Release Notes 8.115.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 8.115.0.
System Updates
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||
Policy Estimates: This ticket implemented the new Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP) Endorsement on Policy Estimates for the most common scenarios. It is largely formatted after SCO so users should feel familiar with how HIP will be displayed. This ticket is for testing Plan Codes 35 & 36 (standalone STAX excluded), 40, and 50. The following items were addressed with this ticket:
116256 |
Quick Dollar Plan Estimate: This ticket implemented the following minor formatting enhancements (discovered internally) for the Quick Dollar Plan Estimate:
116097 |
Quick Dollar Plan Estimate: This ticket implemented the new Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP) Endorsement on the Quick Dollar Plan Estimate. It is formatted after SCO on the Quick Estimate so users will feel familiar with how HIP displays. The following updates were made:
116030 |
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Printing: For the Acreage Report, CLU Acreage Report, Production Report, APH Database, Production Reporting Worksheet, and APH Database and Acreage Reporting Form (when applicable), a "Duplex Print" print option is now available when printing from within an individual MPCI policy or via the Batch Printing menu. When the "Duplex Print" print option is selected and the form is printed, the odd pages are on the front of the paper and the even pages are on the back of the paper; if the number of pages being printed for the policy is an odd number, to insure proper page numbering, a blank page will print on the last page. In this scenario, the System will also include a barcode for the policy in the bottom-right corner of the blank page, and when documents are being batch scanned (Tools > Batch Scanning), the blank page will not attach to the policy. The "Duplex Print" print option is unselected by default. NOTE: Users must update their printer settings for the PDF to be successfully printed on both sides of the paper. NOTE: The APH Database Form as well as the APH Database and Acreage Reporting Form (APH / AR) also have the ability to Auto Attach; however, Duplex printing does not work with the Auto Attach feature. If a user wants to print either of these forms with Duplex printing and Auto Attach, they will need to print them with the Auto Attach print option selected and then print them again with the Duplex Print print option selected or vice versa. |
26294, 26298, 26302, 26306, 116312 |
2021 Special Provisions were updated and made available from RMA on April 15, 2020. The following Special Provisions for the 2020 RY / 2021 CY have been implemented in the System:
116110 |
2021 Special Provisions were updated and made available from the RMA on April 23, 2020. The following Special Provisions have been implemented in the System for the 2020 RY / 2021 CY:
116380 |
HIP: The Schedule of Insurance (SOI) was updated for Hurricane Insurance Protection (HIP). The HIP-WI Handbook identified that the SOI must include the Hurricane Protection Amount (HPA), premium, and administrative fee for the HIP-WI. These have been added and some additional items were cleaned up. NOTE: TFS #117066 was set up to work on the Premium Summary's Admin Fee for HIP; currently, it always prints $0, and the HIP Admin Fee is included with the coverage's Admin Fee. |
113490 |
Printing & Batch Printing: A request was received to give users the ability to print cancelled coverages on the application type of forms. The following updates have been made for all years:
114380 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
115333 |
Users requested that labels be displayed differently at the field and planting record levels. Now, on the Label Template tab, users can choose labels according to whether they are field or planting record labels and whether to display the values in a line (horizontal) or stacked (vertical). |
116370 |
Labels: When moving the custom label line, the line wasn't always tracking with the label when the label was moved. This ticket ensured that when moving the label, the line will reset back to the center of the field and center of the label. In addition, a manual refresh option, Reset Line to Original, was added to the Label Editor so users can manually reset the line if needed. |
115709 |
Map Books: The legend for Map Books was updated so that, when shading by Crop/Type/Practice, acres are split and shaded separately and summed by specific crops in a multiple-crop scenario. |
113089 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Downed Rice: During internal review of some the Fast Edit AR validations, some inconsistencies were found with the validations around the Downed Rice (DC option) endorsement. Specifically, a number of error validations were identified that were allowing the user to continue without correcting the error but were resulting in the detail line being left at an "Incomplete" status. In addition, a couple validations were triggering on Fast Edit AR even though they weren't necessary. The following Fast Edit AR DC Rice validations will now be hard stops that will prevent the user from continuing with save until the error is corrected.
The following validations for DC Rice have been removed from Fast Edit AR completely:
107684 |
Fast Edit AR: An issue was reported where the tabbing sequence was not working in the Add New Unit line of the grid. When the cursor was placed in the start of the grid for the Add New Unit functionality and the user tabbed out of a field, the System would take the user to the last field that was edited. A JavaScript bug was found in the tabbing sequence and has been corrected; users can now set the cursor on the first field of the Add New Unit line of the grid and tab through each following field successively. |
107166 |
HIP & STAX: Previous tickets added logic to be able to create and rate HIP child lines on STAX coverages. However, there were still a few fields that needed to be adjusted to account for HIP child lines on the STAX coverage. In addition to these display changes, an issue was found where the System was wiping out the HIP child line under the STAX coverage if the user selected the "Recreate STAX Detail Line" option from the Additional Functions dropdown. With this ticket, for STAX coverages, some adjustments were made on the Detail Line tab grid (Trigger Index column displays Total Guarantee/Hurricane Protection Amount and $ Amt of Ins column displays the Expected Commodity Value) and the View Detail Line page (Expected Revenue, Trigger Value, Payment Factor, and Maximum Protection/Acre were removed) to account for HIP child lines. Additionally, HIP child lines are now no longer removed if the user selects the "Recreate STAX Detail Line" option. |
116614 |
HIP: A couple of issues (see below) were identified internally within the Land ID portion of HIP child lines while testing HIP Detail Line and Child Line Creation Logic on Perennial crops (Plans 40, 41, 50, and 90).
With this ticket, for Perennial crops, when editing Land ID(s), the requirement that Planted CLUs exist before child lines are updated has been removed. |
116166 |
HIP: An issue was found internally during testing of TFS #115358 (Detail Line UI and Child Line Creation Logic for HIP) where HIP child lines for Plan 50 Nursery and NVS commodities were not going to a "Complete" Processing Status due to the "Nursery location is required." validation. If the Inventory location is entered on the parent detail line and is at a "Complete" Processing Status, then the child line should be as well. With this ticket, the detail line's Processing Status logic for HIP child lines was updated to exclude the requirement of the nursery location on child lines as it is not applicable. |
116148 |
HIP: During internal testing, a display issue was found in the sort order of the child line units within the unit selection dropdown on the View/Maintain Detail Lines page when compared to the order the HIP child lines display on the Detail Lines tab. The sort order was updated to match the sort order on Fast Edit AR. |
116292 |
Mark Complete: An enhancement request was made for the System to display the number of "Incomplete" detail lines that exist on each coverage after an Acreage Report has been processed to help users immediately identify when lines still need attention. With this ticket, once an Acreage Report sign date has been entered (for acres greater than 0 or a 0-acre Acreage Report), the Incomplete Lines field will display on the Coverages tab in the Processing Status/Incomplete Lines column. If there are coverage detail lines greater than 0 that remain incomplete, the number of lines displays in red. If all lines are complete and an Acreage Report Sign date is entered, "Incomplete Lines = 0" displays in black font. |
107176 |
PRF/Apiculture: Prior to the 2020 RY processing season, the PRF/Apiculture detail line was modified to a single page application format as a measure to improve performance at save. The use of the page was established under an AIP preference and was implemented in production for most AIPs. Initial feedback focused on concerns around the need to scroll on the new modal page causing the top of the page with key detail line fields to disappear. With this ticket, the page has been redesigned to gain more vertical space on the detail line page. Some fields have been moved to allow this improved placement. The new modal page will be implemented for all RYs where the AIP preference is set to "Yes". |
116321 |