Release Notes 7.045.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 7.045.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
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A Special Provisions update was made available from RMA on 10/3/2018 with updates for Macadamia Trees (0024) with DOL Tree (40) plan as well as Caneberries (6000) with APH (90) plan. The file was downloaded and implemented in the System. |
95261 |
A notification was received that the uninsurable acres in the Crop and Premium Summary Section were doubling on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI). It was also found that this was happening on the SOI / Production Report. In addition to the correction made for this issue, a few base form updates were made to both SOIs.
NOTE: The version date is being updated to "11-2018" with TFS #81322 in this release. |
94309 |
A request was received to print the Acreage Type code on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) if one has been selected. With this ticket, this change as well as the following others have been made: SOI Updates:
SOI / Production Report Updates:
81322 |
Previously, when the WFRP Combo Form was selected to print with renewal WFRP policies, the Farm Operation Report page was printing zeros or data in some fields when there was no sign date. With this ticket, this issue has been addressed, and the following additional changes were made to the WFRP Combo form as well as the stand-alone WFRP Farm Operation Report for all Crop Years: WFRP Combo Form Updates:
WFRP Farm Op Report Updates:
NOTE: Only header data will print on the Market Animal and Nursery Inventory Report page. The page will print blank when the WFRP Combo is printed with a blank report style; otherwise, it will print pre-headed with the pre-headed and pre-filled report styles. |
84914 |
PRF: RMA has added an Organic Practice field to PRF. In the 7.035 release, an Organic Practice field was added to the API / PRF Combo Form with TFS #94082. The following changes have been made to the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) for PRF:
94562 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
95263 |
Grower Search: Previously, when searching by a business name that had blanks or special characters (e.g., &), the System was unable to include characters after the blanks or special characters to filter results enough to identify the business name, and users would have to use the column filter functionality to further refine results. This was inefficient, so it was requested that grower search be enhanced to allow the inclusion of blanks and special characters. The System has been updated. Now, in the grower search, blanks and special characters are included in the search parameters to more efficiently and accurately filter results. NOTE: The apostrophe is the only special character that is not being included. |
93836 |
DRP: During internal testing, an issue was found on DRP detail lines where the Class III Weighting Factor and the Class IV Weighting Factors were not always adding up to 1.00. The issue causing the 0.99 total has been corrected so the two values will now always total 1.00. |
95764 |
DRP: The System does not allow users to create duplicate DRP policies (same state and county), but it was allowing users to create a DRP policy in the same state under a different county. DRP policies can only have one policy per state per grower. The validation logic around duplicate policies has been updated for DRP coverages to look at the state and grower combination and not go down to county level. NOTE: This change in validation logic is only applicable to the DRP plan. No changes have been made to LGM or LRP logic. |
94775 |
DRP: An issue was reported with the Butterfat to Protein Test Ratio logic previously in place on Dairy Revenue (DRP) detail lines when the Component Pricing Option was used. The System was rounding the ratio up or down based on the third digit after the decimal. However, per wording in the DRP Handbook, the System should have been taking it one step further and rounding to the five hundredth place. For example, if the Butterfat for a detail line was 4.7 and the Protein was 3.6, then the Butterfat to Protein Test Ratio for that detail line would be 4.7/3.6 or 1.30555. Standard rounding would round that value to 1.31; however, per the DRP Handbook, because .30555 needs to be rounded to the nearest five hundredth place, the value should be rounded down to 1.30. The Butterfat to Protein Test Ratio error logic has been updated to utilize the five hundredth place rounding rules. |
96210 |
To help with mapping of prospective growers, an enhancement was made to allow users to enter or create a map for a grower without requiring a policy or a quote to be set up first. To do this, search for the grower name and RY of the grower you want to create a map for. Then, for that grower, click on the View/Add link in the Mapping column for that grower. |
91851 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||
Apiculture: A "Sorry..." error was being returned on Apiculture carryover policies when a user attempted to delete an interval that had rolled from 2018. The cause of this was determined to be the result of the user deleting the interval for the detail line the grid was opened from (i.e., when the System tried to save the remaining intervals at save, a conflict occurred because the System was trying to save and update the detail line the user made the changes on and it was the interval that was deleted). |
95943 |
Margin Protection: Some rating changes were implemented in Margin Protection for the 2019 RY. Using the new M13 exhibit, rating changes have been applied for the new RY. There were missing ADM prices that prevented this ticket from being tested. AIPs will be engaged in testing when the spring SCD deadline and acres begin being reported. |
93367 |
Perennials: A new Perennial suspension has been added for the 2019+ RYs. This suspension is linked to the PAW question around whether a prohibited substance was applied causing the practice to change from Organic to Transitional or Transition to Conventional. If the user indicates an answer of "YES" and an AR sign date is entered, the coverage will suspend. The suspension message reads: "PAW Question requires further review and a current PAIR may be needed [crop name and unit number displayed]." NOTE: The System will NOT check to see if the detail line associated with the PAW began in an Organic or Transitional Organic practice; the suspension will be triggered solely on the answer provided by the user. Users SHOULD NOT designate an answer of "YES" for the prohibited substance question unless the detail line is indeed an organic-based practice. |
94375 |
Perennials: A new Perennial suspension has been added for the 2019+ RYs. This suspension is linked to the PAW question around whether direct marketing or vertically integrated producer procedures apply. If the user indicates an answer of "YES" and an AR sign date is entered, the coverage will suspend. The suspension message reads: "PAW Question requires further review and additional documentation may be needed [crop name and unit number displayed]." |
94374 |
Perennials: There were some suspensions in prior years that were tied to the answers designated by users on the PAW underwriting section. In the 2018 RY, the format of the questions and order of the questions was revised by RMA. This change wasn't carried through to the individual questions/suspensions resulting in some accuracy inconsistencies. For the 2019 RY, the suspensions have been refactored and based more closely on the question rather than the order the questions displayed in the UI. This ticket covers the refactoring of the first 3 questions on the PAW. TFS #94374 and #94375 introduced new suspensions around the direct marketing/VIP status as well as the application of a prohibited substance questions. The suspension message for any of the first 3 questions is: "PAW question requires further review and a current PAIR may be required [crop name and unit number displayed]". All suspensions require that an AR sign date be entered. Based on the answer of the question (see below), the coverage will suspend at Mark Complete.
93658 |
PRF: In the 7.040 release, functionality was implemented for PRF to allow different Coverage Levels and Price Election %s by Organic Practice. During internal testing of this functionality, a couple of detail line validations and mark complete suspensions were identified as needing to be updated to account for Irrigation/Organic Practice. With this ticket, the following validations and suspensions have been updated to include Irrigation/Organic Practice:
95612 |
PRF: In the 7.040 release, functionality was implemented for PRF to allow different Price Elections and/or Productivity Factors by Organic Practice. Following release of this functionality, a bug was identified where the System was not retaining the unit numbers, acres, and % of value when the user changed the Organic Practice on a detail line. With this ticket, a fix has been implemented so that the System will now retain the unit number, acres, and % of value when the Organic Practice is changed on a detail line. NOTE: During internal QA testing, some issues with the interval grid were identified. When changing the practice on the detail line, the grid either refreshes with the correct intervals selected or no interval column; or the grid refreshes with the original intervals selected plus the default six intervals. TFS #96307 has been set up to address this issue in a future release. |
95608 |
WFRP: Per the WFRP handbook, the base tax history period for WFRP policies with a Late Fiscal Year filer status is the current RY-7, current RY-6, current RY-5, current RY-4, and current RY-3. For example, on a 2019 policy the base period would be 2012 (2019-7), 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. In 2018, RMA added an 11/20 SCD for Late Fiscal Year tax filers. Following the roll of policies to 2018, AIPs were required to cancel (or stop transmitting) the policies because the 2017 Late Fiscal Year filer year would extend, by definition, to the 2019 SCD of 11/20. So, the 2018 RY policy was considered inactive. Policies were rolled from 2017 to 2018 (letting 2018 be inactive) and then rolled to 2019. During internal testing, an issue was identified with the base tax history period for Late Fiscal Year filers. Instead of using the current RY-7 through the current RY-3, the System was only displaying four years and excluding the current RY-3. A 2020 RY ticket has been set up to address the roll issue. However, since WFRP policies have already rolled, the save logic needed to be updated so the System correctly updates the base history period for Late Fiscal Year filers. The save logic on the Income & Expense Record for WFRP policies has been updated to update the base history period for Late Fiscal Year filers. AIPs will need to re-save any existing Late Fiscal Year filer policies in 2019 in order to update the base history period. |
95111 |