Release Notes 15.045.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 15.045.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following forms have been updated for all years to have the "Display Unmasked Tax IDs" print option default as selected:
NOTE: When the user first selects the form, the "Display Unmasked Tax IDs" print option will default as selected. If the user deselects the form and comes back to it, any selected print options will remain selected. If the user changes to another report style for the form, all other print options will clear, meaning no print options will be selected. |
142168 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
146840 |
The 2024 RY environments were deployed with this release. Users can now create NEW policies in the 2024 RY. Users must select states/counties/crops that have had 2024 ADMs released by RMA. This does not include annual forage, livestock, or HIP related coverages. The roll of policies from the prior RY will be handled outside of the scope of this ticket, directly with AIPs in the coming week. |
146233 |
TFS #145247 recently went to Production to prevent users without the lockout bypass permission from making changes to previous detail lines already approved by RMA. Part of the logic in that ticket was to disable the Save buttons if the user did not have the appropriate credentials, but during UAT, it was found that the Save buttons were not removed. Users without the appropriate credentials were able to click on the buttons but were not able to save changes as a hard stop error was still thrown. With this ticket, the System has been updated to fix the logic to remove the save buttons for consistency across the three Livestock plans. |
147242 |
Users requested the ability to generate a report of invalid CLUs to identify policies that need land IDs to be updated based on the latest information available. Users with the proper permissions will now be able to access and run the new FSA Recon Report from Reporting > Mapping. When user generates the report, it can be retrieved from the print queue (Tools > Dashboard > Print Queue). The report will only include those CLUs that have been flagged as being invalid. |
146191 |
Land ID: An issue, which was reported internally, was discovered where a validation warning was missing from the Underwriting Report. When a user tried to delete a Land ID, accessed through the View MPCI Detail Line page hyperlink that has been associated within the Underwriting Report, no validation warning was triggered as expected to notify the user that the Land ID was tied to the UW Report and if continuing will remove the Land ID from both the UW Report and the Detail Line. The System was updated to re-add the validation warning message when a user is deleting a Land ID associated to an Underwriting Report. |
145633 |
Land ID: An additional gap was identified internally within the Land ID popup where the System was not auto-setting the Planting Pattern to "Solid" on the detail line upon Save & Exit from the Land ID popup after CLU acres have been keyed. Upon exiting from the Land ID popup, the System returns the user to the View MPCI Detail Line page; in return, no planting pattern is set for NI practice for Cotton and policy will error at RMA. The System logic has been revised to now update the planting pattern to "Solid" upon Save & Exit from the Land ID popup. |
145912 |
Land ID: A bug was unintentionally introduced to the Land ID with another correction/ticket following the release of the redesigned page. A scenario was identified internally where previously entered detail line acres were removed by the System if the user accessed the Land ID record and then saved it without keying CLU field level data. Since CLU field level data is not required, the System should never remove previously keyed values. If CLU field level data is keyed and pushed to the detail line and then a user revises the CLU level data, the System should update the detail line accordingly. The code has been updated to ensure that 0-acre values will push to the detail line if the planted fields were removed (corrected to zero) and the user chooses to update the detail line with the corrected CLU level data. The System will not update detail line acres to 0 if the Land ID record did not have initially keyed CLU field level data that was subsequently updated/corrected. |
146868 |