Release Notes 7.115.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 7.115.0.


System Updates



The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


Notifications: Billing Notification functionality for Revised Combo and Grower batches has been implemented. Each Agency has a new flag, Notifications Enabled, which must be set to "Yes" for that Agency's Agents or Growers to receive Notification Emails. When the Notification feature is enabled in the environment, this new flag is visible on the Agency record and can be set by editing the Agency in the System. Each Grower has a new flag, Notification Key Account. When the Notification feature is enabled in the environment, this new flag is visible on the Grower page and can be modified by editing the Grower record.




The default colors for unplanted fields and non-cropland fields have been adjusted to lighter shades. Users reported that when selecting fields, they couldn't see a difference between the selected fields and the other unplanted fields.

1. If a user hasn't setup a color preference for grower fields or non-cropland, the grower fields will be shaded a light orange and the non-cropland will be a light gray.
To verify the undesignated color, click on a field and verify no planting record information has been recorded. To clear all planting records on the field, click the Remove All button to clear all planting data.
To designate a field as Non-Cropland, select a field, then click Update Field in the tool bar, select the Non-Cropland checkbox and click Save.
2. Users can click on Shading > Manage Shading & Logos, then click the Default Colors tab to adjust these settings.




Fast Edit: The following navigation enhancements have been made to aid users while processing Production and Acreage Reports via Fast Edit pages.

The following search options have been added to the standard search dropdown but will only display if a valid RY has been provided for each option. Also, these new search options will only support a Policy Number search. If a non-numeric or blank value is provided in the search criteria field, the field will be highlighted in red and flash a few times to bring attention to the user that a policy number has not been provided.
Fast Edit AR (Available only if the selected RY is 2016 or greater)
Fast Edit CLU (Available only if the selected RY is 2018 or greater)
Fast Edit PR (Available only if the selected RY is 2016 or greater)
The Policy Header within Fast Edit AR, Fast Edit CLU, and Fast Edit PR has been updated and will now display the list of policies associated with the grower record tied to the policy from which the current Fast Edit page was launched.
Only policies with at least 1 active coverage for the same RY as the policy on the current Fast Edit page will be available for selection. Upon selection of one of these policies, the System will load that policy into the same Fast Edit page the initial policy was launched from. For example, if a user launches policy 1234567 in Fast Edit AR and then chooses another policy for that same Grower and RY from the Policy header, then the new policy will load into Fast Edit AR and all coverage banners will be collapsed.
If none of the coverages on the newly selected policy are supported by a particular Fast Edit page, the page will load with a message indicating the coverages are not supported.
Navigation between policies is not allowed if the policy currently loaded into Fast Edit has unsaved changes. The user will be required to save or cancel their changes first.


Margin Protection: For the 2019 RY, RMA made several rating changes for Plans 16 and 17. AIPs may reference the M13 premium calculation exhibits for additional detail. All code changes have been incorporated for the 2019 RY.


Added/Primary County: An issue was reported with the Added County functionality where users were unable to designate both a coverage and its related high risk coverage (due to either HB or HR options) as the Primary County. The Added County procedures state that the same options and endorsements must exist on an Added County coverage that exist on the Primary County coverage. Given this, the System should allow both the high-risk coverage and its related base coverage to be designated as the Primary County. A fix has been implemented to allow this. In addition, the functionality to create an Added County coverage has been updated to allow Added County coverages to be created for both the high risk and base coverages.


System Infrastructure


A 2019 Special Provisions Update that was made available from RMA on 2/16/2019. The following Special Provisions for 2019 have been downloaded ( and

Orange Trees (0207) - Plan TDO (40) - Year 2020 - SCD 4/15/2019

FL (12) - multiple counties

Grapefruit Trees (0208) - Plan TDO (40) - Year 2020 - SCD 4/15/2019

FL (12) - multiple counties

Lemon Trees (0209) - Plan TDO (40) - Year 2020 - SCD 4/15/2019

FL (12) - multiple counties

Lime Trees (0210) - Plan TDO (40) - Year 2020 - SCD 4/15/2019

FL (12) - multiple counties

All Other Citrus Trees (0211) - Plan TDO (40) - Year 2020 - SCD 4/15/2019

FL (12) - multiple counties

Avocados Trees (0212) - Plan TDO (40) - Year 2020 - SCD 4/15/2019

FL (12) - 1 county

Carambola Trees (0213) - Plan TDO (40) - Year 2020 - SCD 4/15/2019

FL (12) - multiple counties

Mango Trees (0214) - Plan TDO (40) - Year 2020 - SCD 4/15/2019

FL (12) - 1 county

Oysters (0115) - Plan AYP (04) - Year 2020 - SCD 4/20/2019

LA (22) - multiple counties