Release Notes 6.030.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.030.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


eSign: The following issues observed during eSign testing in the 6.026 Hotfix release have been resolved with this ticket:

Save and Attach Multiple Clicks – During testing it was found that the user was able to click the Save and Attach button multiple times within the eSign Wizards; this resulted in multiple copies of the document being attached to the policy. The Save and Attach button is now disabled after a single click to allow time for the System to complete the Post Wizard processes and return the confirmation message to the user.
Cancellation Messages – For each of the Wizard windows (Agent Consent from Disclosure, eSign Wizard from Print Forms, and Electronic Consent Wizard from Print Forms eSign Consent Wizard button), the following confirmation message will display when a user clicks the Cancel button: "Are you sure you wish to Cancel the Wizard? Any answers to form questions and signatures will be discarded!"
If the OK button is clicked on this message, the user is returned to the calling window (e.g., Disclosure or Print Forms)
If the Cancel button is clicked on this message, the user is returned to the Wizard and no change in data occurs.


This ticket updated the Producer’s Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) form for changes in the 2018 Crop Insurance Handbook (CIH) and Document Supplement and Standards Handbook (DSSH). The PAW is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab, from the Batch Printing tool (Tools > Batch Printing), and from the Claims Print menu. The PAW changes made apply to the following forms:

Producer’s Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (i.e., standalone PAW)
MPCI Application / Cancel / Transfer / Production Report / Acreage Report / PAW / Policy Change Combination Form (i.e., Perennial Combo Form)
Whole-Farm Revenue Protection Combination Form (i.e., WFRP Combo Form)

NOTE: Only the main PAW prints within the Perennial Combo Form and the WFRP Combo Form. The main PAW prints with the standalone PAW also. Crops that have a different format use the standalone PAW.

There are currently several different formats of the PAW. The changes made with this ticket only apply to the following formats:

Main PAW used for Plans 41, 47, and 90 except HTF
Hawaii Tropical Fruit (HTF)
Hawaii Tropical Trees (HTT)
Florida (FL) Avocados (uses main PAW with additional FL Avocados questions)

The following updates were made:

For all years:
The version date was updated to 09-2017 on all pages.
The Agency and Agent Names field was updated to print the Agency’s DBA, if applicable, on all pages.
The Applicant / Insured’s DBA was updated to print on all pages.
The "Section-Township-Range-Other Land Identifier*" label was updated to "Legal Description**".
The "Mo – Year Grafted" label was updated to "Mo –Year Grafted^^".
The "Number of Plants / Trees / Vines / Bushes**" label was updated to "Number of Plants / Trees / Vines / Bushes^^^".
The "Planting Pattern***" label was updated to "Planting Pattern^".
The "Density**" label was updated to "Density^^^".
The "Practice IRR or NI" label was updated to "Practice".
The "Acreage Type Insurable or Uninsurable or Excluded" label was updated to "Acreage Type (Insurable or Uninsurable or Excluded)" with "(Insurable or Uninsurable or Excluded)" in a smaller font below "Acreage Type".
The Legend was updated for all years with the exception of the 3 asterisk legend item, which is only for the 2018+ RYs.
For the 2018+ RYs:
The "Spur or NonSpur (Apples Only) / Frost Prot. Notes" label was removed and replaced with a stacked label. The top box's label is now "Rootstock***", and the bottom box's label is now "Interplanted (Crop)".
Practice data is now pulled from the ADM and is listed in the PAW Information banner.
When the PAW form is printed in the "Pre-Filled Form" Report Style:
Rootstock data will now print on it if data has been entered on the PAW screen.
Interplanted data will now print on it if data has been entered on the PAW screen.
The PAW questions were updated to be in sync with the DSSH, CIH, and PAW screen. Some verbiage of questions was changed, the order of some questions was changed, and some questions were removed or added.

NOTE: TFS #78265 has been created to clean up the double legend and the Legal Description label (needed two asterisks instead of just one on the HTF / HTT PAW format) in the 6.040 release.




PRF: For Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) policies, detail lines on the Detail Lines tab are sorted by Grid ID, Share, and Interval Code (Practice Code). However, in the dropdown on the Maintain Detail Line page, this same sort order was not being applied. Given this, a request was received to update the sort order in this dropdown to match that of the detail lines grid as well as add the Grid ID and Interval Code (Name) to the information string that displays in the dropdown. This will help users differentiate between the lines. The dropdown that lists the detail lines on the Maintain Detail Line page has been updated as follows:

1. The dropdown now sorts by Grid ID, Share, and Interval Code.
2. The Grid ID and Interval Code (Name) have been added to the information string that identifies each detail line in the dropdown.


Land IDs & EU: The System was applying Enterprise Units (EU) to coverages when there were not at least 2 unique Land IDs identified for the coverage. The logic that determined a unique Land ID was based on FSN, Tract #, and S/T/R. Based on procedure (via the CIH), it was determined that Tract # should not be a part of this logic. However, MCT was under the impression that some users were keying Section Equivalent values in the Tract # field instead of the Other Land ID field, so there were concerns about removing Tract # from the logic. This issue was discussed with AIPs, and the EU logic was updated to no longer include Tract # when determining a unique Land ID. This change applies to the 2018+ RYs.

NOTE: The Other Land ID field is currently part of the logic in determining a "unique" Land ID status. No changes were made to the existing logic other than removing the Tract # from the validation string.


Fast Edit PR/AR: By design, signature dates are only applied to lines marked as modified within the Fast Edit PR and Fast Edit AR grids. When processing via Fast Edit PR and Fast Edit AR, the System automatically marks lines as modified when a change is made to the line. The user also has the ability to mark the line as modified manually using the "mark as modified/revert changes" indicator. However, if the user saves the page and then closes out without applying signature dates, these lines are not set back to modified when the Fast Edit page is accessed again.

It has been reported that users are often accessing the Fast Edit pages, keying production/acres, but not entering signature dates. Then, at a later date, they re-access the Fast Edit page and apply signature dates. In this scenario, the lines marked as modified in the original session are no longer marked as modified. Therefore, when the user enters signature dates during the subsequent session, the lines are not marked as modified and signature dates do not get applied.

Given this, a request was received for the ability to mark all lines for a given coverage as modified on both Fast Edit PR and Fast Edit AR. Currently on the individual detail line level, a "mark as modified/revert changes" indicator is available. This indicator has two states: "mark as modified" that displays when a line has not been modified, and "revert changes" that displays once a line has been modified or manually marked as modified. Adding this same indicator to the column header for each coverage will allow users to mark all lines in the coverage grid as modified or revert changes on all lines if desired.

So, with this ticket, a "mark as modified/revert changes" indicator was added to the column header for each coverage on the Fast Edit PR and Fast Edit AR pages. This indicator will initially display in the "mark as modified" state. When selected, the System will mark all lines in the coverage grid as modified in Fast Edit PR and all lines with acres greater than zero in Fast Edit AR. Any lines already marked as modified will remain marked as modified. At this point, the indicator will change to the "revert changes" state. If selected in this state, the System will revert any changes for all lines in the grid and set the indicator back to the "mark as modified" state.


Land IDs: For the 2018+ RYs, enhancements have been made to the Land ID popup for Perennial Crops, including Category D (Plans 40 and 50) Tree Crops. These changes have been made:

1. Upon save of the Land ID popup, a warning message will display when the CLU Acres Exceed Tolerance Flag is set:

"Notice: Land ID, Place Name and CLU Information has been saved.

Warning: The sum of the CLU reported acre values for the detail line are not within the RMA tolerance which is the greater of 3 acres or 1% of the Reported Acres value on the detail line.

Do you want to continue?"

The user can select "OK" to continue or "Cancel" to return the Land ID popup.

2. The "Updating Detail Line" message that displays upon save of the Land ID popup for a Perennial crop has been removed. Because the CLU/RLU are not being updated to the detail line, a save of the detail line is not necessary and the message is inaccurate.