Release Notes 5.125.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 5.125.0.

System Updates



When an MPCI Commissions AP Batch is posted, the MPCI Commission Batch Statement and the MPCI Full Book Statement will now both attach to the Agency Balance pages. This will only be available for 2017 and going forward and will not affect already closed batches and attachments already reflected from those closed batches.


Forms & Reports


SOI: This ticket updated the Supplemental Policy Statement on the MPCI Schedule of Insurance (SOI) to help Hudson’s adjusters know what supplemental policies are under an MPCI policy when they are working on the MPCI claim. All changes will be rolled out to the SOI for all Crop Years in all locations the MPCI SOI can be printed from – Print tab, Batch Printing, Claims Print Menu, and Compliance Print Menu. No other Private Product data will be added to the MPCI SOI.


An AIP requested that applications have a place for the growers to indicate if the producer is a Vertically Integrated Producer. With this ticket, a Vertically Integrated Producer field was added to the Crop Information table. This change is applicable to all AIPs for all Crop Years.

This field will be blank when the Annual Forage application is printed in the "Blank" or "Pre-Headed" Report Styles.
When printed in the "Pre-Filled" Report Style, the System will print “N” if the Annual Forage coverage has not been designated with the Vertically Integrated Producer indication on the Maintain Coverage page. The System will print “Y” if the Annual Forage coverage has been designated.
“* Vertically Integrated Producer” was added to the legend.


This ticket completed several base form standards updates on the Annual Forage Application. These changes are applicable to all Crop Years:

The 2018 RMA Updates were implemented to accommodate the change of two Growing Seasons to four Growing Seasons.
The format was updated to be consistent with other applications.
A line with Grantor Authority Statement for Grantee was added to be printed or handwritten if the AIP has elected to have the Grantor Authority Statement print on the application.
The Agency DBA was added.
A Signature Authorization section was added to the header on page 1.




The Online Help Site has been updated with changes and additions for the updated Fast Edit AR functionality and the updated MPCI Notice of Loss functionality.


Batch Printing: A request came in from an AIP to add a print option to the Batch Printing tool (Tools > Batch Printing) that allows users to print only quotes. Previously, there was an "Include Quotes" print option, but the user still had to manually filter out any non-quote policies before printing if they wished to print only the quotes.

With this ticket, a new print option called "Print Quotes Only" was added to the Batch Printing tool. If this new option is selected, the System will generate the batches to only contain quotes for the applicable search criteria for the batch.




Fast Edit AR: The ability to add a new detail line to the Fast Edit AR grid was not included with the original release of the new Fast Edit AR grid. Now, users have the ability to add a new detail line to the Fast Edit AR grid using the Add New Line functionality that displays within each coverage banner. These rules are in place when adding a new line via Fast Edit AR:

The BU, OU, Type, Practice, and Share fields are required.
If Cotton or ELS Cotton with a Skip Row Practice, then the Planting Pattern and Row Width fields display and are required if Reported Acres are greater than zero and no UI Reason is selected.
Plant Date or PP indicator is required if Reported Acres are greater than zero and no UI Reason is selected.
A Reported Acres value greater than zero is required if a Plant Date, PP Indicator, or UI Reason is selected.


Fast Edit PR & AR: The initial roll out of the new Fast Edit PR page only allowed access to the APH Drawer. Similarly, the initial roll out of the new Fast Edit AR page only allowed access to the Detail Line Drawer. Now, both drawers are available to the user regardless of which Fast Edit page they are accessing. The user will be able to toggle between the two drawers by selecting the appropriate tab at the top of the drawer.

If a change is made to one of the drawers, the user must save the drawer in order to access another drawer. Also, the APH Drawer will not be available if an APH does not already exist for a detail line. Standard lockouts apply to each drawer. Upon save of a Fast Edit page, the APH (if modified) will be calculated first and then the detail line.


Claims: The MPCI Notice of Loss (NOL) entry and editing processes as well as the process for adding additional damage to a claim have been updated in the System.

When adding an NOL to an MPCI policy, users now have the ability to select coverages/units available for the claim type selected from all of a grower's policies on the Add MPCI Notice of Loss page so they can key multiple claims at once.

NOTE: If coverages from multiple policies are selected, on save, a claim will be created for each unique policy/county combination.

Additionally on the Add MPCI Notice of Loss page, users now have the ability to answer questions available on the Notice of Loss form so the form is completely pre-filled.
When editing an existing MPCI NOL, clicking the Date Reported hyperlink in the Claims for Policy grid on the View MPCI Claims page for the claim will automatically open the Edit MPCI Notice of Loss page—the View MPCI Notice of Loss page has been removed. This helps users access the edit page faster.
The process for adding additional damage to an existing NOL has also been streamlined and moved to its own page separate from adding or editing an NOL so that users can select an existing claim to add additional damage to; and then, will only have to key the information that is different for the notice instead of having to re-key the entire notice.

For more information on the changes made to MPCI Notice of Loss functionality in the System, visit the Online Help Site (accessed by clicking the ? in the System header). On the welcome page of the help site, the MPCI NOL Updates button will navigate you directly to MPCI Claims topics.


The TA/YE Comparison link/page from within the Legacy Maintain APH page was not included with the original deployment of the APH Drawer that is accessible within the Fast Edit PR pages. The TA/YE Comparison link/page from the Legacy Maintain APH page was implemented in the APH drawer (which is accessible via the Fast Edit PR page). As with the link on the Legacy APH page, it will be available if TA or YE are available for the RY/State/County/Crop/Type/Practice (per the ADM) even if the option(s) are not elected for the coverage.


Cotton: For Cotton and ELS Cotton, the RMA will reject a P11 record if certain Skip Row information is not included for a record reflecting an Insurable Reported Acres value greater than zero and a Skip Row Practice. The Skip Row information required in this situation is based on the Planting Pattern, Row Width, and Skip Row Factor that is applied to a detail line. Generally, the Planting Pattern selected determines the correct Row Width and Skip Row Factor. Validations exist throughout the System to require a Planting Pattern in this scenario, but they were not consistent throughout the System and were non-existent on the Fast Edit AR page. There was also a scenario that could occur within the new Fast Edit AR page that would allow a user to bypass these validations. Therefore, a new Mark Complete suspension was implemented in hopes of identifying these isolated situations before the information is submitted to the RMA and errors occur. For all RYs, the following validations will now trigger for Cotton when an Insurable Reported Acres value greater than zero exists:

On save of the legacy Maintain Detail Line page:

If the Detail Line reflects a Practice of NI and no Planting Pattern is selected, the System will default to "Solid" at save. Therefore, the current validation message of "Planting Pattern of Solid is required for Non-Irrigated Cotton." has been removed.
If the Detail Line reflects a Practice of NI and the selected Planting Pattern is something other than "Solid", the existing validation message of "A Planting Pattern of Solid is required for Non-Irrigated Cotton." will continue to trigger. However, this was changed from a Warning to a Hard Error and will require a fix in order to save the line.
If the Detail Line reflects a Practice of NI-SR and no Planting Pattern is selected, the existing validation message of "A Planting Pattern of Solid is required for Non-Irrigated Cotton." has been changed to read "A Planting Pattern is required for Skip Row Cotton.". This validation was changed from a Warning to a Hard Error and will require a fix in order to save the line.
If the Detail Line reflects a Practice of NI-SR and the Planting Pattern is "Solid", the System will trigger the following validation: "A Planting Pattern other than Solid is required for Skip Row.". This will be a Hard Error and will require a fix in order to save the line.

On save of the Fast Edit AR grid:

The System will default all modified lines reflecting a Practice of NI to "Solid" upon save of the Fast Edit AR grid.
The Row Width will default to zero and the Skip Row Factor will be "1.00".
The System will trigger the following validation errors at save of the Fast Edit AR grid for modified lines reflecting a Practice of NI-SR:
If no Planting Pattern is selected: "A Planting Pattern is required for Skip Row Cotton."
If the selected Planting Pattern is "Solid": "A Planting Pattern other than Solid is required for Skip Row Cotton."

In the Fast Edit AR - Add New Detail Line functionality:

If an NI Practice is selected when adding a new line, the System will default the Planting Pattern to "Solid" once the Add New Unit button is selected and the new line is successfully saved to the database.
If an NI-SR Practice is selected when adding a new line, the System will require a Planting Pattern not equal to "Solid" once the Add New Unit button is selected. The following validation messages will be received:
If no Planting Pattern is selected: "A Planting Pattern is required for Skip Row Cotton."
If the selected Planting Pattern is "Solid": "A Planting Pattern other than Solid is required for Skip Row Cotton".

With TFS #69506, a new suspension will trigger at Mark Complete if:

An Insurable Reported Acre value greater than zero exists and:
Practice is NI and Planting Pattern not equal to "Solid"; or
Practice is NI-SR and a Planting Pattern other than "Solid" has not been applied.

The Suspension message will read: " A valid Planting Pattern is required for Unit(s) XXXX-XXXX, XXXX-XXXX."

NOTE: All units for the coverage that could trigger this suspension will be listed in the suspension message.


Private Products


Claims: A timer has been applied to all products with the exception of WATTs to control the amount of time a Notice of Loss (NOL) can be entered on a policy following policy expiration. Now, once a policy expires, agents will only be able to enter an NOL within the first 240 hours (10 days) following policy expiration.