Release Notes 9.095.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.095.0.


System Updates



An issue was found on the Create Quick DRP Estimate page (Estimator > Quick Estimates > Quick DRP Estimate, if creating a new estimate, OR Estimator > Quick Estimates > View Quick Estimates > click the Estimate# link for an estimate, if opening an existing estimate) where the collapsible banners were not working correctly if the collapse or expand carrots were selected. This issue has been resolved.


In a recent release, with TFS #123988, the dropdowns on the Create Quick LRP Estimate page (Estimator > Quick Estimates > Create Quick LRP Estimate) were updated to introduce more dynamic pick lists. A bug was identified that impacted an agent from running a quote when they were trying to select "Alabama". When the quoter opened and a user selected an endorsement date, the state pick list defaulted to "Alabama" instead of "-Select-". Unless the user made a selection of a state other than "Alabama", the next 2 fields that allow selection of a Commodity and Type were inactive. Selection of any other state in the pick list worked and continues to work without issue. With this ticket, the default selection for the State dropdown has been updated to "-Select-". Now, the user can select any state and have all fields work as they should.


Forms & Reports


Master Yield: MCT received a request to implement a Master Yield (MY) Comparison Worksheet. The AIP will need to have approved to have the MY Utility in their environment for the data to print on the form. The MY Utility will set a "with" and "without" MY value in the DB based on an APH building up to 10 years but excluding the most recent year (e.g. 2020 Crop Year in the 2021 RY) which has not had production reported yet. This is by design. System users cannot see the DB values in the UI, but the DB values will be directly mapped from the DB to the new worksheet.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




Last year, the UI Reason code was added in Mapping to capture uninsurable acreage reasons. This ticket implemented the inclusion of that code in the Sync to AR logic (via Fast Edit or Sync pages) so that the premium line can be flagged appropriately on upload.


Users requested the ability to create a Map Based PAW. This option is now available in the Print panel.


Users reported that even though the custom label layer had label lines listed as being off, when printing an MBAR, they still appeared on maps. This issue has been resolved.


Users reported that when toggling back and forth between Custom labels and Grower Field labels, the grower labels would correctly turn off automatically when custom labels were turned on, but the grower field labels were not turning back on when custom labels were turned off.




Peanuts: For 2018+, RMA changed the Peanut contract reporting requirements, and enhancements were implemented to help AIPs more efficiently process Peanuts with a contract under TFS #88808. Peanut contract functionality was extended from Plan 01 to also include Plans 02 and 03.

The System was updated within the Add New Contract and Maintain Contract pages to require a Type if the selected coverage is Peanuts. If a contract was applied for multiple Counties and/or Type, a Contract record must exist for each County and Type.

For the 2021+ RYs, the System will need the WAPP to now be calculated by Type AND Organic Practices in the County. Under each type, unique organic practice codes will be grouped together for calculation of weighted contract prices.

NOTE: RMA allowed AIPs to calculate the WAPP by Type and Organic Practice for the 2020 RY, BUT the AgWorks System calculated it by Type only. This change will be effective for the 2021 RY forward when RMA requires the weighted average contract price calculations by Type + Organic Practice.

The System, for the 2021+ RYs, will now take Type AND Organic Practice into consideration when calculating the weighted average price for Peanuts. Selection of an organic practice from the dropdown select list will be required to save the contract if the crop = Peanuts and the RY = 2021 RY or later.

NOTE: A spinoff ticket, #125641, was created to update Contract Weighted Average Price (WAP) logic when multiple contracts exist and acres/pounds are contracted(0 non-contract pounds).


Companion Policy: AIPs and Agents requested the implementation of Companion Policy functionality for the ability to link records from one Policy and Coverage to another. This functionality is utilized in Farmer/Landlord situations where both entities share the same information. The linkages reduce data entry of the same information on multiple policies as users now only have to process an Acreage Report once and the data will be synced to all Policies and Coverages when the appropriate links exist. The initial logic was implemented in the System with Phase 1 development. In order for links to be established and utilized with Phase 1 logic, users had to go to the Policy Shareholder page of each unit and establish links on a unit-by-unit basis.

With this ticket, the Companion Policy functionality has been expanded to allow users to create, add, and remove the Companion links for multiple detail lines and coverages from one centralized location, a new Fast Edit Companion page, which can be accessed from the Detail Lines tab of the applicable policies. A new ellipsis button now displays to the right of the Mark Complete, Fast Edit PR, and Fast Edit AR buttons. Once clicked, the Fast Edit CLU and Fast Edit Companion buttons will display, if applicable. Select "Fast Edit Companion" to open the new page.

To learn more about this functionality, watch the "Companion Policy Functionality - Phase 2 " video.


Companion Policy: During internal review of the Companion Policy functionality, we found a few fields that were previously not syncing from the Source Policy to the Companion Policies, so logic was updated to sync these fields going forward.

Now, the following fields will be synced from the Source Policy to the Companion Policies (since they are now synced fields, they will be read-only on the Companion Policies and will not be editable):

Previous Year Procedure Code
Cover Crop
Unreported Native Sod Years


Hybrid Specialty Seed: For the 2021+ RYs, RMA has made changes to the Hybrid Specialty Seed Pilot Program, which was formerly called Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed Crop (0093). This program will now consist of both crops: Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (0093) and the new Hybrid Popcorn Seed (0334). The Hybrid Specialty Seed crops will continue to be insured as Category D crops under the Yield Based Dollar Amount of Insurance Plan (55), and a contract is required in order for Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (0093) and Hybrid Popcorn Seed (0334) to be insurable.

The System has been updated to add a new Expected Yield field on the Add New and Maintain Contract pages. This new field will only display if the commodity is Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed or Hybrid Popcorn Seed. Additionally, the Contract Price and Expected Yield fields within the Add New and Maintain Contract pages will now be required fields. If the user tries to save either page without an entry in those fields, a hard edit will be thrown upon save.

TFS #124602 (9.090 Release) added rating change logic for the new Hybrid Popcorn Seed Commodity (0334). However, at that time, no testing could be done, so the testing portion of that ticket has been added to this current ticket.

NOTE: A spinoff ticket, TFS #12559, will address issues on the Add New and Maintain Contract pages where, upon Save, Duplicate Errors are being received due to Kendo Controls.


Hybrid Specialty Seed: For the 2021+ RYs, RMA has made changes to the Hybrid Specialty Seed Pilot Program, which was formerly called Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed Crop (0093). This program will now consist of both crops: Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (0093) and the new Hybrid Popcorn Seed (0334). The Hybrid Specialty Seed crops will continue to be insured as Category D crops under the Yield Based Dollar Amount of Insurance Plan (55), and a contract is required in order for Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (0093) and Hybrid Popcorn Seed (0334) to be insurable.

With this ticket, multiple changes were made to the System to account for Hybrid Popcorn Seed (0334) in support of the new Hybrid Specialty Seed Pilot Program. These changes will allow for the selection of the Hybrid Popcorn Seed Coverage within the Add New and Maintain Contract pages. Written Agreement logic has also been updated to account for the new commodity.

The System was previously updated with TFS #124602 (Release 9.090) to only apply Basic Unit Structure for Hybrid Popcorn Seed and to allow Prevented Planting for the new commodity. At the time that ticket was implemented, there was no way to test those pieces, so they have been added for testing under this current ticket.