Release Notes 11.090.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 11.090.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


Hybrid Vegetable Seed: The RMA released Hybrid Vegetable Seed Crop Provisions for the 2023 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs); they have been implemented in the System.


PRH: This ticket implemented the 2023 Production Revenue History (PRH) General Provisions.


SOI / PR: During regression testing, it was found that Detail Line options were not printing on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) / Production Report (PR). The SOI / PR version of the SOI has been updated so options will now print in the Detail Line Options field again.


Livestock: With this ticket, a new format for the Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Schedule of Insurance (SOI) has been implemented in the System for the 2023+ RYs. This is a condensed SOI version that has fewer pages, making it easier to view all endorsements over a period of time. The previous LRP SOI will continue to be used for the 2022 and prior RYs.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. Additionally, on the "Release Notes 11.085.0" page, a correction was made to TFS 137470.




LGM & LRP: During internal testing of the TFS 133881 (LRP) and 134905 (LGM) Policy and Coverage tickets, several issues were reported that required a cleanup ticket:

1. The alignment of the populated values for the Program Type and Location State fields was off; this affected all three Livestock plans. This issue has been corrected.
2. When adding Lines in Dispute, the column headers were reflecting DRP when on LRP or LGM. This has been corrected, and the banner and columns for LRP and LGM Lines in Dispute are as follows:
For LRP: The banner reads "State Abbreviation (Code) - County Name (Code) - Commodity Name (Code) - Plan (Code)", and the following columns display for Lines in Dispute: Line #, Effective Date, Type (Code), Practice (Code), # of Head, Target CWT, End Date, Length, Share, Coverage Price, and Insured Value.
For LGM: The banner reads "State Abbreviation (Code) - County Name (Code) - Commodity Name (Code) - Plan (Code)", and the following columns display for Lines in Dispute: Line #, Effective Date, Type, Practice, Total Expected Gross Margin, Deductible ($/CWT), and Total Deductible Gross Margin Guarantee.
3. The Entity Certification Code dropdown was displaying as blank. This issue has been corrected, and the dropdown will now be populated with ICE table D00147 so it will now display ALL selections (DRP and MPCI).

NOTE: It appears as though RMA missed adding LRP and LGM to the ICE table D00147. If/when the ICE table is updated to add a new code for LRP and LGM, the list will be updated by default because the System now displays the full ICE table.

4. The Dispute Code field was disappearing when a hard stop edit was triggered upon save of the page. This issue has been corrected. Dispute Date and Detail Lines in Dispute fields will now remain on the UI when the following hard stops have been triggered on the page:
"Dispute Date cannot be before the first day of the reinsurance year, XX/XX/XXX."
"A Dispute Date is required if a Dispute Code has been selected."


LGM: For the 2023+ RYs, RMA has made changes to the way LRP and LGM policies are to be transmitted and the fields that are required for transmission. Along with changing to the PASS transmission system for LRP and LGM policies, Type and Practice for LGM policies will now be determined at the Detail Line level. With this ticket, Type and Practice fields have been added to the Add New Detail Line and View Detail Line pages for LGM. These will also display on the Detail Line tab and Coverage tab for LGM.


LGM: For the 2023+ RYs, RMA is decommissioning the eDas transmission system for LRP and LGM policies and implementing the PASS transmission system to match DRP. This will streamline and make consistent the process for transmitting policy data to RMA across all Livestock plans.

With this ticket, the LGM Detail Line pages have been updated to remove eDas-specific fields, update Processing Status logic, and update save functionality. This is being done to make the LGM View Detail Line UI match what is currently in place for DRP. The following has been updated on the indicated LGM pages/tabs:

On the View Detail Line page, the following e-Das fields were removed: Override Detail Line, Process Flag Override, Authorization Number, Change Flag, Payment Process Flag Override, Payment Change Flag, and Payment Authorization Number.

NOTE: None of these fields existed on the Add New Detail Line page, so no changes required on that page.

On the Detail Lines tab, Processing Status logic upon save of LGM Detail Lines (for NEW and existing lines) was updated.
If Insured and/or Agent signature dates are missing, there will be no change. The Processing Status for the detail line will be "Incomplete".
If Insured and Agent signature dates are entered, the Processing Status will now be "Complete" rather than "Ready for Submission".
On the View Detail Line and Add New Detail Line pages, save logic was updated:
For the 2023+ RYs, the Save button was updated from using the "Save & Exit" logic to using the normal "Save" logic where the System saves the current changes and keeps the user on the page. (For the 2022 and preceding RYs, the logic will remain as it was.)
Two new save buttons were added to the top and bottom of the page:
Save & Print:
If selected, the System will perform a standard save and leave the user on the current page. In addition to saving the page, the System will generate an LGM Target Marketing form for the applicable commodity and applicable detail line(s) on the page.
Save & Exit/Save & Submit:
The wording on this button is conditional.
If both the Insured Signature Date and the Agent Signature Date exist, the button will read "Save & Submit".
If no Signature Dates exist or if only one of the two Signature Dates exists, the button will read "Save & Exit".
If this button is selected, the System will perform a standard "Save & Exit" and take the user to the Detail Lines tab on the policy.
The Mark Complete button and the Submit to eDas/LGM Queue button were removed from the Detail Lines tab.

NOTE: Updates to LRP detail lines will be handled with TFS #134906.


LGM & LRP: Beginning in the 2023 RY, RMA is decommissioning the eDas transmission system for LRP and LGM policies and implementing the PASS transmission system, which is currently used for DRP policies. This means that some fields need to be removed from LGM and LRP pages as they are no longer applicable, and some System logic needs to be updated for processing with PASS. With this ticket, Mark Complete logic has been updated to implement new processing statuses and to remove the Submit to eDas button on LRP and LGM coverage pages/UIs.

On the Coverage policy tab for LGM and LRP:

Mark Complete logic was updated to no longer use "Ready for Submission" or "In Error" as valid Processing Statuses.
Mark Complete logic was updated to use the following Processing Status options for LGM and LRP coverages:
"Incomplete" – This status will display if there is missing coverage information such as Signature Dates. This status means that Mark Complete cannot be processed until the missing information is entered.
"Pending" – This status will display if all information is present on the coverage but a suspension was triggered during the validation process.
"Approved" – This status will display if all information is present on the coverage and the coverage passes the validation process (i.e., no suspensions were triggered).
The Submit to eDas button was removed from LRP coverages, and the Submit to eDas/LGM Queue button was removed from LGM coverages.


LRP: For the 2023+ RYs, RMA has made changes to the way LRP and LGM policies are to be transmitted and the fields that are required for transmission. Along with changing to the PASS transmission system for LRP and LGM policies, Type and Practice for LRP policies will now be determined at the Detail Line level. This ticket addressed removing eDas-specific fields from the LRP detail line pages/UIs, adding Type and Practice to the Add New Detail Line and View Detail Line pages, and making other updates to the UI to match what is currently in place for DRP.

Add New Detail Line page for LRP:

On the selection UI (displays first):
The "Endorsement Information" banner was updated to remove Type and Practice. Now, the following will be displayed: "State Abbreviation (State Code) – County Name (County Code) – Commodity (Commodity Code) – Plan Abbreviation (Plan Code)".
Type and Practice dropdowns were added and function like the existing picklists on the Coverage/Policy pages in 2022 and prior years.

NOTE: Target Weight selections will be updated with TFS 130001.

On the confirmation UI (displays after user selects offering):
The "Endorsement Information" banner was updated to remove Type and Practice. Now, the following will be displayed: "State Abbreviation (State Code) – County Name (County Code) – Commodity (Commodity Code) – Plan Abbreviation (Plan Code)".
Read-only Type and Practice fields were added. The values will be what was selected on the selection UI.
The save buttons were updated:
A Save button was added. When selected, the System will save the detail line and take the user to the View Detail Line page.
A Save & Print button was added. When selected, the System will generate a pre-filled LRP SCE form for the applicable detail line along with saving the detail line.
The existing Save & Exit button wording was updated to be conditional:
If one or more of the required signature dates (Insured or Agent) is missing, the button reads "Save & Exit".
If both required signature dates (Insured and Agent) have been entered, the button reads "Save & Submit".
The above three buttons along with the Cancel button all display at the top and bottom of the page to be consistent with current DRP logic.

View Detail Line page for LRP:

The following e-Das Fields (displayed for users with specific permissions) were removed: Override Detail Line, Process Flag Override, Authorization Number, Change Flag, Payment Process Flag Override, Payment Change Flag, and Payment Authorization Number.
The "Endorsement Information" banner was updated to remove Type and Practice. Now, the following will be displayed: "State Abbreviation (State Code) – County Name (County Code) – Commodity (Commodity Code) – Plan Abbreviation (Plan Code) – Line #X".
Read-only Type and Practice fields were added.
The RMA Approval Number field was removed.
The save buttons were updated:
A Save & Print button was added. When selected, the System will generate a pre-filled LRP SCE form for the applicable detail line along with saving the detail line.
The existing Save & Exit button wording was updated to be conditional:
If one or more of the required signature dates (Insured or Agent) is missing, the button reads "Save & Exit".
If both required signature dates (Insured and Agent) have been entered, the button reads "Save & Submit".

View Detail Lines policy tab for LRP:

Processing Status logic upon save of an LRP detail line (for both new and existing lines) has been updated:
If Insured and/or Agent Signature Dates are missing, the Processing Status for the Detail Line is set to "Incomplete", which is current logic, so no changes were made to this part of the logic.
If the Insured and Agent Signature Dates are entered, the Processing Status for the Detail Line will now be set to "Approved" (rather than "Ready for Submission"). This was not previously part of the logic, so it has been added with this ticket.
The Detail Line Information dropdown was updated to remove Type and Practice. Now, the following will be displayed: "State Abbreviation (State Code) – County Name (County Code) – Commodity (Commodity Code) – Plan Abbreviation (Plan Code)".
The following buttons were removed: Mark Complete and Submit to eDas.
The following changes were made to the grid:
The Effective Date column was moved to the right of Line # column.
Columns and headers were adjusted to make room for 2 additional columns. The columns added are:
Type – Values in this column display as "Type Name (Type Code Number)".
Practice – Values in this column display as "Practice Name (Practice Code Number)".
The Sort Order/Display Order for rows in the grid were updated:
1. Effective Date – numeric ascending
2. Type Name (Type Code) – alpha ascending
3. Practice Code – ascending
4. Line # - numeric ascending

Coverage policy tab for LRP:

The Add Commodity/Type/Practice button label was updated to read "Add Commodity" only.




A request was received to add an indicator in Mapping and the Land ID windows to let users know that planting records were created from Precision Ag data. This has been implemented.


This ticket will allow a user to generate a Field Listing report for non-PRF crops based on server-side data.


Users reported that ACRSI data was not displaying properly in the ACRSI UI. This issue has been resolved.


Users reported that if they selected a specific policy to print the field listing, it was printing blank. The issue was linked back to fields without planting records, so the System was unable to determine which policy a field belonged to. The logic was updated to print fields that do not have planting records based on state/county of the policy so this issue will no longer happen.


Users requested an indicator in Mapping if a CLU ID is invalid (invalid CLU IDs cause fields to not be able to be synced). This has been implemented.


Users requested the ability to print a PRF Field Listing using AR server data (for reconciliation against mapping field listing after a sync has been performed). This has been implemented.




Fast Edit AR: It was reported that agents were entering CLU level data for Forage Production (0033) in Fast Edit AR. Forage Production is an exception crop that excludes CLU requirements and, per the ICE D00055 table, plant dates are transmitted or validated by RMA. Access to the Fast Edit AR grid for Forage Production was allowed, but Fast Edit AR was never intended to support Forage Production. Acres and plant dates should always be updated through the Forage Underwriting Report as this allows acres to be pushed to the detail line. The System was updated to remove access to the Fast Edit Acreage Reporting page for Forage Production policies.


Perennials: An issue was reported that when editing a PAW for a Plan 40 crop by moving all of the trees from one Stage to another, a "Sorry..." error was triggered. When this edit is made, the System deletes the detail line and creates a new detail line for the new Stage. It was found that after a detail line was deleted, the System was recalculating all of the detail lines for the coverage, including the detail line that was deleted. The Coverage recalculate function has been removed for Plan 40 crops after it deletes a detail line because it is not necessary.