Release Notes 6.050.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 6.050.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NLF: It was identified that No Longer Farming (NLF) units were not printing at the end of the coverage on the Production Report like they do on other forms. The NLF print option was updated to only display for the pre-filled report styles. The sort order for the Crop Summary and Detail Line was also updated to match the Fast Edit PR pages, which prints NLF units at the end of the coverage. If NLF units are elected to be printed, the units are listed after all non-NLF units for the coverage in the same unit # / type / practice sort order for the coverage. |
80081 |
This ticket added the NLF print option to the base Production Report / Acreage Report and updated the form with the following base form standards. These changes are for all years:
80082 |
eSign: The 765PR Production Report by Unit form has been modified and enabled for use within the eSign Wizard. For this form, the eSign Wizard will:
77676 |
eSign: The 765QPR Production Report Worksheet by Unit form has been modified and enabled for use within the eSign Wizard. For this form, the eSign Wizard will:
77677 |
eSign: Previously, the grower Electronic Consent Form attachment was being attached as a policy-Level attachment within the policy being signed. This has been fixed. The grower Electronic Consent Form is now being attached at the grower level and is therefore visible from all of a grower's policies. The System was also checked to migrate any grower Electronic Consent Forms previously attached at the policy level so they could be re-attached at the grower level. |
78984 |
eSign: The following updates were made to the eSign Wizard:
78986 |
The Online Help Site was updated with changes made in the 6.040.0 and 6.045.0 releases as well as with current release notes. |
80558 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | ||||||||||||
An update has been made to the Plant Date field on the Plant panel and the Fast Edit Planting panel to accept additional date formats. Prior to this change, the System only accepted a date that was formatted as DD/MM/YYYY. The System will now handle these additional date formats, which are the same patterns accepted on the Fast Edit AR/PR pages for MPCI policies:
80986 |
To help with Perennials, the Mapping Module was updated to allow users to label the maps and printed reports with the fields (e.g., Block Name, Number, and Variety) shown in the Perennial section of the Plant panel. |
81093 |
DESCRIPTION | ID # | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Margin Protection: The Margin Protection Whitepaper issued by RMA in May 2017 established a requirement for a P26 record on stand-alone margin protection policies. The System has been updated to allow Production Reporting for MP coverages for the 2017+ RYs via Fast Edit PR. All functionality for Production Reporting for stand-alone MP (Plan 16) and 2018+ RYs stand-alone MP (Plan 17) will mirror existing functionality for Production Reporting of ARPI and stand-alone STAX in regards to access, navigation, lockouts, validations, save, and Signature Maintenance. |
74949 |
A request was received to add attachment types for WFRP Farm Operation Reports, one for Revised and one for Final. With this ticket, two new attachments types have been added:
79928 |
Perennials: An update was made to the 2018 CIH to the definition of "qualify" for Yield Exclusion for Perennial crops and for how YE is applied when Yield Variance is triggered and the Approved Yield is adjusted for High Variability. Refer to the 2018 CIH: 1862 APH Database Test for High Variability of Actual Yields, A. Testing Requirements (pages 390-391): "Qualify means it is in the actuarial documents as a crop year that the producer could elect for YE (the producer does not have to elect YE, but the crop year must be YE eligible)." The System logic has been updated as follows: A. Yield Variance Test - The System will run the standard Variability and RO Exception test (TFS #32967) on all applicable APH databases.
NOTE: The only valid YLF for YE = 09 & 15. Because Yield Variability does not allow for either of these YLFs, YE in the Crop Options with an APH Override of "High Variability" will error.
78639 |
Cherries: In 2018, new Tart and Sweet Cherry Handbooks were released by RMA. Additional clarification was made surrounding paragraph 1503 (Types of Yields) from the CIH. It states that if an Annual Price was used to calculate a producer's individual year annual revenue for unsold or partially sold harvested production, and the revenue amount was not used for an indemnity claim, that the Temporary Yield Descriptor of "J" is used. For the 2018+ RYs, the "J" Temporary Yield Descriptor will be allowed for Cherries. For Processing Type Cherries (112 and 416), the "J" Yield Descriptor Type is valid for two years (CY = 9 and 10). For Fresh Type Cherries, the "J" Yield Descriptor Type is valid for one year only (CY = 10). (This is standard procedure for all other commodities.) |
77652 |
Private Products
An update has been made to ensure that when rolling a policy from one year to the next, if the process determines that there is a need to cancel the new year policy, then the appropriate dates are set to allow for display of the "- Cancelled" indicator on the View Policies grid. |
69666 |
An issue was found where, when the user was editing a detail line to use the maximum IPA available for the selected crop, the user received a message that the IPA was exceeded even though it wasn't. This was due to an issue with tracking the current IPA plus the added amount in excess of the current amount. This issue has been addressed, and the validation for that scenario is working as required. |
81291 |