Release Notes 7.110.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 7.110.0.


System Updates



Policy Estimates: With this ticket, the Policy Estimate's Detail Lines, Scenarios, and Calculations UIs have been updated to allow standalone Margin Protection scenarios to be quoted. In addition, any Margin Protection selections that are on the policy will be automatically selected on the corresponding Policy Estimate.


Policy Estimates: With this ticket, a bug on the Policy Estimate printout was corrected to ensure that a field for Expected Margin will appear in the Unit Information section any time that a Margin Protection scenario is included (was previously being suppressed if an ARPI plan was also selected).


Policy Estimates: With this ticket, the Policy Estimate's printout was updated to allow standalone Margin Protection scenarios to be quoted.


Forms & Reports


LRP SOI: With this ticket, the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Schedule of Insurance (SOI) listing on the print menu has been updated in the following ways for all years:

The "Level of Detail" label and the dropdown that only had "Pre-filled Form" were removed from the print menu for the form. This form is only available to print pre-filled, so a dropdown was unnecessary.
"(LRP)" was added to the form title for the LRP SOI to be consistent with the other LRP form titles on the print menu.


VFR Application: Section 12306(b) of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 added the definition of Veteran Farmers and Ranchers to Section 502(b) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1502(b)) (as amended by section 11101) and amended Section 508 of the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 U.S.C. 1508) to add "or Veteran Farmer or Rancher" after "Beginning Farmer or Rancher," giving Veteran Farmers or Ranchers (VFRs) the same benefits as Beginning Farmers or Ranchers (BFRs).

With this ticket, a standalone Veteran Farmer or Rancher (VFR) Application has been implemented and is now available for the 2019+ Crop Years. This form has been set up for Batch Scanning, is a permanent form with the Attachment Type of VFR Application, and will have a QR Code when printed with a pre-headed report style. Users can print this form from the MPCI policy Print tab and the Batch Printing tool. Available report styles are blank and pre-headed.




Notifications: Billing notification functionality for MPCI, Private Products, Livestock, and Agency Bill has been implemented. Each Agency has a new flag, Notifications Enabled, which must be set to "Yes" for that Agency's Agents or Growers to received Notification emails. When the Notification feature is enabled in the environment, this new flag is visible on the Agency record and can be set by editing the Agency in the System. Each Grower has a new flag, Notification Key Account. When the Notification feature is enabled in the environment, this new flag is visible on the Grower page and can be modified by editing the Grower record.


The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




Companion Policy: It was found that additional logic was needed to account for scenarios when both System-generated and manually-generated child lines exist. Previously, the logic was only working when one or the other existed but not both. Scenario example showing the issue (links were established between the Source and the Companion policies and then acres were added to the Source policy):

Source Policy—Corn unit 1-0101: 50.0 planted on the parent line, a System-generated SCO child line, and a manually-created PP child line with 30.0 acres
Companion Policy—Corn unit 1-0101

After acres were added on the Source policy, only the 30.0 acre PP line came across. The System did create a child line, but it had zero acres. The Companion policy didn't have the SCO line but still expected the main line to be 50.0 planted and the child line that was created to have the 30.0 acres of PP.

With this ticket, Companion Policy functionality has been updated to correctly sync the acres when both System-generated and manually-generated child lines exist.


Companion Policy: Some bugs were found during internal testing of the Companion Policy functionality when established companion links needed to be broken. With this ticket, the following issues have been corrected:

Scenario 1: If the plan changes on the Source or Companion coverage to an unsupported plan, the System should automatically break the companion links on the applicable coverages.
Issue: Previously, when a user changed the plan on the Source policy to an unsupported plan, they received the warning message about the link being broken as expected; however, the link was only removed from the Source policy and not the Companion policy.
Fix: The logic was updated to now remove the links for the applicable coverages from both policies.
Scenario 2: If a policy shareholder with established companion links is deleted from the Source policy, the System should automatically break all companion links between the applicable Source and Companion policies.
Issue: Users were able to delete policy shareholders from the Companion policy but links were not breaking as expected on both policies.
Fix: Due to the current logic in place, the System is unable to break the links at this time from a Companion policy to a Source policy in this scenario. In order to prevent shareholders with existing companion links from being deleted on the Companion policy, the System will now throw a hard stop error message telling the user that they must first break any associated companion links before they will be able to delete the shareholder with established companion links. Once the links are broken for that shareholder, the user will then be able to delete the shareholder from the Companion policy.
Scenario 3: If an associated shareholder (with established companion links) is removed/unassociated from a detail line on the Source policy where the companion link exists, the System should automatically break the companion link for that detail line on both the Source and Companion policies.
Issue: The user was able to remove/unassociate linked shareholders on the Companion policy, but the links were not being removed from the detail lines on both policies as expected.
Fix: Due to the current logic in place, the System is unable to break the links at this time from a Companion policy to a Source policy in this scenario. In order to prevent shareholders with existing companion links from being unassociated on the Companion policy's detail line, the System will now throw a hard stop error message telling the user that they must first break any associated companion links. Once the links are broken for that shareholder, the user will then be able to remove/unassociate the shareholder from the Companion policy’s detail line.


Companion Policy: Some bugs were found during internal testing of the Companion Policy functionality. With this ticket, the following issues have been corrected:

The Crop Practice and UI checkboxes are now read-only on both the Maintain Detail Line page and the Fast Edit AR page on the Companion policy once companion links are established. Previously, they were not always read-only on both pages on the Companion policy.
The companion link icon popup wording was not consistent across various pages in the System. For consistency, they all now read "Companion Link Exists" if you are within the Source policy or "Source Policy Exists" if you are within the Companion policy. Previously, the popup on some of these pages was displaying "1 or more Companion links Exist".


Companion Policy: Users have the ability to create a new unit on the Companion policy when establishing companion links from the Source policy; however, an issue with the Create New Unit feature was found during internal testing when coverages were insured by type. If multiple coverages were established by type on both the Source and Companion policies, the System was not creating the new unit on the Companion policy under the appropriate type. The Create New Unit functionality has been updated to correctly build the new linked unit for the coverage using the applicable coverage by type.


Perennials: In CA, AIPs are permitted by the Davis RO to establish a higher yield for Almonds that have not met minimum insurability requirements. When the "higher yield" calculations are applied to an APH, the YC option code is not applicable, by procedure. An APH bug was applying the YC option code to the P15 record when the higher yield APH exception was used for calculation AND when the detail lines reflected the same BU/OU but had different sub units. The System wasn't properly handling calculation of these lines as 2 separate units with the sub unit extension and was caught in a logic loop when the user tried to re-save the APH to remove the incorrect YC value. This has been corrected to now remove the YC option code when the "higher yield" Almond exception calculation is applied.


Private Products


The POTATO ALTERNATE PAYMENT ENDORSEMENT has been added to the System and will generate as a PDF for the user to print when the policy form code (Basic AP) is elected.