Release Notes 10.005.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 10.005.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||
DRP QCE: A request was received to add Estimated Trigger Price to the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Quarterly Coverage Endorsement (QCE) to assist the grower in knowing if a loss will trigger. Also, it was requested the form be simplified so certain data items stand out to the grower and a total field be added to a few fields. With this ticket, the DRP QCE has been updated in the following ways for all years:
125487 |
SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on April 26. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been implemented in the System. |
126679 |
PRH: This ticket implemented the 2022 Production Revenue History (PRH) Provisions. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration page when the print option to "print provisions with the form" is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration page is available to print from the MPCI Print tab in an individual MPCI policy and from the Batch Printing menu. |
126683 |
With this ticket, the 2022 Forage Seeding Crop Provisions have been implemented. Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. The MPCI Policy Declaration Page is available to print from the MPCI policy Print tab and from the Batch Printing menu. |
126786 |
Livestock TOR: It was found that when the Grower's Name had an ampersand (&), the Livestock Transfer of Coverage and Rights to an Indemnity (TOR) was printing with a Telerik error in the page header and on Page 2 in the "I ____ , the Transferee..." Statement. This was happening on DRP, LGM, and LRP TOR forms. For all years, for the Livestock TOR, the page header and on Page 2 in the "I ____ , the Transferee..." Statement have been updated so a Telerik error will not print if the Grower's Name has an ampersand in it. |
127022 |
A request was made for an update to the MPCI Policy Declaration Page to help lenders understand more details for ECO, HIP, and SCO. With this ticket, the form was updated similarly to what was done on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI): to have an ECO, HIP, and SCO line under the coverage. |
127029 |
DRP SOI: A request was received to add the Estimated Trigger Price and indicate what the type of milk is for the Class Pricing Option to the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) Schedule of Insurance (SOI). With this ticket, the following updates have been made to the DRP SOI for all years:
125644 |
2022 SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on April 28. The Special Provisions for 2022 have been implemented in the System. |
LRP App: RMA has added Unborn Livestock Types to the Livestock Risk Protection program. With this ticket, the following updates were made to the LRP Application for all years (the System determines when the new Unborn Livestock can be selected):
ECO: This ticket updated the Crop Summary table on the APH Database Form, APH Database / Acreage Report, CLU Acreage Report and Production Report / Acreage Report forms to not to include ECO acres with the Total Acres for the coverage. This change applies to all crop years; the System determines when ECO is available to be selected. NOTE: The Production Report / Acreage Report is not turned on for all AIPs per their request. |
127130 |
LGM Swine App: RMA has added an Effective Date for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) for the 2022 RY to help support the change to weekly sales. This ticket is to add the Effective Date to the Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Swine Application. With this ticket, the LGM Swine Application has been updated in the following ways for all years:
127203 |
LGM Cattle App: RMA has added an Effective Date for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) for the 2022 RY to help support the change to weekly sales. This ticket is to add the Effective Date to the Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Cattle Application. With this ticket, the LGM Cattle Application has been updated in the following ways for all years:
127204 |
LGM Dairy Cattle App: RMA has added an Effective Date for Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) for the 2022 RY to help support the change to weekly sales. This ticket is to add the Effective Date to the Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) Cattle Application. With this ticket, the LGM Dairy Cattle Application has been updated in the following ways for all years:
127205 |
SOI: Previously, the reflection of revised acres / colonies and liability on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) for Apiculture (API) and Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) was not happening when the acres or colonies had been revised to zero. This was also happening on the Annual Forage SOI format when acres had been revised to zero. For all years, the indicated forms have been updated in the following ways: API / PRF SOI
Annual Forage SOI
126979 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
127709 |
Batch Printing: This ticket gives users the ability to cancel a batch print job (Tools > Batch Printing) after it has been sent to the ServiceBus. A user with access to the ServiceBus Queue now has the ability to cancel a job from the Service Bus Administration page. 1. A Cancel button was added to the Batch Print Queue page so users can cancel the Job. Jobs are filtered to show only the current user, so the user can only cancel or delete their jobs. 2. On the Dashboard / Print Queue, Progress, Service Bus job ID, and link to Service Bus job fields were added plus Save / Cancel buttons. Jobs are filtered to show only the current user, so the user can only cancel or delete their jobs. 3. On the Service Bus Queue / Job Details / Administration, when a user clicks on the Job description, the details open. If the job is processing, then the Cancel button will be visible. NOTE: It's important to note that canceling a batch job after it's been sent to the ServiceBus is NOT instantaneous. This means that if a batch print job is released to the ServiceBus and then canceled, it may take up to several minutes before the job is actually canceled on the ServiceBus. |
127517 |
DRP: RMA has released some ADM and calculation changes for the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) policy for 2022+ RYs. The changes include revising the "Class Price Weighting Factor" name to "Declared Class Price Weighting Factor", adding a new Class Price Weighting Factor Restricted Value field as well as updating the calculation logic to account for the new value, and updating the Component Price calculations. With this ticket, the ADM import logic has been updated to account for the new and updated fields. The logic used to populate the "Declared Class III Weighting Factor" field on the Add and View Detail Line pages for DRP has been updated. If a Class Price Weighting Factor Restricted Value exists in the ADMs, then the values within the dropdown will be updated to reflect the restricted values; if no restricted value exists in the ADMs, the full dropdown will display as it has in the past. |
124670 |
During internal testing, it was found that the Export button on the New Notification tab of the Livestock Dashboard (Tools > Dashboard > Livestock Dashboard) was not working. The Export button was, however, working on the Approvals tab of the Livestock Dashboard. With this ticket, the functionality of the Export button has been updated on the New Notifications tab of the Livestock Dashboard. |
125898 |
Users can now control these settings for the State, County, and Rainfall layers: label size, label color, halo width, halo color, border weight, and border color. |
124076 |
For users with the proper permissions, a new Precision Ag Report is available from Reports > Mapping > Precision Ag Report. This report generates a list of imported Precision Ag records from Farmer’s Edge. |
125903 |
Users were receiving errors when attempting to import KML files. This has been corrected. |
127328 |
After adding the non-cropland flag to the data that gets imported from ACRSI, the System was sending the non-cropland flag, which was not being accepted. This ticket corrected this issue, so that when submitting ACRSI records, the non-cropland flag will not cause an error. |
127574 |
This ticket corrected an issue where, when users use the + button in Fast Edit Planting to split a line, it should default the Planted Acres on the new line equal to the [CLU Acres - Planted Acres] from the parent line. This was not occurring but has since been corrected. |
127527 |
Indiana: RMA and the Indiana Department of Agriculture (ISDA) have finalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The ISDA MOU is almost identical to the currently-in-place Iowa Dept. of Ag and Land Stewardship (IDALS) and Illinois Dept of Agriculture (IDOA) MOU. The ISDA MOU was designed to administer a cover crop program providing premium subsidy to producers who use cover crops and subsequently insure a crop on that land the following spring/summer. ISDA will provide eligibility qualifications, specific acreage included in the program, and an additional premium subsidy funding to RMA. RMA will distribute the premium subsidy through its automated processing systems and participating AIPs. For the 2021+ RYs, during the standard Error file import process, the RMA determined subsidy values will be imported and stored on the relevant detail lines. A Mark Complete Process will then sum these values for the coverage. The summed value(s) for the coverage(s) will be included on the Billing Statement with the required description from the MOU. Additional changes are being made with TFS #123387 (Transmissions Logic) and TFS #124734 (Accounting - MPCI Grower Billing Statement (ISDA) MOU Subsidy). |
123388 |
Margin Protection: Through a recent PASS Status Report, RMA clarified a Margin Protection scenario that requires a System change. This scenario occurs when Margin Protection exists with a base coverage and the Type or Practice from the base coverage detail line is not found in the ADMs for Margin Protection and is therefore uninsurable under the Margin Protection policy. The System was previously not creating a Margin Protection detail line in this scenario. However, RMA has clarified that they expect to see a P11 Record for this uninsurable Margin Protection detail line with an "S" non-premium acreage code/uninsurable reason applied. With this ticket, the related Margin Protection detail line logic has been updated to account for this scenario. The System will now create a Margin Protection detail line when the Type and/or Practice from the parent line is not insurable under Margin Protection and apply an "S" non-premium acreage code/uninsurable reason. |
125672 |
Master Yields: A bug was identified during internal testing when creating a Manual Master Yield. When the user selected to create master yields, the System gave the user the option to create an auto (only available if 4 years of history exist for the crop/county) or manual master yield for each Type/Practice/T-Yield Map Area for which detail lines exist. When the user selected to create a manual master yield for a Type/Practice/T-Yield Map Area for a State/County/Crop where multiple map areas were available, on save of the Manual Master Yield, the System was throwing a hard error for a missing T-Yield. This error is typically resolved by selecting a T-Yield map area from the dropdown; however, since the System automatically applied the T-Yield Map Area, it is read only. Further research found that while the System was applying the T-Yield map area to the MY, it was not using it in the look up for the T-Yield, resulting in the error. With this ticket, the Manual Master Yield functionality has been updated so that T-Yield Map Area applied by the System is used when looking up the T-Yield. Given this, the hard stop for a missing T-Yield will no longer be received. |
126323 |
WFRP: With TFS #125658, a reported issue was addressed where the WFRP Final FOR Signature Maintenance would not allow Original Agent Sign Dates to be keyed after Original Insured Sign dates were keyed and saved. TFS #125658's intent was to fix the Final FOR, Fast Edit PR, and Fast Edit AR Signature Maintenance pages so that the Original Insured & Agent Sign dates could be keyed independently. During testing, it was found that the Fast Edit AR Signature Maintenance, even with modified lines, does not allow the Original Agent Sign Date to be keyed after Original Insured Sign Dates have been keyed and saved. For this ticket, TFS #126150, the decision was made to now require both Original and Revised Insured and Agent Signature Dates to be keyed in tandem. For this, a red, hard-stop validation was implemented on "Save & Exit" for all Fast Edit Signature Maintenance pages—Fast Edit AR, Fast Edit PR, and Final FOR (WFRP)—that states "When you provide original dates, you must provide both Insured and Agent Dates." This requires the user to key both Orig Insured Sign and Orig Agent Sign database fields that show in the user interface under "Orig Insured Sign" and Orig Agent Sign". This validation is located exactly where the validation for revised dates is located and is modeled after the revised validation. NOTE: Internal testing confirmed an existing bug with the "Apply to All" button and subsequent functionality for Revised Insured and Agent Signature Dates. This button, once Revised dates are keyed, will not populate Revised Date fields and, if selected, will throw an incorrect hard stop validation requiring Revised Dates to be after Original Dates. To address this, TFS #127317 has been created. This affects only the Fast Edit AR and Fast Edit PR. |
126150 |
Master Yields: When a user selects to create a Master Yield through the Additional Functions dropdown, if less than 4 years of history exists, a message displays stating at least 4 years of history for the crop/county is required for auto master yields. During internal testing, it was determined that this message was not displaying when it was expected to. The issue was researched and found that the System was not displaying the message if 4 years of history existed for the crop on another coverage on the policy, even though that coverage was in a different county. The Crop Insurance Handbook and confirmed that the history requirement is 4 years for the crop in the county, just as our warning message states. With this ticket, Master Yield logic will still continue to look across coverages, but logic has been updated to now also look for 4 years of history for those coverages with the same crop and county, rather than just crop. |
127027 |
Strawberries: It was determined that the rating engine was not accounting for the PRH Plus Add On Rate from Section 10 of the M13 Premium Calculations for PRH Plans 22 (PRH - Plus) and 23 (PRH - Revenue). The rating engine was updated to include the add on rate for Revenue Plans 22 and 23. |
126988 |
Transmissions: RMA and the Indiana Department of Agriculture (ISDA) have finalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The ISDA MOU is almost identical to the currently-in-place Iowa Dept of Ag and Land Stewardship (IDALS) and Illinois Dept of Agriculture (IDOA) MOU. The ISDA MOU was designed to administer a cover crop program providing premium subsidy to producers who use cover crops and subsequently insure a crop on that land the following spring/summer. ISDA will provide eligibility qualifications, specific acreage included in the program, as well as additional premium subsidy funding to RMA. RMA will distribute the premium subsidy through its automated processing systems and participating AIPs. For the 2021+ RYs during the standard Error file import process, the RMA determined subsidy values will be imported and stored on the relevant detail lines. A Mark Complete process will then sum these values for the coverage. The summed value(s) for the coverage(s) will be included on the Billing Statement with the required description from the MOU. |
123387 |