Release Notes 10.020.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 10.020.0.
System Updates
Policy Estimator: With this ticket, the Policy Estimator’s premium calculations have been updated to more closely align with the rating engine/policy by accounting for the premium surcharge that is generated in certain situations (high yield variability, etc). |
123126 |
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||
Livestock: An issue was identified where values were wrapping to a second line for the Liability and A&O fields on the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Schedule of Insurance (SOI). With this ticket, the Liability and A&O fields have been updated so the values will fit on the same line with the other data and not wrap to a second line. This update is applicable for all years. |
128727 |
In the 9.114 Release with TFS #124435, a top level indicator was added to PDFs on each Page 1 of forms that allows users to split each form inside a batch print job by Policy # and Form Name. This gives users the ability to separate a batch print job into individual forms so they can be stored or attached individually. When testing TFS #124435, it was found that there were some issues with the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) and SOI / Production Report (PR) forms. With this ticket, the SOI and SOI / PR forms have been updated for all Crop Years so that the top level indicator will print on Page 1 of the forms when they're printed with the "Print Official..." print option selected as well as when the "User Message" print option is used. NOTE: TFS #128811 is to add bookmarks to the MPCI Dec Page. Currently, bookmarks are included on the MPCI Dec Page when the Official Dec Page is not printing and if provisions are not included. |
127073 |
Potential Loss Estimator: With this ticket, the ability for users to print the Potential Loss Estimator and Annual Production Report / Potential Loss Estimator Worksheet with a QR Code that is for the next year has been implemented in the System. NOTE: The form title is based on an AIP System Preference. With this ticket, the following changes were made for the Potential Loss Estimator form:
127848 |
RMA released Dry Peas Crop Provisions for the 2022 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs). These have been implemented in the System and are effective for the 2022+ CYs. |
128203 |
RMA released Hybrid Vegetable Seed Crop Provisions for the 2022 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs). These have been implemented in the System and are effective for the 2022+ CYs. |
126784 |
The Agreement to Combine Optional Units form has been updated to meet base form standards. |
127857 |
The Dec Page has been updated to meet base form standards. |
125639 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
128080 |
LGM: While testing the 2022 LGM Regulatory changes, premium errors for LGM Swine were found. Upon further review, it was found that the calculation logic previously in the System was not correct if the user entered less than 2 Target Marketings on a premium line. Per the Underwriting Rules published for all three commodities (Cattle, Dairy Cattle, and Swine), "You are only eligible for premium subsidy if you target market two (2) or more months of an insurance period". With this ticket, the calculation logic for all three LGM commodities has been updated so that no Base Subsidy is applied if there are less than 2 months of Target Marketings on a premium line. NOTE: BFR/VFR Subsidies and A & O Subsidies are still applicable. |
128267 |
PRF Wizard: Users requested the ability to adjust acreage at a unit group level and also to be able to apply a percentage of the total Insurable Acres rather than keying an actual insured acreage value. These have been implemented. |
123828 |
PRF Wizard: Users requested to have the ability to select which unit groups to sync in the PRF Wizard in Mapping. Now, when a user has a policy with PRF mapped fields and opens the Open Tools > PRF Wizard, a checkbox is available for selecting each unit group. Users can select one or more unit groups to Sync to AR. |
123831 |
Users reported that they were unable to toggle on/off the reference and crop layers in the Mapping module. This bug has been corrected. |
128870 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||
Enterprise Units: Beginning in the 2022 Reinsurance Year (RY), the Risk Management Agency (RMA) has introduced a number of significant changes to Enterprise Unit structure. A brief high-level overview of these changes include: 1) changing the Enterprise Units by Irrigation Practice, "EP", acronym and unit structure code to "EI", 2) implementing EC and EI as crop options instead of unit structure codes, and 3) introducing a new Enterprise Unit variation – Enterprise Units by Type (ET). Multi-County Enterprise Units (MCEUs) have always, and will continue to be, implemented as a crop option driven by the “OptionRate” Actuarial Data Master (ADM) table. For the 2022 RY and moving forward, Enterprise Units by Irrigation Practice (EI) and Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice (EC) will join Multi-County Enterprise Units (MCEUs) as being implemented as crop options and offered through the "OptionRate.InsuranceOptionCode" ADM database field. TFS #115488 has updated the coverage functionality and TFS #127682 has updated the detail line and EU validation logic. This ticket addressed the Manage Unit Structure popup (Detail Lines tab > Additional Functions > Manage Unit Structure). The Manage Unit Structure popup was implemented with TFS #98357 as a more user-friendly experience for displaying System determined unit structure and applying manual unit structure overrides to detail lines. Only displaying on 2019+ RYs policies, the Manage Unit Structure popup is designed to be accessed by eligible AIP and Agency staff. The popup can process a number of critical unit structure processing scenarios concerning all unit structure variations, including Basic Units (BU), Optional Units (OU), and Enterprise Units ((EI), (EC), (MC)). One of the main purposes of the Manage Unit Structure popup is to apply manual overrides or to mark the Unit Structure Verified checkbox when the Underwriter has made a unit structure determination. The popup has a System Determined Unit Structure column that will display the MPCI Coverage's System Unit Structure field, which is populated by the Mark Complete EU Validation logic that determines unit structure through all of the RMA regulatory criteria. The popup can also designate Primary/Secondary counties for MCEU and apply the contiguous county coverage for the Grower. Since the Manage Unit Structure popup is such a critical piece for unit structure determination within the System, it was updated to comply with the new 2022+ RYs Enterprise Unit regulatory changes. Fortunately, there was not a need to implement any new or additional business logic to the modal for EC, EI, or MCEU. This ticket simply:
127691 |
Enterprise Units: Beginning in the 2022 Reinsurance Year (RY), the Risk Management Agency (RMA) has introduced the Enterprise Units by Type (ET) Option. Enterprise Units by Type is a 2022 RY and forward regulatory change applicable to Wheat (0011), Dry Beans (0047), and Dry Peas (0067). This change applies to all types allowed in the Actuarial Documents. Enterprise Units by Type must be elected on or before the earliest Sales Closing Date (SCD). Enterprise Units by Type will allow the insured to elect either: 1) An Enterprise Unit with multiple types (all types that qualify can have to be Enterprise Units) or 2) An Enterprise Unit with only one type (not all types will have Enterprise Units). An example for an election of an Enterprise Unit with multiple types for Wheat (0011) is as follows: Unit 01-01 = 660 acres of Spring (012); Unit 02-01 = 660 acres of Winter (011); Unit 03-01 = 500 acres of Duram (015). In this example, the Spring and Winter units would each qualify for an Enterprise Unit by Type and the Duram acres would be determined for BU/OU unit structure by time of discovery. An example for an election of an Enterprise Unit with only one type for Dry Beans (0047) is as follows: Unit 01-01 = 660 acres of Garbanzo (306); Unit 02-01 = 660 acres of Pinto (311); Unit 03-01 = 300 acres of Blackeye (315). The insured elected a single type of Pinto (311) on/before SCD; therefore, only Pinto (311) Dry Beans would qualify for Enterprise Units by Type. NOTE: These two examples would require the user to utilize the Manage Unit Structure popup to apply an Override for ET (functionality for ET within the Manage Unit Structure popup will be with TFS #127702). The EU Validation logic would actually attempt to apply EU on a county/commodity level after it had been determined that ET did not qualify. The RMA has issued a new Crop Option code of “ET” to account for Enterprise Units by Type. When ET is elected for multiple types, each type must separately qualify for EU Unit Structure using the 20/20 rule. All types that qualify can be an Enterprise Unit by Type. However, if one type does not qualify for EU, then a number of different scenarios can occur depending on time of discovery. These scenarios are outlined in a flow chart in the 2022 RY Crop Insurance Handbook (CIH) Exhibit 10, Section J, "Insured Elected ET for Multiple Types, but Does Not Qualify for Their ET Election", pg. 654. When ET is elected for only one type, the elected type must qualify for EU Unit Structure using the 20/20 rule. However, if this type does not qualify for EU, then a few different scenarios can occur depending on the time of discovery. These scenarios are outlined in a flow chart in the 2022 RY Crop Insurance Handbook (CIH) Exhibit 10, Section K, "Insured Elected ET for Only Type and BUs or OUs for All Acreage of Other Types, but Does Not Qualify for Their ET Election", pg. 655. This ticket addressed the Coverage changes (see below) needed for Enterprise Units by Type:
127699 |
Enterprise Units: Beginning in the 2022 Reinsurance Year (RY), the Risk Management Agency (RMA) will introduce a number of significant changes to the Enterprise Unit structure. For the 2021 RY and prior, Enterprise Units (EU), Enterprise Units by Irrigation Practice (EP), and Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice (EC) were all implemented as unit structure codes and were driven by the InsuranceOffer Actuarial Data Master (ADM). The InsuranceOffer ADM was structured to have several different flags (either Y or N) that indicated whether or not the applicable unit structure was allowed for the RY/Commodity Code/Insurance Plan Code/State Code/County Code/Type Code/Practice Code/Commodity Type Code combinations. These flags were implemented for Optional Units, Basic Units, Enterprise Units, Whole Farm Units, and Enterprise Units by Practice Units. This InsuranceOffer ADM was the driving force behind the Unit Option Code dropdown for EU, EI, and EC on the Add/Maintain Coverage page throughout the System. Multi-County Enterprise Units (MCEUs) have always been, and will continue to be, structured as a Crop Option and their availability is driven by the Option Rate's Insurance Option Code field for the applicable RY/Commodity Code/Insurance Plan Code/State Code/County Code/Type Code/Practice Code/Commodity Type Code combination. For the 2022 RY and moving forward, the RMA is 1) removing the Insurance Offer flag for Enterprise Unit by Practice, 2) converting EP to EI (for more accurate terminology), 3) implementing EI and EC as Insurance Option Codes in the OptionRate ADM, and 4) no longer supporting Enterprise Units by Irrigation Practice and Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice as unit structure codes; instead, EU will substitute as the master unit structure code for all Enterprise Unit variations in the transmission. This ticket addressed all of the detail line changes (see below) that were necessary to meet these regulatory changes:
127682 |
FUR: During EF Core/POCO testing, some inconsistencies were found with Forage Production insured under an Area Plan (04, 05, or 06) in the manner in which the Forage Underwriting Report (FUR—accessed through the Additional Functions menu) performed. In reviewing the inconsistencies, it was determined that there was really no reason a FUR would be keyed or maintained for an Area Plan crop as a FUR is only required when the plan code is 90 and there is an APH involved. With this ticket, the System has been updated to suppress the option to apply a Forage Underwriting Report (UW Report) in the Additional Functions menu for Forage Production if the plan code = 04, 05, or 06. |
127112 |
Private Products
An update was made to not include inactive agents in the dropdown of agents to choose from on Private Product policy or quote entry pages. |
128840 |