Release Notes 6.070.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.070.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


RMA released several new and updated crop policies and provisions for the 2018 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs). Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab and from the Batch Printing tool (Tools > Batch Printing). The following changes were made with this ticket:

1. The below list of updated provisions were added for the 2018+ CYs:

NOTE: Previous versions of each document have been removed and replaced with the updated version for the 2018+ Crop Years.

a. Summary of Changes for the Commodity Exchange Price Provisions (CEPP) 2018 and Succeeding Crop Years (18ceppchanges)
b. Commodity Exchange Price Provisions (CEPP) 2018 and Succeeding Crop Years (18cepprice)
c. Commodity Exchange Price Provisions (CEPP) 2018 and Succeeding Crop Years (18ceppgrainsorghum)
d. Common Crop Insurance Policy Margin Protection Plan (18mp)
e. Margin Price Provisions 2018 and Succeeding Crop Years (18mpp_sectionI)
f. Margin Price Provisions Rice (0018) 2018 and Succeeding Crop Years (18mpp_rice)
2. The Margin Protection Summary of Changes was removed for the 2017 Crop Year (17mpsummary) for the 2018+ CYs.
3. The Area Risk Protection Insurance Policy provisions that are effective for the 2018 and succeeding Crop Years were updated for all crops with a contract change date on or after November 30, 2017 as well as for the 2019 and succeeding Crop Years for all crops with a contract change date prior to November 30, 2017.
4. The Catastrophic Risk Protection (CAT) Endorsement that is effective for the 2018 and succeeding Crop Years was updated for all crops with a contract change date on or after November 30, 2017 as well as for the 2019 and succeeding Crop Years for all crops with a contract change date prior to November 30, 2017.
5. The Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions that are effective for the 2018 and succeeding Crop Years were updated for all crops with a contract change date on or after November 30, 2017 as well as for the 2019 and succeeding Crop Years for all crops with a contract change date prior to November 30, 2017.
6. The Cultivated Clam Crop Insurance Provisions were updated; the Program was converted from a pilot program to a permanent program beginning in the 2018 Crop Year.
7. The Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed Pilot Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2018 Crop Year were updated.
8. The Peanut Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2018 Crop Year were updated.


Olives: RMA released an updated Olive crop policies and provisions for the 2018 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs). Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab and from the Batch Printing tool (Tools > Batch Printing). The Olive Crop Provisions that will be effective for the 2018 Crop Year were updated.


WFRP: The 2018 WFRP Handbook added a Breeding Livestock Only section to the Market Animal and Nursery Inventory Report. The WFRP Combo Form has been updated in the following ways for all Crop Years:

A section title of "Breeding Livestock Only" was added above the Market Animal and Nursery section.
A Types of Animals or Commodities (Type / Category) column was added in the Breeding Livestock Only section.
A "Beginning Inventory: First Day of the Insurance Period" section was added in the Breeding Livestock Only section. This section has a column titled "Number".
A "Ending Inventory: Last Day of the Insurance Period" section was added in the Breeding Livestock Only section. This section has a column titled "Number".
A section title of "Market Animal and Nursery" was added above the Market Animal and Nursery section.
"Average Value per Unit of Measure" was updated to "Average Value per Unit" in the Market Animal and Nursery Beginning Inventory section.
"Average Value per Unit of Measure" was updated to "Average Value per Unit" in the Market Animal and Nursery Ending Inventory section.
The revision date was updated to "01-2018" on all pages of the WFRP Combo Form.

NOTE: Only header data will print on the Market Animal and Nursery Inventory Report page, the page will print blank when the WFRP Combo is printed with a blank Report Style otherwise it will print pre-headed with the pre-headed and pre-filled Report Styles.

The space between "W" and "FRP" in part (a) in the "I understand..." verbiage above Conditions of Acceptance was removed.
The "s" at the end of "Expenses" in the Prepaid Expense section column labels—"Beginning Prepaid Expenses Balance" and "Ending Prepaid Expenses Balance"—was removed.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




A 2018 Special Provisions update was made available by RMA on 11/30/2017 and has been implemented in the System.




Functionality was added to store the Map Based Schedule of Insurance (SOI), Map Based Acreage Report (MBAR), and Map Book on the Attachments tab of the policy.

A checkbox labeled "Auto Attach" was added to the following Mapping print tabs:
Map Book
Map Based AR
Map Based SOI
Below the Auto Attach checkbox and label, the following verbiage displays in red italics: "Warning: This document will be automatically attached to the grower’s Electronic File."
If the Auto Attach checkbox is selected, then the form will be stored on the Attachments tab for the policy with the applicable Attachment Type name.
The following Attachment Types were added to the Attachment Type menu under the MPCI Policy section:
Map Based Schedule of Insurance
Map Book


An enhancement has been made to Mapping to add an AutoShade Tool. The AutoShade tool will automatically create a color shading/pattern for each unique combination of Crop/Type/Practice/Variety available on the planting records for the field.

For fields that have only Crop/Type/Practice planting combinations, the System will use solid color shading. For fields that also include a variety, the System will assign a pattern to the color combination.

NOTE: There is a reported issue in the AutoShade Legend where the acres are the Total Acres for the crop combination versus the acres of the crop on the printed page. TFS #83492 has been created to address this.


When printing reports by Farm/Tract Number, the pages of the report will now be sorted by State/County/Farm/Tract number.




Fast Edit AR: During internal testing, a small bug around prevented plant was found in Fast Edit PR. If the user was keying acres directly on the Fast Edit AR grid (vs. in the CLU grid), the PP checkbox displayed and could be selected for crops for which PP was not applicable. The PP checkbox in Fast Edit AR has been updated to only display for crops for which PP is applicable.


Fast Edit AR & PR: Previously, there was no display of an original sign date when a revised sign date was applied. There are original and revised sign dates in the tables that store both dates, but the signature maintenance didn't have a display for the benefit of the user. This ticket added a read-only display of the original sign date, if one exists, above the date field where the user can add a revised sign date (insured and agent). This has been applied to both the Fast Edit PR and Fast Edit AR pages.


WFRP: AIPs have indicated that their agencies' business processes around Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) policies include maintaining APH production history data even if the WFRP does not have any actual underlying MPCI policies. Given this, AIPs have requested a way to track APH data within the System similar to how APH data is tracked on MPCI policies for WFRP policies that do not have an underlying MPCI policy.

Given the amount of re-design that would be required in order to provide this functionality directly on WFRP policies, it was decided to have users use the MPCI quote functionality to set up coverages with detail lines and APHs in order to track APH data and print any necessary forms. The majority of the MPCI quote functionality that exists in the System today will work for tracking APH data for WFRP policies that do not have underlying MPCI policies. The only change that is required is to roll quotes that have been set up for tracking of APH data only. By design, MPCI quotes currently only roll if a Private Products policy is associated with the quote. TFS #81935 has been set up to account for updating the roll logic to roll MPCI quotes set up for APH tracking purposes only.

For the roll logic to be able to determine which quotes have been set up for APH tracking purposes only, a Quote for APH Tracking checkbox was added to the Add New MPCI Quote page and the grower tab of MPCI Quotes to allow users to flag the quote as set up for APH tracking only. In addition, logic to remove the flag when the quote is converted to a policy was also added.


WFRP: Beginning in the 2018 Reinsurance Year (RY), RMA has updated the base history period for WFRP policies. The base history period is the tax years for which the grower must provide allowable revenue and allowable expenses to qualify for a WFRP policy. Prior to the 2018 RY, the base history period was always the current RY-6 through the current RY-2. For example, a 2018 RY WFRP policy would have a base history period of 2012-2016.

To more closely align with late fiscal year tax filer’s tax years, RMA is changing the base history period for late fiscal year tax filers for the 2018+ RYs. Rather than using the standard current RY-6 through the current RY-2, late fiscal year policies will now utilize a base history period of the current RY-7 through the current RY-3. For example, a 2018 policy with a late fiscal tax year will have a base history period of 2011-2015. The base history period for calendar year and early fiscal year tax filers remains unchanged.

From a System perspective, the base history period is the years that display on the Income & Expense Record. To account for the changes released by RMA for 2018, the logic that determines which years to display was updated. The tax years that display on the Income & Expense Record for WFRP policies have been updated for late fiscal year tax filers. The current RY-7 through the current RY-3 will now display for late fiscal year filers. For example, a 2018 policy with a late fiscal tax year will have a base history period of 2011-2015. The standard tax year logic will still apply to calendar year and early fiscal year tax filers and a 2018 policy with a calendar or early fiscal tax year will have a base history period of 2012-2016.

NOTE: For existing 2018 WFRP policies with a late fiscal year, users will need to re-save the Income & Expense Record to see the updated tax history period. AIPs have been informed of this and instructed to run a policy register to find their 2018 WFRP policies with a late fiscal year and re-save the Income & Expense record. Adjustments may also be required to the revenue and expenses that apply to each year.


WFRP: Beginning in the 2018 Reinsurance Year (RY), RMA is implementing a limit on expected revenue from commodities purchased for resale on Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) policies. This limit is in addition to the existing limits around Nursery and Livestock products. At the Sales Closing Date (SCD), when the Intended Farm Operation Report is received, if commodities purchased for resale exceed 50% of total expected revenue, the grower does not qualify for a WFRP policy. If at the SCD the 50% limit is not exceeded but following changes on the Revised Farm Operation Report at acreage reporting the limit is exceeded, then the expected revenue from commodities purchased for resale will be limited to no more than the amount of expected revenue for commodities produced on the farm/not purchased for resale. WFRP policy functionality will be updated to account for this new limit.

The following logic has been implemented to assist AIPs in determining if the grower qualifies for a WFRP at SCD and to actually cap the expected revenue if the limit is exceeded on the Revised Farm Operation Report:

1. A mark complete suspension has been added to trigger when commodities purchased for resale exceed the limit and a revised report has not yet been keyed.
a. This suspension will only trigger when the limit is exceeded and the revised report checkbox has not been selected on any commodities. Once a commodity is revised, the suspension no longer triggers and instead a cap is applied.
b. This suspension will only trigger if Farm Operation Sign Dates have been applied to the Income & Expense Record.
2. Logic to cap expected revenue from commodities purchased for resale when the limit is exceed and a revised report has been keyed has been added.
a. This cap will only be applied when the commodities purchased for resale exceed the limit and the revised report checkbox has been selected on at least one commodity.
b. If the cap is applied, the System will:
i. Set the expected revenue for each purchased for resale commodity to the calculated capped value.
ii. Calculate total expected revenue using the capped revenue amounts.
iii. Transmit an expected revenue amount limitation flag of "Y" on the P19A record for each commodity purchased for resale.
iv. Display an asterisk (*) next to expected revenue for each commodity with the cap applied on the commodities tab to indicate the cap has been applied.