Release Notes 11.063.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.063.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


APH DATABASE: This ticket updated the APH Database Form's Crop Summary to provide more information on what was selected for Enterprise Units: Enterprise Unit Separated by Irrigation Practice (EI), Enterprise Unit Separated by Cropping Practice (EC), or Enterprise Unit Separated by Type (ET).

When Enterprise Unit Separated by Type (ET) is selected on a coverage (allowed for Wheat, Dry Beans, Dry Peas), then "ET” prints in the Crop Summary's Option field with the Type selected printed behind “ET”.
When Enterprise Unit Separated by Cropping Practice (EC) is selected on a coverage (allowed for Soybeans and Grain Sorghum), then “EC” prints in the Crop Summary's Option field with the Cropping Practice selected printed behind “EC”.
When Enterprise Unit Separated by Irrigation Practice (EI) is selected on a coverage (allowed in 2022 for Barley (0091), Canola (0015), Dry Peas (0067), Grass Seed (0102) and Wheat (0011) and for Plans YP (01), RP (02) and RPHPE (03)), then “EI” prints in the Crop Summary's Option field with the Irrigation Practice printed behind “EI”.


PRH: The Buyer Type info has been updated on the Production Revenue History form for all years (the System determines when PRH is able to be added).




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




LRP: An issue was reported where LRP premium lines were being set with a "Ready for Submission" Processing Status after save of the detail line when the Insured Signature Date and/or the Agent Signature Date was missing. When Signature Dates are missing, the System should be setting the Processing Status on the detail line to "Incomplete" as it is missing data. Logic has been updated so that when users save LRP detail lines and at least one Signature Date is missing, the System will change the Processing Status of the detail line to "Incomplete". Once both Signature Dates have been entered, the System will change the Processing Status of the detail line to "Ready for Submission" upon save of the detail line.


LRP: It was found that the Policy State and County were not printing on the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE) when a policy has an Entity State and County that differ. The State and County fields now print on page 1 in the header; however, the pre-headed report style was updated for the LRP SCE to NOT print the Policy County in the page 1 header when there are multiple county coverages selected to print. This change was done for all years.

NOTE: We recommend users select each coverage separately for this scenario if the Policy County is wanted on the form for the coverage.




Northern Potatoes: With TFS #131676 (Northern Potatoes - Add grade fields to the APH and Master Yield Summary APH so the system calculates the Average % of #1's), a way to key Grade Fields for Northern Potatoes was added under the "Misc" tab of Legacy APH for non-Master Yield units as well as Master Yield Summary/Non-Summary units. However, a bug was identified internally that caused years to be "dropped" from Master Yield Summary units when MY Summary units were added, deleted, and then re-added. The correct way to recalculate MY Summary unit data is to utilize the Additional Functions > Recalc Master Yield functionality. A change has been implemented to fix the issue of dropping years from Non-Summary units when MY Summary units are manually deleted and re-added.


Private Products


The Loss Payback Analysis was updated to use the new recalculation method to get the loss amount.


IPA: A bug was found when editing the Sales Record for an IPA amount that was over the MAX amount. When the user canceled the changes (i.e., did not override the Max IPA) after they received the validation, then when re-entering the sales record edit page, the System was still displaying the amount that was over the maximum IPA. An update was made to this page so that when canceling out of the validation on an entry where the IPA is over the MAX allowable, it will display the original amount on both the sales record main page and in the edit page of the sales record.


Fast Edit: For those AIPs using Fast Edit, an update was made to the Ins/Acre field to show two decimal places; this matches the legacy page.