Release Notes 9.030.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.030.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||
With this ticket, a Billing Log page that allows specific AIP users to view billing batches and all changes made to Acres, Share, Practice, and Map Area has been implemented. This page helps users easily identify, in relation to policy billings, the changes to the policy/coverage that contributed to increases in premium. This page can be accessed by clicking the View Billing Log button on the Change Log tab for a policy for users with the correct permissions. |
118170 |
Grass Seed: The RMA added the Grass Seed Underwriting Report to the 2021 DSSH. When printing this form, a report style to "Pre-fill with all land" is available. When this option is selected, then all land will print. This is the report style default. To prevent page break issues, the land fields were moved to print under each UW Detail Line, similar to what has been done to the Acreage Report. Additionally other form standards were implemented and user requests were included. |
21019 |
With this ticket, a "Duplex Print" print option has been added to the API and PRF Combo Form when printing from the MPCI policy Print tab as well as when printing from the Batch Printing menu. This print option adds a blank page to the PDF of the form if the form for the policy has an odd number of page. It is up to the user to update their printer settings to print the PDF on both sides of the paper. When the "Duplex Print" print option is selected to print, the odd pages print on the front of the page and even pages print on the back with a blank page being printed on the last page if the number of pages printing for the policy is an odd number. The blank page for the odd page number scenario will have a bar code on it in the bottom-right corner. When this scenario is batch scanned, the blank page will not attach to the policy. This print option is unselected by default. NOTE: TFS #94566 is moving the County Base Value from the Crop Information Section to the Acreage Report Section. Also, TFS #110566 is updating the API and PRF Combo Form with some base form updates. |
26324 |
Base form standards have been applied to the API and PRF Combo Form. With these changes, the form version date has been updated to "08-2020". NOTE: TFS #94566 is moving the County Base Value from the Crop Information Section to the Acreage Report Section. Also, TFS #26324 is adding a Duplex Print option to the API and PRF Combo Form. |
110566 |
The Production Report was updated to support Production & Revenue History (PRH). |
117519, 117523 |
Production & Revenue History (PRH) Strawberries 2021 Special Provisions were made available from the RMA on July 20 and have been implemented in the System. These provisions include:
119020 |
The 2021 Production & Revenue History (PRH) Strawberry Crop Provisions have been implemented and now print with the MPCI Policy Declaration page when the print option to print provisions when the form is selected. |
119039 |
HIP: The time period covered by HIP-WI is based on the insurance period of the underlying crop policy. HIP-WI coverage begins at the Sales Closing Date (SCD) of the underlying crop policy and ends at the End of Insurance (EOI) date of the underlying crop policy. This approach is intended to ensure that the coverage provided by HIP-WI is consistent with the coverage provided by the underlying crop policy. However, there are four crops where the insurance period for the underlying crop policies does not align with the risk period for the crop, which leads to gaps in HIP-WI coverage for apples, blueberries, grapes, and peaches. To address this gap of coverage, the RMA created a one-time End of Insurance (EOI) Extension Option where producers may elect to extend the EOI date for their existing HIP-WI contract to November 20, 2020 (the 2021 crop year SCD). Additional premium will be due since the risk period is extended. The Sales Closing Date for the option is August 31, 2020 for those crops/counties where the option is available. This ticket implemented the new HIP EOI Extension Option Provision for apples, blueberries, grapes, and peaches. NOTE: While this provision is only one page, the page # at the bottom of the provisions says "Page 1 of 4". |
119331 |
Mailing Labels: It was reported that the Mailing Labels file name was including "MPCI Withdrawal of Claim Letter", which made it confusing. The following updates have been made to mailing labels for all years:
119406 |
Production Report: With this ticket, one of the new column labels, Pre-Quality Actual Yield, associated with the Quality Loss Option (QL) that was added with TFS #118432 in the 9.025 Release on the Production Report was displaying "Total" instead of "Actual". This issue has been resolved. NOTE: A ticket has been set up for 2022 to populate this data on the Production Report. |
119693 |
A request was received to move the County Base Value from the Crop Information Section to the Acreage Report Section and print the value for each detail line on the API and PRF Combo Form. With this ticket, the County Base Value was moved from the Crop Information Section to the Acreage Report Section, and the County Base Value will now print for the detail line. These changes apply to the API and PRF Combo Form. NOTE: TFS #110566 will update the API and PRF Combo Form with some base form updates. Also, TFS #26324 will add a Duplex Print option to the API and PRF Combo Form. |
94566 |
DRP: The RMA announced some regulatory changes for the 2021 RY for Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP). This ticket mapped the Nonfat Solids Price data in the ADMs to the applicable field on the DRP QCE form. The following updates have been made to the DRP QCE form for all years:
118731 |
LGM: MCT received a request for some assistance with LGM Applications when data has been keyed prepping for the upcoming SCD. Currently, for LGM to print pre-filled data on the LGM Application or Schedule of Insurance (SOI) forms, a detail line with the Target Marketing data entered is needed for the coverage so the Coverage with Insurance Period would display in the Insurance Period fields on the Livestock policy Print tab for LGM Applications and LGM Schedules of Insurance (SOIs). With this ticket, the following updates have been made for all years on the Livestock policy Print tab: NOTE: Updates for this ticket include a slight change to the selection process for printing LGM Applications and SOIs; a step is being removed. Users will still be able to select to print one, a few, or all Insurance Periods.
119381 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
118616 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||
Suspensions: Currently, users are able to create MPCI (PASS) transmissions for just Grower and/or SBI records. When the PASS files are sent up, the RMA returns a code of the Grower and/or SBI is "Out of Compliance". When the transmission file is loaded back in, if that code is returned, the System will then automatically select the checkbox on the Grower and/or SBI page to "Out of Compliance". A subsequent Mark Complete will then suspend the applicable coverage since no AIP Approval Date exists. With TFS #118958, the functionality described above was added to DRP (PASS), and TFS #118960 has been set up to add this functionality to LGM/LRP (eDAS). However, no suspension logic was in place for any of the Livestock products for Conservation Compliance, so this ticket was created to add that functionality for all three Livestock products. If the Grower and/or SBI is set to "Out of Compliance" but no AIP Approval date exists, the System will trigger the following new Livestock Suspension upon Mark Complete:
118961 |
LGM: An enhancement request was received to change the wording of the save button on LGM detail lines from "Submit" to "Save". With this ticket, this change has been made. |
119052 |
DRP: The DRP QCE form has a new field for the Nonfat Solids Price that was implemented with TFS #116347. Previously, this field was populating with a zero as the value there was not a direct link to the ADMs. The Nonfat Solids Price is the Protein Test value selected by the insured plus the Fixed "Other Solid Test" value. With this ticket, the Nonfat Solid Price field has been added to the DRP Premium Line user interface. This new field displays when the user has selected the Component Pricing Option. The field displays under the Other Solid Test field and is read-only. In addition to the user interface change, a new DB field has been added to the LivestockPremiumLine table to correspond with the new user interface field. The Forms Team will now be able to map the field on the form to the DB field. |
119708 |
An issue was reported where agents were no longer able to pre-key their LGM target marketings for upcoming insurance periods where rates had not yet been released. A recent ticket in the 9.015 release made some logic changes to the LGM Calculators. It was found that the changes with that ticket impacted a user's ability to pre-key LGM target marketings. The LGM Calculation logic has been updated with this new ticket to once again allow users to pre-key their target marketing values. |
119416 |
Transmissions: Currently, on the MPCI side, users are able to create transmissions for just the Grower and/or SBI records. When the PASS files are sent up, RMA returns a code of the Grower and/or SBI is "Out of Compliance". When the transmission file is loaded back in, if that code is returned, the System will automatically select the checkbox on the Grower and/or SBI page "Out of Compliance". A subsequent Mark Complete will then suspend the applicable coverage since no AIP Approval Date exists. This logic was previously not in place for Livestock, and a request was received to update the Livestock logic to mirror the MPCI process. Currently, for LRP or LGM (eDAS), if just the coverage is submitted, which also includes the Grower/SBI records, RMA does send back a "CC" code that can be used to set the Grower/SBI records to "Out of Compliance". Even though RMA returns the "CC" code, no errors are thrown on the coverage. It is not until the premium is submitted that actual errors are returned, and at that point, there is a very limited processing window to get the corrections made. Having a way for users to be notified of the Compliance issues earlier in the processing cycle would allow for more time to get issues resolved. With this ticket, the Livestock logic for LRP and LGM has been updated to mirror the MPCI process. This includes setting the Grower/SBI flags when the return eDAS files are processed back in, similar to what is done for MPCI. In addition a request was received for there to be way to send eDAS transmissions for just the Grower/SBI records rather than having to tie in the coverage records as well. Since this is useful for both plans (LGM and LRP) but is needed for LGM as the coverage is data specific and can't be sent prior to the opening of sales, this update has been made as well. |
118960 |
Users requested a way to export a field listing from the PRF/Apiculture Wizard to allow them to easily reconcile whether all fields have been reported. This has been implemented. In the PRF Wizard, when you've selected unit group(s), added fields to each unit group, and set at least one POR, a new Export button exists, which exports data to an Excel file that is downloaded by your browser. The exported listing includes the following: Unit Group info (State, county, crop, type, irrigation practice, organic practice, Grid ID, share), Farm, Tract, Field, Insurable Acres, Insured Acres, and POR. |
116371 |
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PRF/API: Several releases ago, the detail line page for PRF and Apiculture was updated to a popup. Originally, the popup was designed to exclude the Save & Edit/Add Land ID(s) button; however, a request was submitted to add the ability for users to navigate directly to the Land ID page and subsequently the POR page from the new detail line modal/popup. With this ticket, the following changes have been made:
117352 |
HIP: RMA issued a new GAP option for HIP that will be applicable for the 2020 RY only. The GAP, or "HE", option allows producers of certain crops, where the end of insurance period is before the end of the hurricane season and prior to the beginning of the insurance period for the next crop year, to purchase an option to cover the coverage gap between the end of insurance period and the beginning of the new crop year's insurance period. With this ticket, the Coverage pages have been updated to display the "HE" option for selection if available in the ADM. NOTE: Since this is a one-year option and only a limited number of policies qualify to use the option, no validation was implemented to also require HIP. This will be a training issue and users should only add the "HE" option if HIP has also been selected. NOTE: This ticket addresses adding the "HE" option to the user interface only. TFS #119654 has been set up to address the necessary rating logic once RMA releases the premium calculation exhibit. |
118537 |
Sugarcane: Beginning in the 2021 RY, RMA added an additional Crop Replacement Endorsement Option B (RD) for Sugarcane. Option A (RP) or Option B (RD) are now available for selection on the coverage by the SCD. The Crop Replacement Endorsements are only applicable to plant cane and 1st year stubble. If the option is available for the RY/State/County/Crop it will be available for selection on the coverage. If either the "RP" or "RD" option is elected on the coverage, the options will then need to be applied on a detail line-by-detail line basis. It will be the user's responsibility to manually select the option on the detail line or Fast Edit AR. NOTE: Only one option is available for selection--BOTH cannot be selected together. With this ticket, the "RD" option code was added to the crop options on the Coverage, Detail Line, and Fast Edit AR pages. "Option A (RP)" OR "Option B (RD)" will now display for selection if elected on the Coverage. If the user has selected the option on the coverage, then the option will be available for selection on the detail line by the user. |
117719 |
PRH: RMA has issued a new Production & Revenue History (PRH) Plan for Strawberries in Florida for 2021. This ticket implemented detail line functionality as well as Written Agreements. The existing Plan 47 ARH detail line pages have been implemented for PRH. This includes the View Detail Lines tab as well as the Add New/Maintain/View Detail Lines pages. All Plan 47 detail line functionality will apply to PRH with the following exceptions:
The existing validation logic that displays a warning when the user attempts to add a Written Agreement for a crop/plan that by procedure does not allow Written Agreements has been updated to also include PRH as a crop/plan that does not allow Written Agreements. |
118371 |
PRH: The new Production & Revenue History plan that will be available on Strawberries in Florida for 2021 will utilize both Production and Revenue History. However, with the way the policy is set up, tracking of Production and Revenue History will be completely separate from one another. The Production History will be tracked in a standard Category B APH; while Revenue History will be tracked in a new Revenue History tab of the policy. Functionality for Revenue History will be implemented in a future release. This ticket addressed the standard Category B APH functionality for PRH. |
118372 |
Quality Loss Option: In the initial release of Quality Loss Option for the 2021+ RYs, RMA stated that the Actual Yields eligible for Quality Loss (QL), as long as a Notice of Loss (NOL) was filed for the elected Crop Year (CY) within the APH database, were A, AC, AP, AY, BF, DA, FA, NA, NR, NW, PA, PR, PW, R, RY, and WY. RMA has now released an additional Yield Type Code of VF. A System change was implemented to add "VF" to the valid Yield Type Code for Quality Loss Option. Also, the System was updated with a validation to only allow the applicable Yield Type Codes of A, AC, AP, AY, BF, DA, FA, NA, NR, NW, PA, PR, PW, R, RY, VF, and WY. for QL and now a invalid Yield Type Code will trigger a hard stop for the user. |
119080 |
Land IDs: An issue was found internally within the Maintain Detail Line page in the Land Identifier and Planted Fields grids. When a user entered the Manage Land ID popup from the Maintain Detail Line page, the System was not pushing the CLU information to the Land Identifier and Planted Fields grids upon Save & Exit from the Manage Land ID popup. A bug was identified that would not let the information display on the Maintain Detail Line and Maintain APH pages; this has been corrected so data can now be pushed from Manage Land ID popup to the Maintain Detail Line and Maintain APH pages. The Maintain Detail Line page will refresh once the Manage Land ID popup is saved in order for acres and plant date information to correctly display. |
119222 |
Quality Loss Option: In testing of the original functionality of QL in TFS #108176, it was found that a user could apply "QL" on a production history year where acres equaled zero. The data was not used in the calculations for the unit but was showing as saved in the interface even though it wasn't saved to the database. A System fix was implemented so that, upon save, within the APH Utilities grid, if a user selects the QL checkbox and enters a Pre-Quality Yield or Pre-Quality Production value but acres are equal to zero, a validation error will display "QL not valid with zero acres". |
119226 |
While testing TFS #117744, it was found that the System was not automatically selecting the Use CC Yield checkbox within the APH when it should have. When CC Unit Adjusted Yield is higher than SF unit and SF Unit has less than 3 years of production history, the System should be automatically checking the Use CC Yield checkbox and applying the CC yield to the SF unit and this was not occurring. This has been corrected. |
119310 |
PRF/Apiculture: In the 9.020 Release with TFS #115289, the insurable Grid ID functionality for Apiculture and PRF was redesigned. During UAT, a couple of bugs were identified with the new page:
119330 |
Forage Seeding: Beginning with the 2021 RY, the RMA is publishing Fall and Spring Sales Closing Dates for Forage Seeding (0032). Because of this change, it was determined that some code changes were needed for this crop to allow the following functionality to be applied if/when necessary to allow "New App After 1st SCD" and spring coverage functionality. A "New App After 1st SCD" indicator (No/Yes) will display on the Add New Policy and Add New Coverage pages when the coverage is new, more than one SCD exists for the coverage, the current calendar date is after the 1st SCD, and the original Insured App Sign Date is blank or later than the initial SCD. When "Yes" is selected, a Select SCD dropdown will display. A change for spring coverage (when acres are not planted in the fall) was also added. A Change Coverage for Spring button will appear in the main banner of the View Coverage page when a user has the proper permissions, the coverage has been transmitted at least once and does not reflect Late Processed Flag, is not an Added County Coverage, and is not designated as a "New App After 1st SCD". |
118790 |