Release Notes 15.030.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 15.030.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||
RMA has added an Organic Producer Certification Statement to Acreage Reporting forms in the 2022 Document and Supplemental Standards Handbook (DSSH). This ticket added this new statement to the main Acreage Report and the Raisin Tonnage and Acreage Report. Some of the changes made with this ticket include:
111350 |
1/31, 4/30, 6/30, and 8/31 CCD SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Feb 14. The Special Provisions for 2023 have been downloaded and implemented in the System. |
145799 |
It was found during development work on TFS #144394 that, on the Veteran Farmer and Rancher (VFR) Application, the Crop Year and Print Date were printing twice on the page 2+ header; this has been corrected. |
145975 |
Tropical Storm: For the 2023 and succeeding crop years, RMA added a coverage option for tropical storm weather events to the Hurricane Insurance Protection - Wind Index (HIP-WI) Endorsement. The HIP Endorsement section can be printed with the MPCI Application, DO / TDO Combo, and Perennial Combo forms. |
145802 |
WFRP: Even though the 2023 WFRP Handbook only requires the Applicant / Insured's Name to be in the header of the WFRP Yield and Revenue Report, it was requested that the form contain Applicant / Insured information in the page 1 header to be consistent with other forms. With this ticket, in the page 1 header, the "Applicant / Insured's Name" label has been changed to "Applicant / Insured's Name, Mailing and / or Street Address and Other Contact information". |
145341 |
Livestock: On the Print tabs for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) and Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) policies, the Select Forms To Print section has been updated to only show forms applicable for LGM or LRP, respectively. Additionally, the LRP Application has been updated to have the version date print on every page of the form, and "See last page..." has been added to all pages of the form except the last page. |
145275 |
Livestock: The Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Application has been updated in the following ways:
139316 |
Livestock: Two print options, Duplex Print and Pre-print for next year, have been added to the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Application. The Pre-print for next year print option is only available for the pre-filled report style. The Duplex Print option defaults as unselected and is available for all report styles. |
145648 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
145351 |
ACRSI: The ability to send an ACRSI transmission has been added. This ACRSI tab will display all fields as well as the applicable FSA ACRSI data options and allow the user to submit the data to ACRSI. This was previously made available but was sufficiently tested with this ticket. |
145708 |
Users requested a Draw Rectangle Tool. This tool is now available from Tools > Draw Rectangle. When selected, a dot appears at the tip of your mouse. Click once to set your anchor point and then drag your mouse to draw the rectangle. Click once again to end the rectangle. It's recommended that an imagery layer be turned on to provide contrast for best viewing. |
135286 |
RLU: Users requested the ability to manually edit RLU information (i.e., cases when the RLU comes from a different AIP or otherwise already has an RLU ID). This has been implemented. If a user has the proper permissions, they can access Tools > RLU Maintenance and then select the View link for the RLU they want to edit. When the RLU Details display, click Edit RLU. |
143872 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||
Perennials: An issue was reported where the Alternate Bearing Calculations were incorrectly calculating for Olives when Yields were "0" in 2 of the most recent 3 Crop Years. The System was updated to so that when this scenario occurs, calculations are accurate. |
146087 |
Land ID: A filter has been added to the new Land ID popup design to allow users to filter IDs shown in the grid by the "Validate" status. Land IDs are validated for an accurate FSN, Tract, and Section/Township/Range for the State/County on the coverage. A red icon (with an exclamation point) displays for an invalid status, and a green icon (with a checkmark) displays for a valid status when the Land ID has passed the validation process. The filter has been added to the banner at the top of the grid and allows Land IDs to be filtered by one of these validation statuses:
145720 |
Land ID: An issue was found where when the Land ID popup was launched from within the PAW (by clicking the CLU hyperlink), the popups that are supposed to display when the Acre Type (available when CLU grid is expanded for a Land ID) and HR/URA column headers are hovered over were not displaying. This issue was only occurring on the Land ID popup when it was launched from within the PAW, and it has been resolved. |
145699 |
Private Products
When user was in a Hail policy and chose to "Select All" Hail detail lines at once, the System was not responding; the user had to select detail lines individually. This issue has been resolved. |
145961 |
With this ticket, an issue was addressed where users were unable to add the Replant Option or Continuous Hail to an existing MPCI policy if the user was an agent user. This has been determined to be a code issue and has been resolved. |
146748 |
An issue was found where when a user was in the legacy Edit Endorsement Detail Information page of a linked Hail policy and selected Add on an existing Placeholder line in order to add an optional endorsement, they were receiving an error message that Practice was required and were unable able to save. This issue has been resolved. |
146144 |