Release Notes 7.070.0
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 7.070.0.
System Updates
Forms & Reports
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Rice: Updated provisions were added to the System with TFS #93304 for 2019 Margin Protection (MP) Rice in the 7.035.0 release. However, the ADMs for 2019 MP Rice had not yet been released, so that policy/crop could not be tested at the time. ADMs are now available, so this ticket tested 2019 MP Rice plans of insurance to verify updated policy provisions are printing. The below list of updated provisions for the 2019+ CYs were included with this ticket (previous versions of each document have been removed and replaced with the updated versions):
94531 |
RMA updated their website, so the URL link that printed on the Policy Declaration Page in the Policy Provision Statement in the footer was no longer accurate. The Policy Provision Statement in the footer was updated to "# The complete Policy Provisions are available on the RMA website at,", and the revision date for all formats of the Policy Declaration Page was updated to "01-2019". There are five formats of the Policy Declaration Page (see below). The format that prints is based on the crop.
98309 |
WFRP: This ticket fixed a bug found on the Farm Op Report and the Farm Op Report pages in the WFRP Combo Form where, when the Farm Op Report data was revised in the System, the SCD Approved Revenue and Expense was not printing on the forms. The Farm Op Report and the Farm Op Report pages in the WFRP Combo Form were updated to have the SCD Approved Revenue and Expense data print on the forms when the data has been revised in the System. Since the database fields didn't exist prior to this ticket, those values will print as zero, which will also show on the user interface. |
98280 |
STAX: RMA released updated STAX Cotton provisions for the 2019 and succeeding Crop Years (CYs). Provisions print with the MPCI Policy Declaration Page form when the print option to print provisions with the form is selected. This form can be printed from the MPCI policy Print tab and from the Batch Printing menu. |
97735 |
The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes. |
95267 |
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DRP: Currently, the Agent dropdown for all coverages is set up to display only agents that are associated with the agency on the policy and that have been appointed in the policy state. An enhancement request was received to update the Agent dropdown logic for Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) policies to add an additional filter to display only agents who have completed their DRP-specific training for the RY. This change will affect the Agent dropdowns on both the Add New Livestock Policy and the Maintain Grower pages. This change is applicable for Dairy Revenue Protection policies only. The Agent dropdowns on these pages will now populate for DRP policies based on the following:
96740 |
With TFS #95100, a new permission named "Livestock DRP Policy" was added to support Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) policy processing. The new permission drives the Program Type dropdown on the Add New Policy and Add New Coverage pages for Livestock policies. If a user has the "Livestock DRP Policy" permission (and has the Livestock Agent or Livestock Admin role with the "Create" right), they will see the Dairy Revenue Protection plan in the Program Type dropdown. Without that permission, they will not be able to add DRP policies. With this ticket, two new permissions were created for LGM and LRP to mirror the logic used for DRP. The following new permissions were added with the "Create" right:
NOTE: Users will need the new permission(s) with the "Create" right in order to see the applicable plan(s) in the Program Type dropdown. These permissions will be needed in addition to either the Livestock Agent or Livestock Admin roles. These new permissions will only affect the Program Type dropdown on the Add New Livestock Policy and Add New Coverage pages for Livestock policy processing. AIPs will need to set up two new Roles, one for LRP users and one for LGM users. The new roles will need the applicable permission's "Create" right selected ("Livestock LGM Policy" or "Livestock LRP Policy"). Once the new roles are set up, AIPs will need to add the new roles as needed to users, which will give those users the ability to add new LGM and LRP policies and coverages. |
95409 |
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WFRP: RMA's Pass Status Report Release on 11-08-2018 made note of CR 154996 and was slated for the December release. Changes for this release will be for the 2019+ RYs and include the creation of two new fields in the P19A WFRP Farm Reports Detail record called "Intended Percent Produced to Sell" and "Actual Percent Produced to Sell" (database fields were added with TFS #97259). These fields were added to the UI and database in order for the System to accommodate these changes from RMA. These values will be included in the calculation of the Expected Revenue Amount on the P19A WFRP Farm Reports record. The calculation of the Expected Revenue will be impacted within the System with the implementation of the new fields, and these new field values are transmitted on the P19A record. The WFRP Add New and Maintain Commodity pages have been updated with two new fields named "Percent Produced to Sell" and "Revised Percent Produced to Sell". The fields will be located within the Commodity Details below the Share field for both the Intended and Revised Reports. Along with populating the new database fields, an update was also done for the calculation formula for Expected Revenue and to include the two new values. |
95786 |
Enterprise Units & MCEU: Beginning in the 2019 RY, for crops with a Filing Date of 11/30 or later, RMA has expanded Enterprise Units to include a Multi-County Enterprise Unit Endorsement (MCEU). This endorsement will allow growers to combine acreage of an insured crop in one county with acreage of that same insured crop in another contiguous county. RMA has issued a new option code of "MC" that will be used to elect Multi-County Enterprise Units when elected on the coverage in conjunction with the EU or EP unit structure. In addition, there are a number of qualification requirements that must be met at the Acreage Reporting Date in order for the coverage to qualify for MCEU. A number of System changes were made to account for this new endorsement. This includes functionality to allow users to elect Multi-County Enterprise Units on the coverage as well as various updates to validation, override, and suspension logic. With this ticket, the following coverage changes have been made to allow MCEU to be elected on the coverage:
This ticket will address these coverages changes only. All other MCEU related changes will be handled in a future release with a separate TFS ticket. NOTE: All MCEU qualification requirements are being reviewed and the necessary tickets are being created to address changes to MCEU validation, overrides, and suspensions. |
88840 |
RMA: For the Agency Extract, the 2019 RY records definitions were updated for the C20, C20A, and C20X. |
97307 |
Margin Protection: Per the PASS Release Notes from 11/9, RMA is updating their rules to allow a Primary County designation on more than one P14 record for Margin Protection when multiple P14s exist by type/practice. Previously, the System only allowed a Primary County designation to be applied to a single coverage for the crop when a national Primary County election was applied and to a single coverage for the state/crop when a state Primary County election existed. To account for RMA's update, with this ticket, the System was updated to allow a Primary County designation to be applied to more than one coverage for the crop or state/crop, provided the plan is Margin Protection and coverages by type/practice exist. |
96917 |
PHTS: RMA changed the Unit of Measurement for Sugar Beets (0039) from standardized tons to pounds of raw sugar. In TFS #88824, a change was made in the 2019+ RYs only for counties with a Contract Change Date of 11/30/2018 and in the 2020+ RYs for all counties to account for RMA's change to the Sugar Beet Unit of Measurement (UOM). The PHTS import process was updated to account for these changes. The ticket updated the PHTS import process to account for the UOM conversion for Sugar Beets within the 2019 RY P81 file format. AIPs may reference the 2019 RY M13 (on RMA's website) and the P81 record layout for the scope of 2019 RY changes. For 2018 production, the PHTS import process will import Sugar Beet production in tons and it will be the responsibility of the user to convert the tons to pounds; the System will convert the prior years. |
89035 |
WFRP: During internal testing of WFRP functionality, a bug was identified with the WFRP Qualifying Commodity Count calculation. RMA recently updated the procedures around Qualifying Commodity Counts to state that commodities with different rate codes but with the same WFRP commodity code would be considered one commodity for the purposes of the Qualifying Commodity Count calculation. This calculation was updated back in the 7.030 release. The bug found during internal testing was that the System was not calculating qualifying commodities correctly in certain scenarios. If more than one commodity with the same WFRP commodity code existed on the policy and one of the lines did not meet the qualifying revenue threshold, the System was calculating the qualifying commodity incorrectly. The WFRP Qualifying Commodity Count calculation has been updated to account for multiple commodities with the same WFRP commodity code, and qualifying commodities are now calculating correctly. NOTE: A spinoff, TFS #97672, was created to address an issue where 2019 RY Premium is calculating incorrectly when multiple commodities with the same WFRP commodity code exist. |
94617 |
Fast Edit PR: Stand-alone Margin Protection coverages (Plans 16 and 17) leverage the same Fast Edit PR grid designed to support ARPI (Plans 04, 05, and 06) and Stand-alone STAX (Plans 35 and 36) coverages. For all of these plan codes, the Production Reporting Date (PRD) in the ADM/Actuarial Documents drives the agent-level lockout logic and is determined by the System as the PRD + AIP offset days. A bug was reported on 1/7/19 where agent users were unable to key production for Stand-alone Margin Protection policies because the System behaved as though agents were locked out. It was determined that the Margin Protection plans were not correctly leveraging existing logic for the Fast Edit PR grid and an adjustment was needed to include these plan codes in the existing Fast Edit PR logic for ARPI and Stand-alone STAX functionality. This has been resolved. |
98706 |
Private Products
VIP: VIP will be introduced as a new Private Product for Hudson in 2019. This ticket established VIP policy creation and coverage importing from the quotes that were created. |
95941 |