Release Notes 11.080.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.080.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


SOI/PR: A few clean-up items were found for the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) and SOI / Production Report (PR) while testing TFS #136394 in the 11.073 Release for some formats of the SOI.

For ECO child lines, in the Crop Details section of the SOI and SOI / PR, the following fields were printing "0" instead of the expected value entered in the UI:
Guar Per Acre - print "N/A".
Total Prod Guar - print "N/A".
Total Rev Guar - print the Total Guarantee from the Acreage Information UI for the unit for the ECO line in the Total Rev Guar field with "ECO Guar" under it; similar to SCO.
For SCO child lines, in the Crop Details section of the SOI and SOI / PR, the Total Prod Guar field was printing a "0" instead of "N/A" in some instances.
For ECO, SCO, and HIP child lines, in the Premium Summary section, the parent line Liability and Gross Premium was including any HIP, SCO, or ECO lines values. These should not be included in the parent line.


SOI: An issue was reported on the Schedule of Insurance for Nursery where incorrect values were printing in the Premium Summary when HIP was on the policy. With this ticket, for the Nursery (FG&C & NVS) version of the Schedule of Insurance only, the Reported Inventory Value, Liability, and Gross Premium in the Premium Summary have been updated to print the correct values when HIP has been elected.


Livestock: A request was received to have a separate LGM Cattle Target Marketing Form from the current LGM Application / Target Marketing Combo Form now that there are weekly sales. For all years, the following updates have been made:

On the LGM / LRP policy Print tab:

A new form, Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Target Marketing Form - Cattle, was added to the list of forms available to print. This is the new, separate LGM Cattle Target Marketing Form. This form can be printed in the following report styles: "Blank Form", "Pre-Headed Form – with Agency info only", "Pre-Headed Form – with Applicant / Insured & Agency info only", and "Pre-Filled Form". This form has the "Display Unmasked TINs" print option, which is unselected by default.
The LGM Cattle App / Target Mktgs Combo Form was removed from the list of forms available to print.

For Livestock Attachment Types:

"LGM Target Marketing" was added to the dropdown list.
The LGM Target Marketing attachment type will not roll.


Livestock: A request was received to have a separate LGM Swine Target Marketing Form from the current LGM Application / Target Marketing Combo Form now that there are weekly sales. For all years, the following updates have been made:

On the LGM / LRP policy Print tab:

A new form, Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Target Marketing Form - Swine, was added to the list of forms available to print. This is the new, separate LGM Cattle Target Marketing Form. This form can be printed in the following report styles: "Blank Form", "Pre-Headed Form – with Agency info only", "Pre-Headed Form – with Applicant / Insured & Agency info only", and "Pre-Filled Form". This form has the "Display Unmasked TINs" print option, which is unselected by default.
The LGM Swine App / Target Mktgs Combo Form was removed from the list of forms available to print.

For Livestock Attachment Types:

"LGM Target Marketing" was added to the dropdown list.
The LGM Target Marketing attachment type will not roll.


Livestock: The Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Target Marketing Form - Dairy Cattle has been updated in the following ways for all years:

The "Copies of the..." verbiage was removed from the form.
On the list of forms to print on the LGM policy Print tab, for this form, "DAIRY CATTLE" was changed to "Dairy Cattle".




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




LGM: For the 2023+ RYs, RMA is decommissioning the eDas transmission system for LRP and LGM policies and implementing the PASS transmission system to match DRP. This will streamline and make consistent the process for transmitting policy data to RMA across all Livestock plans.

With this ticket, the LGM policy and coverage UIs have been updated to match the UI that DRP currently uses and to remove eDas-specific fields. The following has been updated on the indicated LGM pages:

Add New Livestock Policy:

The Grower Details section (Is 18 years or older, Limited Resource Farmer, Relationship Type) was added.
The following fields were removed: "Entity State", "Entity County", and "Override Coverage".
The "Policy State" label was updated to "Location State", and the "Policy County" label was updated to "Location County".
An SBI Information section was added.

Add New Coverage:

The Program Type field was changed from a picklist selection to a single read-only value based on the existing coverage on the policy; users are no longer able to have both LRP and LGM on the same policy.
The following fields were removed: "Entity State", "Entity County", and "Override Coverage".
The "Policy State" label was updated to "Location State", and the "Policy County" label was updated to "Location County".

View Coverage:

The following fields were removed: "Entity State", "Entity County", "Process Flag Override", "Authorization Number", and "Change Flag".
The "Policy State" label was updated to "Location State", and the "Policy County" label was updated to "Location County".
The following fields were added: "Dispute Code", "Dispute Date", "Detail Lines in Dispute", "P49 Delete Request", "Exclude P14 Record", and "Entity Certification Code".

Maintain Coverage:

The following fields were removed: "Entity State", "Entity County", "Process Flag Override", "Authorization Number", and "Change Flag".
The following fields were added: "Dispute Code", "Dispute Date", "Detail Lines in Dispute", "P49 Delete Request", "Exclude P14 Record", and "Entity Certification Code".
The "Policy State" label was updated to "Location State", and the "Policy County" label was updated to "Location County".
The following validations were added:
"Dispute Date cannot be before the first day of the reinsurance year, XX/XX/XXX".
"A Dispute Date is required if a Dispute Code has been selected".
"Cannot have a Dispute Date if a Dispute Code has not been selected".


LGM: For the 2023+ RYs, RMA is decommissioning the eDas transmission system for LRP and LGM policies and implementing the PASS transmission system to match DRP. This will streamline and make consistent the process for transmitting policy data to RMA across all Livestock plans.

With this ticket, the LGM Detail Line pages have been updated to remove eDas-specific fields, update Processing Status logic, and update "Save" functionality. This is being done to make the LGM View Detail Line UI match what is currently in place for DRP. The following has been updated on the indicated LGM pages/tabs:

On the View Detail Line page, the following e-Das fields were removed: "Override Detail Line", "Process Flag Override", "Authorization Number", "Change Flag", "Payment Process Flag Override", "Payment Change Flag", and "Payment Authorization Number".

NOTE: None of these fields existed on the Add New Detail Line page, so no changes were required on that page.

On the Detail Lines tab, Processing Status logic upon save of LGM Detail Lines (for NEW and existing lines) was updated.
If Insured and/or Agent signature dates are missing, there will be no change. The Processing Status for the detail line will be "Incomplete".
If Insured and Agent signature dates are entered, the Processing Status will now be "Complete" rather than "Ready for Submission".
On the View Detail Line and Add New Detail Line pages, Save logic was updated:
For the 2023+ RYs, the Save button was updated from using the "Save & Exit" logic to using the normal "Save" logic where the System saves the current changes and keeps the user on the page. (For 2022 and preceding RYs, the logic will remain as it was.)
Two new save buttons were added to top and bottom of the page:
Save & Print:
If selected, the System will perform a standard "Save", leaving the user on the current page. In addition to saving the page, the System will also generate an LGM Target Marketing form for the applicable commodity and applicable detail line(s) on the page.
Save & Exit/Save & Submit:
The wording on this button is conditional.
If both the Insured Signature Date and the Agent Signature Date exist, the button will read "Save & Submit".
If no Signature Dates exist or if only one of the two Signature Dates exists, the button will read "Save & Exit".
If this button is selected, the System will perform a standard "Save & Exit" and take the user to the Detail Lines tab on the policy.
The Mark Complete button and the Submit to eDas/LGM Queue button were removed from the Detail Lines tab.

NOTE: Updates to LRP detail lines will be handled with TFS #134906.


LRP: For the 2023+ RYs, RMA is decommissioning the eDas transmission system for LRP and LGM policies and implementing the PASS transmission system to match DRP. This will streamline and make consistent the process for transmitting policy data to RMA across all Livestock plans.

With this ticket, the LRP policy and coverage UIs have been updated to match the UI that DRP currently uses and to remove eDas-specific fields. Also, for 2023+, changes have been made for transmitting LRP policies where Type and Practice are no longer required on the coverage and are being removed from the coverage pages; these fields will now be determined on the detail line. The following has been updated on the indicated LRP pages/tabs:

Add New Livestock Policy:

Wording in the Program Type dropdown and the Plan field was updated to "Livestock Risk Protection (LRP - Plan 81)".
The Grower Details section (Is 18 years or older, Limited Resource Farmer, Relationship Type) was added.
The following fields were removed: "Entity State", "Entity County", "Override Coverage", "Type", and "Practice". ("Type" and "Practice" are now selected on the Detail Line page.)
As "Type" and "Practice" are no longer required on the Add New Livestock Policy page, the associated edits for these fields have been removed, as they are no longer applicable.
The "Policy State" label was updated to "Location State", and the "Policy County" label was updated to "Location County".
An SBI Information section was added.

Add New Coverage:

The Program Type field was changed from a picklist selection to a single read-only value based on the existing coverage on the policy; users are no longer able to have both LRP and LGM on the same policy.
The following fields were removed: "Entity State", "Entity County", "Override Coverage", "Type", and "Practice".
As "Type" and "Practice" are no longer required on the Add New Coverage page, the associated edits for these fields have been removed, as they are no longer applicable.
The "Policy State" label was updated to "Location State", and the "Policy County" label was updated to "Location County".

View Coverage:

The Coverage Information dropdown has been updated to remove Type and Practice. Items now display with "State (Code) - County (Code) - Plan (Code)" only.
The following fields were removed: "Entity State", "Entity County", "Type", "Practice", "Process Flag Override", "Authorization Number", and "Change Flag".
The "Policy State" label was updated to "Location State", and the "Policy County" label was updated to "Location County".
The following fields were added: "Dispute Code", "Dispute Date", "Detail Lines in Dispute", "P49 Delete Request", "Exclude P14 Record", and "Entity Certification Code".

Maintain Coverage:

The following fields were removed: "Entity State", "Entity County", "Process Flag Override", "Authorization Number", and "Change Flag".
The following fields were added: "Dispute Code", "Dispute Date", "Detail Lines in Dispute", "P49 Delete Request", "Exclude P14 Record", and "Entity Certification Code".
The "Policy State" label was updated to "Location State", and the "Policy County" label was updated to "Location County".
The following validations were added:
"Dispute Date cannot be before the first day of the reinsurance year, XX/XX/XXX".
"A Dispute Date is required if a Dispute Code has been selected".
"Cannot have a Dispute Date if a Dispute Code has not been selected".

LRP Policy Coverage Tab:

The "Type" and "Practice" columns were removed from the grid as they are now determined on the detail line.


SBI: For the 2023+ RYs, RMA is decommissioning the eDas transmission system for LRP and LGM policies and implementing the PASS transmission system to match what is currently in place for DRP. This will streamline and make consistent the process for transmitting policy data to RMA across all Livestock plans.

With this ticket, the SBI Share fields have been removed from applicable pages for LGM only, and the SBI Share field name has been updated for LRP to match the P10B record. RMA will no longer require an SBI Share value to be transmitted for LGM policies. Removal of SBI fields will also remove any validations associated with those fields. RMA will still require the SBI Share to be transmitted for LRP policies. The following has been updated on the indicated pages/tabs:

Add New SBI:

For LGM:
The "Livestock SBI Share" field was removed.
The validation (upon save), "A value must be keyed in the Livestock SBI Share field", was removed.
For LRP:
"Livestock SBI Share" was changed to "LRP SBI Share Percent".
The hard stop validation for SBI share required was changed to a warning popup with a message reading: "LRP SBI Share Percent is required and premium may not be accepted if incomplete." A user can choose "Yes" to move through the warning without saving a value or "Cancel" to key a value and then save.

Maintain SBI:

For LGM:
The following fields were removed: "Do Not Transmit", "Livestock SBI Share", "Process Flag Override", "Authorization Number", and "Change Flag".
The validation (upon save), "A value must be keyed in the Livestock SBI Share Field", was removed.
For LRP:
The following fields were removed: "Do Not Transmit", "Process Flag Override", "Authorization Number", and "Change Flag".
"Livestock SBI Share" was changed to "LRP SBI Share Percent".
The hard stop validation for SBI share required was changed to a warning popup with a message reading: "LRP SBI Share Percent is required and premium may not be accepted if incomplete." A user can choose "Yes" to move through the warning without saving a value or "Cancel" to key a value and then save.

View SBI:

For LGM, the following fields were removed: "Do Not Transmit", "Livestock SBI Share", "Process Flag Override", "Authorization Number", and "Change Flag".
For LRP, the following fields were removed: "Do Not Transmit", "Process Flag Override", "Authorization Number", and "Change Flag". Additionally, "Livestock SBI Share" was changed to "LRP SBI Share Percent".

SBI Grid on Grower Tab:

For LGM: "Livestock SBI Share" was removed.
For LRP: The "Livestock SBI Share" column was changed to "LRP SBI Share Percent".


Scripts were run to first add LRP Types to the System and then activate the 2023 RY for Livestock processing.




PRF: Users reported random blank pages printing with the PRF Map Book and PRF MBAR; this has been corrected.


Perry County MO had PLSS data updated. The System was also updated to handle 4-digit section numbers.


MBAR: A new version of the MBAR, called the Completed MBAR (Print > Map Based AR > Complete MBAR in the Report dropdown), has been added. This report is intended to be used when all planting records have been updated for a grower. When all planting records are completed, the information can be better organized on the form.




Fast Edit AR: Internal testing discovered that, for Plan 55 crops in Fast Edit AR, if the existing red hard-stop validation, "Hard Stop: Seed Company is required for Plan 55", was returned for missing a Seed Company and the user changed acres and selected the "Validate" button, the premium line grid lines disappeared. This issue was confirmed to affect only Plan 55 crops in Fast Edit AR. A fix has been put in place so that premium line grid lines do not disappear after receiving the validation, changing acres, and then selecting validate on the Fast Edit AR page.


PCCP: "The Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP) is a program established by USDA to help producers maintain their cover crop systems amid a financially challenging time because of the COVID-19 pandemic. PCCP is part of USDA’s Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative, through which USDA is establishing programs and efforts to bring financial assistance to farmers, ranchers, and producers who felt the impact of COVID-19 market disruptions. PCCP provides premium support to eligible producers who insured their spring crop with most insurance policies and planted a qualifying cover crop during the 2021 crop year. The premium support is up to $5 per acre, but no more than the full premium owed." (

The PCCP program was previously only implemented for the 2021 RY; however, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) is extending this program's benefits to the 2022 RY as well. For an updated listing of what Cover Crops qualify, see FSA Handbook 2-CP.

For the 2022 RY, additional RMA clarification was received through a draft PCCP White Paper surrounding the PCCP State Matching Amount. With this ticket, the PCCP State Matching Amount was implemented.


Prevented Planting: During internal testing, it was found that Triticale (0158) did not have the "PP" checkbox on the Legacy Maintain Detail Line modal or on Fast Edit AR. It was determined that this commodity was accidentally excluded from a list of commodities that the logic looks at for Prevented Planting eligibility. A fix has been put in place so that Triticale (0158) is now part of the Prevented Planting eligibility listing in the System. Now, the "PP" checkbox will appear on the Legacy Maintain Detail Line modal and Fast Edit AR for this commodity.

NOTE: TFS #135406 (Prevented Planting: Replace hard-coded list of crops with Guarantee Adjustment ADM look-up) will be implemented in a future release to change the hard-coded list of commodities to an ADM look-up to the Guarantee Adjustment table for Prevented Planting.


WFRP: An issue was discovered internally where the Agent FOR Sign Date was being removed from the user interface on save of the Maintain Commodity page for WFRP (0076) only. This did not affect Micro Farm (9110) because there is no Maintain Commodity functionality for Micro Farm commodity lines. This issue has been corrected.