Release Notes 8.060.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 8.060.0.


To supplement the videos and provide quick reference, a WFRP Cheat Sheet was also created. To download the PDF , click here.

System Updates

Entity Management


Grower: Grower Notes have been requested several times over the years. With this ticket, the following modifications were made on all policy types (MPCI, Livestock, and Private Products):

A Grower Notes section was added on the Grower and 2020+ RY Policy Grower pages.
The 2020+ RY Policy Notes tab will provide users the ability to enter a General, Policy, or Grower Note Type.
The 2020+ RY Policy Notes tab will provide users the ability to view Grower Notes in addition to Policy Notes.
Grower Notes entered from Grower, 2020+ RY Policy Grower, or 2020+ RY Policy Notes are viewable in all three locations.


Forms & Reports


Livestock: With TFS #97957, a new print option was added to the various Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI) forms to allow users to include Policy Provisions when the forms are printed. With this ticket, the SPOIs, Policy Provisions, and Endorsements that print in conjunction with the new print option have been added to the System. The Basic Provisions, CEE Endorsement, Commodity Provisions, and Special Provisions (SPOIs) will print based on the applicable Crop Year, insurance plan, and commodity code with the following SOI forms for all Livestock Plans:

Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Schedule of Insurance
Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Schedule of Insurance- Cattle
Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Schedule of Insurance- Dairy Cattle
Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Schedule of Insurance- Swine
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Schedule of Insurance


Livestock: With this ticket, a new print option has been added to the various Livestock Schedule of Insurance (SOI) forms to allow users to include Policy Provisions when the forms are printed. The changes called out on this ticket will be applicable to all Schedule of Insurance forms for all Livestock Plans:

Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Schedule of Insurance
Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Schedule of Insurance- Cattle
Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Schedule of Insurance- Dairy Cattle
Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Schedule of Insurance- Swine
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Schedule of Insurance

This new print option will default to the "No provisions" option. The user can choose the "All provisions" option, which if selected, will print the Basic Provisions, CEE Endorsement, Commodity Provisions, and Special Provisions based on the applicable Crop Year, insurance plan, and commodity code (if applicable).

NOTE: TFS #111179 added the Policy Provisions and SPOIs for Livestock Plans (LRP, LGM, and DRP) to the System.


WFRP: It was noticed during the 2020 WFRP Handbook review that the Certification Statement printing on the WFRP Expected Value and Yield Source Document Certification Worksheet was printing the Farm Op Report Certification Statement. This has been corrected.


WFRP: RMA issued a 2020 WFRP Handbook which had some changes to the WFRP History Report that is a part of the WFRP Combo Form. MCT also found an update was needed to the Conditions of Acceptance section.

The Whole-Farm History Report table was updated with a new "Indexed Revenue" column. This new column will be after the "Allowable Revenue" column and before the "Allowable Expense" column. If the policy does not qualify for indexing procedures, the System will display "N/A" in this field on the table; the form should also print "N/A" for this scenario.
The Whole-Farm History Report table was updated with the new field for "Simple Average-Indexed Revenue". This new field will be between the "Simple Average-Allowable Revenue" field and the "Simple Average-Allowable Expenses" field. Also, the "Simple Average-Allowable Expenses" field was removed.
The Whole-Farm History Report table was updated with the new "Revenue Substitution" fields. These new fields will be under the "Simple Average" fields for "Allowable Revenue" and "Indexed Revenue".
The Whole-Farm History Report table was updated with the new "Revenue Exclusion" fields. These new fields will be under the "Revenue Substitution" fields for "Allowable Revenue" and "Indexed Revenue".
The Whole-Farm History Report table was updated with the new "Revenue Cup" field. This new field will be under the "Revenue Exclusion" field for "Allowable Revenue".
The "Expanded Operation Average" field was removed from the Whole-Farm History Report table. The "Allowable Expenses" field for this value will now be shaded.
The Whole-Farm History Report table was updated with new "Average" fields. These new fields will be under the "Expanded Operation Average" field for the "Allowable Revenue", "Indexed Revenue", and "Allowable Expenses" fields.
The Whole-Farm History Report table was updated with Insurance Options to the right of "Use the Indexed Average" question. Under the label and checkboxes, "Important: If more than one option is selected, the option with highest amount will be considered elected in determination of their whole-farm historic average." will print.
The "Whole-Farm Historic Average" item was updated in the Legend to "Whole-Farm Historic Average = Higher of Average Allowable Revenue, Indexed Average Revenue (if applicable), Expanded Operation Adjusted Revenue (if applicable) OR Revenue Cup (if elected)."
The language was updated in the Schedule F Part I, Schedule F Part II, and the Certification Statement Section on the Statement Pages.


Native Sod: RMA has updated to the Native Sod Statement in the DSSH released on November 26, 2019. With this ticket, the Annual Forage Acreage Report and other Acreage Reporting forms have been updated in the following ways for all years:

The revision date was updated to "12-2019".
A second sentence was added to the Native Sod Statement. The blank line in the new second sentence will always be blank (as it's user filled).
The "s" was removed from "reductions" in the second paragraph of the Native Sod Statement.
The updated Native Sod statement reads as follows:

I HAVE or HAVE NOT broken native sod after February 7, 2014. For any native sod acreage broken after December 20, 2018, identify the year it was broken separately for each parcel: ____________________________. (Only applicable to the following states: Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota.)

I understand that if I till native sod acreage, I will be assessed a reduction in yield guarantee and premium subsidy, these reductions apply in the crop year that my total native sod acreage tilled exceeds 5 acres in the county (cumulated across crops and crop years), and these reduction in benefits may be retroactively applied within a crop year.

110168, 109280

The Conservation Compliance Certification form has been updated in the following ways for all years:

Agency DBA was added to print in the page 1 header.
The revision date was updated to "12-2019".
The verbiage in Statement A, B, and D was updated to remove "prior to June 1" as well as to implement other changes found in the 2020 DSSH.
The new base standard format with fewer lines and more space for writing was implemented for the form. This includes a new sub-header on pages 2+.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




Fast Edit PR: An issue was reported that the user was unable to key production in Fast Edit PR for the Current Year Production Reporting grid. The policy had both planted and PP acres in 2019. The Fast Edit PR page was displaying the planted acres, but the agent and CIS were unable to enter production because the fields were locked due to a claim. The only claim that had been paid on the policy was for PP acres, and they were paid at 100%. Even though there were PP and planted acres, the user should have still been able to key production on the planted acres in Fast Edit PR.

A change was implemented in Fast Edit PR so that, in this scenario, the System will no longer lock the planted acres detail line and make the production/acres field non-editable.


MCEU: As part of the MCEU functionality, if the necessary primary/secondary county designations have not been made, the System bypasses all enterprise unit validation logic and triggers a suspension to notify the AIP of the missing primary/secondary county designations. AIPs were reporting a number of scenarios where they are unable to make the necessary primary/secondary county designations. In most scenarios, AIPs could not apply an override for the applicable unit structure when the primary/secondary county designations could not be made. However, in the scenario of zero acres, AIPs requested the System automatically remove the MC unit structure if zero acres have been processed but the primary/secondary county designations have not been made. With this ticket, the MCEU logic has been updated to remove the MC unit structure at mark complete if zero acres have been processed and AR Sign Dates have been keyed but the necessary primary/secondary county designations have not been made.


Written Agreements: In TFS #64301, changes were implemented to exclude crops where Written Agreements were not allowed per the crop provisions, so these crops were not allowed to have a Written Agreement keyed within the Add New Written Agreement, Add New Policy, and Add New Coverage pages.

With this ticket, the logic that was added to exclude the crops/plans listed below was removed and was instead updated to now include the listed crops/plans and allow them to be selected from the dropdowns within the Add New Written Agreement, Add New Policy, and Add New Coverage pages. If one of the listed crops/plans is elected, then the user will receive the following warning, which is no longer a hard stop, upon save of these pages: "Availability of a written agreement for this state/county/crop/plan must be verified with the AIP."


Macadamia Trees (0024)
Processing Chile Peppers (0045)
Hybrid Vegetable Seed (0066)
Clary Sage (0079)
Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (0093)
Grass Seed (0102)
Cucumbers (0132)
Sweet Potato (0156)
Triticale (0158)
Orange Trees (0207)
Grapefruit Trees (0208)
Lemon Trees (0209)
Lime Trees (0210)
All Other Citrus Trees (0211)
Avocado Trees (0212)
Carambola Trees (0213)
Mango Trees (0214)
Pecan Trees (0284)
Sesame (0396)
Pistachio (0470)


04, 05, 06, 13, 16, 17, 31, 32, 33, 43, 63, 81, 82, 83


Native Sod: For the 2020+ Reinsurance Years, Native Sod is now insurable in the initial years under the Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) policy in the following states: Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Native Sod was allowed on Annual Forage in these states under Plan 13 in previous years, and therefore, a majority of System functionality for Native Sod is already in place to handle the addition of PRF.

Native Sod under Plan 13 is driven off of two things. First, a Native Sod Written Agreement needs to be added for the coverage and applicable detail lines. Previously, users could establish the Native Sod Written Agreements for Plan 13 commodities but did not have the ability to link them to specific detail lines as the page only loaded detail lines with a Procedure Code of "D". Procedure Codes are not applicable for Plan 13 commodities, though. Therefore, the logic was updated so that, if the Plan is 13, the System will only display detail lines where the Native Sod checkbox has been selected on the Add/Maintain Detail Line pages.

The second piece that drives the premium rating is the Native Sod checkbox mentioned above on the Add and Maintain Detail Line pages. Once the checkbox is selected by the user, the System will then know that Native Sod procedures apply and will accordingly reduce the subsidy and reduce the Productivity Factor down to 65%. The Native Sod checkbox is already in place for Annual Forage but was added for PRF going forward. The Native Sod checkbox will also be utilized for the Written Agreement functionality called out above.

NOTE: When Native Sod applies to Annual Forage or PRF, the user will need to create a detail line for the Native Sod with the total acres equal to the Native Sod acreage and a detail line for the non-Native Sod acreage with the total non-Native Sod acreage.

NOTE: TFS #106496 will be handling the new N8 Program Indicator Code for Native Sod for the 2020+ RYs.