Release Notes 11.105.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.105.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


Livestock: The Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Application has been updated in the following ways for all years:

Entity State and County were removed.
Policy State was changed to Location State.
Spouse info was moved to display with the Applicant’s Info.
The Signature Authorization field was moved to display where the Spouse info previously displayed. This will replace POA and Auth Rep fields.
A new table with Policy County and Commodity was added. All 3 commodities with checkboxes will only print with blank, pre-headed, and pre-filled report styles when the row is not being used for the policy. Policy County was changed to Location County.
SEW was removed from the Legend.
When the "Include Canceled Coverages" print option is selected, any cancelled coverages on the policy will print with "(CANCELLED)" behind the Commodity Code on the form.


Livestock: For all years, the Livestock Assignment of Indemnity (AOI) form and Livestock AOI Confirmation form have been updated in the following ways:

AOI Form:

LGM and LRP Type and Practice data was updated to pull from the detail line for the 2023+ RYs instead of the coverage. For 2022 and prior RYs, these are still pulled from the coverage.
The "Policy State" label was updated to "Location / Policy State".
The "Policy County" label was updated to "Location / Policy County".
Spouse's Name was moved to display in the Insured's info field.
Spouse's Tax ID was moved to display in the Insured's info field.
Signature Authorization was moved to be under the Insured's info field where Authorized Representative was previously.

AOI Confirm Form:

LGM and LRP Type and Practice data was updated to pull from the detail line for the 2023+ RYs instead of the coverage. For 2022 and prior RYs, these are still pulled from the coverage.
The "Policy State" label was updated to "Location / Policy State".
The "Policy County" label was updated to "Location / Policy County".
In the Spouse's Name field, when no Spouse exists for the grower, "NONE" will print.
The Entity State label and field as well as the Entity County label and field were removed.


Livestock: The Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE) form has been updated in the following ways:

The "Practice" column header was split, and now Practice displays in the top-left of the column and End Date displays in the bottom-right of the column.
The "Practice" label was updated to "Practice (End. Ending in)".
The End Date field will print blank for the pre-headed and blank report styles. When the form is printed pre-filled, the End Date will print for the applicable detail line.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




For the 2022 and prior RYs, validations are in place where, upon save of LRP and LGM coverages to ensure that duplicate coverages are not created, the System checks for duplicate coverages by State/County/Commodity/Type/Practice. With this ticket, these validations were adjusted for the 2023+ RYs to only look at State/County/Plan/Commodity (type and practice were removed since they're now selected at the detail line level). This logic will check against all policies for the grower to find duplicates, so Plan was added to the criteria. Existing logic will remain in place for 2022 and prior RYs.


While testing a script to populate the Billing and Termination Dates on premium lines, an issue was found where a few LRP detail lines did not have a Practice selected. It was found that there was old logic in place that would ignore the practice code if NULL or empty and return the effective dates that matched the RY, State, Commodity, and Type (not Practice).

With this ticket, the System has been updated to require the selection of Type and Practice PRIOR to the Effective Dates loading when creating new premium lines. If no Effective Dates load in the picklist, the user will know that they are missing required information. This change only applies to LRP as DRP already has hard stops on the UI to force the user to enter required values and LGM will not populate Effective Dates without Types/Practices first being selected. Additionally, if only one valid type/practice is in the dropdown, logic has been added to preselect the Type and/or Practice value in the dropdowns for LRP and LGM.


The 2023 RY Holiday ICE table has been revised to add new columns to account for the different Livestock Plans and also to denote if it is a government holiday or a market holiday. There will be 4 holidays that will have some Livestock Plans with sales while others will not. The LRP, LGM, and DRP flags are different for Columbus Day, Good Friday, Juneteenth, and Veterans Day. This ticket updated the System's current RMA Holiday logic to account for these new fields.


During internal testing, a display issue was identified where, when a user deleted a detail line from the Detail Lines tab of a Livestock policy and then went to the Coverage tab, the Coverage tab still showed the detail line counts prior the line being deleted. The System was updated to check for and refresh the Coverages grid on successful delete of premium lines so that the detail lines count display reflects the new total.


An issue was found with the Export Livestock Register button on the Livestock Policy Management Dashboard (Livestock > Policy Management Dashboard). When no filters were applied and a user clicked the button, the System would start the job on the Job Queue but it would remain in a Pending status. This issue has been resolved. That issue has been corrected with this ticket.




The export fields menu has been updated to allow users to select to export the Adjuster Layer and RLU layer if the user has access to view those layers. To do this, in Mapping, go to Tools > Export Fields and verify that the Grower Field, Adjuster Layer, and RLU Layer options are available in the Select the Layer to Export From field. Choose which layer to export and make other export selections as needed. Export all or the selected fields. The objects are exported to a zip file that can then be imported as needed.


This ticket corrected some hover labels for invalid CLUs.

1. Planting Dialogue - When an invalid CLU is identified, it displays a hover message "CLU is Invalid, please refresh CLU data".

2. Fast Edit Planting/ Sync to AR - When an invalid CLU is identified, it displays a hover message "CLU is Invalid, please refresh CLU data".

3. PRF Wizard - When an invalid CLU is identified, the field displays in red and hover message "CLU is invalid, please refresh CLU Data".




Forage Production: With TFS #135120, the System was updated to, upon Mark Complete, trigger a new suspension for the 2023+ RYs for Forage Production (Plan 90) policies. Upon Mark Complete, the suspension, "Year of Establishment Verification Required for Unit XXXX-XXXX. Underwriter Review Required." now triggers when the following criteria exist:

Crop Year = 2023+ RYs
Commodity = Forage Production (0033)
AR Sign Date Exists
Date Seeded = RY - 1

In addition, a suspension verification checkbox named, "Year of Establishment Verified", was added to the View and Maintain Coverage pages for the Forage Production suspension. This checkbox is only visible to users with the correct permissions. Also, the checkbox only displays once the suspension has been triggered in the policy. If this checkbox is selected, the suspension will no longer trigger on subsequent Mark Completes.

With this current ticket, NO code changes were made; this is a testing-only ticket to verify the functionality implemented with TFS #135120.


APH: Over the course of the 2022 RY APH processing season, several issues were found to have caused crop years to be duplicated within APH databases (See TFS #135135 from the 11.060 Release, TFS #136124 from the 11.070 Release, and TFS #138840 from the 11.105 release for additional background and scenarios in addition to the scenario resolved with this ticket (138748)).

The issue resolved with this ticket had to do with when a unit number was changed on a detail line that had a system-generated child line attached. The System was updated to no longer display a warning message when a unit number is changed for a line with system-generated child lines only (CH, CL, ECO, HIP, SCO, SE, & PACE). It will not display when APHs are shared between related lines for STAX or Margin Protection either. Instead, the System will behave as if the user selected the 2nd option in the Warning dialog and always retain the associated APH link between both lines in these scenarios.


APH: A couple of bugs causing duplicate Crop Years within APH databases were found and fixed with the following tickets:

TFS #135135 from the 11.060 Release and
TFS #136124 from the 11.070 Release

Since those bugs were fixed, we've been monitoring APH databases in the 2022 RY to make sure no other instances of this scenario were occurring. Unfortunately, another bug was found that was causing the same duplicate crop year issue. It was happening when a new APH was added from within Fast Edit AR and the same detail line was duplicated within the same Fast Edit session.

NOTE: The duplication was not occurring if the detail line was duplicated first and then a new APH was added.

The System has been updated and will no longer duplicate crop years within an APH database when a new APH is added from within Fast Edit AR and, the same detail line is duplicated within the same Fast Edit AR session.


UDGO: Beginning in the 2023 RY, RMA is implementing a Unit Division by Grid Option (UDGO) for Category B crops in Georgia, Maine, and Texas. This new option is NOT available with CAT coverage.

This option must be elected by the SCD but the actual request for UDGO does not have to be done until the ARD. This ticket will allow users to apply the UG option code to a coverage, if available in the ADM. Even though the option is applicable to all non-CAT Category B crops in the county, the user must manually apply the option to each applicable coverage for the county. If UDGO is elected for at least one coverage in the county, OUs cannot be established by any other means for other coverages in the county. BU is the only available unit structure without the UG option.

TFS #121586 will implement the majority of logic that will be needed to support UDGO. This ticket only added the UG option to the internal ICE table for selection on the coverage. Additional tickets for Land ID, transmission, unit structure, rating, etc. have been created and will be placed in releases as development times are decided. This ticket added the new UG option code to the internal ICE table, making it now available for selection on all non-CAT Category B crops in Georgia, Maine, and Texas.