Release Notes 9.105.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.105.0.

System Updates

Entity Management


ITS: Prior to the 9.105 release, when an ineligible record existed on the National ITS file for a particular Tax ID # (TIN) associated with a policy (i.e., Grower and/or SBI), an "Ineligible Record Exists" message displayed in red text on the View and Maintain Coverage pages for MPCI and WFRP Coverages. This message was a warning only. It was designed to notify a user that an ITS record existed for the Grower and/or one or more SBI records associated with the policy, but it has always been up to the user to determine the actual eligibility status for each coverage attached to the policy. An ITS suspension aids in the process of determining whether one or more coverages are truly ineligible or not.

In an effort to provide more visibility to the eligibility status for a particular policy, a new ITS indicator has been added to the Policy Header section of the user interface for MPCI, WFRP, and Livestock policies. The Policy Header section is the area towards the top of the page that displays the Grower Name, Policy Number, Agency, Agent, etc. This section displays on most pages, so the ineligibility status will be more visible to the user.

The new icon () will display in the Policy Header to the right of the Grower Name if one or more of the following Tax ID #s tied to the policy are found on the National ITS Listing: Grower TIN or SBI TIN (including Transfer of Right [TOR] SBI records which have an Entity Type of "F").

It's important to note that there is no other logic tied to this icon as far as determining the true eligibility of a policy. It will display if an ineligible record exists, period. This is because eligibility determinations are made at a coverage level vs. a policy level. The icon is intended to bring awareness that there is a possibility of one or more coverages being ineligible. It remains the user's responsibility to verify eligibility status as needed. The ITS Suspension logic will continue to aid with this process.

Clicking the icon will launch a new popup that contains the following information from the National ITS file for the TIN(s) that was found in the National ITS file:

Person Type (Grower or SBI)
Year of Debt
Ineligibility Date
Ineligibility Status
Eligibility Date
Eligibility Reversal Date

This information will help the user determine the correct eligibility status for each coverage tied to the policy.

NOTE: The existing "Ineligible Record Exists" warning will continue to display on MPCI and WFRP policies as well (this message will not display on Livestock policies).


New Producer: New Producer data is populated in the System by the STD RMA return file. When imported, the data populates at a policyholder level in the Utilities tab under "View New Producer Data". Data received for that producer is displayed in a grid on the user interface. With this ticket, an update was made to add an Export to Excel button that allows the data displayed for the grower to be exported to Excel for filtering, as needed.


Forms & Reports


Annual Forage App: The Annual Forage Application has been updated in the following ways for all years:

A new field, "Dual Use q Yes q No", was added to the Growing Season 1 Options field. The checkboxes will be unselected for the blank and pre-headed report styles. If the form is printing pre-filled and the Dual Use Option has been selected on the coverage, then the Yes checkbox will be selected. The No checkbox will always be unselected as it is user filled. This change will help to remind Growers that this is an option for Growing Season 1.
The revision date was updated to 05-2021.
The Grantee will now print in the Signature Authorization field on the page 1 header in addition to the Grantee Authority Signature Statement.


TOR: The Transfer of Coverage and Right to an Indemnity (TOR) form has been updated in the following ways for all Crop Years:

Child lines now print on the form. The child line indicator will print under the Unit # for the child lines.
When a STAX coverage detail line prints, the STAX plan abbreviation will now print after Unit #.
When the form is printed pre-filled with data, two blank lines will now print after the data to give the user room to write, if needed.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




LRP: An enhancement request was received asking to make LRP Practices display similar to the yearly structure modified in DRP where Yr 1 & Yr 2 reflect the actual calendar year that the endorsement period (practice) is effective for. For example, for RY 2021 LRP, April Yr 1 would be April 2021 and Yr 2 would be April 2022; September Yr 1 would be Sept. 2020 and September Yr 2 would be Sept. 2021.

With this ticket, the display of the Practice for LRP has been updated to replace the Yr 1 and Yr 2 with the actual Year value (2021, 2022, etc.) on the following pages:

Coverages tab > View Livestock Policy page > Practice column
Detail Lines tab > View Livestock Detail Lines page > Detail Line Information dropdown
Add New Detail Line page > Information banner
View Detail Line > LRP Endorsement page > LRP Endorsement Information dropdown
Print Tab > Coverages Selected to Print section
Livestock Policy Management Dashboard > Detail Line Information popover (Number of Head column)
Add Claim Details modal
View and Maintain Coverage pages > Coverage Information dropdown and Practice Name
Add New Coverage page > Practice dropdown
Coverage tab > Processing Status link > Coverage Dropdown at top of page
Add/Edit/View Assignment of Indemnity pages (selection grid)
LRP Schedule of Insurance Form > Practice field
Livestock Assignment of Indemnity Confirmation Form > Practice Field
LRP SCE Form (Pre-Filled version) > Practice Field
LRP Policy Declaration Page > Practice Field


DRP: A new Save & Print button was added to the Add New Detail Line page and View Detail Line page for DRP (Plan 83) only. If clicked, the System will save the entries made by the user on the detail line page and generate the Pre-Filled version of the DRP QCE form for the applicable Effective Date selected on the detail line page. Standard save validation logic will apply prior to the form being generated. Having the form generate directly from the detail line page saves the user extra steps and time since they no longer have to save then navigate to the Print tab to print the form.


LRP: Previously, the System did not have any lockout logic in place for eDAS production like what is in place for DRP. If agents or AIP users tried to submit any premium after the 9AM CST sales cut off, eDAS would return errors and not accept the premium. RMA has recently added CR 250079 to allow for additional LRP processing time for AIPs to follow the same structure that is already in place for DRP.

LRP sales begin in the afternoon once the daily prices have released. The processing time for Agents closes the following CALENDAR day at 9AM CST. For example, if prices are released on a Wednesday afternoon, the Agent users would have until at Thursday morning at 9AM CST to complete processing unless the following calendar day (Thursday) is a Federal Holiday. If it is a Federal Holiday, then they would have until 9AM CST the following calendar date unless that date, too, is a Federal Holiday. If the second calendar date is also a Federal Holiday, the processing time would extend until the next calendar date that is NOT a Federal Holiday.

Now, with RMA's new extended processing logic, AIPs will have an additional processing window from 9AM to 12PM CST to finalize or make corrections for any premium written prior to the 9AM cutoff.

With this ticket, new LRP Lockout logic has been added to the System to prevent Agent users from processing past 9AM CST the following calendar date. The lockout logic will be driven off of a new AIP System Preference which will set the lockout time the System needs to validate against. A permission has also been added to give certain users the ability to bypass the 9AM Agent lockout logic. The System will prevent Agent users from being able to select an Effective Date when creating a new LRP premium line. Logic for the Save & Exit button when creating new LRP premium lines and logic for the Submit to eDas buttons on both the Coverages and Detail Lines tabs have also been updated to check the System time as well as to check if the user has the new bypass permission. If is it past the 9AM lockout and the user does NOT have the bypass permission, the System will not allow them to save any new premium lines for the "locked out" premium lines and will not pick up any previously saved premium lines in any transmissions (coverages will still be sent in the transmission if they are at the "Ready for Submission" Processing Status). An error message will be displayed notifying the user and asking them to contact their insurance provider for assistance.

NOTE: LRP Lamb sales have been suspended by RMA and therefore will NOT be covered by the scope of this ticket.




A bug was reported where the System was not calculating Historic Average Revenue correctly on certain policies. This bug was traced back to an issue with the calculation of Historic Average Revenue. Historic Average Revenue should be the higher of:

Average Allowable Revenue
Indexed Average Revenue (if applicable)
Expanded Operation Average Revenue (if applicable)
The Revenue Cup (if applicable)

In reviewing the policy in question, it was found that indexing did not apply and the System was correctly displaying "N/A" in all the various indexed average fields on the user interface; however, the Historic Average Revenue was set equal to what the Indexed Average Revenue would have been had indexing applied. Given this, with this ticket, the Historic Average Revenue calculation was updated to only consider the Indexed Average Revenue in the determination if indexing actually applies. For reference, indexing will only apply if all the following criteria are met:

The Allowable Revenue for one of the two most recent tax years is greater than the Simple Average,
The Index Opt Out Flag on the Income & Expense Record is not selected, and
The History Record Substitution Flag on the Income & Expense Record is not selected.


Flue Cured Tobacco: For the 2021+ Crop Years, RMA has updated the Flue Cured Tobacco (0229) insurance program with two changes. Other insurable types of Tobacco, such as Burley (0231) or Fire Cured Tobacco (0230), are not affected by these changes.

With Flue Cured Tobacco, there will be two price elections: 1) Tobacco grown under a valid contract from a processor or manufacturer will receive one price; 2) Tobacco grown without a valid contract will receive a different price. Producers with a valid contract who choose to grow more Tobacco than they have contracted will receive a weighted average price for all their insured Tobacco. Additional contract price options will continue to be available for organic certified and transitional organic practices under the Contract Price Addendum (CPA). The CP option is only available at this time on these organic type practices when the crop is Flue Cured Tobacco.

The following changes were made in order to update the System to be able to support contracted and non-contracted acreage for Flue Cured Tobacco:

The Add New Contract page was updated to allow a user to be able to key a Flue Cured Tobacco (0229) contract even if the "CP" option has been elected on the coverage.
Upon save of the Add New and Maintain Contract pages, a validation was added where the System will require a value to be keyed in the Contractor Name field.
Upon save of the Add New and Maintain Contract pages, a validation was added where the System will require a selection within the Crop Practice Dropdown field.

NOTE: If a grower has conventional (997) + Organic Transitional (OT) + Organic Certified (OC) applicable to their policy, it will be necessary for 3 contract records to be entered.

Upon save of the Add New or Maintain Contract pages, a validation was added so that when the "CP" option is not elected on the coverage, the maximum value allowed in the Contract Price field will be the "Maximum Over Established Price" (value is referenced against Price ADM A00810). If the contract price exceeds the value from the ADM, the System will display a message of "Contract Price cannot exceed the Maximum over Established price from ADM."

If the CP option is elected on the coverage, the maximum value allowed in the Contract Price field will be the Maximum Contract Price value located in the Price ADM (A00810). If the contract price exceeds the value from the ADM, the System will display a message of "Contracted price cannot exceed the Maximum Contract Price in ADM."

NOTE: There are two related tickets, TFS #125757 - Fast Edit AR and Additional Functions Dropdown updates to apply contracts, and TFS #126289- Updated Weighted Average Price Calculations to incorporate RMA Clarifications - this will include all detail line and premium calculation logic.


HIP: An AIP reported an issue where the System was creating a $0 premium HIP child line. Research found that this line had $0 in premium because the Type/Practice from the parent line was not found in the ADMs for HIP. The initial request was for the System to simply not create this child line when the Type/Practice is not insurable. However, clarification has since been received that RMA expects the P11 record in this scenario but with a non-premium acreage code applied. Given this, the System will continue to create the $0 premium line, but with this ticket, it will now also apply an "S" non-premium acreage code, indicating it is uninsurable, when the type/practice from the parent line is not found in the ADMs for HIP.


PHTS: PHTS data is comprised of Type 81 records that are similar to P-records required by PASS. During internal testing, it was found that, when a skip row width is provided in the PHTS file, it was not importing into the APH record as expected. This ticket updated the System so that data element is included in the PHTS import and used when the detail line and APH records are created.


PHTS: RMA has required a production record type code since the 2019 RY for the 2018+ Crop Years. Growers have the ability to certify a production record type code for years in their APH that are prior to 2018, but it is not required. It was recently discovered by an AIP that the imported PHTS records were not including the record type code. A backlog ticket was found and revealed a gap in the logic that was never addressed. RMA implemented the record type code in the 2020 RY within the Type 81 record format, but it had never been included as a data element in the data import process. This ticket includes the record type in the annual production record in the APH created by the PHTS import any time a record is provided in the PHTS file.