Release Notes 9.035.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.035.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SOI: It was found that HIP and SCO data were not printing correctly in the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) Premium Summary. Previously, the same HIP values were printing for each HIP line in the Premium Summary and "$0.00" was printing for the SCO line in the Premium Summary for Liability, Gross Premium, Subsidy, and Insured's Premium. With this ticket, the rule for the SOI and SOI / Production Report was updated to print HIP and SCO information correctly in the Premium Summary for all years. |
119952, 119960 |
FUR/AR: The Forage Underwriting and Acreage Report (FUR / AR) was updated with base form standards and to implement changes found in the 2021 DSSH. The form's revision date was also updated to "09-2020". |
93261 |
PAW: The Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) was updated with base form standards and to implement changes requested by AIPs. The form's revision date was also updated to "09-2020". |
41799 |
Perennial Combo Form: A new print option has been added to the Perennial Combo Form to give users the ability to print the Hurricane Insurance Protection Application Supplement to capture the data. This Application Supplement was added to the MPCI Application with TFS #112782 and #114730 in previous releases. With this ticket, the Perennial Combo Form was updated in the following ways:
114731 |
Perennial Combo Form: The Perennial Combo Form was updated with base form standards and to implement changes requested by AIPs. The form's revision date was also updated to "09-2020". |
109707 |
Perennial Combo Form: With this ticket, the Perennial Combo Form (which can be printed from the MPCI policy Print tab as well as the Batch Printing menu) has been updated in the following ways:
26316 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
118646 |
Each Reinsurance Year (RY), the default year is updated to the current RY. This controls the internal processing pages (e.g., Add New Policy, Add New Coverage) in addition to pages like the Internal Transfer Wizard RY dropdown. This ticket changed the default year from "2020" to "2021" in advance of the 9/30 SCD. |
118083 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||
A request was received to make some enhancements to the Livestock Register (Livestock > Reports > Livestock Register). While researching this request, it was determined that the same enhancements could also be made for a couple of the other Livestock Reports. With this ticket, a new "Reports" menu option has been added to the Livestock menu on the main navigation bar of the System. The following reports have been moved to this new "Reports" menu from the MPCI Reporting menu option (Reports > MPCI Reporting):
Additionally, once one of the three reports listed above has been run, the policy number in the results will now be a hyperlink. If a user clicks the hyperlink, they will be taken to the Detail Lines tab of the respective coverage in a new browser tab. This functionality already exists for other reports within the System, so this change will bring consistency to these three reports. |
118881 |
An enhancement request was received to add a suspension to Livestock logic so that upon Mark Complete, if a Power of Attorney (POA) exists but no POA Attachment exists, a suspension is triggered. With this ticket, the current POA suspension that is utilized for MPCI policies was copied to the Livestock Mark Complete logic. Livestock also did not have the Power of Attorney Attachment Type available for selection, so that has also been added with this ticket. |
119487 |
Previously, a green approved icon ( |
119907 |
Transmissions: Currently on the MPCI side, users are able to create transmissions for just the Grower and/or SBI records. When the PASS files are sent up, RMA returns a code of the Grower and/or SBI is Out of Compliance. When the transmission file is loaded back in, if that code is returned, the System will automatically flip the flag on the Grower and/or SBI page to "Out of Compliance". A subsequent Mark Complete will then suspend the applicable coverage since no AIP Approval Date exists. This logic was previously not in place for Livestock, and a request was received to update the Livestock logic to mirror the MPCI process. Currently for LRP or LGM (eDAS), if just the coverage is submitted, which also includes the Grower/SBI records, RMA does send back a "CC" code that can be used to set the Grower/SBI records to "Out of Compliance". Even though RMA returns the "CC" code, no errors are thrown on the coverage. It is not until the premium is submitted that actual errors are returned, and at that point, there is a very limited processing window to get the corrections made. Having a way for users to be notified of the Compliance issues earlier in the processing cycle would allow for more time to get issues resolved. With this ticket, the Livestock logic for LRP and LGM has been updated to mirror the MPCI process. This includes setting the Grower/SBI flags when the return eDAS files are processed back in, similar to what is done for MPCI. In addition, a request was received for there to be way to send eDAS transmissions for just the Grower/SBI records rather than having to tie in the coverage records as well. This will be useful for both plans (LGM and LRP) but will especially be needed for LGM as the coverage is data specific and can't be sent prior to the opening of sales. This update has been made as well. NOTE: This ticket does not cover the SBI update for Conservation Compliance; this will be a Grower Level change only. |
118960 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||||||||
During internal review of the crop options functionality on coverages and detail lines, some inherit risks where identified with the current structure. In an effort to decrease these risks, the previous design's functionality that allowed users to move options from one side to the other was replaced with a dropdown. This will function similar to the existing options dropdown that displays on Fast Edit AR. With this ticket, the new Crop Options dropdown functionality has been implemented on both the Coverage and Detail Lines pages. This functionality will allow users to select all options or pick and choose the applicable options. Please note that no logic around options elected/not elected was changed. All that is changing is the format of how options are displayed and selected. |
117391 |
Enterprise Unit Procedures: RMA has made some revisions to procedures for assigning unit structure when MCEU with EP on both practices is elected on the SCD but on the ARD the coverage does not qualify for that original election and also does not qualify for EP on both Irrigation Practices without MCEU. In this scenario in prior RYs, the grower had the option to elect EU on a crop/county basis or the BU/OU unit structure. Beginning in the 2021 RY, growers will now have the following options:
Due to the complexity of determining whether a form of MCEU (and which form of it), EP on a single practice (and which practice), or EU is the most beneficial to the grower, the System's enterprise unit validation logic will remain intact. This validation logic first tries to apply the enterprise unit election on the coverage of MC with EP both practices. If the coverage does not qualify for this original election, the System then attempts to apply EP on both practices without MCEU. If the coverage also does not qualify for that election, the System then attempts EU without MCEU followed by BU/OU. Given this, determination and application of any form of MCEU, other than the original election, or EP on a single irrigation practice without MCEU will be an underwriting determination and will require an override. The overrides available to the user when MC with EP on both irrigation practices is elected will be updated to include the various forms of MCEU listed above as well as EP on a single irrigation practice without MCEU (NOTE: These overrides previously did not display since they previously were not allowed by procedure). In addition, in an effort to assist users in applying a valid override, a Validate button was added to the Manage Unit Structure popup. Finally, the suspension messages that trigger when the System determines a coverage does not qualify for the original enterprise unit election have been updated to call out the additional options that may be available to the grower. |
116578 |
HIP: HIP-SE premium lines were being rejected because the System's premium calculations were based on the STAX SE liability, coverage level, and price election. RMA's expected premium for the HIP SE premium are instead using the MPCI base (lint) SE liability, coverage level, and price election. With this ticket, the STAX HIP SE Detail Lines rate calculator will now use the SE Detail Line on the base MPCI Coverage rather than using the STAX SE Detail Line. This change will allow the STAX HIP SE Detail Line's premium to match what RMA expects. |
117850 |
Enterprise Units: For the 2021+ RYs, the RMA has revised their Enterprise Unit procedures to allow for expanded Unit Structure options when one of three specific EU-based Unit Structures is elected at sales closing but the coverage doesn't qualify for the elected Unit Structure when acreage is reported. These new procedures only apply when the original Unit Structure was Enterprise Units by Irrigation Practice on Both Practices, Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice on Both Practices, and Enterprise Units by Irrigation Practice with the Multi-County Enterprise Unit option (MC) on Both Practices. Suspension Messages have been updated to call out the additional Unit Structure options that may be available to the grower when the System determines the coverage does not qualify for the original unit structure election of EP or EC on both practices.
117533 |