Fast Edit AR: When the new Fast Edit AR functionality was implemented, validations were added that result in Hard Stops, Errors, and Warnings. The intention of the three error types is to allow users to save with Errors and Warnings, while Hard Stops must be resolved before continuing with save. In addition, a new flag was added to identify any detail line with Errors; the Error flag is set for any detail line with Errors.
With this ticket, the detail line status logic has been updated to include the Error flag as part of the criteria for determining the "Complete" status. Any detail line with the Error flag will be considered "Incomplete" until the errors are resolved. Also, the Validation Message associated with the Error will display in the Premium Line Status page when the Incomplete status link is selected.
The following updates have been made to the System logic for determining detail line status:
For Plans 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, and 90 |
If reported acres are greater than 0; |
If reported acres are greater than 0 and designated as Prevented Plant (PP); or |
If reported acres are greater than 0 and designated as Uninsurable (UI). |
The detail line will be considered "Incomplete" if Errors exist on the detail line and the Error Flag has been set: [MpciPremiumLine.HasErrors] = "1". |
NOTE: This is not the only criteria for determining the detail line status. The Error Status flag must be considered in addition to the existing criteria.
If the user selects the "Incomplete" detail line link on the View Detail Lines page, then the following message will display in the Premium Line Status page: "Detail Line Has Errors that must be resolved: [Validation Message]" |
The following validation messages will display on the Premium Line Status page when the detail line has been saved via the Fast Edit AR page with the corresponding "Error" applied: |
If the DC option is selected then no other options can be applied. |
If the DC option is selected then no additional options can be applied. |
If the DC option is selected the Premium Line cannot be marked as "Uninsurable". |
If the DC option is selected the Premium Line cannot be marked as "Prevented Plant (PP)". |
Share must be 1.000 when DC option is elected. |
Reported Acres are required when the DC option is selected. |
APH Procedural Exception Code is not allowed when the DC option is selected. |
APH Procedural Exception Number is not allowed when the DC option is selected. |
Plant Date is not allowed when the DC option is selected. |
Estimated Yield is not allowed when the DC option is selected. |
Estimated Rate Yield is not allowed when the DC option is selected. |
Commodity Cropping Status is not allowed when the DC option is selected. |
*Comments is not allowed when the DC option is selected. |
*Comments cannot be printed when the DC option is selected. |
**A high risk map area is required because there is a buy up coverage with the "HR" OR "HR-ACE" option. |
***Please select a Procedure Code. |
A procedure number greater than 000 is required. |
NOTE: KNOWN ISSUES: 1. Comments are not allowed, and "Comments cannot be printed..." errors are displaying incorrectly on the Premium Line Status page if both errors exist on a single detail line. This issue will be resolved in a future release with TFS #80354. 2. The Map Area for HR-ACE validation is not triggering in either the Add/Maintain Detail Line or Fast Edit AR pages. This issue will be resolved in a future release with TFS #80518. 3. The Procedure Code Validation in the Fast Edit AR page - it is not advised to use this validation to test this ticket as the validation is currently displaying as a Hard Error rather than an Error and is not consistently being used to determine the detail line status. This issue will be corrected in a future release with TFS #80354.
Fast Edit AR/PR: Currently, the Fast Edit AR/PR pages will apply sign dates to only lines marked as modified and zero acre lines (if process zero AR is selected). After the Fast Edit AR/PR pages were implemented, AIPs raised concerns over sign dates not being pushed to all lines. Agents were keying production and/or acres in the grid and then coming back in later to load sign dates, and if all lines were not marked as modified, the dates were not pushed to the detail line and coverages were not marked as complete. The signature date functionality was designed this way to force the user to designate the lines to be updated with sign dates similar to the legacy functionality. However, given AIP concerns, it was decided to update this functionality to apply sign dates to all lines for the coverage and planting season.
The Fast Edit Signature Maintenance pages have been updated to apply signature dates to all lines for the coverage regardless of modified status. In Fast Edit PR (including subsequent year reporting, current year reporting, ARPI/STAX and WFRP), the System will apply dates to all lines for the coverage. In Fast Edit AR, the System will apply dates to all detail lines for the coverage and selected planting season.
WFRP: In the 2018 Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) policy, RMA has provided clarification around what is considered an early fiscal year tax filer vs. a later fiscal year tax filer. Early fiscal year filers are now defined as producers with a tax year that begins February through August, and late fiscal year filers are defined as producers with a tax year that begins September through December. January is not included in the fiscal year definitions because producers with a tax year beginning in January are calendar year tax filers.
RMA added edits to the P19 record, on which the fiscal year beginning and ending dates are sent, to require the early fiscal year beginning dates to be after January but prior to September and late fiscal year beginning dates to be September or later. To assist users in entering the correct dates and avoiding errors, a validation was added to the System around the early and late fiscal year beginning dates.
Validation edits have been added to the WFRP coverage pages. When an early fiscal year is selected, the System will require a start date later than January and before September of the crop year. When late fiscal year is selected, the System will require a start date of September, November, or December of the Crop Year.
In addition, a small bug was found where the System was allowing an ending date that was prior to the beginning date. A validation edit has been added to require the ending date to be after the beginning date.
WFRP: A Vertically Integrated checkbox was implemented on the MPCI coverage page a few years ago to allow AIPs/Agents to track producers who insured crops which were part of a vertically integrated farming operation. This flag allows AIPs to monitor and complete necessary pre-harvest inspections to comply with RMA regulations around vertically integrated producers. It was recently determined that the flag was missing from the WFRP coverage. This has now been added, allowing AIPs/Agents to set the flag on the WFRP coverage as well as underlying MPCI coverages, if applicable.
APH: Beginning in the 2018 RY, RMA has added a new procedure that allows growers to elect to exclude acreage damaged by an unavoidable uninsured fire (UUF) or a third party from their APH databases. In order to qualify for this procedure, the acreage report must be modified to indicate the acreage for which UUF/Third Party Damage procedures apply.
NOTE: This requirement to modify the acreage report is waived for 2017 acreage.
In the following RY, acreage previously reported as UUF/Third Party Damage will be excluded from the APH database. If part of the acreage was damaged by UUF or a third party but additional undamaged production/acres exists, the undamaged production/acreage only will be included in the APH database identified by the new "FA" yield type. If all acreage for the APH was damaged by UUF or a third party, the acreage and production are both reported as zero in the APH database identified by the new "FD" yield type.
NOTE: The "FD" yield type will work the same way as the "Q" yield type applicable to short rate acreage. This includes existing System functionality that utilizes a separate grid for short rate.
With this ticket, the existing short rate history APH grid was updated to also include UUF and third party damaged history on the legacy APH page. In addition, the APH functionality was updated to account for the new yield types of "FD" and "FA" on the legacy APH page. All changes are for the 2018+ RYs:
Updated Short Rate History grid on the legacy APH page to always display. Previously, the Short Rate grid only displayed when the "SR" option was available for the RY/State/County/Crop/Type. However, since this same grid will be used for UUF/Third Party Damage, it needed to display for all crops/plans. |
Changed the "Short Rate History" label on the legacy APH to "Misc." |
Modified the Misc grid to display 5 years for Apples and Peaches. |
Updated the APH logic to account for the new yield type of "FA". |
"FA" is considered an actual yield type and is eligible for YA, TA, and YE. |
Acres must be greater than 0 for the "FA" yield type. |
Updated the APH logic to account for the new yield type of "FD". |
"FD" is considered an actual year of producing the crop and is used to determine eligibility for new producer, TA, and YE. |
"FD" is not eligible for yield substitutions, including YA, TA, and YE. |
"FD" yield years will not be used in the calculation of average, rate, adjusted, or approved yields. |
Acres must equal 0 when the "FD" yield type is applied. |
"FD" is only applicable to the Misc. APH grid. |
If the user keys an "FD" yield type in the standard Production History grid, then on save of the legacy APH, the System will move the year to the Misc. grid. |
Changed the yield type in the Short Rate History grid to an editable dropdown rather than a read-only field. |
"Q" and "FD" will be the only available options in the dropdown. |
Acres must be greater than 0 when the "Q" yield type is selected. |
Acres must be equal to 0 when the "FD" yield type is selected. |
"Q" will only display for selection if the "SR" option is available in the Option Rate ADM (A01060) for the RY/State/County/Crop. |
Updated existing validations and added a new validation to account for UUF & Third Party Damage. |
Updated the existing short rate validation that does not allow short rate acres in the same crop year as planted acres to also include UUF/Third Party Damage acreage. |
On save of the legacy APH, if a year in the Misc. grid exists with the "Q" or "FD" yield type and that same year with acres greater than 0 exists in the Production History grid, then an error will be received. |
Added a validation to require acres equal to zero when the "FD" yield type exists in a yield year. |
On save of the legacy APH, if acres greater than 0 and an "FD" yield type exist, an error will be received. |
Added a validation to require a year if a yield type is applied in the Misc. grid. |
On save of the legacy APH, if a yield type exists in the Misc. grid but a year has not been applied, an error will be received. |
Updated the existing validation message for maximum allowable years for short rate to also reference UUF/Third Party Damage. |
Updated message: "Year in short rate/UUF/third party damage history is greater than maximum allowable value". |
APH: Beginning in the 2018 RY, RMA has added a new procedure that allows growers to elect to exclude acreage damaged by an unavoidable uninsured fire (UUF) or a third party from their APH databases. In order to qualify for this procedure, the acreage report must be modified to indicate the acreage for which UUF/Third Party Damage procedures apply.
NOTE: This requirement to modify the acreage report is waived for 2017 acreage.
In the following RY, acreage previously reported as UUF/Third Party Damage will be excluded from the APH database. If part of the acreage was damaged by UUF or a third part but additional undamaged production/acres exists, the undamaged production/acreage only will be included in the APH database identified by the new "FA" yield type. If all acreage for the APH was damaged by UUF or a third party, the acreage and production are both reported as zero in the APH database identified by the new "FD" yield type.
NOTE: The "FD" yield type will work the same way as the "Q" yield type applicable to short rate acreage. This includes existing System functionality that utilizes a separate grid for short rate.
With this ticket, the existing short rate history APH grid was updated to also include UUF and third party damaged history in the APH Drawer. In addition, the APH functionality was updated to account for the new yield types of "FD" and "FA" on the APH Drawer. All changes are for the 2018+ RYs:
Updated Short Rate History grid on the APH Drawer to always display. |
Previously the Short Rate grid only displayed when the "SR" option was available for the RY/State/County/Crop. However, since this same grid will be used for UUF/Third Party Damage it will need to display for all crops/plans. |
Changed the "Short Rate History" label on the APH Drawer to "Misc." |
Modified the Misc. grid to display 5 years for Apples and Peaches. |
Updated the APH logic to account for the new yield type of "FA". |
"FA" is considered an actual yield type and is eligible for YA, TA, and YE. |
Acres must be greater than 0 for the "FA" yield type. |
Updated the APH logic to account for the new yield type of "FD". |
"FD" is considered an actual year of producing the crop and is used to determine eligibility for new producer, TA, and YE. |
"FD" is not eligible for yield substitutions including YA, TA, and YE. |
"FD" yield years will not be used in the calculation of average, rate, adjusted, or approved yields. |
Acres must equal 0 when the "FD" yield type is applied. |
"FD" is only applicable to the Misc. APH grid. |
If the user keys an "FD" yield type in the standard Production History grid, on save of the APH Drawer, the System will move the year to the Misc. grid. |
NOTE: Because "FD" requires 0 acres, users will not be able to key "FD" in the current RY -1 APH yield year within Fast Edit PR or the APH Drawer. By design, only lines with acres greater than 0 in the current RY -1 APH yield year are pulled into the Fast Edit PR grid. Changing the acres to 0 in the current RY -1 yield year causes display issues with the line. Since the "FD" yield type will typically be rolled from claims, this is considered working as designed. If an "FD" needs to be manually applied in the current RY -1 yield year, the legacy APH can be utilized.
Changed the yield type in the Short Rate History grid to an editable dropdown rather than a read-only field. |
"Q" and "FD" will be the only available options in the dropdown. |
Acres must be greater than 0 when the "Q" yield type is selected. |
Acres must be equal to 0 when the "FD" yield type is selected. |
"Q" will only display for selection if the "SR" option is available in the Option Rate ADM (A01060) for the RY/State/County/Crop. |
Updated existing validations and added a new validation to account for UUF and Third Party Damage. |
Updated the existing short rate validation that does not allow short rate acres in the same crop year as planted acres to also include UUF/Third Party Damage acreage. |
On save of the APH Drawer, if a year in the Misc. grid exists with the "Q" or "FD" yield type and that same year with acres greater than 0 exists in the Production History grid, an error will be received. |
Added a validation to require acres equal to 0 when the "FD" yield type exists in a yield year. |
On save of the APH Drawer, if acres greater than 0 and an "FD" yield type exist, an error will be received. |
Added a validation to require a year if a yield type is applied in the Misc. grid. |
On save of the APH Drawer, if a yield type exists in the Misc. grid but a year has not been applied, an error will be received. |
Updated the existing validation message for maximum allowable years for short rate to also reference UUF/Third Party Damage. |
Updated message: "Year in short rate/UUF/third party damage history is greater than maximum allowable value". |