Release Notes 16.030.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 16.030.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


RMA released the 2024 Shellfish Crop Provisions, and they have been implemented in the System.


The annually required form that was once "Marketing Certification," was changed to "Direct Marketing Certification." The form is required to still be completed by insureds that intend to direct market any portion of their crop(s). When acceptable verifiable productions are required, the form must also be completed.

Changes that were made:

Page 1: Within the header, the Insured's info and Agency/Agent borders were not connected.
The version date was updated to "08-2023."
Regarding pages 2+: the Crop Year, Insured, and Print date were not justified right when the form was printing pre-headed.
Regarding pages 2+: The AIP Title Tagline is no longer centered.
Within the Required Statement Section on page 2, the word "above," located after the word "criteria" inside the 4 check box statements was removed.


The WFRP Combo Form was updated to prepare for the next year.

Changes that were made:

On the Combo Form, logic was added to the form to only print the Native Sod Statement for the states it is required. On a blank or pre-headed with Agency Only, the Statement prints since we do not know what Policy State the policy will have.
EXP VALUE AND YIELD SOURCE DOC PAGE IN COMBO FORM AND STAND ALONE FORM - Years Excluded field was added, which is user filled.
EXP VALUE AND YIELD SOURCE DOC PAGE IN COMBO FORM AND STAND ALONE FORM - Five lines are in the Combined Direct Marketing Commodity or Micro Farm Information table.
APP PAGES - A new field titled "Exclude Other Coverage" was added to page 1. This field is only marked when pre-filling the form and this new field on the MPCI Coverage table has been indicated.
APP PAGES - in Policy Transfer Section, added at the end "q Yes - Exclude FCIC reinsured policies from becoming primary insurance?" Checkbox is user filled.
REV & EXP PAGES - "Other commodity income not reported elsewhere" was added in 8 or 43 Line number at the end. This item is user filled.
All pages were updated with some formatting to be consistent with the base form standards.
The Organic Producer Certification Statement verbiage was updated, and the word "system" was added in front of "plan" to the statement.
Current Statement: I certify that I have an organic plan, or organic certificate in place or that I have provided a written request for an updated plan or certificate to the certifying agent for all acreage reported as certified organic or transitional organic.
Updated Statement: I certify that I have an organic system plan, or organic certificate in place or that I have provided a written request for an updated plan or certificate to the certifying agent for all acreage reported as certified organic or transitional organic.
Revision date was updated to "11-2023".




DRP is the only livestock product currently supported through the PHTS system with RMA. The UI on the Coverage was updated to default the PHTS request = M for new coverage and policies as well as allow selection of a PHTS request flag for carryover policies, as desired. The PHTS request flag is sent to PASS on the P14 record and the PHTS file returned following processing of the transmission. The PHTS file then needs to be imported into the system via the FCIC Transmission UI. TFS 148263 (also in this release) handles the actual import of the returned file as well as the display of the received data in the Policy Utility Tab (View PHTS Information link).

Changes that were made:

The PHTS flag defaults to M when creating a new livestock coverage or policy. The select list is populated with values from an RMA ICE table. When a PHTS file is returned and processed into the system and that file contains that DRP policy, the request flag on the DRP coverage is removed and the file import date displayed.


Previously, on the Add New Detail Line and View Detail Line page for LRP, on an SCE row, when a user selected a Type or Practice on a row, if both Type and Practice subsequently had a selected value, the Target Weight field updated to set a minimum allowable value, a maximum allowable value, and default the display with a value that is the "average" target weight for the Type/Practice combination. If a different Type or Practice was then selected, the System once again determined the min, max, and default values for the Target Weight field. The default "average" value will always be the same for any particular single Type, regardless of the Practice selected for that Type.


A request was received to update the Target Weight field so that when the Type doesn't change but the Practice changes for an SCE row, the Target Weight will not be updated to display the average weight IF a value exists in the Target Weight field that is within the min and max target weight range of the new Type/Practice combination. If a new Type is selected and then a new Practice, the Target Weight field for that row will update to the average weight for that Type/Practice combination like it did previously.


Changes that were made:

Logic was added to the SCE row on the Add New Detail Line and View Detail Line pages for LRP so that if a Type and Practice was previously set and a target weight greater than "0" displays in the Target Weight field and then a new Practice was selected, the System did NOT set the target weight to the average weight in the Target Weight field IF the existing value in this field was within the min and max range of the new Type/Practice combination.




The RMA released a new CLU Layer - August 2023; this has been implemented in the System and is visible when the CLU Layer is turned on in Mapping.


A new updated 2023 HR Map Layer was loaded into the Mapping module.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


Items that were found testing the Production Worksheet Ticket #152111 in the 16.025.0 Release were finished.

Changes that were made:

The MP child printing no longer prints on the form.
The Statement section was fixed so that if an agent code wrapped to two lines, an extra line no longer showed up in the Agent Signature box.
The coverage has rolled to the next year printing, the next year is the Approved Yield under the current I/UI checkboxes. It displays a similar example like "2024 Approved Yield: ##.##".


Items that were found testing the Production Report Ticket #152110 in the 16.025.0 Release were finished.

Changes that were made:

The ampersand issue in the Farm Name was fixed.
The Production field now prints zero if an APH Yield Desc has been entered.
The coverage has rolled to the next year printing, the next year is the Approved Yield under the current Approved Yield field. It displays a similar example like "2024 Approved Yield: ##.##".


Private Products


The eHarvest Home Page was updated.

Changes that were made:

The "Our Financial Strength" statement was updated from "Our Financial Strength - Hudson Crop agents are backed by over $3B in policyholder surplus and OdysseyRe’s financial strength, including an A.M. Best ranking for Hudson Insurance Group as an A “Excellent” company and maintains its position among the largest crop insurance carriers in the industry for financial size." to "Our Financial Strength – Hudson Crop agents are backed by more than $3B in policyholder surplus and OdysseyRe’s financial strength, including an A.M. Best ranking for Hudson Insurance Group as an A+ “Superior” company and maintains its position among the largest crop insurance carriers in the industry for financial size."


The User Profile Screen and User Category Value were updated.

An issue was found where the "User Category" value on a User's account that was assigned by the system's User Administrator could be set to blank if that system End User makes a change to the User information in their User Profile screen. The "User Category" value on the User account does not impact any user's rights, access or functionality, but is made available for system User Administrators to use when reviewing and categorizing their system User list.

With this change, the User Category values no longer reset to blank when the End User makes a change within their User Profile screen.