Release Notes 8.045.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 8.045.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


MCT received a request to the add the Expected Revenue Guarantee / CWT to the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Schedule of Insurance (SOI). A new column was added on the DRP SOI Detail Line table

a. The column label reads "Expected Rev. Guarantee / CWT". Also,"Revenue" was abbreviated to "Rev." in the "Expected Rev. Guarantee" label.

b. The column was placed between the "Expected Revenue Guarantee" and the "Liability" columns.

c. Data will be pulled from LivestockPremiumLine.ExpectedRevenueGuaranteeperCWT database field.

d. Data formatting will use a $ and round to 2 digits after the decimal.

The form's revision date was also updated to 11-2019. All changes are applicable to all years.


WFRP: During the 2020 Handbook review, it was found that Request for Actuarial Change Form needed updates to be more in sync with the Written Agreement Handbook (WAH). Since the form was being updated for base form standard, it was also updated to match the WAH. These updates apply to all years:

1. The Revision Date was updated to "10-2019".
2. A Page 1 Legend was added that includes VFR plus print indicator behind the Grower's name in parentheses when the Grower has been certified as a VFR.
3. The Insured's Name and info was updated to be more in sync with the 2020 WAH.
4. The Person Type was removed from the form as it is not required.
5. On page 2+, the AIP logo and Contact info was removed. The new format displays the Insured's Name, Agency Name, Crop Year, and Policy Number.
6. The page numbers print for the blank form.
7. The verbiage in the Explanation field was updated to be consistent with the 2020 WAH.
8. The underline for the "RENEWAL..." section label on page 2 was removed so it is easier to read "NL" in the verbiage.
9. The format of the "INITIAL..." section was updated for easier readability.
10. A question mark was added to the question on top of page 2: "If no, what other land is included in the unit (section/ township/range, FSA FN/Tract/Field, and/or farm location)". Also, spacing was also added before and after the forward slashes.
11. The "Any other..." section on page 2 verbiage was updated to be in sync with the 2020 WAH.
12. A period was added at the end of the "All applicable information..." sentence under the title of the form.
13. The Crop Table was updated to provide more room for the Grower or Agent to hand write in the Crop Table and to be consistent with form standards.

a. Type and Practice were moved to a split field.

b. The Insured's Share was moved before Name of Other Person(s) Sharing Crop.

c. The "Name of" was moved from the "Other Person(s) Sharing Crop" Label.

14. The "10." was removed from the "Pending losses" label.
15. The Producer Acceptance Statement was updated to be more readable.
16. The note under Producer's Info label was reworded to be in sync with 2020 WAH.
17. The NB Type Statements were added to the form.


SOI/PR: For the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) / Production Report, an enhancement request was received that users have the ability to only print the premium lines that require production to be collected. This was implemented in the 8.010 Release with TFS #98534. However, it was found the "Print as a Production Report" Print Option was not printing any child lines. With this ticket, the rule for the "Print as a Production Report" Print Option was updated to NOT print System-generated child lines (for example, MP, SE, SCO, STAX), to NOT print PP user-generated duplicate child lines, and TO print LP user-generated duplicate child lines. These updates to the SOI / Production Report apply to all years.


The 2020 Olives Special Provisions were updated and made available by the RMA in August. The following Special Provisions for 2020 have been downloaded and implemented in the System:

Olives (0501) - Plan APH (90) - Year 2020

CA (06) - 17 counties - SCD 1/31/2020

The SPOIs can be printed with the Policy Declaration Page by selecting the "All Provisions" option which can be printed from the Tools > Batch Printing menu item and the Print tab in a MPCI policy.


PRF/Apiculture: It was found that the default data for PRF and Apiculture fields was "No Organic Practice Specified (NOPS)". To help ensure users know when Organic Practice has been selected, the Organic Practice rule was updated to only print when a Organic Practice has been selected. This change was made for all crop years. The forms can be printed from Tools > Batch Printing and the Print tab of an MPCI policy.


PR: A request was received to print Preventing Planting acres on the Production Reporting forms. With this ticket, when the form is printed with a Pre-filled Report Style, the Pre-print for next year Print Option is selected, and the Detail Line's acres are marked as PP for the current year, then the APH Database in the Production Reporting section for the Unit will not create a row for reporting production. Also, the column label for "Total Production (Gross) for Skip Row units" was abbreviated to “Total Prod. (Gross)”. These changes apply to the Production Report for all crop years.


PR/AR: It was found that Prevented Planting acres were printing on the Production Reporting forms, but they should not have been. This ticket updated the Production Report / Acreage Report form to no longer print PP acres as well as these additional changes (for all crop years):

1. The APH database was also not working in the Production Report section for PP; this was also fixed.
2. The Yield Total, Avg Yield, Prior Yield, and Adj Yield were printing single decimal places but there should have been two on the 3-to-a-page format; this was updated.
3. On the Skip Row page, the T-Yield, App Yield, Prior Yield, Rate Yield, Yield Total, and Adj Yield were single decimal places and there should have been two; this was updated.
4. On the ARH page, the 100% Rev data should have had a dollar sign; this was updated.
5. The Total Production on the 3-to-a-page format was missing a comma; this was updated.
6. On the Skip Row page, the Net Production was missing a comma in the format; this was updated.
7. On the ARH page, the App. Yld. field was not printing with a comma; this was fixed.


Cherries: RMA released ARH Cherry Sweet and Tart Provisions that are effective for the 2020 and succeeding crop years. These provisions have been implemented in the System and print with the MPCI Policy Declaration page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.


API/PRF: RMA released API and PRF Provisions that are effective for the 2020 and succeeding crop years. These provisions have been implemented in the System and print with the MPCI Policy Declaration page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




Apiculture: A field exists on the Apiculture coverage labeled "Total # of Colonies in US". This field is used solely for the transmission of a required nonpremium acreage P11 record. In the past, if an grower had multiple policies across states and/or counties, an increase to their Apiculture operation required each coverage be updated separately. A change has been implemented to make this field dynamically update across all coverages/policies for a grower (by grower OID) for a given RY. This allows the user to make a change in total bee colonies one time and it's applied to all coverages at once.

Now, a change on one coverage updates all coverages/policies immediately. A user's change of the total colonies, including on a new coverage or policy, will update all coverages for the grower. The update of colonies does not invoke recalculation of the premium nor does it remove a complete status from a coverage, except for the coverage where the change is being saved on.

NOTE: The coverage from which the # of colonies is changed will be updated to an "Incomplete" status by design. Other coverages for the grower that are updated through the database will not be changed to an "Incomplete" status.

Finally, a statement has been added to display in the interface to ensure that users are aware of the new functionality and the scope of this ticket.


WFRP: As part of the 2020 RY WFRP policy changes, RMA has implemented a new Revenue Cup (RC) option. The Revenue Cup will be determined as 90% of the prior year Approved Revenue and will be used in the determination of the Historic Average Revenue. Historic Average Revenue will be the higher if Simple Average Revenue, Indexed Average Revenue, Expanded Operations Average Revenue, Revenue Cup, Revenue Substitution Average Revenue, or Revenue Exclusion Average Revenue.

NOTE: Functionality for the Revenue Substitution Average Revenue and Revenue Exclusion Average Revenue will be implemented in the 8.050 release.

With this ticket, the Income & Expense Record on WFRP policies was updated to account for the Revenue Cup option:

New fields for Prior Approved Revenue and Revenue Cup have been added to the grid below the Tax History.
The Prior Approved Revenue field displays the Approved Revenue from the prior year policy that rolled to the new RY and will be editable should the user need to alter the value.
The System will calculate the Revenue Cup as 90% of the Prior Approved Revenue value and display the result in the new Revenue Cup field.
If the Revenue Cup value is greater than the Simple Average Revenue, Indexed Average Revenue, Expanded Operation Revenue, Revenue Substitution Average (will be implemented in the 8.050 release), and Revenue Exclusion Average (will be implemented in the 8.050 release), then the System will set the Historic Average Revenue equal to the Revenue Cup.


WFRP: Prior to the 2020 RY, the WFRP policy included a $1 million cap on Nursery/Greenhouse Commodities. If this limit was exceeded when the Intended Farm Operation Report was completed, the grower was ineligible for a WFRP policy. If this limit was not exceeded at the time of the Intended Farm Operation Report but was exceeded at the time of the Revised Farm Operation Report, then the expected revenue from Nursery/Greenhouse Commodities was capped at $1 million.

Beginning in the 2020 RY, the WFRP policy has been revised to limit expected revenue from Nursery/Greenhouse Commodities at $2 million rather than the previous $1 million. In addition, the policy now allows for this limit to be exceed at the time of the Intended Farm Operation Report without disqualifying the grower from obtaining a WFRP policy. Instead, the grower can obtain a WFRP policy, however, expected revenue (intended and/or revised) for Nursery/Greenhouse Commodities will be capped at the $2 million limit.

To account for these updates to the 2020 WFRP Policy, the following System changes were made:

1. The suspension that was triggered when the Intended Farm Operation Report was keyed if the expected revenue from Nursery/Greenhouse commodities exceeded the $1 million limit has been updated to exclude Nursery/Greenhouse commodities:
Since RMA has updated the WFRP policy so that exceeding this limit no longer disqualifies a grower from obtaining a WFRP policy, the suspension is no longer applicable to Nursery/Greenhouse Commodities.
This suspension also applies to and will continue to apply to Livestock Commodities that exceed the $1 million policy limit.
2. System logic that automatically caps expected revenue from Nursery/Greenhouse Commodities at $1 million once the Revised Farm Operation Report is keyed has been updated as follows:
The System will now cap expected revenue from Nursery/Greenhouse Commodities at $2 million rather than the previous $1 million.
The cap will now be applied anytime expected revenue from Nursery/Greenhouse Commodities exceeds the $2 million limit, regardless of whether a revised report has been keyed.

NOTE: The cap previously only applied if the Revised Report checkbox was selected on at least one commodity on the policy.


WFRP: As part of the 2020 RY changes to the WFRP policy, RMA has updated the Indexed Average Revenue calculation as well as the Approved Expense Calculation. In addition, due to the new Approved Expenses calculation, the Indexed Average Expenses, Expanded Operation Average Expenses, and Historic Average Expenses are no longer applicable In addition to the removal of these fields, the following changes have been made for 2020+ RY policies:

The Approved Expense Amount Calculation was updated for 2020+ RYs.
Approved Expense Amount = the lesser of:
Round(Simple Average Expense Amount * Round(Approved Revenue Amount / Average Revenue Amount,3),0)

--- OR ---

The highest "Allowable Expenses Amount" from the five-year tax history period.

The Indexed Average Revenue Calculation has been updated to the new calculation for 2020+ RYs.


WFRP: RMA made a number of changes to the WFRP policy for 2020+ RYs. Most of these changes required new fields be added to the Income & Expense tab, which made it difficult to read and not user friendly. In addition, part of the WFRP policy changes includes three new options for Revenue Substitution, Revenue Exclusion, and Revenue Cup. Given these changes, the Income & Expenses tab was redesigned to look more like an APH page in an effort to support the new options and make its appearance more user friendly. With this ticket the Income & Expenses record has been redesigned to look more like the APH page. New fields were added to support the various options and calculations. These fields include:

Indexed Allowable Revenue: This is an interim result in the indexing calculation that is used in Revenue Substitution if indexing applies.
Revenue Used: This field will display the Revenue Used in the calculations at the bottom of the page. This could be Allowable Revenue, Indexed Allowable Revenue, the Revenue Substitution value, or $0 to represent the excluded year under the RX option.
RS/RX: This field will display whether or not the RS and/or RX option apply to the given year in determining RS Avg Revenue and RX Avg Revenue.
Indexed Simple Avg Revenue: This is an interim result in the indexing calculation that is used in to determine the Revenue Substitution amount if indexing applies.
Prior Approved Revenue: This field will display the Approved Revenue from the previous RY for policies that rolled to 2020. This value is used to calculate the Revenue Cup.
Revenue Cup: This field will display the system calculated Revenue Cup.
RS Avg Revenue: This field will display the Revenue Substitution Average Revenue.
RX Avg Revenue: This field will display the Revenue Exclusion Average Revenue.
Crop Options: This field will display the option (if any) that applies to the final Approved Revenue value.

NOTE: Many of these fields will not populate until the 8.050 release when the Revenue Substitution and Revenue Exclusion functionality is implemented.


WFRP: As part of the 2020 RY WFRP changes, RMA added three new options for RS, RX, and RC. Prior to 2020, options were not applicable to WFRP and so the field to add/remove options on the coverage page did not display. With this ticket, the options field was adding to allow users to add/remove options on WFRP policies. All available options for the State/County/Plan will display for selection.


Plan 13 Updates: MCT routinely evaluates performance of pages within the System, conducting internal timing for loading pages or saving changes made by a user. Architectural changes have been applied to the Plan 13 detail line (Apiculture and PRF) to open the pages as popups. These popups contains all of the detail line fields, business logic, validations and functionality of the Add/Maintain Detail line pages that have been in place since the inception of the System. Internal testing has shown that the System performance has increased at save of the detail line as well as "Cancel" (e.g., in the event that a user opens a detail line and then cancels out of it because no changes were made). While re-evaluating the format of the page, the format was also upgraded and liability and premium values were added to the grid. It's important to note that an initial save of the detail line is required to calculate the liability and premium. This allows a user to change the intervals and/or acres, save, evaluate the impact on liability and premium, and then make additional changes/save without needing to leave the page.