisions for the 2022 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs). The Camelina Crop Provisions effective for the 2022 CY have been implemented in the System.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




During internal testing of TFS #116927, it was noticed that some data elements were being dropped from the Endorsement grid when a hard stop was triggered on the Maintain Assignment of Indemnity page. This was due to the form submission missing some of the data elements on the send back to the server. The elements were non-essential for the saving of the Assignment of Indemnity, but if validation errors were triggered and we returned data back to the user interface, the user interface was missing those elements, so they were failing to display. The System has been updated to add hidden inputs for those missing data elements so that the data will all be sent back to the server on submission and thus will be available in the user interface if validation errors are triggered.




This ticket removed the Digiglobe imagery layer from Mapping.




APH: With this ticket, for the 2022+ RYs, a new suspension was added to the Mark Complete logic to indicate to users that Reference Years are different across coverages. The purpose of this suspension is to address a gap where the Reference Years field is determined before saving the APH for some scenarios and after saving for other scenarios. Now, with the new suspension, users will be informed they need to go into a coverage’s APH and save the APH to update the coverage with the correct Reference Years. All other Save APH and Mark Complete logic will stay static. There are several other special rules in the System today for certain plans and commodities.

NOTE: ARPI, STAX, Margin Protection, Category C, Perennial, and Strawberry PRH coverages are excluded when determining number of Reference Years.


Perennials: In TFS #114544, the System was updated with the PAW questions in the user interface for FL Fruit Trees (including Avocados), TX Citrus Tree, and Mac Trees. After further review, it was found that the PAW questions did not belong in the PAW page as was initially thought. The System has been updated for the 2022+ RYs to remove the Standard Crop Insurance Handbook PAW questions from the PAW page for FL Fruit Trees (including Avocado Trees), TX Citrus Trees, and Mac Trees.


Perennials: An issue was reported for Table Grapes where the High Variability test was incorrectly calculated on the Yield Variability Tests page. It was found that the System was using the YA adjusted yields instead of the actual yields for the Downward Trend Yield Trend Exceptions. Because of this, the System incorrectly determined that Downward Trend adjustments were not applicable when they actually were. The Davis RO exceptions include a section of tests for: "The two most recent crop years actual yields in the APH database are less than 75% of the Average APH Yield". This is the place in the tests that were impacted because the System was using the adjusted yields (with YA) instead of the actual yields.

After further review during development, it was found that this incorrect logic has always been in place and the System has always used the adjusted yields instead of the actual yields in the Davis RO UG Downward Trend testing.

The System has been updated to correct the 2022+ RYs calculations to remove Table Grapes from the most recent year exclusion for the 2022 Davis RO UG exclusions in the Downward Trending Calculations. The System was also updated for all Reinsurance Years to correct the use of the actual yield in the 1st step of the Davis RO UG for Downward Trending calculations.


Perennials: A bug was reported where a user elected an APH Override of "RSO Determined Yield - App'd Yield" but was unable to select the correct Special Use Case Code of "D". The selection was not available in the Special Use Case dropdown as expected. The System was updated and the Special Case Code dropdown within the Legacy APH page now displays all records without any restrictions regardless of the APH Override Reason.


WFRP: A bug has been found within the Commodities tab for WFRP where Multiple Commodity Lines are being populated when an additional commodity is selected. A fix has been implemented to have only one additional blank Commodity Line be populated once a Commodity Name is elected in the first empty Commodity Line.


WFRP: For 2022+ RYs, the RMA has introduced a new pilot program: WFRP Micro Farm (9110). On the 11/22 PASS Status Report, RMA has indicated that the 11/30 had a refile on the Subsidy Percent ADM table. Commodity Codes are now being introduced to that table for Plan 76. WFRP is 0076 and Micro Farms is 9110. The Plan 76 rating logic does not currently take into consideration commodity codes when determining the Subsidy % on the Total Qualifying Commodity Count. With this ticket, the Plan 76 rating logic is being updated to look for the correct data when determining Subsidy Percentages.


Enterprise Units: It was discovered that Enterprise Unit by Cropping Practice (EC) premium lines were not rating correctly. For 2022 RY+, Enterprise Unit variations (EI, EC, and ET) are all Crop Option codes within the structure of the ADMs instead of by Unit Structure. This ticket corrected the EC rating logic to look for the correct rating.

NOTE: All other EU variations are rating correctly at this time. This is just for Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice (EC).


PTY: An AIP reported receiving P15 errors due to the PY option missing from the P15 record when PTY applies. This issue was researched and a bug was found to have been introduced during the recent refactoring efforts. This bug was causing the System to not consistently apply PY to the APH or Detail Line. This in turn was causing the option not to be included on the P11 and P15 records. With this ticket, the PTY functionality has been updated to always apply the PY option if PTY applies.


QLO: Some issues were identified during a recent review of the Quality Loss Option (QLO) functionality. These have been corrected with this ticket:

When adding the QL Option to a Coverage, the Is Using Quality Loss checkbox should be applied to any CY within the APH database that already has the Qualifies for QL flag applied, but it was determined that this was not always happening. This flag should always be applied in this scenario as long as the YE Option doesn't already apply to that particular CY(s).
When the QL Option is applied to the coverage and at least 1 CY of an APH database, the QL Option is applied as a Crop Option to that database. This is working as expected, but if the QL Option was subsequently removed from the coverage, the QL Crop Option Code continued to display in the user interface.
If a lock was applied to a CY within an APH DB and PreQA values were applied to that same CY, the PreQA values were being removed when the lock flag was removed—even though the Qualifies for QL flag remained. The following values should remain intact if a CY lock is applied or removed:
Is Using Quality Loss Flag
Pre Quality Prod
Pre Quality Yield
Qualifies for QL Flag