Release Notes 8.105.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 8.105.0.

System Updates



Policy Estimates: This ticket implemented the new Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP) Endorsement on Policy Estimates for the most common scenarios. It is largely formatted after SCO, so users should feel familiar with how HIP will be displayed. The following items were addressed with this ticket:

HIP will now appear as a Default/Additional Option on the Policy Estimate Scenarios UI when available for the state/county/coverage selected.
The HIP Coverage Percentage field will appear once HIP is selected.
HIP child lines, HIP-SE child of child lines (when applicable), and a Totals row will appear on the Policy Estimate Calculations UI/Printout when selected for the scenario.


Policy Estimates: With this ticket, the following formatting updates have been made to SCO, SE, and STAX child lines on Policy Estimates:

The description on SCO child lines has been modified to add the word "Range" after SCO Coverage Range and remove the duplicate "SCO" display.
The description on SCO/SE child of child lines has been modified to add the word "Seed-", add the word "Range", and remove the duplicate "SCO" display.
The ordering of SCO/SE scenarios has been updated as follows: Lint, Seed, SCO, SCO-Seed, Total.
The Plan Code being displayed on STAX child lines has been updated to display the correct code. Previously, the Base Plan Code was displaying instead of 35/36.
The description on STAX/SE child of child lines was updated to display the STAX Abbreviation/Code and add the word "Range".
All Guarantee/Acre (UOM) and Guarantee (UOM) values that previously displayed for SCO and STAX have been removed.


Quick Estimates: With this ticket, the following minor Quick Nursery Estimate bugs/enhancements that were discovered internally have been resolved/implemented:

A BFR checkbox was added.
The prior scenario will now copy when the Add Scenario button is clicked.
A select/deselect checkbox and a Delete button are now available on scenario columns.
Mistakes in several error messages were corrected.
The title of the Inventory Value % field was updated to Price Election %.
Proration Factor and Survival % fields were added.
PEAK-related fields are now suppressed when the PE Option is not selected.
The printout was updated to dynamically populate rows based on what is suppressed from/available on the UI.


Forms & Reports


2020 Special Provisions for Nursery were updated and made available from RMA on March 25, 2020. The following Special Provisions for the 2020 RY / 2021 CY have been implemented in the System:

Nursery (0073) - Plan DO (50) SCD 5/1 - In these states: AL (01), CO (08), FL (12), MI (26), NJ (34), OR (41), TN (47), TX (48), and WA (53), with each state having several counties.


HIP, Nursery, & NVS: It was found that the sort order for Nursery and Nursery Value Select (NVS) needed to be updated so all of the coverages with the same Practice print together on the Declaration Page. It was also found that a few updates were needed for Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP) when printing on the Declaration Page. These changes will be rolled out as base changes for all years; the System determines when HIP and NVS can be selected.


The APH Database Form and APH Database and Acreage Reporting Form were updated to include the print option, "Auto Attach". This print option defaults as unselected. When this print option is selected, the form printed will automatically be attached to the policy. This print option will be available for these forms when on the MPCI policy Print tab and in the Batch Printing menu (Tools > Batch Printing).


The Nursery Value Report (NVR) and the Monthly Unit Value Plan (MUVP) forms were added to the Nursery Processing Season form list in the Batch Printing menu (Tools > Batch Printing).


The Schedule of Insurance (SOI) & SOI / Production Report (SOI / PR) have been updated in the following ways for Apple Trees and other applicable Tree and Fruit crops for all years (the System will determine when Apple Trees is available):

SOI & SOI / PR - Crop Summary Section
If Apple Trees or any Trees is the only coverage on the policy, then the "Total Acres" label will now be "Total Tree Count".
If Apple Trees or any Trees is on the policy with other non-Tree coverages, then the "Total Acres" label will now be "Total Acres / Total Tree Count".
If FL Citrus Fruit is the only coverage(s) on the policy, then the label will now be "Total Acres".
SOI & SOI / PR - Detail Line
If Apple Trees or any Trees is the only coverage on the policy, then the "Acres" label will now be "Tree Count".
If Apple Trees is on the policy with other non-Tree coverages, then the "Acres" label will now be "Acres / Tree Count".
If FL Citrus Fruit is the only coverage(s) on the policy, then the label will now be "Acres".
SOI & SOI / PR - Premium Summary
If Apple Trees is the only coverage on the policy, then the "Acres" label will now be "Tree Count".
If Apple Trees is on the policy with other non-Tree coverages, then the "Acres" label will now be "Acres / Tree Count".
If FL Citrus Fruit is the only coverage(s) on the policy, then the label will now be "Total Acres".
For the Total data, the Total Acres will print followed by a space, a forward slash, another space, and the Total Tree Count.
For the Total data, only the Tree Count will print without any decimal places and no forward slash to separate acres and tree count.
If FL Citrus Fruit is the only coverage(s) on the policy, then the " / 0 " will not print on the SOI and SOI / PR for the Totals in the Premium Summary for Trees.


The Schedule of Insurance (SOI) has been updated in the following ways for Nursery and Nursery Value Select (NVS) for all years (the System will determine when NVS is available):

Crop Summary for Nursery and NVS
The sort order is now County / Crop / Practice / Type.
The "Type / Practice" label is now "Practice / Type", and the data in the field will print with the Practice before the Type.
Detail Lines for Nursery and NVS
The sort order is now County / Crop / Practice / Type.
The data in the field will print with the Practice before the Type.
Premium Summary for Nursery and NVS
The sort order is now County / Crop / Practice / Type.
The data in the field will print with the Practice before the Type.

NOTE: The Type Long Name prints in the Crop Summary and the Type Abbreviation prints in the Detail Line Section and Premium Summary.

The revision date was updated to "04-2020".
NVS was added to the rule to not display the Omit Zero AR when NVS is on the policy to be in sync with Nursery.
The Total Acres or Acres (Reported Inventory Value for Nursery) label was updated to Selected Value for NVS in the Crop Summary, Detail Lines, and Premium Summary sections. The Selected Value data also now prints.
The Nursery Locations section now prints for NVS including the Nursery Location data.
The Plant Date label was updated to Comm. Month for NVS, like Nursery. The Commencement Month data also now prints.
The Approved Yield / Rate Yield labels were updated to Peak Eff. Dates for NVS, like Nursery. PEAK does not apply to NVS for 2020, so the same label as Nursery is being used in case this becomes available in the future for NVS. "N/A" will print since there's no data.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




It was found during high-risk testing that the Map Area options were not picking up newly added crops/types/practices for display on the map. This has been corrected.


Users reported being unable to select incomplete fields to apply crop information to when in the Fast Planting panel and when using the View All Fields checkbox. Users also reported being blocked from using the Sync features when more than 50 fields existed for the grower. These issues have been corrected.


Users requested a sum of the acres on a page when printing the map book when the map is shaded by variety. Now, for the printout, each page's legend includes a Total value for the acreage in addition to the variety acres.


MBAR: Users requested an option to add a partially pre-filled line for each possible crop available for each field. With this ticket, "Partial Prefill – All Potential Crops" is available as a Detail Level option when printing the MBAR. When selected, a new Crops field displays to allow a user to select which possible crops (i.e., when multiple planting records are available are available for a single field) to include rows for on the MBAR. The System will print a pre-filled row for each potential crop for a particular field for each policy(ies) selected so users can easily fill in Reported Acres, PP/Plant Date, Acreage Type, and Area Classification as required for the crop/premium line the field is actually planted for.

NOTE: A follow-up ticket (TFS #116108) was created for the scenario where the user-selected crop doesn't have a match for the field. Currently, if there's no match for the selected crop, then no AR reporting lines print for the field at all. TFS #116108 will enable printing of a blank line for each field that doesn't find a premium line match.




PTY: Back in 2018, Personal T-Yield (PTY) functionality was updated to allow users to edit underlying non-Summary Units after PTY Summary Units had been created. As part of this functionality, the option to "Recalc Personal T-Yield" was added to the Additional Functions dropdown as well as the Fast Edit PR and AR Signature Maintenance grids. In addition, a message was added to the Legacy APH page to notify users that the Personal T-Yield must be recalculated following changes to underlying non-summary units. However, a couple issues with this functionality were recently reported:

First, when a new detail line was created for a type/practice that a PTY Summary Unit already existed for, when the user went to create the APH for the new detail line, the Save/Save & Exit buttons were not displaying and a message stating the PTY Summary Unit must be deleted before non-Summary APHs can be created displayed. The System should have been displaying the save buttons and displaying messages stating the PTY Summary Units must be recalculated following the addition of new APHs.
Second, when a new detail line was created for a type/practice for which PTY Summary Units did not already exist, when creating a new APH, the save buttons did display but no message stating the PTY Summary Unit must be recalculated displayed.

With this ticket, these bugs in PTY functionality were corrected.


PRD: Due to social distancing measures in place, RMA has extended Production Reporting Dates (PRDs) for 2020 crops with a PRD of 03-15 or later. Rather than re-issuing ADMs with an updated PRD, RMA has issued ADMs with an updated Modified PRD. Previously, the lockout logic was using the PRD to determine the agency lockout date rather than the Modified PRD. With this ticket, the PRD lockout functionality has been updated to use the Modified PRD rather than the PRD to determine the agency lockout date.


HIP: TFS #114667 added the ability for users to add HIP coverages in the System. TFS #115357 added the logic for the detail line changes needed for HIP as well as the creation of HIP child lines. With these tickets, premium line functionality was added to properly rate HIP premium lines. The changes made with this ticket will only be used to address the rating on HIP premium lines for Plans 01, 02, and 03 as well as Plan 90 (Category B & Category C commodities only):

Plans 01, 02, & 03: Barley-0091 (01, 02, 03), Canola-0015 (01, 02, 03), Corn-0041 (01, 02, 03), Cotton-0021 (01, 02, 03), Grain Sorghum-0051 (01, 02, 03), Peanuts-0075 (01, 02, 03), Rice-0018 (01, 02, 03), Soybeans-0081 (01, 02, 03), Sunflowers-0078 (01, 02, 03), Wheat-0011 (01, 02, 03)
Plan 90 (Category B Commodities): Burley Tobacco-0231, Cabbage-0072, Cigar Binder Tobacco-0235, Cigar Filler Tobacco-0234, Cigar Wrapper Tobacco-0236, Clary Sage-0079, Cotton Ex Long Staple-0022, Cucumbers-0132, Dark Air Tobacco-0233, Fire Cured Tobacco-0230, Flue Cured Tobacco-0229, Forage Production-0033, Fresh Market Beans-0105, Fresh Market Tomatoes-0086, Green Peas-0064, Hemp-1218, Maryland Tobacco-0232, Oats-0016, Onions-0013, Potatoes-0084, Processing Beans-0046, Rye-0094, Sesame-0396, Sugarcane-0038, Sweet Corn-0042, Sweet Potatoes-0156, Tomatoes-0087
Plan 90 (Category C Commodities): Apples-0054, Avocados-0019, Bananas-0255, Blueberries-0012, Coffee-0256, Cranberries-0058, Grapefruit-0201, Grapes-0053, Lemons-0202, Macadamia Nuts-0023, Mandarins/Tangerines-0309, Oranges-0227, Papaya-0257, Peaches-0034, Tangelos-0203

NOTE: STAX rating will be handled under TFS #114673.

114676, 114677

HIP: To allow users to add the HIP-WI Endorsement to respective underlying MPCI coverages, TFS #114667 implemented the user interface and database changes needed on the Coverage and Quote pages. With this ticket, functionality was added for HIP-WI premium line logic and child line creation in the System.

Although the HIP-WI Endorsement does not require an Acreage Report, coverage is based upon the planted, insurable acres of the underlying MPCI coverage (no Prevented Plant or Replant acres), and a separate P11 acreage record for the HIP premium line is required. To determine the coverage and premium information and avoid "double entry", the System will automatically create the P11 records for the HIP coverage based on the values entered and saved for the Acreage Report of the underlying MPCI coverage.

If the selected MPCI coverage contains the internal option code of "HIP", the System will create a HIP premium (child) line for each detail line record it's associated with that also has planted, insurable acres or an Inventory Report for Nursery. Once created, the System will display the child HIP detail line records in a read-only format on the View Detail Lines page and within the Fast Edit AR page. HIP child lines will automatically update with changes made to the related MPCI detail lines once established.

This ticket only addressed the Detail Line UI change and Child Line creation logic needed for all plans/commodities where HIP is applicable. Learn more about "Hurricane Insurance Protection - Wind Index (HIP-WI)" functionality.


NVS: With this ticket, the Coverage grid for Nursery Value Select (NVS) policies has been updated to sort in the following order:

1. County
2. Crop
3. Practice
4. Type
5. Plan Abbreviation
6. Coverage Type (CAT or buy-up)
7. Coverage Level

Learn more about "Nursery Value Select (NVS)" functionality.


PTY: An Internal review of the Personal T-Yield (PTY) functionality identified some opportunities for performance improvements. PTY Summary units can be added through the Additional Functions dropdown and can also be recalculated through an option in the Additional Functions dropdown as well as through a checkbox on the Fast Edit PR and Fast Edit AR Signature Maintenance pages. When PTY Summary Units are created or updated, the System must create/update the PTY Summary Units as well as update all underlying non-Summary Units with the necessary Personal T-Yield and yield indicator. Previously, these calculations were all performed real time, but with this ticket, the PTY process has been updated as follows:

If selecting to add or update PTY Summary Units through the Additional Functions dropdown and less than 30 detail lines exist, the System will continue to perform the creation of the Summary Units and calculation of non-Summary Units in real-time.
If selecting to add or update PTY Summary Units through the Additional Functions dropdown and 30 or more detail lines exist, the System will create the Summary Units in real-time, but the calculation of non-Summary Units will be pushed to the service bus.
If selecting to update PTY Summary Units via the Fast Edit PR or Fast Edit AR Signature Maintenance pages, the System will create the Summary Units in real-time, but the calculation of non-Summary Units will be pushed to the service bus.