Annual Forage: Beginning in the 2020 Reinsurance Year (RY), RMA has made a number of changes to the Annual Forage (0332) policy. These changes include:
A new Dual Use (DU) option that allows growers to insure their small grain crop under the Annual Forage policy for grazing as well as under an MPCI Small Grains Policy for Grain. |
DU will be available in select counties in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. |
The Productivity Factors available in Colorado and New Mexico were updated from 100% to 150%. |
NOTE: No System changes were needed for this change. Once RMA updates the IcePriceElectionPercent table with these new values, they will be available in the System.
The policy was updated to state grazing is a valid intended use under CAT coverage. |
With this ticket, the coverage pages for Annual Forage have been updated to allow selection of the DU option on Growing Season 1 coverages only, if it is available for the RY/State/County/Crop. In addition, the Annual Forage detail lines pages have been updated to allow selection of the DU option if it is elected on the coverage. Finally, the detail line page has been updated to allow an intended use of Grazing when the coverage level is CAT.
NOTE: When the DU option is elected and applied to a detail line, a reduced County Base Value (CBV) applies to the premium calculation. TFS #103939 will address the necessary rating changes in a future release.
Enterprise Units: In December 2018, RMA issued a Q&A that included a question around prevented planting (PP) acres and how the acres are counted in relation to the 20/20% rule for Enterprise Units. The 20/20% rule requires the lesser of 20 acres or 20% of total acres exist in two or more unique land IDs or multiple land IDs that can be aggregated together to meet this 20/20% rule. Previously, Enterprise Unit procedures required only planted acres could be used to determine if the 20/20% rule was met and to determine the EU discount factor. Through the December 2018 Q&A, RMA clarified that total planted acres for purposes of the 20/20% rule should be determined using all acres, planted and PP. Previously, the System was using planted acres only to determine total acres for purposes for the 20/20% rule.
With this ticket, the Enterprise Unit validation logic was updated to include both planted and prevented planting acres when determining total acres for the coverage for the purposes of the 20/20% rule. The System will continue to use planted acres only when determining the number of acres in each unique land ID for the purposes of the 20/20% rule as well as when determining the Unit Discount Factor. This change has been implemented for the 2019+ RYs.
NOTE: A query was provided to each AIP with a list of policies where EU/EP is elected on the coverage and one or more detail lines reflect a prevented planting status. These policies will need to be marked complete following the 8.000 release.
RMA announced a change to the premium calculation for Plans 01, 02, 03, and 90 for the 2018+ RYs in mid April. CR 16778 modified the premium calculation for both RYs when the prior year and current year yields had a CUP applied. RMA deployed this change to production in their May production release.
This change has been discussed in detail on the All AIP calls as well as in the PASS Status Report from RMA. For the 2018 RY, recalculation of premium will be required (and possibly corrected claims) to refund overpaid premium. For the 2019 RY, the recalculation of premium will occur prior to any billing or claim processing.
Companion Policy: Logic is needed at the premium line level with the Companion Policy functionality to account for claims processing. There will be times that the System will need to temporarily block the established link without breaking the permanent link, which rolls from Reinsurance Year to Reinsurance Year. The Claims Team will be updating the existing MPCI Claims functionality to account for the temporary companion link blocks when claims are processed on either the Source Policy or Companion Policy when acreage report revisions apply. They will set new database codes within the CompanionLink database field of the MpciPremiumLine DB table with TFS #102190. This ticket will be adding the two new CompanionLink database field codes for the MpciPremiumLine DB table as well as updating the current companion policy syncing logic to be used once the codes are set in the database tables by the claims logic.
NOTE: The changes listed below will only take place when the Source Unit and/or Companion Unit(s) have a claim processed during the applicable RY and acreage report revisions are applied. If the Source Unit and/or Companion Unit(s) have a claim but no acreage report revisions are applied, no changes will be made to the existing companion links. MPCI Claims logic will set these new values at a premium line level when claims with acreage report revisions are being processed.
Allow the following Companion Flags to be applied in the MpciPremiumLine.CompanionFlag field:
Will replace the existing CompanionLink db value of S (Source). |
This will be set by claims logic when a claim exists for the Source Unit and acreage report revisions are applied when the claim is processed. If no acreage report revisions apply but a claim exists, the S (Source) db value will remain in place. |
When CompanionLink code = BS (Blocked Source) |
All Companion Unit premium lines (CompanionLink = C and SourceOID = premium line OID) that have established Companion links with the Source Unit that has the BS code will be set to BC (Blocked Companion). |
Once the new BS code has been set on the MpciPremiumLine table by the claims logic, upon Save, the System will behave as if a Companion link was not established for the current RY and no data syncing from the Source Unit to the Companion Unit(s) will be done. However, the database linkages will remain in place in order to roll into the next year’s policy to avoid having to re-establish the links in a new RY. |
The Link icon will still display so that users know the permanent companion link exists and so that it can be manually broken if needed, but the two previously-linked premium lines will no longer be kept in sync during the applicable Reinsurance Year. |
In this scenario, the wording within the Link icon’s popup message will update to add the following note: "Companion Link has been blocked due to claim activity." |
Will replace the existing CompanionLink db value of C (Companion). |
This will be set by claims logic: |
When a claim exists for the Source Unit and acreage report revisions are applied when the claim is processed, or |
When a claim exists for this Companion Unit and acreage report revisions are applied when the claim is processed. |
When CompanionLink code = BC |
All previously read-only, synced UI fields on the applicable premium line will be converted to editable, allowing for revisions. |
No data syncs will be made from the Source Unit to the Companion Unit with the new BC value from that point forward during the applicable Reinsurance Year. |
The Link icon will still display so that users know the permanent companion link exists and so that it can be manually broken if needed, but the two previously linked premium lines will no longer be kept in sync during the applicable Reinsurance Year. |
In this scenario, the wording within the Link icon’s popup message will update to add the following note: "Companion Link has been blocked due to claim activity." |
Before establishing any new companion links, the System should first determine if the Source Unit already has a BS value set in the MpciPremiumLine.CompanionFlag field.
If Source Unit has "S" and Companion Unit has "C", the System will allow a new companion link to be established and allow data syncs. |
If Source Unit has "BS", the System will allow new companion links to be established but rather than setting the C (Companion) value for the linked Companion Unit(s), the System will set the BC (Blocked Companion) value in the MpciPremiumLine.CompanionFlag field. The System will not sync any of the data from the Source Unit to the Companion Unit for the remainder of the RY, unless the companion link has been removed. |
The Link icon will still display so that users know the permanent companion link exists and so that it can be manually broken if needed, but the two linked premium lines will not be kept in sync during the applicable Reinsurance Year. |
In this scenario, the wording within the Link icon’s popup message will update to add the following note: "Companion Link has been blocked due to claim activity." |
NOTE: TFS #102741 has been created to update the MPCI Policy Roll logic to convert the temporary companion link blocks put in place with the new BS and BC database values so standard companion policy syncing will resume for the new Reinsurance Year.
Enterprise Units: During internal testing of enterprise unit functionality, a bug was identified with the Malt Barley Endorsement (ME Option). Previously, when the ME option was applied to the detail line, the System didn't apply EU or EP unit structure. Per RMA, EU/EP are valid unit structure options under the ME option. Given this, the System should allow the EU or EP unit structure codes when the ME option applies. The System has been updated to allow EU or EP unit structure when the ME option applies.
Fast Edit AR: With TFS #98646 in the 7.100 release, logic was added to only allow a contract price to be selected in Fast Edit AR if the CP option was on the detail line. Since there are certain crops, including Contract Seed Peas and Contract Seed Beans that allow or require a contract price but the CP option is not available in the ADMs, this change resulted in users no longer being able to apply a contract price through Fast Edit AR for these crops that the CP option is not available on. Currently, there is a warning in place within Fast Edit AR for crops that require a contract, like Contract Seed Beans and Contract Seed Peas, but for which the CP option was not available. This warning helps to identify these crops but does not identify the crops that require the CP option.
Due to the CP option not being available for certain crops that require a contract price, the logic previously implemented with TFS #98646 that prevented the display of the contract price in the contract info dropdown if the CP option was not selected was removed. Now, a hard edit requires the CP option to be selected if it's elected on the coverage and the user has selected a contract price but not the CP option in Fast Edit AR.
With TFS #69353, validations were implemented for the Maintain Detail Line page as well as Fast Edit AR to ensure that an NI Practice always reflected a Solid Pattern and an NI-SR Practice always reflected a Plant Pattern of something other than Solid if the reported acres value for the detail line was greater than zero and insurable.
An enhancement was requested on the Maintain Detail Line page so that when the crop practice equals Non-Irrigated, the Plant Pattern can ONLY equal Solid. Previously on this page, the user was able to pick a Planting Pattern other than Solid, and upon Save and Exit, the System did not throw an error that this was incorrect. It appeared as if the data was saved; however, when the user re-entered the Maintain Detail Line page, the System had correctly set the Planting Pattern to Solid and Skip Row Factor equal to 1.00. If a user within the Maintain Detail line selected Save, the System corrected the Plant Pattern to equal Solid. In Fast Edit AR, if the crop Practice was equal to Non-Irrigated, then the System had already set the Plant Pattern to equal 1.00 and this was read-only; the user was not able to change this information. Also, if the crop Practice was equal to Non-Irrigated Skip Row, if the user tried to select a Solid plant pattern, a hard edit was received and the user had to correct it before being able to continue.
With this ticket, a hard edit was implemented within the Maintain Detail Line page so that if the crop practice is Non-Irrigated, then the Plant Pattern can only be equal to Solid. If anything other than Solid is selected upon Save or Save and Exit, the user will receive a hard edit stating "A planting Pattern of Solid is required for Non-Irrigated Cotton".