Release Notes 6.040.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.040.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


eSign: The 306 Acreage Report has been modified and enabled for use within the eSign Wizard. For this form, the eSign Wizard will:

1. Require user input for:
Native Sod section in states where applicable
Measurement Service Requested

NOTE: Measurement Service Comment Entry is OPTIONAL.

2. Provide optional user input for:
Remarks Section
3. Obtain Grower/Authorized signature
4. Obtain Agent signature
5. Populate the Signature Dates




A new Online Help Site has been developed for the System. The new Online Help Site includes the following features:

Direct access to view and stream training videos for functionality in the System.
An improved user interface and greater usability. This includes improvements to search, restructured topic navigation, fewer clicks, a cleaner and more-streamlined interface, etc.
Quick access to supplemental materials such as videos, agency-facing release notes, RMA links, as well as others.

Additionally with the new Online Help Site, a new option, "Release Notes", has been added to the Help icon (?) dropdown in the System header. This option is only available when the correct permissions are set in the System.




A Special Provisions update was made available from the RMA. Four files were downloaded. Special Provisions for 2018 have been downloaded to E:\RMA Import\SPOI\2018:,, and




Performance: MCT continues to strive to identify and implement performance optimization changes when possible. With this, a change was made to the manner in which policies load to the UI. Historically, when a policy loaded, the Policies tab (which lists all policies for the grower) and the Detail Lines tab (for the first coverage on the policy) loaded along with the policy searched for. As such, there was a wait time associated with loading all of the data on the page on the initial load of the policy, especially if the user never navigated to the first coverages' Detail Line tab or the Policies tab. So, a change was made to the manner in which a policy loads after a search. Now, only the Coverages tab will be loaded, and the other policy tabs will load when a user makes a selection to view that set of data.


Policy: Previously, on the Maintain Commodity page for Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) policies, to navigate between commodities, users had to Cancel or Save & Exit from the Maintain Commodity page, return to the Commodities tab, and then select the link to open the next commodity line. A request was received to implement better navigation between commodities on WFRP policies. To maintain System consistency, this navigation will be similar to that used on MPCI policies for detail lines and APHs. This includes Next and Back buttons as well as a dropdown of all commodities to allow users to navigate between commodity lines.


Quotes: A bug was identified with SBI validations when converting a quote to a policy. When converting a quote to a policy, the System checks to see if the policy has the minimum number of SBIs required based on the grower’s Entity Type and Tax ID type. The System uses RMA's ICE Table "Entity Type Primary Producer SBI" (D00020) to determine the minimum number of SBIs based on the grower’s Entity Type and Tax ID type. This ICE table includes a record for each SBI Entity Type and Tax ID type that is valid for the grower’s Entity Type and Tax ID type. In addition, each of these records includes a minimum number of SBIs required.

Prior to 2018, the minimum SBIs required in this ICE table was "0" for all entity types. However, beginning in 2018, RMA updated the minimum SBI count for grower entity types of "J", "P", "R", and "X" from "0" to "1". This update occurred with the July PASS release. Following this update, users began receiving errors when attempting to convert a quote to a policy for growers with entity types of "J", "P", "R", and "X".

The reason for these errors was that the System was looking for at least one SBI record (based on the new minimum SBI required in the ICE Table) that matched the SBI Entity Type and SBI Tax ID type for every single record in ICE D00020 for the grower Entity Type and Tax ID type. The System should have been looking for at least one SBI record total rather than one SBI record for each Entity Type and Tax ID type combination in the ICE table. The SBI validation logic that triggers when converting a quote to a policy has been updated to require at least one SBI record total rather than at least one record for every Entity Type and Tax ID type combination in the ICE table.


WFRP: In the 2018 RY, PRF ADMs added more intervals (practice codes) with the introduction of organic, organic transitional, and other practices to the standard irrigated/non-irrigated practice codes. To aid agents and AIPs processing WFRP, the practice codes were added in parentheses next to the different intervals on the detail line as well as next to the interval on the View Detail Line grid.


WFRP: MCT has received an enhancement request for the ability to key estimated MPCI Liability on WFRP policies. AIPs are requesting this functionality because the Intended Farm Operation Report is keyed on or around the WFRP Sales Closing Date of 2/28 or 3/15 and MPCI acres are not keyed until July. Given this, the final MPCI Liability amount is not known at the time the Intended Farm Operation Report is keyed.

The existing MPCI Liability field cannot be used to key an estimated value since existing functionality related to this field ties into the MPCI policy. When acres are keyed to the MPCI policy and the coverage is marked complete, the System will update the MPCI Liability value on the WFRP policy so long as the value has not been overridden by a user. To key an estimated value in this field, the user would have to apply the override, at which point the System would never push the actual MPCI Liability to the WFRP policy once the MPCI acres are keyed because the override would be applied.

To accommodate this request, a new UI and database field for "Estimated MPCI Liability" was added to the Income & Expense Record with TFS #67311 in the 6.035 Release. If a value is keyed in this field, the System will use it as the MPCI Liability in the premium and liability calculations. When an Estimated MPCI Liability is being used in the premium calculation, the Estimated MPCI Liability entered in the Estimated MPCI Liability field on the Income & Expenses page is printed in the MPCI Liability field on the SOI in the Premium Summary section and "Estimated" prints under that value. Once an actual MPCI Liability value is applied, the System will use the actual MPCI Liability in the premium and liability calculations.

This ticket implemented changes to the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) WFRP format to use the Estimated Liability amount when applicable. All changes apply to the 2018+ RYs only.