Release Notes 6.090.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.090.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


A Special Provisions update was made available from RMA on 1/31/2018. Two files were downloaded. The Special Provisions for 2018 have been downloaded into the System.


A Special Provisions update was made available from RMA on 2/7/2018. The Special Provisions for 2018 have been downloaded into the System.


Some feedback was received where the Total Acres field in the Annual Forage Schedule of Insurance (SOI) Premium Summary was causing some confusion as a Growing Season could have multiple coverages and the Growing Season’s Acres are listed for each Growing Season coverage. Previously, the Annual Forage SOI Total Acres field was adding all of the Acres listed for each coverage. With this ticket, the Annual Forage SOI's Premium Summary's Total Acres field was updated to always print "N/A".


Some clean-up items were identified while working on TFS #60557 in the 6.080 Release. These items were updated in the APH Database / Acreage Reporting (APH / AR) form:

The YE Statement was updated to print if "YE" is elected on the coverage on the APH / AR.
The alpha code now prints instead of the numeric code for the Acreage Type.
The acreage types in the Legend on the Statement Page were updated to match the user interface, as was done on the AR form. This prints on the last Statement Page under the signature section.
The AOI data was updated to include County and only print the coverage name once if the coverage and county are the same.
The printing of Options was fixed in the Crop Summary and for the unit to match other forms.
The version date was updated to "03-2018".


eSign: The MBAR Map Based Acreage Report has been modified and enabled for use within the eSign Wizard. For this form, the eSign Wizard will:

1. Require user input for:
Native Sod section in states where applicable
Measurement Service Requested

NOTE: Measurement Service Comment Entry is OPTIONAL.

2. Accept optional user input for the Remarks section
3. Obtain Grower/Authorized signature
4. Obtain Agent signature
5. Populate the Signature Dates




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




Fast Edit AR: Users now have the ability to add an APH from within Fast Edit AR. Basic functionality was added with this release. Additional functionality will be added in future releases.


Fast Edit AR: A user interface enhancement was made to the Fast Edit AR page to assist users when processing an Acreage Report. The sum of the Total CLU Acres for each coverage will now display to the right of the Total Reported Acre value. The CLU Acre value will update in real time as CLU Acres are entered on detail lines associated with the coverage. The visual will help confirm that CLU Acres have been keyed for the coverage and are within a reasonable tolerance of the Reported Acre value. The Total CLU Acre value will be the sum of the total planted CLU Acres for the coverage. This includes:

Insurable Acres,
Uninsurable Acres, and
Prevented Plant Acres.


APH: An issue was reported with the Yield Cup logic and how the System is not allowing the Yield Cup to apply if any yields within the APH database had ever been identified as inconsistent or excessive. The Yield Cup procedures state an excessive or inconsistent yield only prevents the cup from being applied if an actual yield is reduced due to being excessive and/or the approved yield is reduced due to being inconsistent. The Yield Cup logic has been updated to allow a cup when years within the APH are identified as excessive or inconsistent except in the following scenarios:

1. An inconsistent yield exists in the current year and the status is set to "Verified – Reduced".
2. An excessive yield exists in any year of the APH and has a status of "Excessive - Reduced".