Release Notes 9.060.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 9.060.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


Pecans: This ticket updated the Revenue Report, for all years, to help the form be more customer friendly. Some of these changes include:

1. HIP lines no longer print on the form.
2. VFR was added to the Legend and prints behind the Insured's name in parentheses when applicable.
3. The Record Type field was updated on the form to print the Record Type for the most recent year, if present, in the APH database.
4. For the "Include Extra Blank Page" Print Option, a space was added between the checkbox and the Print Option label. Previously, there was no space.

NOTE: The base form standard updates were not made to this form with this ticket but will be made in a future ticket.


Pecans: This ticket updated the Summary of Revenue History with the 2021 DSSH updates, namely removing the Statement Page. It was also found that a few other updates were needed to help the form be more customer friendly.

1. HIP lines no longer print on the form.
2. VFR was added to the Legend and prints behind the Insured's name in parentheses when applicable.
3. For the "Include Extra Blank Page" Print Option, a space was added between the checkbox and the Print Option label. Previously, there was no space.

NOTE: The base form standard updates were not made to this form with this ticket but will be made in a future ticket.


PAW: The following updates have been made to the Hawaii Tropical Fruit (HTF) and Hawaii Tropical Trees (HTT) formats of the Producer's Pre-Acceptance Worksheet (PAW) for all years:

HTT PAW Updates:

A Total Line will now only print once for all of the PAW lines for the unit. Previously, a total line printed after each PAW line.
A "PAIR Date:" label was added above the Remarks field using the same line as the Total Line. The label will be same size as the other labels and bold. A PAIR Date will print in the same font size as the other data if one has been entered when the form is printing pre-filled.
When PAW remarks have been elected to print, the Remarks will be left-justified and print under the label.
The PAW Legend was added back to the form.
The Primary Land ID, or first land ID, if no primary is selected, will print. If there are more land IDs for the unit, an asterisk will print to indicate this.

HTF PAW Updates:

When PAW remarks have been elected to print, the Remarks will be left-justified and print under the label.
A "PAIR Date:" label was added above the Remarks field using the same line as the Total Line. The label will be same size as the other labels and bold. A PAIR Date will print in the same font size as the other data if one has been entered when the form is printing pre-filled.
The footer was added back to the form.


DRP TOR: The following updates have been made to the Transfer for Rights for Indemnity Form (TOR) for the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Livestock product for all Crop Years:

The "Pre-Headed Form - with Applicant / Insured & Agency info only" report style was added to the DRP TOR form.
The pre-headed report style only prints the Transferor info, Crop Year, Policy Number plus the Agent's Printed Name and Code in the Signature Section.
For the Pages 2+ headers:
The Logo and AIP Contact Info only print on Page 1.
The Pages 2+ headers have the Transferor (Insured)'s Name in the top-left and Crop Year and Policy Number in the top-right.
The Page 1 header information was updated to be similar to the MPCI TOR form to allow more room for the person filling out the form.
The QR code will print when the form is printed pre-headed. When the form is being scanned in, the Attachment Type will be DRP TOR.
The Certification Statement label was removed.
The title of the form was updated to "Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Transfer of Coverage and Right to an Indemnity (TOR)" to be consistent with the LRP TOR.


LGM TOR: A Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Transfer of Rights to Indemnity (TOR) form was added to the LRP and LGM Print menu. The following updates have been made for all years:

The LGM TOR was added to the LRP and LGM Print menu. The title of the form is "Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Transfer of Rights to Indemnity (TOR)".
"Blank" and "Pre-Headed Form - with Applicant / Insured & Agency info only" report styles are available for this form.
The pre-headed report style will only print the Transferor info, Crop Year, Policy Number, Agent's Name, and Code # in the Signature Section.
Page 2+ headers, including the additional pages:
Logo and AIP Contact Info will only print on Page 1.
For Pages 2+, the header has the Transferor (Insured)'s Name in the top-left and Crop Year and Policy Number in the top-right.
The QR code will print when the form is printed pre-headed.
The form is available to be scanned in or manually attached.


LRP TOR:A Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Transfer of Rights to Indemnity (TOR) form was added to the LRP and LGM Print menu. The following updates have been made for all years:

The LRP TOR was added to the LRP and LGM Print menu. The title of the form is "Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Transfer of Rights to Indemnity (TOR)".
"Blank" and "Pre-Headed Form - with Applicant / Insured & Agency info only" report styles are available for this form.
The pre-headed report style will only print the Transferor info, Crop Year, Policy Number, Agent's Name, and Code # in the Signature Section.
Pages 2+ headers, including the additional pages:
Logo and AIP Contact Info will only print on Page 1.
For Pages 2+, the header has the Transferor (Insured)'s Name in the top-left and Crop Year and Policy Number in the top-right.
The QR code will print when the form is printed pre-headed.
The form is available to be scanned in or manually attached.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




LRP Estimates: An enhancement request was received to add the ability for users to email quotes generated from the Create Quick LRP Estimate tool.

With this ticket, a new button, Email Estimate, has been added to the Create Quick LRP Estimate tool. This button will only appear once data have been keyed and the Calculate button has been clicked. This new button will display next to the existing Print Estimate button and will allow users to enter the email address for the recipient along with a personal message, if they so choose, before sending the estimate via email. Users will also need to enter their own email address in the CC field, as the emailed estimates will not be stored and will no longer be accessible in the System once sent.




Perennials: This ticket added additional fields to the single field Planting Dialogue for Perennial crops. This ticket will be followed with updates to the Fast Edit Planting and Sync to PAW functionality (future tickets).


Checkboxes were recently added for Land ID/Planted CLU functionality to indicate when a field was brought in from a neighboring county (i.e., with PRF). This ticket will update Sync to AR and Sync from AR to account for the flag when a field is included that is not physically in the county of the coverage (i.e., grid ID crosses county lines and field is in different county from the coverage).




PRF/Apiculture: A scenario was reported where the CLU applicable to a PRF or Apiculture policy was in a different state or county than the State/County on the coverage. While the System would allow the user to key the FSN/Tract, when they selected to add Fields/CLUs, the System was not pulling in any Fields/CLUs since the FSN/Tract was actually in a different county.

To resolve this issue, dropdowns for State/County have been added to the Field/CLU section of the Manage Land IDs popup directly under the CLU/RLU tabs. These fields will default to the State/County on the coverage but allow the user to select a different State/County as applicable. When a different State/County is selected, the System will populate the Fields/CLU grid with the Fields/CLUs for the FSN/Tract in the selected State/County in addition to the Fields/CLUs for the FSN/Tract in the State/County on the coverage. Any Fields/CLUs from the State/County that are not on the coverage will be shaded/highlighted to help the user differentiate between Fields/CLUs in the selected county and those in the county on the coverage. Finally, Location State and Location County dropdowns have also been added to the Edit CLU Information popup (accessed by clicking the fields number link) to allow the user to designate a Location State/County different that the admin State/County. These change are applicable to PRF and Apiculture only.

NOTE: The new State/County dropdowns on the Manage Land IDs popup will become read-only once the user has selected and saved a CLU from another State/County. In order to edit the State/County dropdowns again, the user must deselect any CLUs from another State/County and then re-save. At this point, the State/County dropdowns will become editable again.


Perennials & Fast Edit PR: An issue was reported within the Fast Edit PR for Perennial crops. When a policy with multiple Perennial coverages with different Types was updated with production but only one of the coverages was being selected for processing, the System was not updating the APHs accordingly. Upon save of the Fast Edit PR grid, the System should have updated both the PAW and the calculated Approved APH yield for the selected coverage. However, the System was only updating the PAW and was NOT calculating an approved APH for the coverage. A fix was implemented within the Fast Edit PR grid, so that upon save, the System is correctly updating both the PAW and the calculated Approved APH Yield for the selected coverage.


CIMS: An issue was reported where the CIMS Request checkbox was not being set (selected) on the initial save of the Add New Policy and Add New Coverage pages. The System was requiring a second save of the Maintain Coverage page (after the Add New Policy page was initially saved) to default the CIMS Request checkbox as expected. A fix was implemented that will default the CIMS Request checkbox to selected when a New Policy or New MPCI Coverage is created.