Release Notes 11.045.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.045.0.
System Updates
Policy Estimates: The existing "copy" functionality on the Detail Lines page of the Policy Estimate was updated to apply only to selected detail lines with TFS #132189. With this ticket, the warning message that displayed if the Associated field was populated when the copy down arrow was clicked has been removed. |
134095 |
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RMA released updated Basic Crop Provisions for the 2022+ Crop Years (CYs) with a CCD on or after 6/30/2021 and the 2023+ CYs for crops with a CCD prior to 6/30/2021. The updated Basic Crop Provisions have been implemented in the System. |
132691 |
RMA released updated Coarse Grains Crop Provisions for the 2022+ Crop Years (CYs). The updated Coarse Grains Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2022+ CYs have been implemented in the System. |
132693 |
RMA released updated Dry Beans Crop Provisions for the 2022+ Crop Years (CYs). The updated Dry Beans Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2022+ CYs have been implemented in the System. |
132694 |
RMA released updated Hemp Crop Provisions for the 2022+ Crop Years (CYs). The updated Hemp Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2022+ CYs have been implemented in the System. |
132695 |
RMA released the 2022 Micro Farm Pilot Crop Provisions. The 2022 Micro Farm Pilot Crop Provisions have been implemented in the System. |
132654 |
Micro Farm: This ticket to update the WFRP Combo Form for the new Micro Farm pilot program. These updates include:
NOTE: This change will also be shown on the stand alone Farm Op Report.
NOTE: This change will also be shown on the stand alone Farm Op Report.
NOTE: This change will also be shown on the stand alone Expected Value Worksheet.
NOTE: This change will also be shown on the stand alone Expected Value Worksheet.
133168 |
1/31 CCD SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Dec 21. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented in the System. |
133226 |
Micro Farm: This ticket updated the stand-alone Farm Op Report for the new Micro Farm pilot program.
133448 |
Micro Farm: This ticket updated the stand-alone WFRP Expected Value and Yield Source Document Certification Worksheet for the new Micro Farm pilot program. Now, on the page 1 header, a Crop field was added in the Crop Information Section. When the form is printing pre-headed and the coverage has a WFRP plan, then the Crop abbreviation prints with Crop Code in parenthesis in the Crop field. NOTE: TFS #133168 will be adding the following items to the WFRP Combo Form - Expected Value and Yield Source Document Certification Worksheet page(s):
NOTE: This change will also be shown on the stand-alone Expected Value and Yield Source Document Certification Worksheet.
NOTE: This change will also be shown on the stand-alone Expected Value and Yield Source Document Certification Worksheet. |
133449 |
SPOIs for FL Trees with a 4/15 SCD and 1/31 CCD were updated and made available from RMA on Jan 11. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been downloaded and implemented in the System. |
133691 |
SOI: An issue was found on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) for API and PRF where not all applicable land (e.g., organic) for a Grid ID was printing. This issue has been resolved. |
133805 |
PACE: With this ticket, the Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) has been added to the main MPCI Application. To print this page with the main MPCI Application, the user can select the new "Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) Application" print option (defaults as unselected) implemented with this ticket. When this print option is selected, the PACE Application section will print with the MPCI Application and no data will print in that section. If the extra application page is also selected to print, the ECO, PACE, SCO, and STAX sections will print before the extra application page. The print order of the ECO, PACE, SCO, and STAX sections is ECO, PACE, SCO, and then, STAX if multiple sections are selected to print. |
133338 |
PACE: With this ticket, a "Unit" column has been added to the Post-Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) page that prints with the MPCI Application. This column gives the grower an opportunity to apply PACE by unit. This update came from an RMA clarification. This PACE page was implemented with TFS #133338. |
134068 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
133186 |
LRP: An issue was found recently where users were receiving hard stop errors for the number of head insured on a couple of LRP policies. It was found that the System was incorrectly adding the number of head from the last endorsement twice when the user was trying to modify the premium line. With this ticket, the hard stops for the number of animals insured for LRP detail lines have been changed from hard stops to warning messages, allowing users to continue through the warning if they choose. (RMA edits will validate the number of head and return errors as needed.) Warning messages will now give the user the option to continue or cancel and go back to the Add or View pages to make changes as needed prior to a resave. This change is applicable to the Add New Detail Line and View Detail Line- LRP Endorsement pages for ALL LRP Commodities—Fed Cattle, Feeder Cattle, and Swine (no changes were made for Lamb as that program has been discontinued). |
134053 |
Users requested an opacity slider for the Dexter Hail layer to make it easier to view what is under the hail layer. This has been implemented and works just as other opacity sliders within Mapping. |
129178 |
Sync to AR: This ticket added to the transaction log the details of what information was included in the Sync to AR process. |
133023 |
Layers: A new Background Imagery layer, Hexagon World, was added to the Mapping Module. This new layer displays a blended layer of aerial orthophoto imagery that gives a more accurate representation of the Earth's surface. NOTE: The Hexagon Imagery layer is a "metered" layer meaning the subscription has a limit to the number of tiles that can be displayed annually. For that reason, Hexagon Imagery will not be available for batch printing or insurance-based forms where the imagery is mostly used for a background. Hexagon Imagery is available for viewing and can be included in mapbook, current map, and wall map prints |
133492 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Northern Potatoes: RMA released a bulletin last year, PM-21-025, which states, "The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) amended the Northern Potato Crop Insurance – Quality Endorsement; Processing Quality Endorsement; Certified Seed Endorsement; Storage Coverage Endorsement. For the 2022 and succeeding crop years, premium for these endorsements will no longer be charged on acres prevented from planting." In short, the RMA is stating that the Northern Potato Crop Options of QA, QB, QC, QD, CH, CL, and ST are not applicable with Prevented Planting. The following was implemented on the Maintain Detail Line page and in the Fast Edit AR:
126911 |
PACE: Beginning in the 2022 RY, for select states/counties on non-irrigated corn with a sales closing date of March 15, the Post Application Coverage Endorsement (PACE) will be available. This program will work similar to ECO, SCO, and HIP. This ticket will implement the coverage changes needed to support the new PACE program. The changes needed included:
130111 |
Micro Farm: Beginning in the 2022 RY, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) has introduced a new pilot program - Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) Micro Farm (9110). Prior to the 2022 RY, WFRP was only an Insurance Plan (76). For 2022+ RYs, the WFRP Plan (76) will now have two Commodity Codes: WFRP (0076) and Micro Farm (9110). The AgWorks System currently has a robust WFRP platform. This platform includes all the necessary processing and reporting requirements that the RMA PASS platform demands. Coverage information can be keyed through the “Add New MPCI Policy” page to create new WFRP coverages. Since WFRP coverages cannot be combined with any other plans of insurance or other commodities, these policies only have one coverage. Once coverage information is keyed and the new WFRP is stood up, the Commodities tab is then available to key qualifying commodity lines. The Commodities tab has Commodity Name, Commodity Description, Method of Establishment, Yield, Unit of Measure, Expected Value, Quantity, % Produced to Sell, Share, and Cost Basis User Interface (UI) fields to calculate the Expected Revenue for each Commodity. The Income/Expenses tab for WFRP (the Farm Operation Report (FOR)) is a page for users to key Estimated/MPCI Liability, Allowable Revenue, Allowable Expenses, Index Opt Out, Expanded Operations, to indicate whether a schedule F is on File, FOR Signature Dates, Prior Approved Revenue, and Agent of Record information. The Farm Operation Report takes into consideration coverage options such as RS, RX, and RC to calculate a host of fields such as Average Revenue, Total Expected Revenue, and the Approved Expenses/Revenue figures. This ticket will specifically address quoting for Micro Farm. Micro Farm quoting will be similar to WFRP (0076) quoting and will integrate into the current “Add New MPCI Quote” functionality. A few minor changes to the “Add New MPCI Quote” and “View WFRP Quote” pages will ensure that Underwriters and Agents will have the necessary tools to quote Micro Farm.
131184 |
Micro Farm: This ticket specifically addresses the Commodities tab for WFRP (76) - Micro Farm (9110). For WFRP (0076), the Commodities tab allows users to enter commodities reported on the Grower’s Farm Operation Report (FOR). This page currently calculates the Total Expected Revenue for the current year that is used in the calculation of the Income & Expense Record for premium purposes. This page's data elements are what the P19A record picks up and sends to PASS. For Micro Farm (9110), the Commodities tab needed to be tailored specifically for this commodity. The only commodity available is Micro Farm and there are eight fields - Commodity Name, Commodity Description, Method of Establishment, Unit of Measure, Expected Value, Quantity, % Produced to Sell, Share, and Cost Basis to calculate the Expected Revenue. Other changes include limiting the commodity lines to only be “Micro Farm” and modifying the Total Expected Revenue calculation. The RMA is treating Micro Farm like the WFRP - “Other Combined Direct Marketing” commodity for the Expected Revenue calculation. For the 2022+ RYs, these changes were made to the Commodities tab for WFRP when "Micro Farm" is the crop:
133102 |
Micro Farm: This ticket specifically addressed the Income tab for WFRP (76) - Micro Farm (9110). For WFRP (0076), which allows users to enter Tax History - including Allowable Revenue & Allowable Expenses for the Grower’s Farming Operation. The Income/Expenses tab calculates and displays various Revenue and Expense values that are used by the P19 PASS Transmission record. The Approved Revenue and Approved Expense values are then determined to be used in the premium calculations of the System. For Micro Farm (9110), the Income/Expenses tab was updated to just the “Income” tab because Micro Farm does not require expense data to be reported. Therefore, there will be several updates of the WFRP (0076) Income & Expenses tab for Micro Farm. There will be no new or additional fields for Micro Farm’s Income tab compared to WFRP’s Income & Expense tab. This new Income tab is a stripped-down version of the WFRP (0076) Income & Expenses tab. The majority of the Income tab will, in fact, be the exact same fields and calculations as the WFRP’s (0076) Maintain Income & Expenses page. There are a few differences such as premium calculation (will be handled with the Rating ticket), Tax History Record, and less-than-5-year substitution logic outlined below. These changes are for the 2022+ RYs. In addition to the changes mentioned about, the tax history logic on this tab has been updates as follows: Tax History
Allowable Revenue
133103 |
Enterprise Units: The Unit Structure Transaction Code which is now a required field in 2022+ RYs if any form of Enterprise Units apply was added to the Add New Policy, Add New Coverage and Maintain Coverage pages for Margin Protection coverages with TFS #128996 in the 11.010 Release. It was determined that the field should be added to the Fast Edit Coverage page as well. The Unit Structure Transaction Code has been added to the Fast Edit Coverage page for 2022+ RY Margin Protection coverages. |
131334 |
Perennials: A System fix has been implemented so that, upon save of a PAW, if the trees/acres don't match the STD and HIGH density definition (STD Density is < or = 175 trees/acres and HIGH Density is > 175 trees/acre), a warning message will be triggered: "Warning: Line ' ': The practice on the Detail Line does not meet the tree acre requirements. Please verify PAW data and detail line Practice." |
131393 |
Fast Edit Coverage: A bug related to Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice (EC) was found on the Fast Edit Coverage page. When on the Fast Edit Coverage page, Price Election for Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice (EC) was not sticking in the single-select dropdown. A fix has been implemented in the System to address the Practice Election for EC not sticking when elected and saved from Fast Edit Coverage as well as it not persisting in the dropdown when elected on the legacy Coverage page and then navigating to Fast Edit Coverage. |
132684 |
Perennials: The System has been updated to now allow a user to, across coverages by type for Apples, execute the functionality to Copy Detail Line, Copy APH, and Copy PAW all within the Copy Detail Line page. |
132837 |
Perennials: With this ticket, a System marker, "+", has been added to the Detail Line grid next to the Approved Yield to identify detail lines where APH Override of "High Variability" is applicable to help the user identify the units that have been triggered for the APH Override of "High Variability". |
Perennials: The System has been updated for the 2022+ RYs to remove the Standard Crop Insurance Handbook PAW questions from the PAW page for FL Fruit Trees (including Avocado Trees), TX Citrus Trees, and Mac Trees. The PAW questions were initially implemented on the PAW page for these states/crops in a previous release with TFS #114544. |
133036 |
Perennials: An issue was reported where, when a user applied the APH Override of "Added Ins Acreage - Age Min" and keyed the "Year Of Insurability" on an APH, upon save, the database was incorrectly applying 5 years t-yields within the APH instead of 4 years, which was resulting in the policy erroring at RMA. The System has been updated so that when a user is setting up an initial APH database with the above applied/keyed, upon save of the APH, the System correctly creates a new database with 4 years of T-yields with "SX" t-yield. |
133815 |
DPEC: An issue was reported where DPEC policies were displaying "unsupported by MPCI". However, DPEC policies are supported by Livestock policies, so the verbiage needed to be updated. A correction has been made so that the DPEC Policy page now displays "Unsupported by Livestock" when applicable. |
134088 |