Release Notes 7.105.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 7.105.0.


System Updates

Inspection & Claims


The following changes are included within this ticket:

The Email Template being sent to Growers for MPCI, Private Products, and Livestock Claims was enhanced. The template now includes a breakout of the claim to assist the Grower in understanding how it was disbursed and will adjust based on the scenario of the claim. The lines below will not display if the amount for that bucket is $0.

[AMOUNT_1] via paper check within 7 business days.

[AMOUNT_2] via ACH to your financial institution.

[AMOUNT_3] applied as credits to premium and/or related policies.

[AMOUNT_4] was previously paid on this claim.

A fix was made for the Hudson logo not always showing in the Signature area.


Forms & Reports


Batch Printing: TFS #100209 was implemented in the 7.095 release as a workflow improvement to allow a user to save multiple files in one step if they were created in a large batch print job. Previously, the System was designed to create multiple PDF files as large batch jobs are being generated.

It was found during UAT that if the policy file was a Dec Page, only 6 of many different files would download due to Chrome having a built-in connection limitation of 6 concurrent connections. When bulk downloading large files (e.g., >8 MB) at higher numbers (in the test case, it was 30 PDF files from the batch print job), the 6 connection limit gets hit and Chrome closes connections. Because it's not possible to adjust the limitation within a 3rd party browser, a workaround was applied to slow the connection opening. A 2-second delay has been added to each open connection, which should give the file enough time to download before the last file completes and triggers the next. If problems continue, the delay will need to be extended to be longer than 2 seconds as the files download.


Previously, the API / PRF Combo Form and Raisin Acreage / Tonnage Report was not attaching to the correct year when the form was printed with the "Pre-print for next year" print option selected. The API / PRF Combo Form and Raisin Acreage / Tonnage Report has been updated to attach to the correct year when the form is printed with the "Pre-print for next year" print option selected.


An enhancement request was received to add a print option that will allow the user to select the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) / Production Report to print as an SOI or a Production Report for the QR Code for Batch Scanning. The Schedule of Insurance (SOI) / Production Report has been updated in the following ways for all Crop Years:

The QR Code was turned back on—the QR Code default will be for a Schedule of Insurance and for the current year.
A print option, "Print the QR Code as a Production Report", was added in alpha order to the Schedule of Insurance / Production Report. This option defaults as unselected.
When the "Print the QR Code as a Production Report" print option has been selected, the QR code will be for a Production Report and the current year plus one.

NOTE: TFS #102474 has been set up to test the roll piece of this ticket in a future release.




The 2020 RY is now available for selection in the Reinsurance Year dropdown.


The Online Help Site was updated with a Companion Policy video as well as with current release notes.




Contract Seed Beans & Peas: RMA has updated the Reference Year Adjustment Factor (RYAF) procedures for Contract Seed Beans and Contract Seed Peas for 2019+ RYs. Per the 2019 RYAF bulletin issued by the Spokane RO, the only changes for 2019 are as follows:

Contract Seed Peas will use the 2018 RYAF to adjust the current year T-yield for standard variable T-yield calculations and yield floor determinations.
Contract Seed Beans will use the 2017 RYAF to adjust the T-yield for yield substitution in the 2018 yield year.
2019 RYAFs listed in the bulletin will be used for Contract Seed Beans and Contract Seed Peas.

All other procedures remain unchanged. See the Spokane RO bulletin regarding 2019 RYAF for Contract Seed Peas and Contract Seed Beans. So, with this ticket, the following changes have been made:

1. The RYAF year used to populate the T-Yield RYAF field above the APH grid was updated for Contract Seed Peas to use the 2018 RYAF. This RYAF will be used to determine the current year T-yield used for variable T-yield calculations and yield floor determinations.
2. The RYAF used to adjust the T-yield for yield substitution was updated for the 2018 yield year Contract Seed Beans to use the 2017 RYAF.
3. A field, "2017 RYAF", was added to the grid below the Production History grid.
4. All 2019 RYAFs were implemented for Contract Seed Beans and Contract Seed Peas.

During internal testing of this ticket, an issue was identified in Fast Edit AR. The System is not allowing a contract price to be keyed for Contract Seed Peas or Contract Seed Beans because the CP option is not applied to the detail line; however, the CP option is not available in the ADMs for Contract Seed Beans or Contract Seed Peas. TFS #102737 has been set up to address this issue.


Premium Calculation: In RMA's production release in April, changes to the calculations for Plans 01, 02, 03, and 90 Contract Seed Bean and Contract Seed Pea were implemented (Dry Bean Type 62 and Dry Pea Type 98). THESE CHANGES WERE MADE FOR THE 2018 AND 2019 RYs. See RMA Exhibit P11-1 (Plans 01, 02, 03) and P11-9 (Plan 90) for additional reference for the 2018 and 2019 changes. Premium calculation changes were implemented for 2018+ for contract types only.


WFRP: A Request CIMS checkbox was added to WFRP coverages. Previously, the CIMS Request checkbox was only available for underlying MPCI coverages. This checkbox will default to selected for all new WFRP coverages. The checkbox may also be set manually by the user for carryover coverages. When the checkbox is selected, the coverage will be picked up a CIMS transmission. When history is received from RMA and imported back into the System, the request flag will be removed so the coverage is not picked up in subsequent transmissions. All other standard CIMS functionality applies.

NOTE: During testing of this ticket, some necessary additional DB work was identified. TFS #102552 has been created to update new DB field CIMSLastReceivedDate implemented with TFS #100158 in the 7.105 release. This change will be applied in the 7.110 release.


RMA modified rounding rules for the price election in the ICE table, D00133, used in calculating premium within the System. This rounding change (from 2 places to 4 places after the decimal) was implemented as a result of the change in the unit of measure for Sugar Beets beginning in the 2019 RY. The change from tons to pounds introduced a need for greater precision on the price calculation. The System rating engine was updated to accommodate the rounding logic for the 2019 RY. At the time of implementation, the RMA cost estimator had not yet been updated. MCT tested this rating change by sending up test files for the to AIP test.


Companion Policy: During internal testing of the new Companion Policy functionality, an issue was found within Fast Edit AR. After companion links were established on the source policy and the user tried to complete Fast Edit AR on the companion policy, a "Sorry..." error was thrown if a related STAX coverage existed. Subsequent saves were required to successfully complete Fast Edit AR. The Fast Edit AR save logic has been updated to account for the additional companion policy functionality and now saves as expected with no errors.

NOTE: This "Sorry..." error was only being thrown on the companion policy's Fast Edit AR when a related STAX coverage existed for the crop that was being updated.


Companion Policy: The System should automatically break the companion policy linkage if the agency is changed on either the source or companion policy. Previously, it was only breaking the link if the agency was changed within the Maintain Grower page. With this ticket, the Internal Transfer wizard logic has been updated to now account for the companion policy automatic link-breaking.


STAX & SCO: When the Stacked Income Protection Plan (STAX) was introduced through the Farm Bill in 2015, producers were not allowed to enroll Seed Cotton in the Agriculture Risk Protection (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs that are administered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA). In February of 2018, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 was signed into law, which included provisions to allow producers of Seed Cotton to now have the ability to participate in ARC and PLC. Due to this change, modifications were also made to the Federal Crop Insurance Act (Act) stating that acreage enrolled in these programs would be ineligible for coverage under STAX.

A new Enrolled in ARC or PLC checkbox will display on the Add New, View, and Maintain Detail Line pages to identify STAX Ineligible acreage if the coverage is a stand-alone STAX (Plan 35 or 36) or if the coverage is a related base coverage to a STAX coverage (Plan 35 or 36) and the SE option is elected on the coverage. This checkbox can only be selected if planted, insurable acres exist on the detail line. Upon save of the page, the System will apply the Uninsurable designation and NonPremium AR Code to the STAX stand-alone detail lines, STAX SE child lines, related STAX detail lines, and related STAX SE child lines, and so that they will not rate, the baseline will still be Insurable. Users will be responsible for identifying Cotton acreage enrolled in ARC/PLC that is ineligible for STAX and SE STAX coverage and selecting the Enrolled in ARC or PLC checkbox accordingly.

Functionality was implemented to allow users to indicate when Cottonseed acreage and STAX acreage is enrolled in ARC or PLC and, therefore, ineligible for STAX coverage. The current STAX functionality will not be changed; however, additional functionality will be implemented to allow the SE child lines and STAX stand alone and related detail lines to be designated as Uninsurable due to being enrolled in ARC/PLC. Standard detail line functionality will not be affected and the standard STAX functionality will not be affected so long as the Enrolled in ARC or PLC checkbox is not selected. All changes will be applicable to only the Add New, View, and Maintain Detail Line pages when the coverage is a STAX coverage, related to a STAX coverage, and the SE option is elected.


Per the PASS Release Notes from 11/9, RMA is updating their rules to allow a Primary County designation on more than one P14 record for Margin Protection when multiple P14s exist by Type/Practice. With TFS #96917 in the 7.070 release, the System was updated to allow multiple coverages for Margin Protection to be designated as a Primary County, so long as the Type and/or Practice are different between the coverages. During testing of this ticket, an additional issue was found where the System did not allow more than one added county coverage to actually be created. Once one of the Margin Protection Added County coverages was created, the System would throw an error stating a coverage already exists for the State/County, when attempting to create additional Added County coverages by Type/Practice. With this ticket, Added County functionality was added to allow users to create multiple Added County coverages for Margin Protection so long as the Type and/or Practice are different between the coverages.

During internal QA testing of this functionality a couple of bugs were identified:

1. The Primary County validation message that only allows one coverage for the Crop or State/Crop for most coverages or for the Crop/Type/Practice for Margin Protection is displaying multiple times. The message initially displays after the plan code is selected but displays again after selecting a Type and then Practice. The user has to wait until a Type and Practice are selected for Margin Protection in order to avoid seeing the message multiple times. TFS #100314 has been set up to address this issue.
2. When the plan code on the Primary County coverage is not available in the Added County, procedures state that CAT Coverage applies. During internal testing, it was found that the System correctly creates a CAT coverage in this scenario; however, rather than applying a plan of YP(01), the System is applying a plan code of RP (02). TFS #102789 has been set up to address this issue.