Release Notes 15.005.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 15.005.0.

System Updates

Entity Management


Grower: An AIP requested that a hard stop validation be implemented to make the State of Incorporation required before saving the Grower/Grower for Policy page. The GSH requires the insured provide the State of Incorporation in writing on the application if the entity type is "Limited Liability Company" or "Corporation", but it is not a field that is required to be transmitted to RMA or that is required for any other processing. Rather than triggering a hard stop in which the user cannot move beyond, a pop-up warning has been implemented that inform the user when the State of Incorporation is blank. The user will be able to check "Yes" to continue saving without filling in or "No" remain on the page to key the field before save.


Forms & Reports


Some clean-up items on the Conservation Compliance Certification Form:

1. The Crop Year and Policy number were not printing on some pages of the pre-headed-agency info form; this has been corrected.
2. When there is long Agency Name (59+ characters, which includes spaces and punctuation) and the Agency Name goes to 3 lines in the header on pages 2+. Also, the Print Date now prints.
3. When there is long Insured's Name (16+ characters, which includes spaces and punctuation) the Insured Name goes to 2 lines in the header on pages 2+ and the Agency has a long name. Also, the Insured's Name, Agency's Name and Print Date now print.
4. The default Report Description name was updated in Batch Print to "Conservation Compliance Cert Form" instead of "Batch Report Request".


VFR: This ticket updated the Veteran Farmer and Rancher (VFR) Application with 2023 DSSH updates and other standardized updates. Some of these changes include:

Previously, only SSN and EIN labels were printing on the blank report style; a RAN checkbox was added.
A Signature Authorization label and field was added.


BFR: This ticket updated the Beginning Farmer and Rancher (BFR) Application with 2023 DSSH updates and other standardized updates. Some of these changes include:

Previously, only SSN and EIN labels were printing on the blank report style; a RAN checkbox was added.
The Phone label and data were moved to print under the Tax ID label and data.
Additional verbiage that is in the 2023 DSSH was added on the 2nd sentence above the dates operating a farm table. After "provided" and before the colon, "including any USDA Agency / Program that you participated in for the crops / livestock" was added. The update was also done on the extra page.


Livestock: The LGM Dairy Cattle Target Marketing form has been updated with more detail line information for the grower with a detail line format that is similar to the detail line format used on the LGM Dairy Cattle Schedule of Insurance (SOI) for the 2023+ years.


Provisions: SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Oct 18. Special Provisions for 2023 have been downloaded and implemented in the System for Cotton (0021) STAX-RP (35) in TX (48) for the counties of Briscoe (045) and Floyd (153).


Provisions: 2023 Walnut Crop Provisions have been implemented in the System.


Provisions: 2023 Pomegranates Crop Provisions have been implemented in the System.


Provisions: The RMA released 2023 Special Provisions for the 11/30 CCD on 11/16/2022. They have been downloaded and implemented in the System.


Livestock: A request was received for the Conservation Compliance Certification form to be added to the Livestock Print menus. This has been added to the LGM / LRP Print and DRP Print menus for all Crop Years.


Livestock: A request was received for the Conservation Compliance Certification form to be added to the Livestock Print menus. This has been added to the LGM / LRP Print and DRP Print menus for all Crop Years.


Livestock: A request was made for the Beginning Farmer and Rancher (BFR) Application to be added to the Livestock Print menus; this has been done.


Provisions: The RMA released 2023 Special Provisions for the 6/30, 11/30 and 12/31 CCDs on 11/23/2022. They have been downloaded and implemented in the System.


Provisions: The RMA released 2023 Special Provisions for the 11/30 CCD on 11/28/2022. They have been downloaded and implemented in the System.


Provisions: The RMA released 2023 Special Provisions for the 11/30 CCD on 11/30/2022. They have been downloaded and implemented in the System.


Provisions: 2023 Cabbage Crop Provisions have been implemented in the System.


Provisions: 2023 Chile Pepper Crop Provisions have been implemented in the System.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




Livestock: An issue was reported where the System was incorrectly allowing the SSN Tax ID Type on the Irrevocable Trust Entity Type on Livestock plans. Per 2022 GSH Part 2 Sec 4 Para 258, EIN is the only accepted TIN Type for the Irrevocable Trust Entity Type. There must be separate and distinct policies if Individuals/Spousal operates as an Irrevocable Trust and no SBI with an entity type of "Irrevocable Trust" is allowed in combination with Individuals/Spousal.

With this ticket, for all Livestock Plans, hard stop messages have been implemented on Grower and SBI pages and mirrors what is currently in place for MPCI:

Entity Type: "Trust - Irrevocable" is not allowed with Tax ID Type: "SSN".
Entity Type/Tax ID Type Combination: "Trust - Irrevocable/SSN is not valid with Primary's SSN/Individuals".
Entity Type/Tax ID Type Combination: "Trust - Irrevocable/SSN is not valid with Primary's SSN/Spousal/Married".
Entity Type/Tax ID Type Combination: "Trust - Irrevocable/EIN is not valid with Primary's SSN/Individuals".
Entity Type/Tax ID Type Combination: "Trust - Irrevocable/EIN is not with Primary's SSN/Spousal/Married".


Livestock: Within the Livestock Policy Management Dashboard (Livestock > Policy Management Dashboard), when LRP is the selected Plan AND the RY is 2023+, an update has been made to the navigation when the + icon in the Quick Links column in the grid is clicked for a policy. Previously, when clicked, the System would take the user to the Coverage tab for the policy. For the 2023+ RYs, the System will now take the user to the Add New Detail Line page for LRP.


Livestock: Recent review of the existing Livestock Lockout functionality resulted in changes to be made for both LRP and DRP procedures. No changes are needed for LGM at this time. With this ticket, the following changes have been made:

LRP: The holiday check was removed from the existing Lockout logic. LRP policy wording says sales will end the following calendar day, not business day, so the extra check is not relevant to LRP like it is for DRP which closes the following business day.
DRP: The Effective Date dropdown was updated for users who do NOT have the Bypass Lockout permission to now only display active Effective Dates. Once the lockouts have been applied for an Effective Date, they will no longer display in the dropdown for users without the Bypass Lockout permission. This will maintain consistency with the way LRP and LGM currently function.




Users reported getting blank map books when printing using portrait orientation; this issue has been resolved.




FEC: The Fast Edit Coverage (FEC) page, implemented in 2021, allows users to modify multiple active coverage records at once instead of making individual updates on each record. The first phase of FEC development included coverage validations and the ability to apply Application Signature Dates through the Maintain Signatures popup.

With this release, the FEC was enhanced to allow users to add a new coverage within the page. Now, a user can quickly add one or more new coverages which have the same State but different County, Commodity, Insurance Plan Codes, Type Codes, Practice Codes, Coverage Levels, Crop Options, or Price Election % values. However, most Exception Processing is not supported within the Fast Edit Coverage grid.

To add a new coverage within FEC, from the Add New Coverage dropdown, select the county of the new coverage you are adding to the policy. A new coverage row, with the selected county shown, appears immediately below the last active coverage. Continue to make all necessary selections for the new coverage. Available fields may change based on your selections.

The new coverage can be deleted, prior to save, by clicking the X button that corresponds with the coverage. Once saved, the coverage cannot be deleted, only canceled from the Coverages tab.
The new coverage record will not be added to the policy until Save/Save & Continue is clicked and the coverage is free of hard stop errors. No changes were made to the existing FEC validations.


Fast Edit AR: An internal review of the Companion Policy functionality identified some opportunities for performance improvements when the Fast Edit AR is processed and a large number of companion units need to be updated. When Companion Policy links are updated, there are several things that need to be done during the syncing process. Previously these calculations were all performed in real time. With this ticket, the Companion Policy process was updated as follows:

When the Fast Edit AR is processed for a coverage or multiple coverages where companion units exist, the following changes have been made to enhance the companion policy syncing process.

If less than 30 Companion Policy units need to be synced due to the changes made on the Fast Edit AR, the system will continue to perform the updates to the applicable units in real time as part of the save process with the Fast Edit AR functionality.
If 30 or more Companion Policy units need to be synced due to the changes made on the Fast Edit AR, the system will push the Companion Policy syncing job to the service bus to be processed once the Fast Edit AR changes have been saved.
If the service bus is used, an indicator will display by the Unit Number link on the Detail Lines tab notifying the user that the service bus is still processing the job.
A message in red font will display on the page indicating the Companion Policy job is processing. An additional animated swirl icon that spins on the page will also be added to catch the user’s attention.
The page will attempt a refresh every 10 seconds until it finds the job on the Service Bus has completed and the page refresh can be accomplished. At that time, the indicator message will be removed from the UI.


Policy: An issue was reported on the Add New Policy page. By default, the SBIs for the Grower are selected at the bottom of the page. However, it was found that if the user deselects the SBI(s) and then tries to save when an error is generated on the page for missing information or any other type of hard stop error, the checkmarks for the SBI(s) are being restored rather than staying empty. The checkboxes should remain unselected once the user has deselected them until the user goes back and re-selects them. This issue has been corrected with this ticket.


WFRP: An enhancement was requested by an AIP concerning a possible WFRP (76) scenario. When Approved Revenue changes in a Previous RY and the Revenue Cup (RC) Option is elected in the current RY, the Prior Year Approved Revenue in the current RY is not updating. This is an issue because premium is affected in the current RY with RC and the Prior Year Approved Revenue figure. To help users with this issue, a new Mark Complete Suspension has been created to trigger when the scenario described happens for either WFRP (0076) and Micro Farm (9110) under the WFRP (76) Plan of Insurance. The following criteria all must be true in order for the Suspension to trigger.

"RC" is on the Income Record in the current RY.
There is a prior year Income Record for the WFRP (76) policy.
The Prior Approved Revenue in the current RY does not match the Approved Revenue in the previous RY.
There is an Insured Signature Date populated in the current RY.


Fast Edit PR: During internal testing, a bug was identified with the "Added Ins Acreage-Production Min" APH Override. By design, the System is supposed to apply the applicable Variable T-Yields to all years prior to the year of insurability to make 4 years of history. This allows uninsurable production/acreage to remain in the APH but no annual yield is calculated for those years. It was found internally that if production was updated via the Fast Edit Production Reporting page, the System was retaining additional Variable T-Yields rather than rolling them out as actual history is added. This ticket updated the APH logic for the "Added Ins Acreage-Production Min" APH Override to ensure the Variable T-Yields correctly roll out of the APH, as needed, whether production is updated through Fast Edit PR or the Legacy APH page.


Pomegranates: An issue was reported where the Pack Out Average within the Pomegranate APH was not rounding to the nearest whole percent. With this ticket, the System has been updated to now round the Pack Out Average to the nearest whole percent for Pomegranates.


Potential Loss Estimator: During internal testing of the Loss Estimator Price Maintenance tool (Tools > Loss Estimator Price Maintenance), it was found that the Update button was not working as expected. When a user clicked Update, the System was not saving the price entered by the user like it should have. This issue has been resolved.