Release Notes 7.085.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 7.085.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||
Previously, the Total Acres in the Coverage Summary and the Premium Summary sections on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) and SOI / Production Report were displaying duplicate acres when Rice with the Downed Coverage (DC) Endorsement lines were entered. The Crop Summary and Premium Summary sections was updated to not include Downed Commodity Endorsement detail line acres in the Coverage Acres on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) and the SOI / Production Report. |
91895 |
With the 2019 Crop Insurance Handbook (CIH), RMA removed Prevented Planting +10% (PT). The Schedule of Insurance (SOI) form has been updated in the following ways:
98179 |
RMA released a Nursery Price Endorsement Provision for 2006 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs), and it has been added to the System. The Nursery Crop Provisions will now print the Price Endorsement Provision when a Nursery coverage has the PO option elected for the 2006 CY. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration page when the option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab and from the Batch Printing menu. |
98943 |
RMA released updated Hybrid Seed Rice provisions for the 2019 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs). Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab and from the Batch Printing menu. |
99722 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
99359 |
myHudson Agent Dashboard: A new Reinsurance Year filter has been added to the myHudson Agent Portal Dashboard. Every report panel except for the Commissions and Premium History panels have been updated to show one RY only. This includes the report panel charts that previously toggled between Reinsurance Years. From this point forward, users will need to change the RY filter selection in order to see data for different Reinsurance Years. The Premium History and Commission report panels will continue to show all RY data as a summary type of view—those panels should not change when different Reinsurance Years are selected from the filter. |
99985 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||
SBIs: When creating a new policy, if there is a prior year policy for the same state that has not rolled to the current year, the System will display a dropdown to allow the user to select the prior year policy on which to create the new current year policy/coverage. When this functionality is utilized, the System effectively rolls the policy into the new year, including any SBI records. And, when creating a new policy in the current year, if other policies exist in the current year for the grower, an SBI Information section displays at the bottom of the Add New MPCI Policy page that allows the user to select SBI records to copy when the new policy is created. While these two pieces of functionality cover most scenarios, a gap was identified in the functionality to copy SBI records when creating a new policy. This gap occurred when a current year policy did not exist and the user did not select a prior year policy number when creating the policy. To account for this gap, with this ticket, functionality was added to copy SBIs when creating a new policy under a new policy number. So long as a prior year policy is not selected, when creating a new policy, the System will display SBI records from the prior year policy for selection. Any SBIs selected will be copied to the new policy on save. |
94323 |
Grower: An enhancement request was received that users be given a warning message upon initial save of a grower record if the grower record is created without an email address. The Add New Grower page has been updated in the following ways:
NOTE: The E-Mail Address field will NOT be a required field for a grower record. |
98410 |
Fast Edit PR: In TFS #98706, it was discovered that users were not able to enter production for stand-alone MP policies due to lockout. The workaround at the time was to process one coverage/plan at a time in the Fast Edit PR and then the user could return to the Fast Edit PR and process the second coverage and the user wouldn't be locked out. When this was fixed in the 7.075.0 release, it was then noticed that the Fast Edit PR Current Year Production Reporting sign dates were not displaying on the Detail Line or legacy Signature Maintenance pages. This issue could be duplicated in Area Revenue (Plans 04, 05, and 06), Stand-Alone Margin Protection (Plans 16 and 17), and Stand-Alone STAX (Plans 35 and 36) policies where Current Year Production Reporting has been keyed in the Fast Edit PR and sign dates have been applied within Signature Maintenance. A fix was done for Plans 04, 05, 06, 16, and 17 (standalone) and 35 and 36 (standalone), so that, if Current Year Production is keyed in 2018 RY with signature dates applied, then the System will pull the Production Report Date from the ProductionReported table and the dates will display on the View Detail Line and Signature Maintenance pages for the Production Report for the 2018 RY. |
98778 |
Signature Maintenance: With TFS #98706 it was discovered that users were not able to enter production for stand-alone MP policies due to the lockout. The workaround at the time was to process one coverage/plan at a time in Fast Edit PR and then the user could return to Fast Edit PR and process the second coverage and wouldn't be locked out. When this was fixed in the 7.075.0 release, it was then found that within the legacy Signature Maintenance functionality the wrong Production Reporting Date was displaying. Beginning in the 2019 RY, the ADM is now including Plan Codes 04, 05, and 06 as well as stand-alone policies for Plan Codes 16, 17, 35, and 36 with a published Production Reporting Date. All other Plan Codes have an internally-calculated date that displays on the user interface. Plan Codes 04, 05, 06, 16, 17, 35, and 36 should have been designed to always pull directly from the ADM and not use the System-calculated date. The System was updated to have the UI display the correct Production Reporting Date for Plan Codes 04, 05, and 06 as well as stand-alone Margin Protection (Plans 16 and 17) and stand-alone STAX (Plans 35 and 36); this Production Reporting Date will be pulled from the ADMs and not the System-calculated date within the legacy Signature Maintenance page for Production Reporting. |
98779 |
WFRP: In TFS #97361, logic was implemented to populate the SCD Approved Revenue and the SCD Approved Expense fields within the Income/Expenses tab on a WFRP policy in order for the values to print on the Farm Operation Report even after a Revised Report has been submitted. During UAT, it was found that the SCD Approved Revenue and Expenses fields were populating as expected but the values were not updating accordingly. A fix was done so that the SCD Approved Revenue will be the lesser of the Historic Average Revenue or the Total Expected Revenue, calculated using intended commodity values only, and that SCD Approved Expense calculation will depend on whether the Historic Average Revenue or the Total Expected Revenue applies. |
98967 |
Fast Edit PR: During testing of TFS #98777, where related Margin Protection coverage premium lines were not displaying in Fast Edit PR, an issue with the Signature Maintenance page was found. On the Fast AR Signature Maintenance page, Margin Protection coverages with a related coverage do not display in the Signature Maintenance grid. However, in testing of #98777, it was found that Margin Protection coverages with a related coverage are displaying in the Fast Edit PR Signature Maintenance grid. By design, these coverages should not have been displaying. A fix was done in order for the System to no longer display the Margin Protection coverage (Plans 16 and 17) with related coverages on the Fast Edit PR Signature Maintenance grid. |
99408 |
WFRP: Due to an accidental removal of code that was done in TFS #97361, this ticket was opened to again re-implement this same code. In TFS #97360, the System was updated to add two new database fields in the AgrIncomeExpense table to store the SCD Approved Revenue and SCD Approved Expenses. This ticket will update the System to populate these new database fields in the Add New and Maintain Income Expense page for them to print on the Farm Operation Report even after a Revised Report has been submitted. Prior to these changes, there was only one database field for the Approved Revenue and Revised Approved Expenses and the values were updated when a Revised Report was keyed. Once the Income and Expense Record was updated with the revised values, the Approved Revenue and Approved Expense values in the database were updated to the revised values. With the addition of the new SCD Approved Revenue and SCD Approved Expense fields, the System will continue to populate the existing Approved Revenue and Approved Expenses database fields as they are currently since these fields are used for premium calculations. In addition, the System will populate the new fields with the Approved Revenue and Approved Expenses at the sales closing. |
99906 |