6.110.0 Release Notes

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.110.0.


System Updates

Forms & Reports


TFS #44164 added print logic for the Production Report form on policies with 200+ detail lines when the printing is done within the Print tab of that policy where, when the print button was clicked, the job was sent to the Service Bus to generate, which required the user to go to the Print Queue to retrieve it. AIPs requested that the logic be updated so the user no longer has to go to the Print Queue to retrieve the generated form. With this ticket, the print logic was updated for the Production Report form so users no longer have to retrieve large Production Reports from the Print Queue (Tools > Dashboard > Print Queue). This change is only applicable to the Production Report form when the policy has 200+ detail lines.


With this ticket, Planting Pattern now prints on the Acreage Report. Additionally, these other updates were made:

An "s" was added behind "Agent"; previously, it was missing in the Privacy Statement label.
The PP checkbox is now being selected for PP lines; previously, it was not being selected when applicable.
The LP checkbox is now being selected for Max Late Plant lines; previously, it was not being selected for Max Late Plant, only for regular Late Plant.
The Email field was updated to print up to 100 characters; previously, it was only printing 42 characters.
The Planting Pattern now prints behind the practice in parentheses (e.g., NIRR-SR (3x1)).
The revision date was updated to "05-2018".

These updates are for all years and all report styles.


With this ticket, Planting Pattern now prints on the APH Database / Acreage Reporting Form behind the Practice code when applicable to the selections on the premium line (e.g., NIRR-SR (063) (6x1)).

NOTE: The version date was not updated since this is not a new format, just additions to the data that prints on the form.


This ticket implemented the following updates to the Plant Inventory Value Report (PIVR) to assist the Grower in identifying when the "BL" option code has been elected.

Updates to the PIVR are applicable for all crop years. The PIVR is available to print from the MPCI Print tab and in Batch Printing.

The Legend was updated to include the "BL = BU by Non-Contiguous Land" item after the BFR Legend item. The Legend items print for all report styles.
" – BL" now prints behind the Practice when BL has been elected on the coverage.


A few items were reported to MCT on the Supplemental Land Page during the 6.105 UAT cycle. The updates made with this ticket are applicable to all years.

1. Random white spaces appeared on the Supplemental Land Worksheet / Page for FSN / Tracts that had a lot of fields; this has been fixed.
2. A blank row was printing for 0000-000 units; the blank row is no longer printing.
3. If a detail line had multiple FSN / Tracts, then all of the fields for all of the FSN / Tracts would print for each FSN / Tract, which made it appear that duplicate field numbers were printing. Now, only the fields tied to the FSN / Tract print for that specific FSN / Tract.

The Supplemental Land Worksheet / Page is currently available to print as a stand-alone form or with the following forms:

Acreage Report
APH Database and Acreage Reporting Form
Production Report / Acreage Report (Note: This form is not turned on for all AIPs per their request.)


By request, a "Pre-print for next year" print option was added to the Raisin Acreage and Tonnage Form that will display when the Pre-Filled report style is selected. This new print option is listed in alphabetical order for all years. When the "Pre-print for next year" print option is selected, the data will be pre-printed on the form if available on the policy.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




An enhancement has been made to the printing logic of the MBAR. By default, the Farm Name field on the MBAR is populated if the fields in view have been grouped into a Map Region. With this enhancement, if a Map Region doesn't exist, the System will look at the 1st unit in the available unit section of the page and use the Place Name of the Land ID associated with that unit.




Yield Cup: In the 6.075.0 release, APH logic was updated to account for RMA's conversion of the Yield Cup procedures to the new Yield Cup "YC" option in 2018 for crops with an 11/30 or later Filing Date and for all crops in 2019 (see TFS #82114 for more information regarding the Yield Cup changes for 2018 and 2019). As part of these Yield Cup changes, the calculations of the Yield Cup of Contract Seed Beans (CSB) and Contract Seed Peas (CSP) have been impacted.

When determining the cupped yield for CSB and CSP, the prior year yield must first be multiplied by the most recent year’s Reference Year Adjustment Factor (RYAF) and then by 90%. The value determined through this calculation is the cupped yield for CSB and CSP. If this value is greater than the yield calculated using other methods (YA, TA, YE) or greater than or equal to the yield floor, then the Yield Cup applies.

This is a testing-only ticket to confirm the changes in 6.075.0 accounted for the additional calculation for CSB and CSP. No code changes were made as part of this ticket. All APH calculation changes for YC were implemented with TFS #82114 in the 6.075 release.


With Informational Memorandum PM-18-013, RMA announced some APH changes for crops produced under organic practices in certain Texas counties. As part of the updated procedures, organic practices (both certified and transitional) have been removed for Corn (0041), Cotton (0021), Grain Sorghum (0051), and Soybeans (0081) in the following counties:

Aransas, Atascosa, Austin, Bastrop, Bee, Bexar, Brazoria, Brooks, Burleson, Calhoun, Caldwell, Cameron, Chambers, Colorado, Comal, DeWitt, Dimmit, Duval, Fayette, Fort Bend, Frio, Galveston, Goliad, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Harris, Hays, Hidalgo, Jackson, Jefferson, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kenedy, Kleberg, La Salle, Lavaca, Lee, Liberty, Live Oak, Matagorda, Maverick, McMullen, Medina, Nueces, Orange, Refugio, San Patricio, Starr, Travis, Victoria, Washington, Webb, Wharton, Willacy, Wilson, Zapata, and Zavala.

These crops may be eligible to be insured under the organic practices by a written agreement; however, if a written agreement is not requested or written agreement criteria are not met, the crop may be insured as conventional practices. RMA will still require separate APH databases for conventional, certified organic, and organic transitional practices; conventional and organic APHs will not be allowed to be combined. In order to track organic acreage being insured under a conventional practice, RMA has added two new APH Procedural Exception Codes.

"O" - For certified organic practice and type being insured as conventional practices and types due to no organic practices and types available on the actuarial documents.
"T" - For transitional organic practices and types being insured as conventional practices and types due to no organic practices and types available on the actuarial documents.

Any APH databases for certified organic or transitional organic acreage being insured under a conventional practice must be identified by one of these APH Procedural Exception Codes; furthermore, if less than 4 years of actual history exists, standard variable T-Yield procedures apply. This includes the use of the T-Yield for the conventional type and practice. However, in the event an SA T-Yield applies, the SA T-Yield will be calculated using only APHs reflecting the same "O" or "T" APH procedural exception code.

In order to account for these changes, System updates were needed to allow selection of the "O" and "T" APH Procedural Exception Codes on the detail line. In addition, the Simple Average T-Yield calculation needed to be updated to consider these new APH Procedural Exception Codes. See PM-18-013 for more information on changes to organic practice procedures in Texas. With this ticket, the following changes were made:

1. The display of the "O" and "T" APH procedural exception codes were updated to only display if the following criteria are met:
State is "Texas"
County is one of the following:
Aransas (007), Atascosa (013), Austin (015), Bastrop (021), Bee (025), Bexar (029), Brazoria (039), Brooks (047), Burleson (051), Calhoun (057), Caldwell (055), Cameron (061), Chambers (071), Colorado (089), Comal (091), DeWitt (123), Dimmit (127), Duval (131), Fayette (149), Fort Bend (157), Frio (163), Galveston (167), Goliad (175), Gonzales (177), Guadalupe (187), Harris (201), Hays (209), Hidalgo (215), Jackson (239), Jefferson (245), Jim Hogg (247), Jim Wells (249), Karnes (255), Kenedy (261), Kleberg (273), La Salle (283), Lavaca (285), Lee (287), Liberty (291), Live Oak (297), Matagorda (321), Maverick (323), McMullen (311), Medina (325), Nueces (355), Orange (361), Refugio (391), San Patricio (409), Starr (427), Travis (453), Victoria (469), Washington (477), Webb (479), Wharton (481), Willacy (489), Wilson (493), Zapata (505), or Zavala (507).
Crop is one of the following:
Corn (0041), Cotton (0021), Grain Sorghum (0051), or Soybeans (0081).
APH procedural exceptions codes display in the following places in the System:
Legacy Add New Detail Line
Legacy Maintain Detail Line
Fast Edit PR
Fast Edit AR
2. The Simple Average Calculation was updated to account for the "O" and "T" APH procedural exception codes:
When a new APH is created and an SA T-Yield applies, if an APH Procedural Exception Code of "O" applies, the System will use only other APHs for the same Type/Practice/T-Yield Map Area that also have an APH Procedural Exception Code of "O" to calculate the Simple Average T-Yield.
When a new APH is created and an SA T-Yield applies, if an APH Procedural Exception Code of "T" applies, the System will use only other APHs for the same Type/Practice/T-Yield Map Area that also have an APH Procedural Exception Code of "T" to calculate the Simple Average T-Yield.


Back in 2016 when Margin Protection (MP) functionality was originally implemented, the number of MP policies written by AIPs was limited. At the time, the small number of policies did not warrant the amount of resources required to implement automatic detail lines created for Margin Protection policies with related coverages. Instead, a manual process was stood up that required users to create the Margin Protection detail lines separately from the base coverage detail lines and associate the base coverage detail lines with the MP detail lines.

In 2018, grower interest in Margin Protection policies has increased substantially and requests have been received for functionality to automatically create the MP detail lines when acres are keyed to the base coverage detail lines. This functionality will mirror the existing functionality for STAX. With this ticket, functionality to automatically create Margin Protection detail lines when acres are keyed to the base coverage has been implemented. This includes when acres are added/updated from the Add New Detail Line page; Maintain Detail Line page; Fast Edit AR; Fast Edit CLU; and CLU grid of the Land ID popup.

NOTE: Detail lines will only be created on the Margin Protection coverage if the coverage is related to a base MPCI coverage.

The System will create a detail line on the Margin Protection coverage in read-only format for each detail line on the related coverage where the following criteria exist:

Reported Acres > 0.0;
The Type and Practice on the related MPCI coverage detail line is an insurable type and practice combination for the State/County/Crop/Plan on the Margin Protection coverage;
Options do not include DC.

Margin Protection detail lines will be created for all MPCI coverage parent detail lines meeting the criteria above as well as child lines that are created by duplicating a parent line in Fast Edit AR so long as the above criteria is met.

There are a couple of exceptions: Acreage designated as prevented plant on the MPCI detail lines will be uninsurable on the Margin Protection detail line, and the System will set an uninsurable reason of "UI". Acreage designated as late plant on the MPCI detail lines will be insurable so long as the plant date is prior to the Final Plant Date in the ADMs for the Margin Protection coverage. If the plant date is after the final planting date in the actuarials for the Margin Protection coverage, the System will apply an uninsurable reason of "U".

Margin Protection detail lines will be added, updated, and/or removed in the following scenarios:

When changes/updates are made to the related MPCI detail lines.
A new detail line is added to the MPCI coverage.
A detail line is deleted from the MPCI coverage.
A related detail line exists on the Margin Protection coverage and the related MPCI detail line is updated to zero acres.
A standalone Margin Protection policy exists and the user sets the related coverage indicator—if acres have already been keyed to the related coverage, the System will create detail lines on the MP coverage and delete any detail lines that existed prior.

NOTE: At the time this ticket goes to production, the Final Plant Dates for Margin Protection will not have passed. Therefore, the late plant functionality was not tested. TFS #88957 has been set up as a testing-only ticket to test this functionality once the Final Planting Date has passed.