Release Notes 12.035.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 12.035.0.

System Updates

Entity Management


Grower Wizard: When a change is made to the agency, TIN, TIN type, or Entity Type on a grower record, the System invokes the Grower Wizard. Within the Grower Wizard, the user selects whether the change is a "Correction" or "Revision". Selecting "Correction" will update the existing grower record (and all policies for the grower), while "Revision" will create a NEW grower record and allow the user to select which policies should be attached to the new grower record. The option to process a "Correction" is permission-driven, and AIPs do not typically give this permission to agency users.

Last year an issue was reported with the agency user's ability to make corrections to grower records when they were flagged as Prospective Growers. TFS #130895 was implemented to allow agency users to process changes through the Grower Wizard under the "Revision" option but without actually creating a new grower record if only quotes existed for the grower. An AIP recently reported that the System was incorrectly creating a new grower record when a "Revision" was processed for a grower record with only quotes attached. This bug has been fixed to ensure a new grower record is not created when only quotes are attached to the grower record.


Forms & Reports


An Automate Report button has been added to a handful of MPCI reports, allowing users to schedule reports to run with the selected criteria at different intervals. The reports will be set up and managed through a new dashboard called the Automated Report Dashboard. Once the scheduled reports are created, they will run based on the schedule provided and can be picked up in the Print Queue as a user would normally do when running the same report manually. MPCI Reports currently available with the new Automate Report button:

LPR Report
MPCI Outstanding Balance Report
Area Plan Production
Detail Lines
Final Tonnage
WFRP Farm Operation Report
Written Agreement Status


ARH Cherry Sweet and Tart Provisions that are effective for the 2023 and succeeding CYs have been implemented in the System. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab and from the Batch Printing menu.


The 2023 Rainfall Index (RI) Common Policy for PRF (008), API (1191), and Annual Forage (0332) has been implemented in the System. Updated 2023 Provisions for PRF have also been implemented in the System. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab and from the Batch Printing menu.


The Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) for Pecans has been updated in the following ways for all years:

"If, YES, then hard copy records of acreage and production are required." was added to the end of PAW Question #2.
"If, NO, then hard copy records of acreage and production are required." was added to the end of PAW Question #3.
The PAIR Date label and data were moved to the left to be in the same location as they are in the Apple Tree PAW format.


With this ticket, the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) (only the all other MPCI crops, SOI as an Acreage Report (SOI / AR), and SOI / Production Report (SOI / PR) formats) has been updated with the following regulatory updates and other one touch ticket items for all years:

An addition was made to the STAX rule for acres to not to print for MP and MP-HPO lines in the Crop Summary and Premium Summary sections.
For the SOI / AR format, 2023 DSSH Direct Marketing verbiage was added.
"PACE" for PACE child lines now prints under the Crop in a bold, larger font, just like ECO, HIP, and SCO.
In the Premium Summary section, the ECO, HIP, PACE, and SCO lines will now print in alpha order when more than one exists for the coverage.
"/ Section Equivalents" was added to the Legal Description item in the Legend.
The Section Equivalent (SEI) data will now print after the applicable Section / Township / Range (STR) (e.g., "(020) 082N-023W TX-14RNR35-22").


This ticket was comprised of 2023 DSSH updates to the Non-Discrimination Statement verbiage. The Non-Discrimination Statement is table-drive, so all forms that display the statement on the form pull from the same location. No individual forms were updated; just the statement that is pulled into the forms.

NOTE: The first paragraph of the Non-Discrimination Statement did not change.


The following formats of the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) were updated with this ticket:

Annual Forage
Fruit & Trees
All other MPCI crops
SOI as an Acreage Report (SOI / AR) (may not be turned on for all AIPs per their request)
SOI / Production Report (SOI / PR) (may not be turned on for all AIPs per their request)

The following updates were made for all years:

"P = Precision Ag record exist" was added to the Legend.
If a planted CLU exists with a PrecisionAg Indicator, "P" will print behind the applicable field with a space separating the field data and the "P".
Sub Field data will print with the Field data; this is currently printing on the AR CLU form.
On the SOI / AR, a Precision Farming Statement was added to the Statement Page and will always print. The Statement label is "Precision Farming", and the statement is "I will be using Precision Farming: Yes No" with checkboxes before "Yes" and "No".

NOTE: You must have a policy with PrecisionAg records imported into Mapping and sync'd to the AR. If the PrecisionAg records exist but haven't been sync'd to AR, nothing will show on the forms.


Livestock: The Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Schedule of Insurance (SOI) has been updated in the following ways for all years:

The AOI field and label were moved to start under the Agency / Agent Info on the same line as Spouse Name and Info.
The Signature Authorization field was updated to extend the entire width of the form.
The Livestock Information section was updated to start on page 1 and continue on page 2 if needed.
"(except for area plans of insurance)" was removed from the A&O not as it doesn't apply to Livestock.
"Standard" was updated to "Livestock" in the A&O Notice so that the correct name is used for the Reinsurance Agreement for Livestock.


Livestock: The Diary Revenue Protection (DRP) Declaration Page has been updated in the following ways for all years:

When the include canceled coverage(s) print option is selected, any canceled coverages for the policy that do not have a coverage status of "Canceled-Keying Error" will now print with "CANCELED" listed under the canceled coverage in the Crop field.
The header on pages 2+ was updated to the new base format with no logo in the top-left corner; instead, the insured's name and agency name (agency code) will display in that area. Also, no AIP contact info will display in the top-right corner of the header on pages 2+; instead, the Crop Year and policy # will print in this area.
The logic of the form was updated to not print any active coverages that do not have an App Sign Date.

NOTE: Batch Printing currently has an option to include quotes and policies without App Sign Dates. If this option is selected and the DRP Dec Page is also selected, coverages without App Sign Dates will not be included on the DRP Dec Page.

Spouse was moved into the Insured's Info box, and "Name" was added to the "Spouse's Name" label.
The "Include canceled Coverages" print option label was updated to "Include Canceled Coverages".


Livestock: The Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE) has been updated in the following ways for all years:

The new Legal Descriptions and Zip Codes for detail lines (added to the System with TFS 141520) will print on pre-filled forms only. The field will be blank unless the data has been entered on the UI pages. Each Detail Line has the ability to have a Legal Location. The applicable detail line number will print before the Legal Location data for that detail line.
The Legal Location field was moved up to display under the Signature Authorization to allow more room for each of the fields.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




LRP: An enhancement request was received to add a new field on the LRP Detail Line page to allow users to enter Legal Descriptions and Zip Codes for the detail line so that the data could then also be printed on the SCE forms. With this ticket, a new Remarks field with open entry text was added to the Add / Maintain Detail Line pages for LRP only for the 2023+ RYs. This field will display and be accessible for all users who have access to update LRP detail lines. This field will allow for up to a maximum of 1,000 characters.




PRF: PRF Map books were triggering an error if the report was printed by Unit Group and the policy did not contain a PRF coverage. This has been resolved.




Companion Policy: During internal testing of Companion Policy functionality, an issue was identified where the Acres and Plant Date were not being saved when the Land ID popup was saved and then closed when companion links existed. With this ticket, the JavaScript code on the Fast Edit AR page was updated to keep acres and plant date fields as read-only in the case of companion lines.


Fast Edit CLU: Users reported that some prior-year CLUs were being skipped on import from CIMS. The issue was narrowed down to having problems with 4 digit section numbers being skipped; this has been resolved.


Forage Production: Back in June, it was found that Fast Edit AR was inadvertently made available for Forage Production. Acreage for Forage Production is intended to be processed via the Underwriting Report rather than Fast Edit AR. After discussing this with AIPs, the decision was made to remove access to Fast Edit AR for Forage Production. However, now that agents are processing Forage Production, they are requesting Fast Edit AR access be turned back on. Certain agents utilize workflows that use Fast Edit AR to break out child lines by plant date.

With this ticket, Fast Edit AR has been turned back on for Forage Production. For users choosing to utilize Fast Edit AR for Forage Production, the recommended workflow is as follows:

1. Process acres through Fast Edit AR.
Key all acres, plant dates, etc.
Create child lines as needed for different plant dates, insurable and uninsurable acres.
2. Apply AR Sign Dates through the Fast Edit AR Signature Maintenance page.

NOTE: Any child lines created through Fast Edit AR will display as "Related" so they are easily identifiable.

3. Navigate to the Underwriting Report and key any necessary updates.
4. On save of the Underwriting Report page, a prompt will display asking if you would like to update acres on the detail line. Select "No" for this prompt.
It is very import to select "No" for this prompt if you previously updated acres via the Fast Edit AR to avoid the System changing acres on the detail lines and combining all insurable acres into one line and all uninsurable acres into another. In addition, the push of acres from the FUR to the detail line is designed to be a onetime push vs updating existing acres, so this process is not recommended when acres are updated via Fast Edit AR.


Issues were reported where the System was not applying Acreage Reporting Sign Dates or requiring the Share be keyed on "No Longer Farming Units (NLF)" lines. System logic has been updated to have STAX Detail Lines skip the Grower Share and Signature Date completion tasks when the detail line is marked as "No Longer Farming" as it currently does with other plans.


Perennials: An issue was found internally where existing logic for Pistachios was not working as originally designed. The System was calculating an Approved Yield for a Pistachio APH when less than 4 years of history existed. For Pistachios, per the Crop Insurance Handbook, a minimum of 4 years of actual yields are required in each APH database in order to calculate an Approved Yield. The System has been updated to no longer allow an Approved Yield to be calculated if at least a minimum of 4 years of history do not exist. The System will set the Approved Yield to 0.00. Along with this functionality, a suspension will now trigger if minimum production has not been met within an APH.


Perennials: An issue was reported where a user was not able to get the "AY" yield type to correctly save within an APH database once the "YA" was removed from an applicable Crop Year within the APH Utilities Grid. A system fix was implemented to allow for a user to manually be able to key an "AY" Yield Type for an applicable Crop Year within the APH.


Perennials: The CIH, paragraph 1863, APH Database Tests for High Variability of Actual (and Assigned) Yields, provides testing requirements designed to identify alternate bearing and downward trending for Category C crop yields. A severe freeze in January and March of 2022 in Florida and Georgia caused damage that may have inadvertently triggered certain databases for high variability adjustments. Due to this, the Valdosta RO UG has issued a change for Blueberries in Florida and Georgia. The Valdosta RO UG memorandum that was released by RMA provides instructions on excluding the 2022 Crop Year yield from High Variability Testing calculations for Blueberries in Florida and Georgia.

With this ticket, a fix has been implemented for the High Variability logic for the following exceptions:

Waives all High Variability - Alternate Bearing adjustments and no additional testing is required for triggered calculations.
High Variability Downward Trend test to exclude the 2022 Crop Year for triggered calculations.


Perennials: With this ticket, the System has been updated so that at save of the APH for Almonds, the System will apply the higher of the calculated yield or the Davis RO higher yield value. If the calculated yield is applied, the System will remove the "higher yield" label and checkbox from the APH page.