Release Notes 7.010.0

These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 7.010.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


During internal discussions, it was found that the amount printing for Margin Protection (MP) Reduction on the Schedule of Insurance (SOI) with TFS #88386 in the 7.005 release was incorrect. The SOI needed to print the actual reduction (MpPreliminaryPremium – TotalPremium). The following updates were made to the SOI:

NOTE: TFS #91278 is adding the net Premium Reduction. This new field is not visible on any of the System pages; currently, the only way to see the value is to check the database.

A line of space was added to separate the MP Premium Reduction Section and the SBI Section when it prints.
The MP Premium Reduction Section will now only print for MP coverages that have an underlying MP coverage, not for standalone MP coverages.
The net Premium Reduction amount will now print.




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.


myHudson Agent Portal Dashboard: During testing of TFS #88610 in the 7.000 release, some issues were found regarding the myHudson Agent Portal Dashboard. With this ticket, the following updates have been made to address the issues found:

The Agency/Agent filter has been corrected; Agencies and Agents were previously not displaying in the filter dropdown.
Loss Ratio and Open Claim Summary data was updated to now match the DB for the 2015 and previous RYs.




Quotes: An issue was reported where a user received a "Sorry..." error when converting a quote to a policy. Development research determined this error was triggering due to a missing address on the Grower record. While there is logic in place to require an address when creating a grower, the address could later be deleted and the System did not stop the Grower record from being re-saved without an address. A validation has been added to prevent users from deleting grower addresses.


Quotes: In the 6.000 release with TFS #70097, logic was added to the convert quote to policy functionality to check for duplicate growers. The System defines a duplicate grower as having the same tax ID number, grower entity type, and agency. During the convert quote to policy process, if a duplicate grower is found, the System will continue with converting the quote to a policy but will attach the newly-converted policy to the existing Grower record rather than the Grower record the quote was originally created through.

Following release of this functionality, AIPs began to report issues where, following conversion of a quote to a policy, the System was attaching the newly-converted policy to an entirely different Grower record. Additional research found the issue was due to the tax ID number value. For many of the policies in question, the user had not entered a tax ID number but had instead marked the grower as a "prospective grower" in order to bypass the edit requiring a tax ID number. Given this, the tax ID number was NULL in the database. Then when the quote was converted to a policy and the System ran the check for a duplicate grower, it was finding another Grower record with a NULL tax ID and the same entity type and agency and attaching the quote to that Grower record, which was for an entirely different grower. Furthermore, in a few circumstances, it was found that the user had actually been entering a random tax ID number and/or making one up rather than obtaining the grower's actual tax ID number. It also appeared they were re-using the same made up tax ID number. This was also resulting in the System determining a duplicate grower existed and attaching the newly-converted policy to an incorrect Grower record.

In order to prevent the issues described above, the System was updated in the following ways:

The duplicate grower check logic was updated to no longer consider NULL or blank tax ID numbers the same number.
A validation was added to require a tax ID number before converting a quote to a policy.
A warning message was added to notify the user not only that a duplicate grower record has been found but also the grower name of that duplicate Grower record. Users will have the option to continue with converting the quote using the Grower record found by the System or return to the quote.