Release Notes 6.115.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.115.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||
The AFA Annual Forage App/Cancel/Trans form was modified for use within the eSign Wizard process. For this document, the eSign Wizard will:
a) Conditions of Acceptance section
77675 |
The AFAR Acreage Report - Annual Forage form was modified for use within the eSign Wizard process. For this document, the eSign Wizard will:
a) Native Sod section in states where applicable b) Measurement Service Requested NOTE: Measurement Service Comment Entry is OPTIONAL
a) Remarks section
77681 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
88069 |
A new Draw Pivot tool has been added to the Tools menu in Mapping. The Split Pivot tool divides a pivot into one or more fields while the Draw Pivot tool allows a user to add a new pivot field to the map and it is trimmed to any existing fields. |
83430 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) has offered an additional State Subsidy program for the 2018 RY. The program is targeted at select producers who use proper cover crop practices and is offered to producers who certify eligible land. The eligible land will be identified by the IDALS at a CLU and/or Legal level, and a listing will be provided to the RMA. The producer enrollment deadline for this program will be January 15th of each RY in which the program is offered. Applicants will be reviewed/accepted by the IDALS. AIPs can elect to participate in this program by signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on file with the IDALS. Funding will be provided to the RMA by the IDALS, and the RMA will determine the appropriate subsidy reduction for each P11 record (i.e., premium/detail line) that is submitted through PASS containing related P27 record(s) with CLU and/or Land ID information that is included on the eligible land listing. RMA determined values will be returned to the AIP as part of their error file. The value(s) will be provided in P11 output field 101 (State Private Subsidy Amount). AIPs are required to include the reduced subsidy on their Billing Statements with the description: “IDALS – Cover Crop Program”. To implement this change, during the standard Error file import process, the RMA determined subsidy values will be imported and stored on the relevant detail lines. A new Mark Complete Process will then sum these values for the coverage. The summed value(s) for the coverage(s) will be included on the Billing Statement with the required description from the MOU. The necessary changes to Billing Statements are slated for the 7.000 release. NOTE: The new functionality going out with 6.115 could not be tested in the System because the RMA does not have the necessary pieces in place on their end to allow for testing at this time. It appears they have their changes slated for their June production release. This functionality will be tested when possible. This functionality was implemented for the 2018 RY only. If the program is extended to future RYs, the System will need to be updated to accommodate those years. The following exceptions apply to this functionality:
According to the RMA, the IDALS program is based on P27 records. In order to receive the additional subsidy, a P27 with information that matches the eligible acreage and land listing will need to be submitted to the RMA. The following crops/plans do not require a P27 record, so subsidy reductions may not be provided in all scenarios:
82163, 88935 |
Fast Edit AR: During internal testing, a gap in the add new detail line validations on the Fast Edit AR was identified. The System was allowing users to add detail lines for any Type/Practice regardless of the Planting Season/ARD selected on the Fast Edit AR. For example, if a Spring planting season was selected, the System was allowing new detail lines to be created for all Types, including Fall/Winter. A new validation has been added to the add new detail line section of the Fast Edit AR. When the Add New Unit button is selected, if the Type/Practice selected is outside of the Planting Season/ARD selected on the Fast Edit AR, an error will display. NOTE: The Final Planting Date is used to determine if a Type/Practice is a Fall or Spring Planting Season.
87717 |
Peanuts: The RMA expanded contract pricing for Peanuts to Plans 02 and 03 for the 2018+ RYs. Prior to this, contract pricing was only available for Plan 01. The RMA also changed their M13 submission requirements which allowed MCT to modify how Peanut Acreage Reports are processed in the System. A user will now be able to use Fast Edit AR where they weren't able to do so in the past, so processing should now be more simplified and efficient. For the 2018+ RYs, the System was modified to allow Peanut Acreage Reports to be processed within Fast Edit AR. It will also now allow contract pricing to be applied to Peanut Plans 02 and 03. Rather than applying Contract information at a unit level, users will now apply it at a coverage level. This will be done by:
When selected, the System will use the contract records tied to the Peanut coverage to determine what contract price to apply to all Peanut lines with the same Type. This includes a Weighted Average Price (WAPP) if/when necessary. The "CP" option will also be applied to the coverage and applicable detail Lines during this process. This functionality will trigger any time one of the following actions occur:
Removing the checkbox within Fast Edit AR will remove contracts. An option will be available from the Additional Functions dropdown on the Detail Lines tab as well. Because contract pricing is determined at a type level, the System will now require a Type to be keyed on each contract record tied to a Peanut coverage. Also, the Apply Contracts checkbox has been removed from the Maintain Detail Line page. This will prevent the Apply Contract Information banner from displaying and allowing a user to apply a contract(s) at a unit level. NOTE: TFS #78800 will implement Transmission changes. |
88808 |