Release Notes 9.010.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.010.0.

Forms & Reports


DRP: The RMA released updated provisions for Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) which are applicable for the 2021+ CYs; the 2021 DRP Policy Insurance Provision and DRP Commodity Exchange Endorsement has been implemented in the System.


NVS: 2021 Nursery Value Select (NVS) Special Provisions were updated and made available from RMA on April 15, 2020. The following Special Provisions for 2021 have been implemented in the System for NVS (1010) - Plan DO (50) - RY / CY 2021:

SCD 9/1/2020 - In CO (08), MI (26), OR (41), TN (47), and WA (53), with each state having several counties.


HIP: This ticket updated the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) / Production Report with updates for Hurricane Insurance Protection so that HIP values will print when the coverage is selected. The HIP-WI Handbook calls out that the SOI must provide the protection, premium, and administrative fee for the HIP-WI. Additionally, while making these updates for HIP, the format of the form was updated to match the base format that was implemented on the SOI last year.


eSign: The following updates have been made to eSign functionality: On the Print tab for MPCI and DRP policies:

When the eSign checkbox is selected and "In Office" is selected in the eSign Options section, the workflow for signing the eSign Consent Form for the grower/authorized signer has been updated. The eSign Consent Wizard button that previously displayed to the right of a signer's name if they had not signed an eSign Consent Form on the policy previously no longer displays. In place of this button, "Needs eSign Consent" displays to the right of the name. When a signer with this message is selected to sign, the agent will now select a form(s) to sign in the Select Forms to Print section of the page and click Print in the top-right corner of the page. Once Print is clicked, the eSign Consent Wizard popup opens for the grower/authorized signer to sign the eSign Consent Form. Once this is completed, the eSign Wizard now automatically launches for both the grower/authorized signer and agent to sign and submit.
The "Note" in the eSign Options section of the Print tab has been updated to reflect this new process covered in the bullet above.

NOTE: See "eSign Forms In Office" and "Sign the eSign Consent Form" for help with the consent and in office eSign procedures and view updated images for the interface changes.

Previously, for DRP policies only, if an agent set an ePacket Expiration Date equal to the current date, the System would alert the agent as typically, growers would not be expected to return the eSign paperwork on the same day. This alert has been removed.
On the eSignature Dashboard for growers/authorized signers, the following new set of instructions has been added near the top-right of the dashboard:
The eSign ePackets available for your review and signature are listed below. Hit "Go" to start the eSign Wizard.
Additional Actions may be available based on ePacket Status.
The "Launch Consent Wizard" Action is displayed if you have not previously completed the one-time Electronic Consent form. Once the Electronic Consent form has been submitted, "Launch eSign Wizard" will be available in the Actions list.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




LRP: RMA recently announced changes regarding Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) premium. Previously, payment was due when premium was booked. However, RMA has changed that for the 2021+ RYs to now be the first day of the month following the End Date. To account for this change, upon save of a new LRP premium line, the System will now set and store the new Billing Date value. For the 2021+ RYs for all LRP commodities except Lamb, the System will set the BillingDate.LivestockPremiumLine value upon creation of any LRP premium lines. The Billing Date will be pulled from the Premium Billing Date found on the ADM Date table published by RMA. In addition, logic has been added to the System to also set the TerminationDate.LivestockPremiumLine value upon save of newly-created detail lines to assist with new accounting functionality.




Users reported having issues selecting/de-selecting fields when CLU layer was active while searching for FSN/Tract. These issues have been corrected.


A new FSA Planted AR report has been added to the Print menu in the Mapping module: in the Mapping Module, select Print > FSA Planted AR. This report is based off of the Map Based AR but has been modified to remove some of the insurance elements and geared more toward being an aid for FSA reporting.

NOTE: This report is meant to be printed after a user has updated the planting records with crop information so that it can be taken to FSA as a reporting aid. This will be further refined in future releases.




NVS: When information was originally released by the RMA for the new Nursery Value Select (NVS) policy, procedures stated that a grower could not have both a Nursery FG&C policy and a Nursery Value Select policy. Based on these initial procedures, as part of TFS #102362 (coverage functionality for Nursery Value Select), a validation was added to the coverage page to prevent users from adding Nursery FG&C and Nursery Value Select to the same policy. When adding a new coverage to a policy that already has a Nursery Value Select coverage, this validation logic triggered if the user attempted to add a coverage for anything other than Nursery Value Select. A similar validation existed for Nursery FG&C that prevented users from adding a coverage for anything other than Nursery FG&C to a policy where a Nursery FG&C coverage already existed.

RMA has now updated their procedures to state that a grower is allowed to have a Nursery FG&C policy for one practice (field grown or container) and a Nursery Value Select policy for the other practice.

With this ticket, the validation logic on the Add New Coverage page has been updated to allow Nursery FG&C and Nursery Value Select coverages on the same policy so long as one is covering the field grown practice and the other is covering the container practice. This includes the following validations:

If the user tries to add coverages for both Nursery FG&C and Nursery Value Select for the same practice, an error message will display stating, "An insured cannot have a Nursery FG&C and Nursery Value Select coverage for the same practice."
If the user tries to add a coverage for anything other than Nursery FG&C or Nursery Value Select to a Nursery policy, an error message will display stating, "A Nursery Policy can only contain Nursery Coverages. Please select Nursery as the crop."
If the user tries to add a Nursery FG&C or Nursery Value Select coverage to an existing policy with other non-Nursery coverages, an error message will display stating, "Only a Nursery Policy can have Nursery Coverages. Please select a different crop."

NOTE: The System will still prevent users from adding other crops to a Nursery FG&C/Nursery Value Select policy.


HIP & STAX: During internal HIP transmission testing, an issue was found where the System was applying the HIP option to the base coverage as well as the STAX coverage incorrectly when HIP and SE were elected on the base coverage. The HIP and HIP SE lines should have only applied to the STAX coverage and not the base coverage, suchas :

A parent line for the base
A child line for the SE
A line for the STAX
A child line for the SE
A child line for the HIP
A child line for the HIP-SE

HIP child line creation logic has been updated for the scenario shown above.


SCO & STAX: It was found that when a user designated STAX as being the related coverage on the parent detail line's APH but the acres and child lines already existed and then selected the Enrolled in ARC/PLC checkbox on the parent detail line, a hard validation was being thrown that prevented save: “In order to select Enrolled in AR the Reported Acres must be greater than 0, cannot be uninsurable, must have a Plant Date, cannot be Prevented Plant and Map Area cannot be URA.” However, none of those scenarios applied.

NOTE: If the base coverage just had SCO attached to it or no SCO but a related STAX coverage was attached to it, the System was not throwing the error. This was an existing issue that was found while testing HIP, but it also happened when HIP was not a crop option on the coverages.

It was found that the System was checking to see if a detail line was eligible for SCO. In the above scenario, since the acres were being insured under the STAX coverage, there was no need to check the SCO eligibility. This check was removed; the validation is no longer thrown.


SCO & STAX: While researching transmissions, an bug was found in the System where, when the Grower had the SCO option elected on a base coverage and also on a related STAX coverage for the commodity.

In this scenario, growers must choose to have their acres insured under SCO or STAX and must set that election within the APH page. However, it was found that if the user previously had acres keyed and then went into the APH and selected "Related to STAX", the System was not removing the SCO child lines under the buy-up coverage when the acres should be insured under the related STAX coverage. Or, if the user had set "SCO" as the related coverage and then changed it to "STAX" within the APH, then the System was not removing the SCO acres from the parent coverage.

With this ticket, the System was updated to correctly remove the SCO child lines under the parent coverage once the user designates STAX as the Related Coverage on the APH.


WFRP: Per the WFRP handbook, when calculated Expected Revenue is a negative number, then the Expected Revenue will be "0". A bug was reported where the System was incorrectly using the negative number rather than setting Expected Revenue to "0". This has been corrected.


Batch Scanning: A System fix was made to help support the batch scanning of PDFs with embedded files (e.g., PDFs that have embedded electronic signature images). PDFs will now retain the PDF format when the System splits the pages (which will later be reassembled based on policy/document type); this fixes an issue that was found where embedded electronic signatures were being dropped from PDFs when batch scanning the signed reports.