Release Notes 9.075.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.075.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LRP: Since Practice is being used more and more for Livestock Risk Protection (LRP), MCT thought it would be beneficial to add it to the LRP Schedule of Insurance (SOI). The following updates have been made to the LRP SOI form for all RYs:
122219 |
LRP: Since Practice is being used more and more for Livestock Risk Protection (LRP), MCT thought it would be beneficial to add it to the LRP Specific Coverage Endorsement (SCE). MCT also found a few updates to help the forms readability. The following updates have been made to the LRP SCE form for all RYs:
122218 |
BFR/VFR: This ticket updated the BFR and VFR Applications with the 2021 DSSH updates that were released in Dec 2020. It was also found that a few other updates were needed for the BFR Application to help the form be more customer friendly. These have also been implemented. |
109762 |
MPCI Application: This ticket implemented a Duplex print option on the MPCI Application, which can be printed from the MPCI policy Print tab and the Batch Printing menu When the "Duplex Print" print option is selected to print, the odd pages print on the front of each page and the even pages print on the back of each page; a blank page will print on the last page if the number of pages printing for the policy is an odd number. The blank page for the odd page number scenario will have a barcode on it in the bottom right corner. When this scenario is Batch Scanned, the blank page will not attach to the policy. |
119380 |
Peanuts: The 2020 Peanut Crop Provisions were re-released in December 2020 to make a technical correction to policy language relating to weighted average contract price applicability to revenue protection plans of insurance. The changes are applicable for the 2020 Crop Year and have been implemented in the System. |
123203 |
SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Dec 9. The Special Provisions for 2021 have been implemented in the System. |
123303 |
SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Nov 19. The Special Provisions for 2021 have been implemented in the System. |
122801 |
SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Nov 25. The Special Provisions for 2021 have been implemented in the System. |
122881 |
Sprinkler Irrigated Rice: This ticket implements a supplemental application necessary to support Sprinkler Irrigated Rice (SIR) on the main MPCI Application and Policy Change Form for all Crop Years. A new print option, "Sprinkler Irrigated Rice (SIR) Endorsement Application", was added to the form and defaults as unchecked. This new SIR page will print at the end of all of the extra pages that can print and right before the page with the MPCI Application's Conditions of Acceptance, Cancel and Transfer Sections and Policy Change's Statement / Signature Page.
36579 |
Supplemental Land Worksheet: A few updates were made on the Supplemental Land Worksheet (SLW) to help the form be more customer friendly for all Crop Years. The SLW also prints with the Acreage Report (AR), APH Database / Acreage Reporting Form (APH / AR), and the Production Report / Acreage Report (PR / AR). The following details apply to this form: NOTE: The Production Report / Acreage Report is not turned on for all AIPs per their request; if it is not displaying in the MPCI Print menus, that is as designed.
71565 |
SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Dec 16. The Special Provisions for 2021 have been implemented in the System. |
123497 |
SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Nov 27. The Special Provisions for 2021 have been implemented in the System. |
122974 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
123023 |
LRP Notification Tool: A display issue was found with the System-generated email sent from the LRP Notification tool during internal testing. The email that was generated by the System had some alignment issues on the paragraphs within the body of the email. The original logic for the System-generated email had all paragraphs left aligned with no indentations. Recent testing showed that the paragraphs were all indented several spaces, making it look off. With this ticket, the formatting has been adjusted so emails generated by the System look cleaner. |
123598 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||||||||
ECO: Beginning in the 2021 RY, for crops with an 11/30 or later Contract Change Date, the Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) will be available for certain state/county/crops. From a System perspective, ECO will work similarly to SCO. With this ticket, the detail line changes necessary to support ECO have been implemented. This includes the following:
NOTE: This includes creating ECO child lines for uninsurable acres and copying the non-premium AR code from the parent line. The ECO white paper indicates that RMA expects to see an uninsurable ECO P11 record when the parent P11 record is uninsurable.
122178 |
ECO: Beginning in the 2021 RY, for crops with an 11/30 or later Contract Change Date, the Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) will be available for certain state/county/crops. From a System perspective, ECO will work similarly to SCO. This ticket implemented the APH changes necessary to support ECO on forms when SCO and/or ECO is related to STAX for all Crop Years. Now, if the policy has SCO and/or ECO AND a related STAX, what prints in the Detail Line Comments or Unit Comments is the selection for the APH page along with the associated plan code based on the selection. When both SCO and ECO are elected, the associated plan code will be the SCO plan code, which will match the System page:
SCO (31) or SCO (32) or SCO (33)
ECO (87) or ECO (88) or ECO (89)
SCO and ECO (31) or SCO and ECO (32) or SCO and ECO (33)
STAX (35) or STAX (36) If there are Detail Line Comments that are to print on the form, the SCO / STAX / ECO designation will print first, then a space, then a forward slash, then the detail line comments (e.g., "SCO (32) / Detail Line Comments" or "SCO (32)" if there are no detail line comments to print on the form). |
123675 |
ECO: Beginning in the 2021 RY, for crops with an 11/30 or later Contract Change Date, the Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) will be available for certain state/county/crops. From a System perspective, ECO will work similarly to SCO. With this ticket, the APH changes necessary in order to support ECO have been implemented. The Related Coverage functionality was updated on the APH to include ECO. The Related Coverage field displays when either SCO and/or ECO are elected in conjunction with a related STAX coverage. The field allows the user to indicate which coverage applies to the acres associated with the APH. This field has been updated to include ECO. If both ECO and SCO are elected, the field displays options of "SCO & ECO" and "STAX". Also, the warning message that displays when the user has not made a selection in the Related Coverage field has also been updated to include ECO. |
123393 |
Fast Edit PR/AR: The link to launch the Shareholder popup within the Fast Edit AR and Fast Edit PR grids was unresponsive when selected by users. The reported behavior was the result of a JavaScript error that prevented the popup from loading on the page. This has been corrected. |
123819 |
Master Yields: During internal testing of a Late Production Report ticket (TFS #118051), an issue was identified where the LRR Waiver Flag was not getting saved when added to a manually-created Master Yield APH. When a change was made to an existing manually-created Master Yield, the System was deleting the APH Record and creating a new one rather than updating the existing record. Most of the APH fields were getting copied from the old record to the new record, but the LRR Waiver Flag was not one of those fields. This ticket updated the logic for manually-created Master Yields to no longer delete and recreate the APH record when changes are made but instead make changes to the existing APH Record. |
118134 |
Perennials: An issue was reported that use of Fast Edit PR for reporting production was not correctly applying the System default for the "higher yield request" that is allowed for Almonds that are in the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th leaf year (age) and the most recent year's annual yield is at least 95% of the prior year's yield. Upon save within Fast Edit PR, the calculation of the Approved APH yield in the current Reinsurance Year seems to be skipping the application of the Higher Yield Request procedure which should default if the Almond APH qualifies to use it. With this ticket, System logic was updated for Fast Edit PR to apply the Almond Higher Yield logic if the APH has not been previously calculated (approved yield = 0) and the Almond higher yield is applicable. |
123881 |
Perennials: In TFS #122279 in Release 9.065, the System was updated to account for the 2021+ RYs RMA clarification on the Adjusted Leaf Year calculation logic to account for the Set out Month for Pistachios. With this ticket, the System was updated to account for the new clarification from RMA on the Adjusted Leaf Year calculation logic to account for the Set out Month for Olives. |
115761 |
Quality Loss Option: The 2021 RY Trend Adjustment Handbook was released on 11/24/2020, and it was confirmed that TA was not considered in any Quality Loss Option (QLO) changes incorporated to date. So, additional requirements were needed so that if the approved APH yield for the APH database was limited to the highest actual yield (or pre-quality actual yield if QL had been elected and an actual yield had been replaced with a pre-quality actual yield), then trend adjustment applied. With this ticket, the Trend Adjustment calculation was updated to use the QLO pre-quality yield when determining the TA limit. |
122903 |