LGM App: A request was received to update the LGM Application to make it similar to the LRP Application now that there are weekly sales for LGM. The following updates were made for all years to the System and forms indicated below:
On the LGM policy Print tab, the title of the LGM Dairy Cattle App / Target Mktgs Combo Form in the forms list was updated to "Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Application / Change / Transfer / Cancel Form". The report styles and print options available did not change with this ticket. |
On the LGM Cattle Application: |
The title of the LGM Cattle App / Target Mktgs Combo Form that prints in the header of the form as well as the extra SBI page was updated to: |
Line 1 - "Livestock Gross Margin (LGM)" |
Line 2 - "Application / Change / Transfer / Cancel Form" |
Line 3 - Is to remain the AIP Tagline line space when AIP elects to use it. |
The Confirmation Number label and field as well as the Insurance Period label and field were removed. |
Separated the Policy State and County plus the Entity State and County into 4 separate fields so each data item as their own field using the space the Confirmation Number and Insurance Period currently use. |
The "I am limited..." and "Is applicant at..." questions were moved under the Type of Policy field. |
The "State of Incorporation..." label and field were moved to where the "I am limited..." and "Is applicant at..." questions were previously. |
The Certification section was removed from the right of the SBI section so the SBI section can spread out over the full width of the page. |
The Target Marketing section was removed. |
A Commodity section was added that includes: |
Commodity Insured - When the form is printing pre-filled and the policy is an LGM policy, the applicable Commodity will be selected. |
Type section for Cattle, Dairy Cattle, and Swine - When the form is printing pre-filled and the policy is an LGM policy, the applicable Commodity Type will be selected. |
Insurance Period / Practice field - When the form is printing pre-filled and the policy is an LGM policy, the applicable Commodity Insurance Period / Practice will be indicated. |
The Legend now displays on 2 lines and includes "^^SEW = Segregated Early Wean". |
LGM Dairy: A request was received to have a separate LGM Dairy Cattle Target Marketing Form from the current LGM Application / Target Marketing Combo Form now that there are weekly sales. For all years, the following updates have been made in the System:
On the LGM policy Print tab: |
A new form, "Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Target Marketing Form - DAIRY CATTLE", was added to the forms list. This is the new separate LGM Dairy Cattle Target Marketing Form. |
The report styles available for the form are: "Blank Form", "Pre-Headed Form – with Agency info only", "Pre-Headed Form – with Applicant / Insured & Agency info only", and ""Pre-Filled Form". |
The following print option is available: "Display Unmasked TINs". This option defaults as unselected. |
Livestock Attachment Type Changes: |
"LGM Target Marketing" was added to the Attachment Type dropdown. |
The "LGM Target Marketing" attachment type will not roll. |
NOTE: A couple of items were found that will be fixed in 11.080 with Ticket #136679: the blank and pre-headed with Agency only report styles have the Insurance Period and Policy County printing and they should not be.
ECO, SCO, and HIP: During testing of 11.070 tickets, #129096 and #1333339 ,an issue was found where ECO, SCO and HIP child line acres were being included in the Premium Summary’s Acres field for the coverage on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) and SOI / Production Report (PR). Additional clean-up items were also identified and implemented on the forms with this ticket. The affected SOI formats are the Fruit & Trees format, the all other MPCI crops format, the SOI as an Acreage Report format (may not be turned on by AIP request), and the SOI / PR (may not be turned on by AIP request).
The SOI / PR form was updated to not print zeros for Gross Premium, Subsidy, and Insured's Premium for HIP, SCO, and ECO lines in the Premium Summary. Also, ### is now printing for those lines for A&O and Admin Fees. |
The SOI & SOI / PR were updated to only generate the form once when the Duplex with the Message options are selected. |
For the SOI, when there are multiple counties, a new page is no longer started for the next county now continuing on the current page when there is room. |
The Premium Summary's Acres field was updated to not include child line acres for HIP, SCO, and ECO for both the SOI and SOI / Production Report. |