Release Notes 9.005.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.005.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2021 Forage Production Crop Provisions for the 2021+ CYs have been implemented in the System. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab and from the Batch Printing menu. |
116676 |
2021 Forage Seeding Crop Provisions for the 2021+ CYs have been implemented in the System. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab and from the Batch Printing menu. |
116670 |
2021 Forage Seeding Special Provisions were updated and made available from RMA on April 30, 2020. The following Special Provisions for 2020 have been implemented in the System for Forage Seeding (0032) - Plan DO (50) - RY / CY 2021:
116688 |
HIP: Pre-filled functionality was added to the new "Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP) Endorsement Application Supplement" print option available on the MPCI Application (implemented in the 8.095 Release). This change was implemented for all CYs; the System will determine if HIP is available on the coverage. The following coverage data will print on the HIP Supplement when the coverage printing has HIP elected:
If the MPCI Application is printed with a pre-filled report style, then the Hurricane Supplement will print as:
114730 |
It was found that HIP child line acres were being included in the Crop Summary on the CLU Acreage Report and APH Database and Acreage Reporting Form. This has been corrected. |
117441, 117442 |
It was identified that page numbers were no longer displaying on the APH Database Form once the form hit 100+ pages. This has been corrected. |
117104 |
SOI: The Schedule of Insurance (SOI) was updated so the Unit Number field will display the entire unit number on one line. This was updated for all CYs. |
117453 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
115335 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||
DRP: RMA has added a new field to the P18 Record and the P28 record for the 2021+ RYs. The new fields are as follows:
116341 |
DRP: RMA recently released MGR-20-017, "Dairy Revenue Protection Sales Period Modification", which set new guidelines on DRP processing when sales fall on a Friday afternoon. Previously, agents were able to process these up until 9am the following Monday. RMA has now changed that to stop sales at 9am CST the following Sunday. This will only affect the entry of sales and not the transmissions of those premium records. With this ticket, DRP Lockout logic has been updated so that, if the DRP Sales Date falls on a Friday, agent users will now be locked out of processing starting at 9am CST the following Sunday morning. |
117612 |
DRP: The DRP File Import logic and premium line calculation logic has been updated to include the new fields required for the 2021+ RYs for DRP. The logic for the new Declared Component Price Weighting Factor field has been updated as the changes could not be done when the field was added to the page due to pending ADM changes. RMA included a "Component Price Weighting Factor Restricted Value" in the ADMs which will drive the values displayed within the Declared Component Price Weighting Factor dropdown. Logic will now look for those values first, and if they are present, the restricted values that are published will display. If no values exist in the ADMs for the Restricted Value, then the standard 0.00-1.00 (increments of 0.05) will display for selection. |
116800 |
Users reported that they were unable to save planting records using the Fast Edit Plant panel when no plant date existed. In addition, edit messages were not displaying correctly. These have been corrected. |
104848 |
A request was made to print the total unit acres in the Crop Unit Summary section on the Map Based Acreage Report (MBAR). Previously, only the Total Acres by Crop printed in that section. Also, there was a need to print the Total Acres for each individual map page. With this ticket, a Total Cropland Acres field was added on each individual map page. Additionally, the Acres field in the Available Units section on the individual map pages was not populating; this was corrected. |
105985 |
Users requested the ability to draw a polygon when manually drawing a map region. With this ticket, users can now select Map Regions and select to "Draw New Map Region" to establish the map region borders. |
115977 |
As a follow up to a previous ticket, the ability to search for only a Tract or a Tract /Field was added. |
117614 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||
APH: On a Skip Row Corn policy, an issue was reported by an AIP where, when the user selected a Planting Pattern within the APH and then clicked Recalc, they received a "Sorry..." error within the Maintain APH page. This has been corrected. |
102293 |
HIP: An issue was identified internally where the HIP child line under a STAX coverage was removed once the parent detail line was designated as being enrolled in ARC/PLC. The STAX parent detail line should have been changed to "Uninsurable" and the child HIP line should have remained in place. This has been corrected. |
114941 |
HIP: RMA recently released a Q&A document pertaining to HIP in conjunction with Nursery (FG & C) and Nursery Value Select (NVS). Due to the clarifications received in the document, the following changes were made to the HIP functionality in the System for these two commodities:
117241 |
Lockouts: An AIP reported an issue where their agency users were locked out of keying acres for a Wheat coverage with a 07-15 ARD. After researching this issue, it was found that this policy was in a county where the Winter Option (WO) was available but WO had not actually been elected on the coverage. The System was incorrectly using the ARD applicable when WO is elected rather than the standard ARD to determine the agency lockout date. This has been corrected, and the System will look at the correct ARD when determining lockouts. |
117538 |
NVS: A bug was reported where the Revision Indicator was not displaying for Nursery Value Select (NVS) detail lines. With this ticket, the Revision Indicator has been implemented for NVS. The Revision Indicator functionality includes the display of "* Revision" in the Selected Value column of the detail lines grid if at least one detail line on the coverage has the "Revised Report" checkbox selected. In addition, an asterisk (*) will display next to the Selected Value for each detail line where the "Revised Report" checkbox is selected. |
117095 |
PRF/Apiculture: As part of the PRF and Apiculture detail line functionality, the System creates detail lines for each selected interval and applies unit numbers. However, when a detail line is edited and intervals are added/removed, the System previously required the user to manually update the unit numbers. A request was received to have the System automatically update the unit numbers when intervals are added/removed. With this ticket, the following changes have been made for the 2021+ RYs:
115966 |
PRF/Apiculture: For Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) and Apiculture detail lines, the System displays a grid with the available intervals; the user then selects the applicable intervals in the grid, and on save, the System creates a detail line for each interval. Detail lines sharing the same Grid ID are "grouped" behind the scenes to allow users to maintain all detail lines for the Grid ID on a single page. Because of the detail line "grouping", the System displays the exact same page no matter which detail line for the Grid ID the user selects to view, and all detail lines for the Grid ID/detail line "grouping" can be maintained on this page. Once on the Maintain Detail Line page/popup, as with detail lines for other crops, Next/Back buttons display at the top of the page/popup for PRF and Apiculture that allow the user to navigate between the detail lines. In addition, a dropdown displays which includes a list of every detail line for the coverage, allowing the user to navigate between the detail lines as well. The following updates have been implemented on the Maintain Detail Line page/popup for the 2021+ RYs for PRF/Apiculture:
114379 |
PTY: A bug was reported by an AIP where, when the user added Summary Units, the Summary Unit APH was calculating correctly with the County T-yld; however, if the user then added a NEW unit and selected the "Recalc Personal T-yld" function from the Additional Functions dropdown, the System was incorrectly updating the Summary Unit using the Personal T-yld calculation instead of the County T-yld in the Summary Unit APH. An update was made so that, when a new unit is added after the Summary Units have been already been built and the user recalculates the Personal T-yld, the System will correctly use the County T-yld in the Summary Unit calculations when less than 4 years of actual yields are used. |
117133 |
SCO: During internal testing, a bug was identified with Cotton coverages related to the SCO option. If the Related STAX Coverage checkbox was selected, the System was removing the SCO option from the available Crop Options. This bug has been resolved. |
117069 |
HIP: Per Bulletin No. MGR-20-11, the System was updated so that if a coverage has the HIP option elected, an Intended Acres field displays so users can key the intended acres on the Add New MPCI Policy, Add New MPCI Coverage, Edit MPCI Coverage, and View MPCI Coverage pages for the current year at the HIP SCD when the underlying coverage's Acreage Reporting Date has already passed. This field is optional and available for all crops where HIP is offered except for Plan 40 as it does not use an acreage value for reporting purposes. NOTE: For the 2020 RY, the AIPs are required to enter the intended acres because agents are already locked out of the coverage page for SCDs that have passed. For the 2021 RY, agents will be able to enter the intended acres at the time they are processing the HIP application because the HIP SCD will be the same as the underlying base coverage's SCD. This value is stored by the System for use with claims (if needed) but is not used in premium calculations, printed on forms, or transmitted to RMA. There is no restriction around the intended acres being changed once they are entered/saved. Standard agent lockout that applies to the coverage page will apply to this field. |
116562 |